from evennia import CmdSet from commands.encounter import EncounterCommand class CmdPass(EncounterCommand): "Pass the turn over to the next character" energy_cost = 0 key = "pass" aliases = ["next", "finish", "done"] help_category = "Encounter" def func(self): if super().can_perform(): self.caller.msg("You end your turn") super().handler().next_turn() class CmdRP(EncounterCommand): "Free-form text input (for describing your actions in RP)" energy_cost = 0 key = "rp" arg_regex = None aliases = [">"] help_category = "Encounter" def func(self): if super().can_perform(): super().handler().msg_all(self.args.strip()) class CmdFlee(EncounterCommand): "Exits the current encounter" energy_cost = 0 key = "flee" aliases = ["escape", "run", "run away", "leave"] help_category = "Encounter" def func(self): super().handler().msg_all(f"{self.caller.key} left the encounter") super().handler().remove_character(self.caller) class CmdOOC(EncounterCommand): "Say something out-of-character" energy_cost = 0 key = "(" arg_regex = None def func(self): super().handler().msg_all(f"({self.caller}: {self.args.strip()})") class CmdPose(EncounterCommand): """ strike a pose Usage: pose pose's Example: pose is standing by the wall, smiling. -> others will see: Tom is standing by the wall, smiling. Describe an action being taken. The pose text will automatically begin with your name. """ key = "pose" aliases = [":", "emote"] locks = "cmd:all()" arg_regex = None energy_cost = 0 def parse(self): args = self.args if args and not args[0] in ["'", ",", ":"]: args = " %s" % args.strip() self.args = args def func(self): if super().can_perform(): if not self.args: self.msg("What do you want to do?") else: msg = f"{}{self.args}" super().handler().msg_all_rich((msg, {'type':'pose'}), self.caller) class SetEncounterSpecial(CmdSet): def at_cmdset_creation(self): self.add(CmdPass) self.add(CmdRP) self.add(CmdFlee) self.add(CmdOOC) self.add(CmdPose)