/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Uwe Hermann * Copyright (C) 2014 Matthias Heidbrink * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file * Manson HCS-3xxx Series power supply driver * @internal */ #include "protocol.h" #define REQ_TIMEOUT_MS 500 SR_PRIV int hcs_send_cmd(struct sr_serial_dev_inst *serial, const char *cmd, ...) { int ret; char cmdbuf[50]; char *cmd_esc; va_list args; va_start(args, cmd); vsnprintf(cmdbuf, sizeof(cmdbuf), cmd, args); va_end(args); cmd_esc = g_strescape(cmdbuf, NULL); sr_dbg("Sending '%s'.", cmd_esc); g_free(cmd_esc); if ((ret = serial_write_blocking(serial, cmdbuf, strlen(cmdbuf))) < 0) { sr_err("Error sending command: %d.", ret); return ret; } return ret; } /** * Read data from interface into buffer blocking until @a lines number of \\r chars * received. * @param serial Previously initialized serial port structure. * @param[in] lines Number of \\r-terminated lines to read (1-n). * @param buf Buffer for result. Contents is NUL-terminated on success. * @param[in] buflen Buffer length (>0). * @retval SR_OK Lines received and ending with "OK\r" (success). * @retval SR_ERR Error. * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Invalid argument. */ SR_PRIV int hcs_read_reply(struct sr_serial_dev_inst *serial, int lines, char* buf, int buflen) { int l_recv = 0; int bufpos = 0; int retc; if (!serial || (lines <= 0) || !buf || (buflen <= 0)) return SR_ERR_ARG; while ((l_recv < lines) && (bufpos < (buflen + 1))) { retc = serial_read_blocking(serial, &buf[bufpos], 1); if (retc != 1) return SR_ERR; if (buf[bufpos] == '\r') l_recv++; bufpos++; } buf[bufpos] = '\0'; if ((l_recv == lines) && (g_str_has_suffix(buf, "OK\r"))) return SR_OK; else return SR_ERR; } /** Interpret result of GETD command. */ SR_PRIV int hcs_parse_volt_curr_mode(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, char **tokens) { char *str; double val; struct dev_context *devc; devc = sdi->priv; /* Bytes 0-3: Voltage. */ str = g_strndup(tokens[0], 4); val = g_ascii_strtod(str, NULL) / 100; devc->voltage = val; g_free(str); /* Bytes 4-7: Current. */ str = g_strndup((tokens[0] + 4), 4); val = g_ascii_strtod(str, NULL) / 100; devc->current = val; g_free(str); /* Byte 8: Mode ('0' means CV, '1' means CC). */ devc->cc_mode = (tokens[0][8] == '1'); /* Output enabled? Works because voltage cannot be set to 0.0 directly. */ devc->output_enabled = devc->voltage != 0.0; return SR_OK; } static void send_sample(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi) { struct dev_context *devc; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_datafeed_analog analog; devc = sdi->priv; packet.type = SR_DF_ANALOG; packet.payload = &analog; analog.channels = sdi->channels; analog.num_samples = 1; analog.mq = SR_MQ_VOLTAGE; analog.unit = SR_UNIT_VOLT; analog.mqflags = SR_MQFLAG_DC; analog.data = &devc->voltage; sr_session_send(sdi, &packet); analog.mq = SR_MQ_CURRENT; analog.unit = SR_UNIT_AMPERE; analog.mqflags = 0; analog.data = &devc->current; sr_session_send(sdi, &packet); devc->num_samples++; } static int parse_reply(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi) { struct dev_context *devc; char *reply_esc, **tokens; int retc; devc = sdi->priv; reply_esc = g_strescape(devc->buf, NULL); sr_dbg("Received '%s'.", reply_esc); g_free(reply_esc); tokens = g_strsplit(devc->buf, "\r", 0); retc = hcs_parse_volt_curr_mode(sdi, tokens); g_strfreev(tokens); if (retc < 0) return SR_ERR; send_sample(sdi); return SR_OK; } static int handle_new_data(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi) { int len; struct dev_context *devc; struct sr_serial_dev_inst *serial; devc = sdi->priv; serial = sdi->conn; len = serial_read(serial, devc->buf + devc->buflen, 1); if (len < 1) return SR_ERR; devc->buflen += len; devc->buf[devc->buflen] = '\0'; /* Wait until we received an "OK\r" (among other bytes). */ if (!g_str_has_suffix(devc->buf, "OK\r")) return SR_OK; parse_reply(sdi); devc->buf[0] = '\0'; devc->buflen = 0; devc->reply_pending = FALSE; return SR_OK; } /** Driver/serial data reception function. */ SR_PRIV int hcs_receive_data(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data) { struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct dev_context *devc; struct sr_serial_dev_inst *serial; int64_t t, elapsed_us; (void)fd; if (!(sdi = cb_data)) return TRUE; if (!(devc = sdi->priv)) return TRUE; serial = sdi->conn; if (revents == G_IO_IN) { /* New data arrived. */ handle_new_data(sdi); } else { /* Timeout. */ } if (devc->limit_samples && (devc->num_samples >= devc->limit_samples)) { sr_info("Requested number of samples reached."); sdi->driver->dev_acquisition_stop(sdi, cb_data); return TRUE; } if (devc->limit_msec) { t = (g_get_monotonic_time() - devc->starttime) / 1000; if (t > (int64_t)devc->limit_msec) { sr_info("Requested time limit reached."); sdi->driver->dev_acquisition_stop(sdi, cb_data); return TRUE; } } /* Request next packet, if required. */ if (sdi->status == SR_ST_ACTIVE) { if (devc->reply_pending) { elapsed_us = g_get_monotonic_time() - devc->req_sent_at; if (elapsed_us > (REQ_TIMEOUT_MS * 1000)) devc->reply_pending = FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Send command to get voltage, current, and mode (CC or CV). */ if (hcs_send_cmd(serial, "GETD\r") < 0) return TRUE; devc->req_sent_at = g_get_monotonic_time(); devc->reply_pending = TRUE; } return TRUE; }