""" Channel The channel class represents the out-of-character chat-room usable by Accounts in-game. It is mostly overloaded to change its appearance, but channels can be used to implement many different forms of message distribution systems. Note that sending data to channels are handled via the CMD_CHANNEL syscommand (see evennia.syscmds). The sending should normally not need to be modified. """ from evennia.comms.comms import DefaultChannel class Channel(DefaultChannel): """ Working methods: at_channel_creation() - called once, when the channel is created has_connection(account) - check if the given account listens to this channel connect(account) - connect account to this channel disconnect(account) - disconnect account from channel access(access_obj, access_type='listen', default=False) - check the access on this channel (default access_type is listen) delete() - delete this channel message_transform(msg, emit=False, prefix=True, sender_strings=None, external=False) - called by the comm system and triggers the hooks below msg(msgobj, header=None, senders=None, sender_strings=None, persistent=None, online=False, emit=False, external=False) - main send method, builds and sends a new message to channel. tempmsg(msg, header=None, senders=None) - wrapper for sending non-persistent messages. distribute_message(msg, online=False) - send a message to all connected accounts on channel, optionally sending only to accounts that are currently online (optimized for very large sends) Useful hooks: channel_prefix() - how the channel should be prefixed when returning to user. Returns a string format_senders(senders) - should return how to display multiple senders to a channel pose_transform(msg, sender_string) - should detect if the sender is posing, and if so, modify the string format_external(msg, senders, emit=False) - format messages sent from outside the game, like from IRC format_message(msg, emit=False) - format the message body before displaying it to the user. 'emit' generally means that the message should not be displayed with the sender's name. pre_join_channel(joiner) - if returning False, abort join post_join_channel(joiner) - called right after successful join pre_leave_channel(leaver) - if returning False, abort leave post_leave_channel(leaver) - called right after successful leave pre_send_message(msg) - runs just before a message is sent to channel post_send_message(msg) - called just after message was sent to channel """ pass