/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2012 Petteri Aimonen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* The VCD input module has the following options: * * numprobes: Maximum number of probes to use. The probes are * detected in the same order as they are listed * in the $var sections of the VCD file. * * skip: Allows skipping until given timestamp in the file. * This can speed up analyzing of long captures. * * Value < 0: Skip until first timestamp listed in * the file. (default) * * Value = 0: Do not skip, instead generate samples * beginning from timestamp 0. * * Value > 0: Start at the given timestamp. * * downsample: Divide the samplerate by the given factor. * This can speed up analyzing of long captures. * * compress: Compress idle periods longer than this value. * This can speed up analyzing of long captures. * Default 0 = don't compress. * * Based on Verilog standard IEEE Std 1364-2001 Version C * * Supported features: * - $var with 'wire' and 'reg' types of scalar variables * - $timescale definition for samplerate * - multiple character variable identifiers * * Most important unsupported features: * - vector variables (bit vectors etc.) * - analog, integer and real number variables * - $dumpvars initial value declaration * - $scope namespaces */ /* */ #include #include #include #include #include "libsigrok.h" #include "libsigrok-internal.h" /* Message logging helpers with driver-specific prefix string. */ #define DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN "input/vcd: " #define sr_log(l, s, args...) sr_log(l, DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_spew(s, args...) sr_spew(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_dbg(s, args...) sr_dbg(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_info(s, args...) sr_info(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_warn(s, args...) sr_warn(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_err(s, args...) sr_err(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define DEFAULT_NUM_PROBES 8 /* Read until specific type of character occurs in file. * Skip input if dest is NULL. * Modes: * 'W' read until whitespace * 'N' read until non-whitespace, and ungetc() the character * '$' read until $end */ static gboolean read_until(FILE *file, GString *dest, char mode) { char prev[4] = ""; long startpos = ftell(file); for(;;) { int c = fgetc(file); if (c == EOF) { if (mode == '$') sr_err("Unexpected EOF, read started at %ld.", startpos); return FALSE; } if (mode == 'W' && g_ascii_isspace(c)) return TRUE; if (mode == 'N' && !g_ascii_isspace(c)) { ungetc(c, file); return TRUE; } if (mode == '$') { prev[0] = prev[1]; prev[1] = prev[2]; prev[2] = prev[3]; prev[3] = c; if (prev[0] == '$' && prev[1] == 'e' && prev[2] == 'n' && prev[3] == 'd') { if (dest != NULL) g_string_truncate(dest, dest->len - 3); return TRUE; } } if (dest != NULL) g_string_append_c(dest, c); } } /* Reads a single VCD section from input file and parses it to structure. * e.g. $timescale 1ps $end => "timescale" "1ps" */ static gboolean parse_section(FILE *file, gchar **name, gchar **contents) { gboolean status; GString *sname, *scontents; /* Skip any initial white-space */ if (!read_until(file, NULL, 'N')) return FALSE; /* Section tag should start with $. */ if (fgetc(file) != '$') { sr_err("Expected $ at beginning of section."); return FALSE; } /* Read the section tag */ sname = g_string_sized_new(32); status = read_until(file, sname, 'W'); /* Skip whitespace before content */ status = status && read_until(file, NULL, 'N'); /* Read the content */ scontents = g_string_sized_new(128); status = status && read_until(file, scontents, '$'); g_strchomp(scontents->str); /* Release strings if status is FALSE, return them if status is TRUE */ *name = g_string_free(sname, !status); *contents = g_string_free(scontents, !status); return status; } struct probe { gchar *name; gchar *identifier; }; struct context { uint64_t samplerate; int maxprobes; int probecount; int downsample; unsigned compress; int64_t skip; GSList *probes; }; static void free_probe(void *data) { struct probe *probe = data; g_free(probe->name); g_free(probe->identifier); g_free(probe); } static void release_context(struct context *ctx) { g_slist_free_full(ctx->probes, free_probe); g_free(ctx); } /* Remove empty parts from an array returned by g_strsplit. */ static void remove_empty_parts(gchar **parts) { gchar **src = parts; gchar **dest = parts; while (*src != NULL) { if (**src != '\0') { *dest++ = *src; } src++; } *dest = NULL; } /* Parse VCD header to get values for context structure. * The context structure should be zeroed before calling this. */ static gboolean parse_header(FILE *file, struct context *ctx) { uint64_t p, q; gchar *name = NULL, *contents = NULL; gboolean status = FALSE; struct probe *probe; while (parse_section(file, &name, &contents)) { sr_dbg("Section '%s', contents '%s'.", name, contents); if (g_strcmp0(name, "enddefinitions") == 0) { status = TRUE; break; } else if (g_strcmp0(name, "timescale") == 0) { /* The standard allows for values 1, 10 or 100 * and units s, ms, us, ns, ps and fs. */ if (sr_parse_period(contents, &p, &q) == SR_OK) { ctx->samplerate = q / p; if (q % p != 0) { /* Does not happen unless time value is non-standard */ sr_warn("Inexact rounding of samplerate, %" PRIu64 " / %" PRIu64 " to %" PRIu64 " Hz.", q, p, ctx->samplerate); } sr_dbg("Samplerate: %" PRIu64, ctx->samplerate); } else { sr_err("Parsing timescale failed."); } } else if (g_strcmp0(name, "var") == 0) { /* Format: $var type size identifier reference $end */ gchar **parts = g_strsplit_set(contents, " \r\n\t", 0); remove_empty_parts(parts); if (g_strv_length(parts) != 4) { sr_warn("$var section should have 4 items"); } else if (g_strcmp0(parts[0], "reg") != 0 && g_strcmp0(parts[0], "wire") != 0) { sr_info("Unsupported signal type: '%s'", parts[0]); } else if (strtol(parts[1], NULL, 10) != 1) { sr_info("Unsupported signal size: '%s'", parts[1]); } else if (ctx->probecount >= ctx->maxprobes) { sr_warn("Skipping '%s' because only %d probes requested.", parts[3], ctx->maxprobes); } else { sr_info("Probe %d is '%s' identified by '%s'.", ctx->probecount, parts[3], parts[2]); probe = g_malloc(sizeof(struct probe)); probe->identifier = g_strdup(parts[2]); probe->name = g_strdup(parts[3]); ctx->probes = g_slist_append(ctx->probes, probe); ctx->probecount++; } g_strfreev(parts); } g_free(name); name = NULL; g_free(contents); contents = NULL; } g_free(name); g_free(contents); return status; } static int format_match(const char *filename) { FILE *file; gchar *name = NULL, *contents = NULL; gboolean status; file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) return FALSE; /* If we can parse the first section correctly, * then it is assumed to be a VCD file. */ status = parse_section(file, &name, &contents); status = status && (*name != '\0'); g_free(name); g_free(contents); fclose(file); return status; } static int init(struct sr_input *in, const char *filename) { struct sr_probe *probe; int num_probes, i; char name[SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN + 1]; char *param; struct context *ctx; (void)filename; if (!(ctx = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(*ctx)))) { sr_err("Input format context malloc failed."); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } num_probes = DEFAULT_NUM_PROBES; ctx->samplerate = 0; ctx->downsample = 1; ctx->skip = -1; if (in->param) { param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "numprobes"); if (param) { num_probes = strtoul(param, NULL, 10); if (num_probes < 1) { release_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } } param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "downsample"); if (param) { ctx->downsample = strtoul(param, NULL, 10); if (ctx->downsample < 1) { ctx->downsample = 1; } } param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "compress"); if (param) { ctx->compress = strtoul(param, NULL, 10); } param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "skip"); if (param) { ctx->skip = strtoul(param, NULL, 10) / ctx->downsample; } } /* Maximum number of probes to parse from the VCD */ ctx->maxprobes = num_probes; /* Create a virtual device. */ in->sdi = sr_dev_inst_new(0, SR_ST_ACTIVE, NULL, NULL, NULL); in->internal = ctx; for (i = 0; i < num_probes; i++) { snprintf(name, SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN, "%d", i); if (!(probe = sr_probe_new(i, SR_PROBE_LOGIC, TRUE, name))) { release_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } in->sdi->probes = g_slist_append(in->sdi->probes, probe); } return SR_OK; } #define CHUNKSIZE 1024 /* Send N samples of the given value. */ static void send_samples(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, uint64_t sample, uint64_t count) { struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_datafeed_logic logic; uint64_t buffer[CHUNKSIZE]; uint64_t i; unsigned chunksize = CHUNKSIZE; if (count < chunksize) chunksize = count; for (i = 0; i < chunksize; i++) { buffer[i] = sample; } packet.type = SR_DF_LOGIC; packet.payload = &logic; logic.unitsize = sizeof(uint64_t); logic.data = buffer; while (count) { if (count < chunksize) chunksize = count; logic.length = sizeof(uint64_t) * chunksize; sr_session_send(sdi, &packet); count -= chunksize; } } /* Parse the data section of VCD */ static void parse_contents(FILE *file, const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, struct context *ctx) { GString *token = g_string_sized_new(32); uint64_t prev_timestamp = 0; uint64_t prev_values = 0; /* Read one space-delimited token at a time. */ while (read_until(file, NULL, 'N') && read_until(file, token, 'W')) { if (token->str[0] == '#' && g_ascii_isdigit(token->str[1])) { /* Numeric value beginning with # is a new timestamp value */ uint64_t timestamp; timestamp = strtoull(token->str + 1, NULL, 10); if (ctx->downsample > 1) timestamp /= ctx->downsample; /* Skip < 0 => skip until first timestamp. * Skip = 0 => don't skip * Skip > 0 => skip until timestamp >= skip. */ if (ctx->skip < 0) { ctx->skip = timestamp; prev_timestamp = timestamp; } else if (ctx->skip > 0 && timestamp < (uint64_t)ctx->skip) { prev_timestamp = ctx->skip; } else if (timestamp == prev_timestamp) { /* Ignore repeated timestamps (e.g. sigrok outputs these) */ } else { if (ctx->compress != 0 && timestamp - prev_timestamp > ctx->compress) { /* Compress long idle periods */ prev_timestamp = timestamp - ctx->compress; } sr_dbg("New timestamp: %" PRIu64, timestamp); /* Generate samples from prev_timestamp up to timestamp - 1. */ send_samples(sdi, prev_values, timestamp - prev_timestamp); prev_timestamp = timestamp; } } else if (token->str[0] == '$' && token->len > 1) { /* This is probably a $dumpvars, $comment or similar. * $dump* contain useful data, but other tags will be skipped until $end. */ if (g_strcmp0(token->str, "$dumpvars") == 0 || g_strcmp0(token->str, "$dumpon") == 0 || g_strcmp0(token->str, "$dumpoff") == 0 || g_strcmp0(token->str, "$end") == 0) { /* Ignore, parse contents as normally. */ } else { /* Skip until $end */ read_until(file, NULL, '$'); } } else if (strchr("bBrR", token->str[0]) != NULL) { /* A vector value. Skip it and also the following identifier. */ read_until(file, NULL, 'N'); read_until(file, NULL, 'W'); } else if (strchr("01xXzZ", token->str[0]) != NULL) { /* A new 1-bit sample value */ int i, bit; GSList *l; struct probe *probe; bit = (token->str[0] == '1'); g_string_erase(token, 0, 1); if (token->len == 0) { /* There was a space between value and identifier. * Read in the rest. */ read_until(file, NULL, 'N'); read_until(file, token, 'W'); } for (i = 0, l = ctx->probes; i < ctx->probecount && l; i++, l = l->next) { probe = l->data; if (g_strcmp0(token->str, probe->identifier) == 0) { sr_dbg("Probe %d new value %d.", i, bit); /* Found our probe */ if (bit) prev_values |= (1 << i); else prev_values &= ~(1 << i); break; } } if (i == ctx->probecount) { sr_dbg("Did not find probe for identifier '%s'.", token->str); } } else { sr_warn("Skipping unknown token '%s'.", token->str); } g_string_truncate(token, 0); } g_string_free(token, TRUE); } static int loadfile(struct sr_input *in, const char *filename) { struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_datafeed_meta meta; struct sr_config *src; FILE *file; struct context *ctx; uint64_t samplerate; ctx = in->internal; if ((file = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) return SR_ERR; if (!parse_header(file, ctx)) { sr_err("VCD parsing failed"); fclose(file); return SR_ERR; } /* Send header packet to the session bus. */ std_session_send_df_header(in->sdi, DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN); /* Send metadata about the SR_DF_LOGIC packets to come. */ packet.type = SR_DF_META; packet.payload = &meta; samplerate = ctx->samplerate / ctx->downsample; src = sr_config_new(SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, g_variant_new_uint64(samplerate)); meta.config = g_slist_append(NULL, src); sr_session_send(in->sdi, &packet); sr_config_free(src); /* Parse the contents of the VCD file */ parse_contents(file, in->sdi, ctx); /* Send end packet to the session bus. */ packet.type = SR_DF_END; sr_session_send(in->sdi, &packet); fclose(file); release_context(ctx); in->internal = NULL; return SR_OK; } SR_PRIV struct sr_input_format input_vcd = { .id = "vcd", .description = "Value Change Dump", .format_match = format_match, .init = init, .loadfile = loadfile, };