/* * This file is part of the sigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Bert Vermeulen <bert@biot.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <zip.h> #include <sigrok.h> /* size of payloads sent across the session bus */ #define CHUNKSIZE 4096 struct session_vdevice { char *capturefile; struct zip *archive; struct zip_file *capfile; uint64_t samplerate; int unitsize; int num_probes; }; static char *sessionfile = NULL; static GSList *device_instances = NULL; static int capabilities[] = { SR_HWCAP_CAPTUREFILE, SR_HWCAP_CAPTURE_UNITSIZE, 0, }; static struct session_vdevice *get_vdevice_by_index(int device_index) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; struct session_vdevice *vdevice; if (!(sdi = sr_get_device_instance(device_instances, device_index))) return NULL; vdevice = sdi->priv; return vdevice; } static int feed_chunk(int fd, int revents, void *user_data) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; struct session_vdevice *vdevice; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; GSList *l; void *buf; int ret, got_data; /* avoid compiler warning */ fd = fd; revents = revents; g_debug("session_driver: feed chunk"); got_data = FALSE; for (l = device_instances; l; l = l->next) { sdi = l->data; vdevice = sdi->priv; if (!vdevice) /* already done with this instance */ continue; buf = g_malloc(CHUNKSIZE); ret = zip_fread(vdevice->capfile, buf, CHUNKSIZE); if (ret > 0) { got_data = TRUE; packet.type = SR_DF_LOGIC; packet.length = ret; packet.unitsize = vdevice->unitsize; packet.payload = buf; sr_session_bus(user_data, &packet); } else { /* done with this capture file */ zip_fclose(vdevice->capfile); g_free(vdevice->capturefile); g_free(vdevice); sdi->priv = NULL; } } if (!got_data) { packet.type = SR_DF_END; packet.length = 0; sr_session_bus(user_data, &packet); } return TRUE; } /* driver callbacks */ static int hw_init(const char *deviceinfo) { sessionfile = g_strdup(deviceinfo); return 0; } static void hw_cleanup(void) { GSList *l; for (l = device_instances; l; l = l->next) sr_device_instance_free(l->data); g_free(sessionfile); } static int hw_opendev(int device_index) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; sdi = sr_device_instance_new(device_index, SR_ST_INITIALIZING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!sdi) return SR_ERR; sdi->priv = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct session_vdevice)); if (!sdi->priv) return SR_ERR; device_instances = g_slist_append(device_instances, sdi); return SR_OK; } static void *hw_get_device_info(int device_index, int device_info_id) { struct session_vdevice *vdevice; void *info; if (device_info_id != SR_DI_CUR_SAMPLERATE) return NULL; if (!(vdevice = get_vdevice_by_index(device_index))) return NULL; info = &vdevice->samplerate; return info; } static int hw_get_status(int device_index) { /* avoid compiler warning */ device_index = device_index; if (devices) return SR_OK; else return SR_ERR; } static int *hw_get_capabilities(void) { return capabilities; } static int hw_set_configuration(int device_index, int capability, void *value) { struct session_vdevice *vdevice; uint64_t *tmp_u64; if (!(vdevice = get_vdevice_by_index(device_index))) return SR_ERR; switch (capability) { case SR_HWCAP_SAMPLERATE: tmp_u64 = value; vdevice->samplerate = *tmp_u64; break; case SR_HWCAP_CAPTUREFILE: vdevice->capturefile = g_strdup(value); break; case SR_HWCAP_CAPTURE_UNITSIZE: tmp_u64 = value; vdevice->unitsize = *tmp_u64; break; case SR_HWCAP_CAPTURE_NUM_PROBES: tmp_u64 = value; vdevice->num_probes = *tmp_u64; break; default: return SR_ERR; } return SR_OK; } static int hw_start_acquisition(int device_index, gpointer session_device_id) { struct zip_stat zs; struct session_vdevice *vdevice; struct sr_datafeed_header *header; struct sr_datafeed_packet *packet; int err; /* avoid compiler warning */ session_device_id = session_device_id; if (!(vdevice = get_vdevice_by_index(device_index))) return SR_ERR; g_message("session_driver: opening archive %s file %s", sessionfile, vdevice->capturefile); if (!(vdevice->archive = zip_open(sessionfile, 0, &err))) { g_warning("Failed to open session file '%s': zip error %d\n", sessionfile, err); return SR_ERR; } if (zip_stat(vdevice->archive, vdevice->capturefile, 0, &zs) == -1) { g_warning("Failed to check capture file '%s' in session file '%s'.", vdevice->capturefile, sessionfile); return SR_ERR; } if (!(vdevice->capfile = zip_fopen(vdevice->archive, vdevice->capturefile, 0))) { g_warning("Failed to open capture file '%s' in session file '%s'.", vdevice->capturefile, sessionfile); return SR_ERR; } /* freewheeling source */ sr_session_source_add(-1, 0, 0, feed_chunk, session_device_id); /* Send header packet to the session bus. */ packet = g_malloc(sizeof(struct sr_datafeed_packet)); header = g_malloc(sizeof(struct sr_datafeed_header)); if (!packet || !header) return SR_ERR; packet->type = SR_DF_HEADER; packet->length = sizeof(struct sr_datafeed_header); packet->payload = (unsigned char *)header; header->feed_version = 1; gettimeofday(&header->starttime, NULL); header->samplerate = 0; header->protocol_id = SR_PROTO_RAW; header->num_logic_probes = vdevice->num_probes; header->num_analog_probes = 0; sr_session_bus(session_device_id, packet); g_free(header); g_free(packet); return SR_OK; } struct sr_device_plugin session_driver = { "session", "Session-emulating driver", 1, hw_init, hw_cleanup, hw_opendev, NULL, hw_get_device_info, hw_get_status, hw_get_capabilities, hw_set_configuration, hw_start_acquisition, NULL, };