/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Uwe Hermann * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib.h" static int sr_analog_init_(struct sr_datafeed_analog *analog, struct sr_analog_encoding *encoding, struct sr_analog_meaning *meaning, struct sr_analog_spec *spec, int digits) { memset(analog, 0, sizeof(*analog)); memset(encoding, 0, sizeof(*encoding)); memset(meaning, 0, sizeof(*meaning)); memset(spec, 0, sizeof(*spec)); analog->encoding = encoding; analog->meaning = meaning; analog->spec = spec; encoding->unitsize = sizeof(float); encoding->is_float = TRUE; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN encoding->is_bigendian = TRUE; #else encoding->is_bigendian = FALSE; #endif encoding->digits = digits; encoding->is_digits_decimal = TRUE; encoding->scale.p = 1; encoding->scale.q = 1; encoding->offset.p = 0; encoding->offset.q = 1; spec->spec_digits = digits; return SR_OK; } START_TEST(test_analog_to_float) { int ret; unsigned int i; float f, fout; struct sr_channel ch; struct sr_datafeed_analog analog; struct sr_analog_encoding encoding; struct sr_analog_meaning meaning; struct sr_analog_spec spec; const float v[] = {-12.9, -333.999, 0, 3.1415, 29.7, 989898.121212}; sr_analog_init_(&analog, &encoding, &meaning, &spec, 3); analog.num_samples = 1; analog.data = &f; meaning.channels = g_slist_append(NULL, &ch); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(v); i++) { fout = 19; f = v[i]; ret = sr_analog_to_float(&analog, &fout); fail_unless(ret == SR_OK, "sr_analog_to_float() failed: %d.", ret); fail_unless(fabs(f - fout) <= 0.001, "%f != %f", f, fout); } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_analog_to_float_null) { int ret; float f, fout; struct sr_datafeed_analog analog; struct sr_analog_encoding encoding; struct sr_analog_meaning meaning; struct sr_analog_spec spec; f = G_PI; sr_analog_init_(&analog, &encoding, &meaning, &spec, 3); analog.num_samples = 1; analog.data = &f; ret = sr_analog_to_float(NULL, &fout); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); ret = sr_analog_to_float(&analog, NULL); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); ret = sr_analog_to_float(NULL, NULL); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); analog.data = NULL; ret = sr_analog_to_float(&analog, &fout); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); analog.data = &f; analog.meaning = NULL; ret = sr_analog_to_float(&analog, &fout); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); analog.meaning = &meaning; analog.encoding = NULL; ret = sr_analog_to_float(&analog, &fout); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); analog.encoding = &encoding; } END_TEST #if 0 START_TEST(test_analog_float_to_string) { int ret; unsigned int i; char *result; const char *r[] = {"3", "3.1", "3.14", "3.145", "3.1415", "3.15159"}; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(r); i++) { ret = sr_analog_float_to_string(G_PI, i, &result); fail_unless(ret == SR_OK); fail_unless(result != NULL); fail_unless(!strcmp(result, r[i]), "%s != %s", result, r[i]); g_free(result); } } END_TEST #endif START_TEST(test_analog_float_to_string_null) { int ret; ret = sr_analog_float_to_string(0, 0, NULL); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_analog_unit_to_string) { int ret; unsigned int i; char *result; struct sr_datafeed_analog analog; struct sr_analog_encoding encoding; struct sr_analog_meaning meaning; struct sr_analog_spec spec; const char *r[] = {" V RMS"}; sr_analog_init_(&analog, &encoding, &meaning, &spec, 3); for (i = -1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(r); i++) { meaning.unit = SR_UNIT_VOLT; meaning.mqflags = SR_MQFLAG_RMS; ret = sr_analog_unit_to_string(&analog, &result); fail_unless(ret == SR_OK); fail_unless(result != NULL); fail_unless(!strcmp(result, r[i]), "%s != %s", result, r[i]); g_free(result); } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_analog_unit_to_string_null) { int ret; char *result; struct sr_datafeed_analog analog; struct sr_analog_encoding encoding; struct sr_analog_meaning meaning; struct sr_analog_spec spec; sr_analog_init_(&analog, &encoding, &meaning, &spec, 3); meaning.unit = SR_UNIT_VOLT; meaning.mqflags = SR_MQFLAG_RMS; ret = sr_analog_unit_to_string(NULL, &result); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); ret = sr_analog_unit_to_string(&analog, NULL); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); ret = sr_analog_unit_to_string(NULL, NULL); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); analog.meaning = NULL; ret = sr_analog_unit_to_string(&analog, &result); fail_unless(ret == SR_ERR_ARG); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_rational) { unsigned int i; struct sr_rational r; const int64_t p[] = {0, 1, -5, INT64_MAX}; const uint64_t q[] = {0, 2, 7, UINT64_MAX}; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(p); i++) { sr_rational_set(&r, p[i], q[i]); fail_unless(r.p == p[i] && r.q == q[i]); } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_rational_null) { sr_rational_set(NULL, 5, 7); } END_TEST Suite *suite_analog(void) { Suite *s; TCase *tc; s = suite_create("analog"); tc = tcase_create("analog_to_float"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_analog_to_float); tcase_add_test(tc, test_analog_to_float_null); #if 0 tcase_add_test(tc, test_analog_float_to_string); #endif tcase_add_test(tc, test_analog_float_to_string_null); tcase_add_test(tc, test_analog_unit_to_string); tcase_add_test(tc, test_analog_unit_to_string_null); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_rational); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_rational_null); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); return s; }