/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Hermann * Copyright (C) 2012 Bert Vermeulen * Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Elstner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libsigrok-internal.h" /* SR_CONF_CONN takes one of these: */ #define CONN_USB_VIDPID "^([0-9a-z]{4})\\.([0-9a-z]{4})$" #define CONN_USB_BUSADDR "^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$" #define LOG_PREFIX "usb" #if !HAVE_LIBUSB_OS_HANDLE typedef int libusb_os_handle; #endif /** Custom GLib event source for libusb I/O. * @internal */ struct usb_source { GSource base; int64_t timeout_us; int64_t due_us; /* Needed to keep track of installed sources */ struct sr_session *session; struct libusb_context *usb_ctx; GPtrArray *pollfds; }; /** USB event source prepare() method. */ static gboolean usb_source_prepare(GSource *source, int *timeout) { int64_t now_us, usb_due_us; struct usb_source *usource; struct timeval usb_timeout; int remaining_ms; int ret; usource = (struct usb_source *)source; ret = libusb_get_next_timeout(usource->usb_ctx, &usb_timeout); if (G_UNLIKELY(ret < 0)) { sr_err("Failed to get libusb timeout: %s", libusb_error_name(ret)); } now_us = g_source_get_time(source); if (usource->due_us == 0) { /* First-time initialization of the expiration time */ usource->due_us = now_us + usource->timeout_us; } if (ret == 1) { usb_due_us = (int64_t)usb_timeout.tv_sec * G_USEC_PER_SEC + usb_timeout.tv_usec + now_us; if (usb_due_us < usource->due_us) usource->due_us = usb_due_us; } if (usource->due_us != INT64_MAX) remaining_ms = (MAX(0, usource->due_us - now_us) + 999) / 1000; else remaining_ms = -1; *timeout = remaining_ms; return (remaining_ms == 0); } /** USB event source check() method. */ static gboolean usb_source_check(GSource *source) { struct usb_source *usource; GPollFD *pollfd; unsigned int revents; unsigned int i; usource = (struct usb_source *)source; revents = 0; for (i = 0; i < usource->pollfds->len; i++) { pollfd = g_ptr_array_index(usource->pollfds, i); revents |= pollfd->revents; } return (revents != 0 || (usource->due_us != INT64_MAX && usource->due_us <= g_source_get_time(source))); } /** USB event source dispatch() method. */ static gboolean usb_source_dispatch(GSource *source, GSourceFunc callback, void *user_data) { struct usb_source *usource; GPollFD *pollfd; unsigned int revents; unsigned int i; gboolean keep; usource = (struct usb_source *)source; revents = 0; /* * This is somewhat arbitrary, but drivers use revents to distinguish * actual I/O from timeouts. When we remove the user timeout from the * driver API, this will no longer be needed. */ for (i = 0; i < usource->pollfds->len; i++) { pollfd = g_ptr_array_index(usource->pollfds, i); revents |= pollfd->revents; } if (revents != 0) sr_spew("%s: revents 0x%.2X", __func__, revents); else sr_spew("%s: timed out", __func__); if (!callback) { sr_err("Callback not set, cannot dispatch event."); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } keep = (*(sr_receive_data_callback)callback)(-1, revents, user_data); if (G_LIKELY(keep) && G_LIKELY(!g_source_is_destroyed(source))) { if (usource->timeout_us >= 0) usource->due_us = g_source_get_time(source) + usource->timeout_us; else usource->due_us = INT64_MAX; } return keep; } /** USB event source finalize() method. */ static void usb_source_finalize(GSource *source) { struct usb_source *usource; usource = (struct usb_source *)source; sr_spew("%s", __func__); libusb_set_pollfd_notifiers(usource->usb_ctx, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_ptr_array_unref(usource->pollfds); usource->pollfds = NULL; sr_session_source_destroyed(usource->session, usource->usb_ctx, source); } /** Callback invoked when a new libusb FD should be added to the poll set. */ static LIBUSB_CALL void usb_pollfd_added(libusb_os_handle fd, short events, void *user_data) { struct usb_source *usource; GPollFD *pollfd; usource = user_data; pollfd = g_slice_new(GPollFD); #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 events = G_IO_IN; #endif pollfd->fd = (gintptr)fd; pollfd->events = events; pollfd->revents = 0; g_ptr_array_add(usource->pollfds, pollfd); g_source_add_poll((GSource *)usource, pollfd); } /** Callback invoked when a libusb FD should be removed from the poll set. */ static LIBUSB_CALL void usb_pollfd_removed(libusb_os_handle fd, void *user_data) { struct usb_source *usource; GPollFD *pollfd; unsigned int i; usource = user_data; /* It's likely that the removed poll FD is at the end. */ for (i = usource->pollfds->len; G_LIKELY(i > 0); i--) { pollfd = g_ptr_array_index(usource->pollfds, i - 1); if ((libusb_os_handle)pollfd->fd == fd) { g_source_remove_poll((GSource *)usource, pollfd); g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast(usource->pollfds, i - 1); return; } } sr_err("FD to be removed (%" G_GINTPTR_FORMAT ") not found in event source poll set.", (gintptr)fd); } /** Destroy notify callback for FDs maintained by the USB event source. */ static void usb_source_free_pollfd(void *data) { g_slice_free(GPollFD, data); } /** Create an event source for libusb I/O. * * TODO: The combination of the USB I/O source with a user timeout is * conceptually broken. The user timeout supplied here is completely * unrelated to I/O -- the actual I/O timeout is set when submitting * a USB transfer. * The sigrok drivers generally use the timeout to poll device state. * Usually, this polling can be sensibly done only when there is no * active USB transfer -- i.e. it's actually mutually exclusive with * waiting for transfer completion. * Thus, the user timeout should be removed from the USB event source * API at some point. Instead, drivers should install separate timer * event sources for their polling needs. * * @param session The session the event source belongs to. * @param usb_ctx The libusb context for which to handle events. * @param timeout_ms The timeout interval in ms, or -1 to wait indefinitely. * @return A new event source object, or NULL on failure. */ static GSource *usb_source_new(struct sr_session *session, struct libusb_context *usb_ctx, int timeout_ms) { static GSourceFuncs usb_source_funcs = { .prepare = &usb_source_prepare, .check = &usb_source_check, .dispatch = &usb_source_dispatch, .finalize = &usb_source_finalize }; GSource *source; struct usb_source *usource; const struct libusb_pollfd **upollfds, **upfd; upollfds = libusb_get_pollfds(usb_ctx); if (!upollfds) { sr_err("Failed to get libusb file descriptors."); return NULL; } source = g_source_new(&usb_source_funcs, sizeof(struct usb_source)); usource = (struct usb_source *)source; g_source_set_name(source, "usb"); if (timeout_ms >= 0) { usource->timeout_us = 1000 * (int64_t)timeout_ms; usource->due_us = 0; } else { usource->timeout_us = -1; usource->due_us = INT64_MAX; } usource->session = session; usource->usb_ctx = usb_ctx; usource->pollfds = g_ptr_array_new_full(8, &usb_source_free_pollfd); for (upfd = upollfds; *upfd != NULL; upfd++) usb_pollfd_added((*upfd)->fd, (*upfd)->events, usource); #if (LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000104) libusb_free_pollfds(upollfds); #else free(upollfds); #endif libusb_set_pollfd_notifiers(usb_ctx, &usb_pollfd_added, &usb_pollfd_removed, usource); return source; } /** * Find USB devices according to a connection string. * * @param usb_ctx libusb context to use while scanning. * @param conn Connection string specifying the device(s) to match. This * can be of the form ".
", or ".". * * @return A GSList of struct sr_usb_dev_inst, with bus and address fields * matching the device that matched the connection string. The GSList and * its contents must be freed by the caller. */ SR_PRIV GSList *sr_usb_find(libusb_context *usb_ctx, const char *conn) { struct sr_usb_dev_inst *usb; struct libusb_device **devlist; struct libusb_device_descriptor des; GSList *devices; GRegex *reg; GMatchInfo *match; int vid, pid, bus, addr, b, a, ret, i; char *mstr; vid = pid = bus = addr = 0; reg = g_regex_new(CONN_USB_VIDPID, 0, 0, NULL); if (g_regex_match(reg, conn, 0, &match)) { if ((mstr = g_match_info_fetch(match, 1))) vid = strtoul(mstr, NULL, 16); g_free(mstr); if ((mstr = g_match_info_fetch(match, 2))) pid = strtoul(mstr, NULL, 16); g_free(mstr); sr_dbg("Trying to find USB device with VID:PID = %04x:%04x.", vid, pid); } else { g_match_info_unref(match); g_regex_unref(reg); reg = g_regex_new(CONN_USB_BUSADDR, 0, 0, NULL); if (g_regex_match(reg, conn, 0, &match)) { if ((mstr = g_match_info_fetch(match, 1))) bus = strtoul(mstr, NULL, 10); g_free(mstr); if ((mstr = g_match_info_fetch(match, 2))) addr = strtoul(mstr, NULL, 10); g_free(mstr); sr_dbg("Trying to find USB device with bus.address = " "%d.%d.", bus, addr); } } g_match_info_unref(match); g_regex_unref(reg); if (vid + pid + bus + addr == 0) { sr_err("Neither VID:PID nor bus.address was specified."); return NULL; } if (bus > 64) { sr_err("Invalid bus specified: %d.", bus); return NULL; } if (addr > 127) { sr_err("Invalid address specified: %d.", addr); return NULL; } /* Looks like a valid USB device specification, but is it connected? */ devices = NULL; libusb_get_device_list(usb_ctx, &devlist); for (i = 0; devlist[i]; i++) { if ((ret = libusb_get_device_descriptor(devlist[i], &des))) { sr_err("Failed to get device descriptor: %s.", libusb_error_name(ret)); continue; } if (vid + pid && (des.idVendor != vid || des.idProduct != pid)) continue; b = libusb_get_bus_number(devlist[i]); a = libusb_get_device_address(devlist[i]); if (bus + addr && (b != bus || a != addr)) continue; sr_dbg("Found USB device (VID:PID = %04x:%04x, bus.address = " "%d.%d).", des.idVendor, des.idProduct, b, a); usb = sr_usb_dev_inst_new(libusb_get_bus_number(devlist[i]), libusb_get_device_address(devlist[i]), NULL); devices = g_slist_append(devices, usb); } libusb_free_device_list(devlist, 1); sr_dbg("Found %d device(s).", g_slist_length(devices)); return devices; } SR_PRIV int sr_usb_open(libusb_context *usb_ctx, struct sr_usb_dev_inst *usb) { struct libusb_device **devlist; struct libusb_device_descriptor des; int ret, r, cnt, i, a, b; sr_dbg("Trying to open USB device %d.%d.", usb->bus, usb->address); if ((cnt = libusb_get_device_list(usb_ctx, &devlist)) < 0) { sr_err("Failed to retrieve device list: %s.", libusb_error_name(cnt)); return SR_ERR; } ret = SR_ERR; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if ((r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(devlist[i], &des)) < 0) { sr_err("Failed to get device descriptor: %s.", libusb_error_name(r)); continue; } b = libusb_get_bus_number(devlist[i]); a = libusb_get_device_address(devlist[i]); if (b != usb->bus || a != usb->address) continue; if ((r = libusb_open(devlist[i], &usb->devhdl)) < 0) { sr_err("Failed to open device: %s.", libusb_error_name(r)); break; } sr_dbg("Opened USB device (VID:PID = %04x:%04x, bus.address = " "%d.%d).", des.idVendor, des.idProduct, b, a); ret = SR_OK; break; } libusb_free_device_list(devlist, 1); return ret; } SR_PRIV void sr_usb_close(struct sr_usb_dev_inst *usb) { libusb_close(usb->devhdl); usb->devhdl = NULL; sr_dbg("Closed USB device %d.%d.", usb->bus, usb->address); } SR_PRIV int usb_source_add(struct sr_session *session, struct sr_context *ctx, int timeout, sr_receive_data_callback cb, void *cb_data) { GSource *source; int ret; source = usb_source_new(session, ctx->libusb_ctx, timeout); if (!source) return SR_ERR; g_source_set_callback(source, (GSourceFunc)cb, cb_data, NULL); ret = sr_session_source_add_internal(session, ctx->libusb_ctx, source); g_source_unref(source); return ret; } SR_PRIV int usb_source_remove(struct sr_session *session, struct sr_context *ctx) { return sr_session_source_remove_internal(session, ctx->libusb_ctx); } SR_PRIV int usb_get_port_path(libusb_device *dev, char *path, int path_len) { uint8_t port_numbers[8]; int i, n, len; /* * FreeBSD requires that devices prior to calling libusb_get_port_numbers() * have been opened with libusb_open(). */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ struct libusb_device_handle *devh; if (libusb_open(dev, &devh) != 0) return SR_ERR; #endif n = libusb_get_port_numbers(dev, port_numbers, sizeof(port_numbers)); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ libusb_close(devh); #endif /* Workaround FreeBSD libusb_get_port_numbers() returning 0. */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ if (n == 0) { port_numbers[0] = libusb_get_device_address(dev); n = 1; } #endif if (n < 1) return SR_ERR; len = snprintf(path, path_len, "usb/%d-%d", libusb_get_bus_number(dev), port_numbers[0]); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) len += snprintf(path+len, path_len-len, ".%d", port_numbers[i]); return SR_OK; }