/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Bert Vermeulen * Copyright (C) 2015 Stefan BrĂ¼ns * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libsigrok-internal.h" #define LOG_PREFIX "input/raw_analog" /* How many bytes at a time to process and send to the session bus. */ #define CHUNK_SIZE 4096 #define DEFAULT_NUM_CHANNELS 1 #define DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE 0 struct context { gboolean started; int fmt_index; uint64_t samplerate; int samplesize; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_datafeed_analog analog; struct sr_analog_encoding encoding; struct sr_analog_meaning meaning; struct sr_analog_spec spec; }; struct sample_format { const char *fmt_name; struct sr_analog_encoding encoding; }; static const struct sample_format sample_formats[] = { { "S8", { 1, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, 128}, { 0, 1}}}, { "U8", { 1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, 255}, {-1, 2}}}, { "S16_LE", { 2, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, INT16_MAX + 1}, { 0, 1}}}, { "U16_LE", { 2, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, UINT16_MAX}, {-1, 2}}}, { "S16_BE", { 2, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, 0, TRUE, { 1, INT16_MAX + 1}, { 0, 1}}}, { "U16_BE", { 2, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 0, TRUE, { 1, UINT16_MAX}, {-1, 2}}}, { "S32_LE", { 4, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, (uint64_t)INT32_MAX + 1}, { 0, 1}}}, { "U32_LE", { 4, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, UINT32_MAX}, {-1, 2}}}, { "S32_BE", { 4, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, 0, TRUE, { 1, (uint64_t)INT32_MAX + 1}, { 0, 1}}}, { "U32_BE", { 4, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 0, TRUE, { 1, UINT32_MAX}, {-1, 2}}}, { "FLOAT_LE", { 4, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, 1}, { 0, 1}}}, { "FLOAT_BE", { 4, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0, TRUE, { 1, 1}, { 0, 1}}}, { "FLOAT64_LE", { 8, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 0, TRUE, { 1, 1}, { 0, 1}}}, { "FLOAT64_BE", { 8, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0, TRUE, { 1, 1}, { 0, 1}}}, }; static int parse_format_string(const char *format) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sample_formats); i++) { if (!strcmp(format, sample_formats[i].fmt_name)) return i; } return -1; } static void init_context(struct context *inc, const struct sample_format *fmt, GSList *channels) { inc->packet.type = SR_DF_ANALOG; inc->packet.payload = &inc->analog; inc->analog.data = NULL; inc->analog.num_samples = 0; inc->analog.encoding = &inc->encoding; inc->analog.meaning = &inc->meaning; inc->analog.spec = &inc->spec; memcpy(&inc->encoding, &fmt->encoding, sizeof(inc->encoding)); inc->meaning.mq = 0; inc->meaning.unit = 0; inc->meaning.mqflags = 0; inc->meaning.channels = channels; inc->spec.spec_digits = 0; } static int init(struct sr_input *in, GHashTable *options) { struct context *inc; int num_channels; char channelname[16]; const char *format; int fmt_index; num_channels = g_variant_get_int32(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "numchannels")); if (num_channels < 1) { sr_err("Invalid value for numchannels: must be at least 1."); return SR_ERR_ARG; } format = g_variant_get_string(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "format"), NULL); if ((fmt_index = parse_format_string(format)) == -1) { GString *formats = g_string_sized_new(200); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sample_formats); i++) g_string_append_printf(formats, "%s ", sample_formats[i].fmt_name); sr_err("Invalid format '%s': must be one of: %s.", format, formats->str); g_string_free(formats, TRUE); return SR_ERR_ARG; } in->sdi = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct sr_dev_inst)); in->priv = inc = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct context)); for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) { snprintf(channelname, sizeof(channelname) - 1, "CH%d", i + 1); sr_channel_new(in->sdi, i, SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG, TRUE, channelname); } inc->samplerate = g_variant_get_uint64(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "samplerate")); inc->samplesize = sample_formats[fmt_index].encoding.unitsize * num_channels; init_context(inc, &sample_formats[fmt_index], in->sdi->channels); return SR_OK; } static int process_buffer(struct sr_input *in) { struct context *inc; struct sr_datafeed_meta meta; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_config *src; unsigned int offset, chunk_size; inc = in->priv; if (!inc->started) { std_session_send_df_header(in->sdi); if (inc->samplerate) { packet.type = SR_DF_META; packet.payload = &meta; src = sr_config_new(SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, g_variant_new_uint64(inc->samplerate)); meta.config = g_slist_append(NULL, src); sr_session_send(in->sdi, &packet); g_slist_free(meta.config); sr_config_free(src); } inc->started = TRUE; } /* Round down to the last channels * unitsize boundary. */ inc->analog.num_samples = CHUNK_SIZE / inc->samplesize; chunk_size = inc->analog.num_samples * inc->samplesize; offset = 0; while ((offset + chunk_size) < in->buf->len) { inc->analog.data = in->buf->str + offset; sr_session_send(in->sdi, &inc->packet); offset += chunk_size; } inc->analog.num_samples = (in->buf->len - offset) / inc->samplesize; chunk_size = inc->analog.num_samples * inc->samplesize; if (chunk_size > 0) { inc->analog.data = in->buf->str + offset; sr_session_send(in->sdi, &inc->packet); offset += chunk_size; } if ((unsigned int)offset < in->buf->len) { /* * The incoming buffer wasn't processed completely. Stash * the leftover data for next time. */ g_string_erase(in->buf, 0, offset); } else { g_string_truncate(in->buf, 0); } return SR_OK; } static int receive(struct sr_input *in, GString *buf) { int ret; g_string_append_len(in->buf, buf->str, buf->len); if (!in->sdi_ready) { /* sdi is ready, notify frontend. */ in->sdi_ready = TRUE; return SR_OK; } ret = process_buffer(in); return ret; } static int end(struct sr_input *in) { struct context *inc; int ret; if (in->sdi_ready) ret = process_buffer(in); else ret = SR_OK; inc = in->priv; if (inc->started) std_session_send_df_end(in->sdi); return ret; } static struct sr_option options[] = { { "numchannels", "Number of channels", "Number of channels", NULL, NULL }, { "samplerate", "Sample rate", "Sample rate", NULL, NULL }, { "format", "Format", "Numeric format", NULL, NULL }, ALL_ZERO }; static const struct sr_option *get_options(void) { if (!options[0].def) { options[0].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_int32(DEFAULT_NUM_CHANNELS)); options[1].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_uint64(DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE)); options[2].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string(sample_formats[0].fmt_name)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sample_formats); i++) { options[2].values = g_slist_append(options[2].values, g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string(sample_formats[i].fmt_name))); } } return options; } static void cleanup(struct sr_input *in) { struct context *inc; inc = in->priv; g_variant_unref(options[0].def); g_variant_unref(options[1].def); g_variant_unref(options[2].def); g_slist_free_full(options[2].values, (GDestroyNotify)g_variant_unref); g_free(inc); in->priv = NULL; } static int reset(struct sr_input *in) { struct context *inc = in->priv; cleanup(in); inc->started = FALSE; g_string_truncate(in->buf, 0); return SR_OK; } SR_PRIV struct sr_input_module input_raw_analog = { .id = "raw_analog", .name = "RAW analog", .desc = "analog signals without header", .exts = (const char*[]){"raw", "bin", NULL}, .options = get_options, .init = init, .receive = receive, .end = end, .cleanup = cleanup, .reset = reset, };