/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Marc Schink <sigrok-dev@marcschink.de> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <glib.h> #include "libsigrok.h" #include "libsigrok-internal.h" #define LOG_PREFIX "input/csv" /* * The CSV input module has the following options: * * single-column: Specifies the column number which stores the sample data for * single column mode and enables single column mode. Multi * column mode is used if this parameter is omitted. * * numprobes: Specifies the number of probes to use. In multi column mode * the number of probes are the number of columns and in single * column mode the number of bits (LSB first) beginning at * 'first-probe'. * * delimiter: Specifies the delimiter for columns. Must be at least one * character. Comma is used as default delimiter. * * format: Specifies the format of the sample data in single column mode. * Available formats are: 'bin', 'hex' and 'oct'. The binary * format is used by default. This option has no effect in multi * column mode. * * comment: Specifies the prefix character(s) for comments. No prefix * characters are used by default which disables removing of * comments. * * samplerate: Samplerate which the sample data was captured with. Default * value is 0. * * first-probe: Column number of the first probe in multi column mode and * position of the bit for the first probe in single column mode. * Default value is 0. * * header: Determines if the first line should be treated as header * and used for probe names in multi column mode. Empty header * names will be replaced by the probe number. If enabled in * single column mode the first line will be skipped. Usage of * header is disabled by default. * * startline: Line number to start processing sample data. Must be greater * than 0. The default line number to start processing is 1. */ /* Single column formats. */ enum { FORMAT_BIN, FORMAT_HEX, FORMAT_OCT }; struct context { /* Current selected samplerate. */ uint64_t samplerate; /* Number of probes. */ gsize num_probes; /* Column delimiter character(s). */ GString *delimiter; /* Comment prefix character(s). */ GString *comment; /* Determines if sample data is stored in multiple columns. */ gboolean multi_column_mode; /* Column number of the sample data in single column mode. */ gsize single_column; /* * Number of the first column to parse. Equivalent to the number of the * first probe in multi column mode and the single column number in * single column mode. */ gsize first_column; /* * Column number of the first probe in multi column mode and position of * the bit for the first probe in single column mode. */ gsize first_probe; /* Line number to start processing. */ gsize start_line; /* * Determines if the first line should be treated as header and used for * probe names in multi column mode. */ gboolean header; /* Format sample data is stored in single column mode. */ int format; /* Size of the sample buffer. */ gsize sample_buffer_size; /* Buffer to store sample data. */ uint8_t *sample_buffer; GIOChannel *channel; /* Buffer for the current line. */ GString *buffer; /* Current line number. */ gsize line_number; }; static int format_match(const char *filename) { if (!filename) { sr_err("%s: filename was NULL.", __func__); return FALSE; } if (!g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { sr_err("Input file '%s' does not exist.", filename); return FALSE; } if (!g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { sr_err("Input file '%s' not a regular file.", filename); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void free_context(struct context *ctx) { if (!ctx) return; if (ctx->delimiter) g_string_free(ctx->delimiter, TRUE); if (ctx->comment) g_string_free(ctx->comment, TRUE); if (ctx->channel) { g_io_channel_shutdown(ctx->channel, FALSE, NULL); g_io_channel_unref(ctx->channel); } if (ctx->sample_buffer) g_free(ctx->sample_buffer); if (ctx->buffer) g_string_free(ctx->buffer, TRUE); g_free(ctx); } static void strip_comment(GString *string, const GString *prefix) { char *ptr; if (!prefix->len) return; if (!(ptr = strstr(string->str, prefix->str))) return; g_string_truncate(string, ptr - string->str); } static int parse_binstr(const char *str, struct context *ctx) { gsize i, j, length; length = strlen(str); if (!length) { sr_err("Column %zu in line %zu is empty.", ctx->single_column, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } /* Clear buffer in order to set bits only. */ memset(ctx->sample_buffer, 0, (ctx->num_probes + 7) >> 3); i = ctx->first_probe; for (j = 0; i < length && j < ctx->num_probes; i++, j++) { if (str[length - i - 1] == '1') { ctx->sample_buffer[j / 8] |= (1 << (j % 8)); } else if (str[length - i - 1] != '0') { sr_err("Invalid value '%s' in column %zu in line %zu.", str, ctx->single_column, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } } return SR_OK; } static int parse_hexstr(const char *str, struct context *ctx) { gsize i, j, k, length; uint8_t value; char c; length = strlen(str); if (!length) { sr_err("Column %zu in line %zu is empty.", ctx->single_column, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } /* Clear buffer in order to set bits only. */ memset(ctx->sample_buffer, 0, (ctx->num_probes + 7) >> 3); /* Calculate the position of the first hexadecimal digit. */ i = ctx->first_probe / 4; for (j = 0; i < length && j < ctx->num_probes; i++) { c = str[length - i - 1]; if (!g_ascii_isxdigit(c)) { sr_err("Invalid value '%s' in column %zu in line %zu.", str, ctx->single_column, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } value = g_ascii_xdigit_value(c); k = (ctx->first_probe + j) % 4; for (; j < ctx->num_probes && k < 4; k++) { if (value & (1 << k)) ctx->sample_buffer[j / 8] |= (1 << (j % 8)); j++; } } return SR_OK; } static int parse_octstr(const char *str, struct context *ctx) { gsize i, j, k, length; uint8_t value; char c; length = strlen(str); if (!length) { sr_err("Column %zu in line %zu is empty.", ctx->single_column, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } /* Clear buffer in order to set bits only. */ memset(ctx->sample_buffer, 0, (ctx->num_probes + 7) >> 3); /* Calculate the position of the first octal digit. */ i = ctx->first_probe / 3; for (j = 0; i < length && j < ctx->num_probes; i++) { c = str[length - i - 1]; if (c < '0' || c > '7') { sr_err("Invalid value '%s' in column %zu in line %zu.", str, ctx->single_column, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } value = g_ascii_xdigit_value(c); k = (ctx->first_probe + j) % 3; for (; j < ctx->num_probes && k < 3; k++) { if (value & (1 << k)) ctx->sample_buffer[j / 8] |= (1 << (j % 8)); j++; } } return SR_OK; } static char **parse_line(const struct context *ctx, int max_columns) { const char *str, *remainder; GSList *list, *l; char **columns; char *column; gsize n, k; n = 0; k = 0; list = NULL; remainder = ctx->buffer->str; str = strstr(remainder, ctx->delimiter->str); while (str && max_columns) { if (n >= ctx->first_column) { column = g_strndup(remainder, str - remainder); list = g_slist_prepend(list, g_strstrip(column)); max_columns--; k++; } remainder = str + ctx->delimiter->len; str = strstr(remainder, ctx->delimiter->str); n++; } if (ctx->buffer->len && max_columns && n >= ctx->first_column) { column = g_strdup(remainder); list = g_slist_prepend(list, g_strstrip(column)); k++; } if (!(columns = g_try_new(char *, k + 1))) return NULL; columns[k--] = NULL; for (l = list; l; l = l->next) columns[k--] = l->data; g_slist_free(list); return columns; } static int parse_multi_columns(char **columns, struct context *ctx) { gsize i; /* Clear buffer in order to set bits only. */ memset(ctx->sample_buffer, 0, (ctx->num_probes + 7) >> 3); for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_probes; i++) { if (columns[i][0] == '1') { ctx->sample_buffer[i / 8] |= (1 << (i % 8)); } else if (!strlen(columns[i])) { sr_err("Column %zu in line %zu is empty.", ctx->first_probe + i, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } else if (columns[i][0] != '0') { sr_err("Invalid value '%s' in column %zu in line %zu.", columns[i], ctx->first_probe + i, ctx->line_number); return SR_ERR; } } return SR_OK; } static int parse_single_column(const char *column, struct context *ctx) { int res; res = SR_ERR; switch(ctx->format) { case FORMAT_BIN: res = parse_binstr(column, ctx); break; case FORMAT_HEX: res = parse_hexstr(column, ctx); break; case FORMAT_OCT: res = parse_octstr(column, ctx); break; } return res; } static int send_samples(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, uint8_t *buffer, gsize buffer_size, gsize count) { int res; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_datafeed_logic logic; gsize i; packet.type = SR_DF_LOGIC; packet.payload = &logic; logic.unitsize = buffer_size; logic.length = buffer_size; logic.data = buffer; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ((res = sr_session_send(sdi, &packet)) != SR_OK) return res; } return SR_OK; } static int init(struct sr_input *in, const char *filename) { int res; struct context *ctx; const char *param; GIOStatus status; gsize i, term_pos; char probe_name[SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN + 1]; struct sr_probe *probe; char **columns; gsize num_columns; char *ptr; if (!(ctx = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct context)))) { sr_err("Context malloc failed."); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } /* Create a virtual device. */ in->sdi = sr_dev_inst_new(0, SR_ST_ACTIVE, NULL, NULL, NULL); in->internal = ctx; /* Set default samplerate. */ ctx->samplerate = 0; /* * Enable auto-detection of the number of probes in multi column mode * and enforce the specification of the number of probes in single * column mode. */ ctx->num_probes = 0; /* Set default delimiter. */ if (!(ctx->delimiter = g_string_new(","))) { sr_err("Delimiter malloc failed."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } /* * Set default comment prefix. Note that an empty comment prefix * disables removing of comments. */ if (!(ctx->comment = g_string_new(""))) { sr_err("Comment malloc failed."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } /* Enable multi column mode by default. */ ctx->multi_column_mode = TRUE; /* Use first column as default single column number. */ ctx->single_column = 0; /* * In multi column mode start parsing sample data at the first column * and in single column mode at the first bit. */ ctx->first_probe = 0; /* Start at the beginning of the file. */ ctx->start_line = 1; /* Disable the usage of the first line as header by default. */ ctx->header = FALSE; /* Set default format for single column mode. */ ctx->format = FORMAT_BIN; if (!(ctx->buffer = g_string_new(""))) { sr_err("Line buffer malloc failed."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } if (in->param) { if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "samplerate"))) { res = sr_parse_sizestring(param, &ctx->samplerate); if (res != SR_OK) { sr_err("Invalid samplerate: %s.", param); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_ARG; } } if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "numprobes"))) ctx->num_probes = g_ascii_strtoull(param, NULL, 10); if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "delimiter"))) { if (!strlen(param)) { sr_err("Delimiter must be at least one character."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(param, "\\t")) g_string_assign(ctx->delimiter, "\t"); else g_string_assign(ctx->delimiter, param); } if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "comment"))) g_string_assign(ctx->comment, param); if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "single-column"))) { ctx->single_column = g_ascii_strtoull(param, &ptr, 10); ctx->multi_column_mode = FALSE; if (param == ptr) { sr_err("Invalid single-colum number: %s.", param); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_ARG; } } if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "first-probe"))) ctx->first_probe = g_ascii_strtoull(param, NULL, 10); if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "startline"))) { ctx->start_line = g_ascii_strtoull(param, NULL, 10); if (ctx->start_line < 1) { sr_err("Invalid start line: %s.", param); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_ARG; } } if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "header"))) ctx->header = sr_parse_boolstring(param); if ((param = g_hash_table_lookup(in->param, "format"))) { if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(param, "bin", 3)) { ctx->format = FORMAT_BIN; } else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(param, "hex", 3)) { ctx->format = FORMAT_HEX; } else if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(param, "oct", 3)) { ctx->format = FORMAT_OCT; } else { sr_err("Invalid format: %s.", param); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } } } if (ctx->multi_column_mode) ctx->first_column = ctx->first_probe; else ctx->first_column = ctx->single_column; if (!ctx->multi_column_mode && !ctx->num_probes) { sr_err("Number of probes needs to be specified in single column mode."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } if (!(ctx->channel = g_io_channel_new_file(filename, "r", NULL))) { sr_err("Input file '%s' could not be opened.", filename); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } while (TRUE) { ctx->line_number++; status = g_io_channel_read_line_string(ctx->channel, ctx->buffer, &term_pos, NULL); if (status == G_IO_STATUS_EOF) { sr_err("Input file is empty."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) { sr_err("Error while reading line %zu.", ctx->line_number); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } if (ctx->start_line > ctx->line_number) { sr_spew("Line %zu skipped.", ctx->line_number); continue; } /* Remove line termination character(s). */ g_string_truncate(ctx->buffer, term_pos); if (!ctx->buffer->len) { sr_spew("Blank line %zu skipped.", ctx->line_number); continue; } /* Remove trailing comment. */ strip_comment(ctx->buffer, ctx->comment); if (ctx->buffer->len) break; sr_spew("Comment-only line %zu skipped.", ctx->line_number); } /* * In order to determine the number of columns parse the current line * without limiting the number of columns. */ if (!(columns = parse_line(ctx, -1))) { sr_err("Error while parsing line %zu.", ctx->line_number); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } num_columns = g_strv_length(columns); /* Ensure that the first column is not out of bounds. */ if (!num_columns) { sr_err("Column %zu in line %zu is out of bounds.", ctx->first_column, ctx->line_number); g_strfreev(columns); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } if (ctx->multi_column_mode) { /* * Detect the number of probes in multi column mode * automatically if not specified. */ if (!ctx->num_probes) { ctx->num_probes = num_columns; sr_info("Number of auto-detected probes: %zu.", ctx->num_probes); } /* * Ensure that the number of probes does not exceed the number * of columns in multi column mode. */ if (num_columns < ctx->num_probes) { sr_err("Not enough columns for desired number of probes in line %zu.", ctx->line_number); g_strfreev(columns); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } } for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_probes; i++) { if (ctx->header && ctx->multi_column_mode && strlen(columns[i])) snprintf(probe_name, sizeof(probe_name), "%s", columns[i]); else snprintf(probe_name, sizeof(probe_name), "%zu", i); probe = sr_probe_new(i, SR_PROBE_LOGIC, TRUE, probe_name); if (!probe) { sr_err("Probe creation failed."); free_context(ctx); g_strfreev(columns); return SR_ERR; } in->sdi->probes = g_slist_append(in->sdi->probes, probe); } g_strfreev(columns); /* * Calculate the minimum buffer size to store the sample data of the * probes. */ ctx->sample_buffer_size = (ctx->num_probes + 7) >> 3; if (!(ctx->sample_buffer = g_try_malloc(ctx->sample_buffer_size))) { sr_err("Sample buffer malloc failed."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } return SR_OK; } static int loadfile(struct sr_input *in, const char *filename) { int res; struct context *ctx; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_datafeed_meta meta; struct sr_config *cfg; GIOStatus status; gboolean read_new_line; gsize term_pos; char **columns; gsize num_columns; int max_columns; (void)filename; ctx = in->internal; /* Send header packet to the session bus. */ std_session_send_df_header(in->sdi, LOG_PREFIX); if (ctx->samplerate) { packet.type = SR_DF_META; packet.payload = &meta; cfg = sr_config_new(SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, g_variant_new_uint64(ctx->samplerate)); meta.config = g_slist_append(NULL, cfg); sr_session_send(in->sdi, &packet); sr_config_free(cfg); } read_new_line = FALSE; /* Limit the number of columns to parse. */ if (ctx->multi_column_mode) max_columns = ctx->num_probes; else max_columns = 1; while (TRUE) { /* * Skip reading a new line for the first time if the last read * line was not a header because the sample data is not parsed * yet. */ if (read_new_line || ctx->header) { ctx->line_number++; status = g_io_channel_read_line_string(ctx->channel, ctx->buffer, &term_pos, NULL); if (status == G_IO_STATUS_EOF) break; if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) { sr_err("Error while reading line %zu.", ctx->line_number); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } /* Remove line termination character(s). */ g_string_truncate(ctx->buffer, term_pos); } read_new_line = TRUE; if (!ctx->buffer->len) { sr_spew("Blank line %zu skipped.", ctx->line_number); continue; } /* Remove trailing comment. */ strip_comment(ctx->buffer, ctx->comment); if (!ctx->buffer->len) { sr_spew("Comment-only line %zu skipped.", ctx->line_number); continue; } if (!(columns = parse_line(ctx, max_columns))) { sr_err("Error while parsing line %zu.", ctx->line_number); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } num_columns = g_strv_length(columns); /* Ensure that the first column is not out of bounds. */ if (!num_columns) { sr_err("Column %zu in line %zu is out of bounds.", ctx->first_column, ctx->line_number); g_strfreev(columns); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } /* * Ensure that the number of probes does not exceed the number * of columns in multi column mode. */ if (ctx->multi_column_mode && num_columns < ctx->num_probes) { sr_err("Not enough columns for desired number of probes in line %zu.", ctx->line_number); g_strfreev(columns); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } if (ctx->multi_column_mode) res = parse_multi_columns(columns, ctx); else res = parse_single_column(columns[0], ctx); if (res != SR_OK) { g_strfreev(columns); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } g_strfreev(columns); /* * TODO: Parse sample numbers / timestamps and use it for * decompression. */ /* Send sample data to the session bus. */ res = send_samples(in->sdi, ctx->sample_buffer, ctx->sample_buffer_size, 1); if (res != SR_OK) { sr_err("Sending samples failed."); free_context(ctx); return SR_ERR; } } /* Send end packet to the session bus. */ packet.type = SR_DF_END; sr_session_send(in->sdi, &packet); free_context(ctx); return SR_OK; } SR_PRIV struct sr_input_format input_csv = { .id = "csv", .description = "Comma-separated values (CSV)", .format_match = format_match, .init = init, .loadfile = loadfile, };