## ## This file is part of the libsigrok project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Ling ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see . ## import logging, warnings from pygccxml import parser, declarations from collections import OrderedDict import sys, os, re class crapfilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): if record.msg.find('GCCXML version') > -1: return 0 return 1 logger = logging.getLogger('pygccxml.cxx_parser').addFilter(crapfilter()) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="unable to find out array size from expression") # Get directory this script is in. dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Parse GCCXML output to get declaration tree. decls = parser.parse_xml_file( os.path.join(dirname, "libsigrok.xml"), parser.gccxml_configuration_t()) # Get global namespace from declaration tree. ns = declarations.get_global_namespace(decls) mapping = dict([ ('sr_loglevel', 'LogLevel'), ('sr_packettype', 'PacketType'), ('sr_mq', 'Quantity'), ('sr_unit', 'Unit'), ('sr_mqflag', 'QuantityFlag'), ('sr_configkey', 'ConfigKey'), ('sr_datatype', 'DataType'), ('sr_channeltype', 'ChannelType'), ('sr_trigger_matches', 'TriggerMatchType')]) classes = OrderedDict() # Build mapping between class names and enumerations. for enum in ns.enumerations(): if enum.name in mapping: classname = mapping[enum.name] classes[classname] = enum header = open(os.path.join(dirname, 'include/libsigrok/enums.hpp'), 'w') code = open(os.path.join(dirname, 'enums.cpp'), 'w') for file in (header, code): print >> file, "/* Generated file - edit enums.py instead! */" # Template for beginning of class declaration and public members. header_public_template = """ class SR_API {classname} : public EnumValue {{ public: static const {classname} *get(int id); """ # Template for beginning of private members. header_private_template = """ private: static const std::map values; {classname}(enum {enumname} id, const char name[]); """ # Template for class method definitions. code_template = """ {classname}::{classname}(enum {enumname} id, const char name[]) : EnumValue(id, name) {{ }} const {classname} *{classname}::get(int id) {{ return {classname}::values.at(static_cast<{enumname}>(id)); }} """ for classname, enum in classes.items(): # Begin class and public declarations print >> header, header_public_template.format( classname=classname, enumname=enum.name) # Declare public pointers for each enum value for name, value in enum.values: trimmed_name = re.sub("^SR_[A-Z]+_", "", name) print >> header, '\tstatic const %s * const %s;' % (classname, trimmed_name) # Declare additional methods if present filename = os.path.join(dirname, "%s_methods.hpp" % classname) if os.path.exists(filename): print >> header, str.join('', open(filename).readlines()) # Begin private declarations print >> header, header_private_template.format( classname=classname, enumname=enum.name) # Declare private constants for each enum value for name, value in enum.values: trimmed_name = re.sub("^SR_[A-Z]+_", "", name) print >> header, '\tstatic const %s _%s;' % (classname, trimmed_name) # End class declaration print >> header, '};' # Begin class code print >> code, code_template.format( classname=classname, enumname=enum.name) # Define private constants for each enum value for name, value in enum.values: trimmed_name = re.sub("^SR_[A-Z]+_", "", name) print >> code, 'const %s %s::_%s = %s(%s, "%s");' % ( classname, classname, trimmed_name, classname, name, trimmed_name) # Define public pointers for each enum value for name, value in enum.values: trimmed_name = re.sub("^SR_[A-Z]+_", "", name) print >> code, 'const %s * const %s::%s = &%s::_%s;' % ( classname, classname, trimmed_name, classname, trimmed_name) # Define map of enum values to constants print >> code, 'const std::map %s::values = {' % ( enum.name, classname, classname) for name, value in enum.values: trimmed_name = re.sub("^SR_[A-Z]+_", "", name) print >> code, '\t{%s, %s::%s},' % (name, classname, trimmed_name) print >> code, '};' # Define additional methods if present filename = os.path.join(dirname, "%s_methods.cpp" % classname) if os.path.exists(filename): print >> code, str.join('', open(filename).readlines())