/* * This file is part of the sigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Bert Vermeulen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* There can only be one session at a time. */ struct session *session; struct session *session_load(const char *filename) { struct session *session; /* TODO: Implement. */ session = NULL; /* QUICK HACK */ filename = filename; return session; } struct session *session_new(void) { session = calloc(1, sizeof(struct session)); return session; } void session_destroy(void) { g_slist_free(session->devices); /* TODO: Loop over protocols and free them. */ g_free(session); } void session_device_clear(void) { g_slist_free(session->devices); session->devices = NULL; } int session_device_add(struct device *device) { int ret; ret = device->plugin->open(device->plugin_index); if (ret == SIGROK_OK) session->devices = g_slist_append(session->devices, device); return ret; } void session_pa_clear(void) { /* * The protocols are pointers to the global set of PA plugins, * so don't free them. */ g_slist_free(session->analyzers); session->analyzers = NULL; } void session_pa_add(struct analyzer *an) { session->analyzers = g_slist_append(session->analyzers, an); } void session_datafeed_callback_clear(void) { g_slist_free(session->datafeed_callbacks); session->datafeed_callbacks = NULL; } void session_datafeed_callback_add(datafeed_callback callback) { session->datafeed_callbacks = g_slist_append(session->datafeed_callbacks, callback); } int session_start(void) { struct device *device; GSList *l; int ret; g_message("starting acquisition"); for (l = session->devices; l; l = l->next) { device = l->data; if ((ret = device->plugin->start_acquisition( device->plugin_index, device)) != SIGROK_OK) break; } return ret; } void session_stop(void) { struct device *device; GSList *l; g_message("stopping acquisition"); for (l = session->devices; l; l = l->next) { device = l->data; device->plugin->stop_acquisition(device->plugin_index, device); } } void session_bus(struct device *device, struct datafeed_packet *packet) { GSList *l; datafeed_callback cb; /* * TODO: Send packet through PA pipe, and send the output of that to * the callbacks as well. */ for (l = session->datafeed_callbacks; l; l = l->next) { cb = l->data; cb(device, packet); } } void make_metadata(char *filename) { GSList *l, *p; struct device *device; struct probe *probe; FILE *f; int devcnt; f = fopen(filename, "wb"); /* General */ /* Devices */ devcnt = 1; for (l = session->devices; l; l = l->next) { device = l->data; fprintf(f, "[device]\n"); fprintf(f, "driver = %s\n", device->plugin->name); if (device->datastore) fprintf(f, "capturefile = raw-%d\n", devcnt); for (p = device->probes; p; p = p->next) { probe = p->data; if (probe->enabled) { fprintf(f, "probe %d", probe->index); if (probe->name) fprintf(f, " name \"%s\"", probe->name); if (probe->trigger) fprintf(f, " trigger \"%s\"", probe->trigger); fprintf(f, "\n"); } } devcnt++; } /* TODO: Protocol analyzers */ fclose(f); } int session_save(char *filename) { GSList *l, *d; struct device *device; struct datastore *ds; struct zip *zipfile; struct zip_source *src; int bufcnt, devcnt, tmpfile, ret, error; char version[1], rawname[16], metafile[32], *buf; /* Quietly delete it first, libzip wants replace ops otherwise. */ unlink(filename); if (!(zipfile = zip_open(filename, ZIP_CREATE, &error))) return SIGROK_ERR; /* Version */ version[0] = '1'; if (!(src = zip_source_buffer(zipfile, version, 1, 0))) return SIGROK_ERR; if (zip_add(zipfile, "version", src) == -1) { g_message("error saving version into zipfile: %s", zip_strerror(zipfile)); return SIGROK_ERR; } /* Metadata */ strcpy(metafile, "sigrok-meta-XXXXXX"); if ((tmpfile = g_mkstemp(metafile)) == -1) return SIGROK_ERR; close(tmpfile); make_metadata(metafile); if (!(src = zip_source_file(zipfile, metafile, 0, -1))) return SIGROK_ERR; if (zip_add(zipfile, "metadata", src) == -1) return SIGROK_ERR; unlink(metafile); /* Raw */ devcnt = 1; for (l = session->devices; l; l = l->next) { device = l->data; ds = device->datastore; if (ds) { buf = malloc(ds->num_units * ds->ds_unitsize + DATASTORE_CHUNKSIZE); bufcnt = 0; for (d = ds->chunklist; d; d = d->next) { memcpy(buf + bufcnt, d->data, DATASTORE_CHUNKSIZE); bufcnt += DATASTORE_CHUNKSIZE; } if (!(src = zip_source_buffer(zipfile, buf, ds->num_units * ds->ds_unitsize, TRUE))) return SIGROK_ERR; snprintf(rawname, 15, "raw-%d", devcnt); if (zip_add(zipfile, rawname, src) == -1) return SIGROK_ERR; } devcnt++; } if ((ret = zip_close(zipfile)) == -1) { g_message("error saving zipfile: %s", zip_strerror(zipfile)); return SIGROK_ERR; } return SIGROK_OK; }