/* * This file is part of the sigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Uwe Hermann <uwe@hermann-uwe.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <glib.h> #include "config.h" /* Needed for PACKAGE_STRING and others. */ #include "libsigrok.h" #include "libsigrok-internal.h" /* Message logging helpers with driver-specific prefix string. */ #define DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN "output/gnuplot: " #define sr_log(l, s, args...) sr_log(l, DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_spew(s, args...) sr_spew(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_dbg(s, args...) sr_dbg(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_info(s, args...) sr_info(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_warn(s, args...) sr_warn(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) #define sr_err(s, args...) sr_err(DRIVER_LOG_DOMAIN s, ## args) struct context { unsigned int num_enabled_probes; unsigned int unitsize; char *probelist[SR_MAX_NUM_PROBES + 1]; char *header; }; #define MAX_HEADER_LEN \ (1024 + (SR_MAX_NUM_PROBES * (SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN + 10))) static const char *gnuplot_header = "\ # Sample data in space-separated columns format usable by gnuplot\n\ #\n\ # Generated by: %s on %s%s\ # Period: %s\n\ #\n\ # Column\tProbe\n\ # -------------------------------------\ ----------------------------------------\n\ # 0\t\tSample counter (for internal gnuplot purposes)\n%s\n"; static const char *gnuplot_header_comment = "\ # Comment: Acquisition with %d/%d probes at %s\n"; static int init(struct sr_output *o) { struct context *ctx; struct sr_probe *probe; GSList *l; uint64_t *samplerate; unsigned int i; int b, num_probes; char *c, *frequency_s; char wbuf[1000], comment[128]; time_t t; if (!o) { sr_err("%s: o was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!o->sdi) { sr_err("%s: o->sdi was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!o->sdi->driver) { sr_err("%s: o->sdi->driver was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!(ctx = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct context)))) { sr_err("%s: ctx malloc failed", __func__); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } if (!(ctx->header = g_try_malloc0(MAX_HEADER_LEN + 1))) { sr_err("%s: ctx->header malloc failed", __func__); g_free(ctx); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } o->internal = ctx; ctx->num_enabled_probes = 0; for (l = o->sdi->probes; l; l = l->next) { probe = l->data; /* TODO: Error checks. */ if (!probe->enabled) continue; ctx->probelist[ctx->num_enabled_probes++] = probe->name; } ctx->probelist[ctx->num_enabled_probes] = 0; ctx->unitsize = (ctx->num_enabled_probes + 7) / 8; num_probes = g_slist_length(o->sdi->probes); comment[0] = '\0'; if (sr_dev_has_hwcap(o->sdi, SR_HWCAP_SAMPLERATE)) { o->sdi->driver->info_get(SR_DI_CUR_SAMPLERATE, (const void **)&samplerate, o->sdi); if (!(frequency_s = sr_samplerate_string(*samplerate))) { sr_err("%s: sr_samplerate_string failed", __func__); g_free(ctx->header); g_free(ctx); return SR_ERR; } snprintf(comment, 127, gnuplot_header_comment, ctx->num_enabled_probes, num_probes, frequency_s); g_free(frequency_s); } /* Columns / channels */ wbuf[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_enabled_probes; i++) { c = (char *)&wbuf + strlen((const char *)&wbuf); sprintf(c, "# %d\t\t%s\n", i + 1, ctx->probelist[i]); } if (!(frequency_s = sr_period_string(*samplerate))) { sr_err("%s: sr_period_string failed", __func__); g_free(ctx->header); g_free(ctx); return SR_ERR; } t = time(NULL); b = snprintf(ctx->header, MAX_HEADER_LEN, gnuplot_header, PACKAGE_STRING, ctime(&t), comment, frequency_s, (char *)&wbuf); g_free(frequency_s); if (b < 0) { sr_err("%s: sprintf failed", __func__); g_free(ctx->header); g_free(ctx); return SR_ERR; } return 0; } static int event(struct sr_output *o, int event_type, uint8_t **data_out, uint64_t *length_out) { if (!o) { sr_err("%s: o was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!data_out) { sr_err("%s: data_out was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!length_out) { sr_err("%s: length_out was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } switch (event_type) { case SR_DF_TRIGGER: /* TODO: Can a trigger mark be in a gnuplot data file? */ break; case SR_DF_END: g_free(o->internal); o->internal = NULL; break; default: sr_err("%s: unsupported event type: %d", __func__, event_type); break; } *data_out = NULL; *length_out = 0; return SR_OK; } static int data(struct sr_output *o, const uint8_t *data_in, uint64_t length_in, uint8_t **data_out, uint64_t *length_out) { struct context *ctx; unsigned int max_linelen, outsize, p, curbit, i; uint64_t sample; static uint64_t samplecount = 0, old_sample = 0; uint8_t *outbuf, *c; if (!o) { sr_err("%s: o was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!o->internal) { sr_err("%s: o->internal was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!data_in) { sr_err("%s: data_in was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!data_out) { sr_err("%s: data_out was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } if (!length_out) { sr_err("%s: length_out was NULL", __func__); return SR_ERR_ARG; } ctx = o->internal; max_linelen = 16 + ctx->num_enabled_probes * 2; outsize = length_in / ctx->unitsize * max_linelen; if (ctx->header) outsize += strlen(ctx->header); if (!(outbuf = g_try_malloc0(outsize))) { sr_err("%s: outbuf malloc failed", __func__); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } outbuf[0] = '\0'; if (ctx->header) { /* The header is still here, this must be the first packet. */ strncpy((char *)outbuf, ctx->header, outsize); g_free(ctx->header); ctx->header = NULL; } for (i = 0; i <= length_in - ctx->unitsize; i += ctx->unitsize) { memcpy(&sample, data_in + i, ctx->unitsize); /* * Don't output the same samples multiple times. However, make * sure to output at least the first and last sample. */ if (samplecount++ != 0 && sample == old_sample) { if (i != (length_in - ctx->unitsize)) continue; } old_sample = sample; /* The first column is a counter (needed for gnuplot). */ c = outbuf + strlen((const char *)outbuf); sprintf((char *)c, "%" PRIu64 "\t", samplecount++); /* The next columns are the values of all channels. */ for (p = 0; p < ctx->num_enabled_probes; p++) { curbit = (sample & ((uint64_t) (1 << p))) >> p; c = outbuf + strlen((const char *)outbuf); sprintf((char *)c, "%d ", curbit); } c = outbuf + strlen((const char *)outbuf); sprintf((char *)c, "\n"); } *data_out = outbuf; *length_out = strlen((const char *)outbuf); return SR_OK; } SR_PRIV struct sr_output_format output_gnuplot = { .id = "gnuplot", .description = "Gnuplot", .df_type = SR_DF_LOGIC, .init = init, .data = data, .event = event, };