# Phasors to Stun **Category:** Communication Systems **Points (final):** 62 **Solves:** 71 >Demodulate the data from an SDR capture and you will find a flag. It is a wav file, but that >doesn't mean its audio data. ## Write-up by [haskal](https://awoo.systems) The provided WAV file contains a signal that looks like this: ![Audacity showing the signal](signal.png) This looks suspiciously like Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and it's a very clean signal (this is also hinted at by the challenge name). We can use [Universal Radio Hacker](https://github.com/jopohl/urh) to demod this with very little effort. ![URH with the signal open](urh1.png) Select PSK modulation, then click "Autodetect parameters". Then move to Analysis: ![URH Analysis pane](urh2.png) We discovered that the signal is NRZI (non-return-to-zero inverted) coded, and after selecting this in URH the flag is decoded in the data view. ## Resources and other writeups * * *