/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Bert Vermeulen <bert@biot.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <zip.h> #include <glib.h> #include <glib/gstdio.h> #include "config.h" /* Needed for PACKAGE_VERSION and others. */ #include "libsigrok.h" #include "libsigrok-internal.h" /* Message logging helpers with subsystem-specific prefix string. */ #define LOG_PREFIX "session-file: " #define sr_log(l, s, args...) sr_log(l, LOG_PREFIX s, ## args) #define sr_spew(s, args...) sr_spew(LOG_PREFIX s, ## args) #define sr_dbg(s, args...) sr_dbg(LOG_PREFIX s, ## args) #define sr_info(s, args...) sr_info(LOG_PREFIX s, ## args) #define sr_warn(s, args...) sr_warn(LOG_PREFIX s, ## args) #define sr_err(s, args...) sr_err(LOG_PREFIX s, ## args) /** * @file * * Loading and saving libsigrok session files. */ /** * @addtogroup grp_session * * @{ */ extern struct sr_session *session; extern SR_PRIV struct sr_dev_driver session_driver; /** @private */ SR_PRIV int sr_sessionfile_check(const char *filename) { struct zip *archive; struct zip_file *zf; struct zip_stat zs; int version, ret; char s[11]; if (!filename) return SR_ERR_ARG; if (!(archive = zip_open(filename, 0, &ret))) /* No logging: this can be used just to check if it's * a sigrok session file or not. */ return SR_ERR; /* check "version" */ version = 0; if (!(zf = zip_fopen(archive, "version", 0))) { sr_dbg("Not a sigrok session file: no version found."); return SR_ERR; } if ((ret = zip_fread(zf, s, 10)) == -1) return SR_ERR; zip_fclose(zf); s[ret] = 0; version = strtoull(s, NULL, 10); if (version != 1) { sr_dbg("Cannot handle sigrok session file version %d.", version); return SR_ERR; } /* read "metadata" */ if (zip_stat(archive, "metadata", 0, &zs) == -1) { sr_dbg("Not a valid sigrok session file."); return SR_ERR; } return SR_OK; } /** * Load the session from the specified filename. * * @param filename The name of the session file to load. Must not be NULL. * * @return SR_OK upon success, SR_ERR_ARG upon invalid arguments, * SR_ERR_MALLOC upon memory allocation errors, or SR_ERR upon * other errors. */ SR_API int sr_session_load(const char *filename) { GKeyFile *kf; GPtrArray *capturefiles; struct zip *archive; struct zip_file *zf; struct zip_stat zs; struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct sr_probe *probe; int ret, probenum, devcnt, i, j; uint64_t tmp_u64, total_probes, enabled_probes, p; char **sections, **keys, *metafile, *val; char probename[SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN + 1]; if ((ret = sr_sessionfile_check(filename)) != SR_OK) return ret; if (!(archive = zip_open(filename, 0, &ret))) return SR_ERR; if (zip_stat(archive, "metadata", 0, &zs) == -1) return SR_ERR; if (!(metafile = g_try_malloc(zs.size))) { sr_err("%s: metafile malloc failed", __func__); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } zf = zip_fopen_index(archive, zs.index, 0); zip_fread(zf, metafile, zs.size); zip_fclose(zf); kf = g_key_file_new(); if (!g_key_file_load_from_data(kf, metafile, zs.size, 0, NULL)) { sr_dbg("Failed to parse metadata."); return SR_ERR; } sr_session_new(); devcnt = 0; capturefiles = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(g_free); sections = g_key_file_get_groups(kf, NULL); for (i = 0; sections[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(sections[i], "global")) /* nothing really interesting in here yet */ continue; if (!strncmp(sections[i], "device ", 7)) { /* device section */ sdi = NULL; enabled_probes = total_probes = 0; keys = g_key_file_get_keys(kf, sections[i], NULL, NULL); for (j = 0; keys[j]; j++) { val = g_key_file_get_string(kf, sections[i], keys[j], NULL); if (!strcmp(keys[j], "capturefile")) { sdi = sr_dev_inst_new(devcnt, SR_ST_ACTIVE, NULL, NULL, NULL); sdi->driver = &session_driver; if (devcnt == 0) /* first device, init the driver */ sdi->driver->init(NULL); sr_dev_open(sdi); sr_session_dev_add(sdi); sdi->driver->config_set(SR_CONF_SESSIONFILE, g_variant_new_string(filename), sdi); sdi->driver->config_set(SR_CONF_CAPTUREFILE, g_variant_new_string(val), sdi); g_ptr_array_add(capturefiles, val); } else if (!strcmp(keys[j], "samplerate")) { sr_parse_sizestring(val, &tmp_u64); sdi->driver->config_set(SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, g_variant_new_uint64(tmp_u64), sdi); } else if (!strcmp(keys[j], "unitsize")) { tmp_u64 = strtoull(val, NULL, 10); sdi->driver->config_set(SR_CONF_CAPTURE_UNITSIZE, g_variant_new_uint64(tmp_u64), sdi); } else if (!strcmp(keys[j], "total probes")) { total_probes = strtoull(val, NULL, 10); sdi->driver->config_set(SR_CONF_CAPTURE_NUM_PROBES, g_variant_new_uint64(total_probes), sdi); for (p = 0; p < total_probes; p++) { snprintf(probename, SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN, "%" PRIu64, p); if (!(probe = sr_probe_new(p, SR_PROBE_LOGIC, TRUE, probename))) return SR_ERR; sdi->probes = g_slist_append(sdi->probes, probe); } } else if (!strncmp(keys[j], "probe", 5)) { if (!sdi) continue; enabled_probes++; tmp_u64 = strtoul(keys[j]+5, NULL, 10); /* sr_session_save() */ sr_dev_probe_name_set(sdi, tmp_u64 - 1, val); } else if (!strncmp(keys[j], "trigger", 7)) { probenum = strtoul(keys[j]+7, NULL, 10); sr_dev_trigger_set(sdi, probenum, val); } } g_strfreev(keys); /* Disable probes not specifically listed. */ if (total_probes) for (p = enabled_probes; p < total_probes; p++) sr_dev_probe_enable(sdi, p, FALSE); } devcnt++; } g_strfreev(sections); g_key_file_free(kf); return SR_OK; } /** * Save the current session to the specified file. * * @param filename The name of the filename to save the current session as. * Must not be NULL. * @param sdi The device instance from which the data was captured. * @param buf The data to be saved. * @param unitsize The number of bytes per sample. * @param units The number of samples. * * @return SR_OK upon success, SR_ERR_ARG upon invalid arguments, or SR_ERR * upon other errors. */ SR_API int sr_session_save(const char *filename, const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, unsigned char *buf, int unitsize, int units) { GSList *l; GVariant *gvar; FILE *meta; struct sr_probe *probe; struct zip *zipfile; struct zip_source *versrc, *metasrc, *logicsrc; int tmpfile, ret, probecnt; uint64_t samplerate; char version[1], rawname[16], metafile[32], *s; if (!filename) { sr_err("%s: filename was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } /* Quietly delete it first, libzip wants replace ops otherwise. */ unlink(filename); if (!(zipfile = zip_open(filename, ZIP_CREATE, &ret))) return SR_ERR; /* "version" */ version[0] = '1'; if (!(versrc = zip_source_buffer(zipfile, version, 1, 0))) return SR_ERR; if (zip_add(zipfile, "version", versrc) == -1) { sr_info("error saving version into zipfile: %s", zip_strerror(zipfile)); return SR_ERR; } /* init "metadata" */ strcpy(metafile, "sigrok-meta-XXXXXX"); if ((tmpfile = g_mkstemp(metafile)) == -1) return SR_ERR; close(tmpfile); meta = g_fopen(metafile, "wb"); fprintf(meta, "[global]\n"); fprintf(meta, "sigrok version = %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); /* metadata */ fprintf(meta, "[device 1]\n"); if (sdi->driver) fprintf(meta, "driver = %s\n", sdi->driver->name); /* metadata */ fprintf(meta, "capturefile = logic-1\n"); fprintf(meta, "unitsize = %d\n", unitsize); fprintf(meta, "total probes = %d\n", g_slist_length(sdi->probes)); if (sr_dev_has_option(sdi, SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE)) { if (sr_config_get(sdi->driver, SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, &gvar, sdi) == SR_OK) { samplerate = g_variant_get_uint64(gvar); s = sr_samplerate_string(samplerate); fprintf(meta, "samplerate = %s\n", s); g_free(s); g_variant_unref(gvar); } } probecnt = 1; for (l = sdi->probes; l; l = l->next) { probe = l->data; if (probe->enabled) { if (probe->name) fprintf(meta, "probe%d = %s\n", probecnt, probe->name); if (probe->trigger) fprintf(meta, " trigger%d = %s\n", probecnt, probe->trigger); probecnt++; } } if (!(logicsrc = zip_source_buffer(zipfile, buf, units * unitsize, FALSE))) return SR_ERR; snprintf(rawname, 15, "logic-1"); if (zip_add(zipfile, rawname, logicsrc) == -1) return SR_ERR; fclose(meta); if (!(metasrc = zip_source_file(zipfile, metafile, 0, -1))) return SR_ERR; if (zip_add(zipfile, "metadata", metasrc) == -1) return SR_ERR; if ((ret = zip_close(zipfile)) == -1) { sr_info("error saving zipfile: %s", zip_strerror(zipfile)); return SR_ERR; } unlink(metafile); return SR_OK; } /** * Append data to an existing session file. * * @param filename The name of the filename to append to. Must not be NULL. * @param buf The data to be appended. * @param unitsize The number of bytes per sample. * @param units The number of samples. * * @return SR_OK upon success, SR_ERR_ARG upon invalid arguments, or SR_ERR * upon other errors. */ SR_API int sr_session_append(const char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int unitsize, int units) { struct zip *archive; struct zip_source *logicsrc; zip_int64_t num_files; int chunk_num, next_chunk_num, ret, i; const char *entry_name; char chunkname[16]; if ((ret = sr_sessionfile_check(filename)) != SR_OK) return ret; if (!(archive = zip_open(filename, 0, &ret))) return SR_ERR; next_chunk_num = 1; num_files = zip_get_num_entries(archive, 0); for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) { entry_name = zip_get_name(archive, i, 0); if (strncmp(entry_name, "logic-1", 7)) continue; if (strlen(entry_name) == 7) { /* This file has no extra chunks, just a single "logic-1". * Rename it to "logic-1-1" * and continue with chunk 2. */ if (zip_rename(archive, i, "logic-1-1") == -1) { sr_err("Failed to rename 'logic-1' to 'logic-1-1'."); return SR_ERR; } next_chunk_num = 2; break; } else if (strlen(entry_name) > 8 && entry_name[7] == '-') { chunk_num = strtoull(entry_name + 8, NULL, 10); if (chunk_num >= next_chunk_num) next_chunk_num = chunk_num + 1; } } snprintf(chunkname, 15, "logic-1-%d", next_chunk_num); if (!(logicsrc = zip_source_buffer(archive, buf, units * unitsize, FALSE))) return SR_ERR; if (zip_add(archive, chunkname, logicsrc) == -1) return SR_ERR; if ((ret = zip_close(archive)) == -1) { sr_info("error saving session file: %s", zip_strerror(archive)); return SR_ERR; } return SR_OK; } /** @} */