/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Ling * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "libsigrok.h" #include "libsigrok-internal.h" #include "protocol.h" #define NUM_PROBES 2 static const int hwcaps[] = { SR_HWCAP_OSCILLOSCOPE, SR_HWCAP_LIMIT_SAMPLES, SR_HWCAP_TIMEBASE, SR_HWCAP_TRIGGER_SOURCE, SR_HWCAP_TRIGGER_SLOPE, SR_HWCAP_HORIZ_TRIGGERPOS, SR_HWCAP_VDIV, SR_HWCAP_COUPLING, 0, }; static const char *probe_names[] = { "CH1", "CH2", NULL, }; static const struct sr_rational timebases[] = { /* nanoseconds */ { 2, 1000000000 }, { 5, 1000000000 }, { 10, 1000000000 }, { 20, 1000000000 }, { 50, 1000000000 }, { 100, 1000000000 }, { 500, 1000000000 }, /* microseconds */ { 1, 1000000 }, { 2, 1000000 }, { 5, 1000000 }, { 10, 1000000 }, { 20, 1000000 }, { 50, 1000000 }, { 100, 1000000 }, { 200, 1000000 }, { 500, 1000000 }, /* milliseconds */ { 1, 1000 }, { 2, 1000 }, { 5, 1000 }, { 10, 1000 }, { 20, 1000 }, { 50, 1000 }, { 100, 1000 }, { 200, 1000 }, { 500, 1000 }, /* seconds */ { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 20, 1 }, { 50, 1 }, { 0, 0}, }; static const struct sr_rational vdivs[] = { /* millivolts */ { 2, 1000 }, { 5, 1000 }, { 10, 1000 }, { 20, 1000 }, { 50, 1000 }, { 100, 1000 }, { 200, 1000 }, { 500, 1000 }, /* volts */ { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, }; static const char *trigger_sources[] = { "CH1", "CH2", "EXT", "AC Line", NULL, }; static const char *coupling[] = { "AC", "DC", "GND", NULL, }; SR_PRIV struct sr_dev_driver rigol_ds1xx2_driver_info; static struct sr_dev_driver *di = &rigol_ds1xx2_driver_info; /* Properly close and free all devices. */ static int clear_instances(void) { struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct drv_context *drvc; struct dev_context *devc; GSList *l; if (!(drvc = di->priv)) return SR_OK; for (l = drvc->instances; l; l = l->next) { if (!(sdi = l->data)) continue; if (!(devc = sdi->priv)) continue; close(devc->fd); sr_dev_inst_free(sdi); } g_slist_free(drvc->instances); drvc->instances = NULL; return SR_OK; } static int hw_init(struct sr_context *sr_ctx) { struct drv_context *drvc; (void)sr_ctx; if (!(drvc = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct drv_context)))) { sr_err("Driver context malloc failed."); return SR_ERR_MALLOC; } di->priv = drvc; return SR_OK; } static GSList *hw_scan(GSList *options) { struct drv_context *drvc; struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct dev_context *devc; struct sr_probe *probe; GSList *devices; int i; (void)options; devices = NULL; drvc = di->priv; drvc->instances = NULL; if (!(sdi = sr_dev_inst_new(0, SR_ST_ACTIVE, "Rigol", "DS1xx2", NULL))) return NULL; if (!(devc = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct dev_context)))) return NULL; sdi->priv = devc; sdi->driver = di; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (!(probe = sr_probe_new(0, SR_PROBE_ANALOG, TRUE, i == 0 ? "CH1" : "CH2"))) return NULL; sdi->probes = g_slist_append(sdi->probes, probe); } drvc->instances = g_slist_append(drvc->instances, sdi); devices = g_slist_append(devices, sdi); return devices; } static GSList *hw_dev_list(void) { struct drv_context *drvc; drvc = di->priv; return drvc->instances; } static int hw_dev_open(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi) { int fd = open("/dev/usbtmc1", O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) return SR_ERR; struct dev_context *devc = sdi->priv; devc->fd = fd; devc->scale = 1; return SR_OK; } static int hw_dev_close(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi) { struct dev_context *devc = sdi->priv; close(devc->fd); return SR_OK; } static int hw_cleanup(void) { clear_instances(); return SR_OK; } static int hw_info_get(int info_id, const void **data, const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi) { (void)sdi; switch (info_id) { case SR_DI_HWCAPS: *data = hwcaps; break; case SR_DI_NUM_PROBES: *data = GINT_TO_POINTER(NUM_PROBES); break; case SR_DI_PROBE_NAMES: *data = probe_names; break; case SR_DI_TIMEBASES: *data = timebases; break; case SR_DI_TRIGGER_SOURCES: *data = trigger_sources; break; case SR_DI_VDIVS: *data = vdivs; break; case SR_DI_COUPLING: *data = coupling; break; default: sr_err("Unknown info_id: %d.", info_id); return SR_ERR_ARG; } return SR_OK; } static int hw_dev_config_set(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int hwcap, const void *value) { struct dev_context *devc = sdi->priv; uint64_t tmp_u64; float tmp_float; struct sr_rational tmp_rat; int ret, i, j; char *channel; if (sdi->status != SR_ST_ACTIVE) { sr_err("Device inactive, can't set config options."); return SR_ERR; } ret = SR_OK; switch (hwcap) { case SR_HWCAP_LIMIT_FRAMES: devc->limit_frames = *(const uint64_t *)value; break; case SR_HWCAP_TRIGGER_SLOPE: tmp_u64 = *(const int *)value; rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, "TRIG:EDGE:%s\n", tmp_u64 ? "POS" : "NEG"); break; case SR_HWCAP_HORIZ_TRIGGERPOS: tmp_float = *(const float *)value; rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, "TIM:OFFS %f\n", tmp_float); break; case SR_HWCAP_TIMEBASE: tmp_rat = *(const struct sr_rational *)value; rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, "TIM:SCAL %f\n", (float) tmp_rat.p / tmp_rat.q); break; case SR_HWCAP_TRIGGER_SOURCE: if (!strcmp(value, "CH1")) channel = "CHAN1"; else if (!strcmp(value, "CH2")) channel = "CHAN2"; else if (!strcmp(value, "EXT")) channel = "EXT"; else if (!strcmp(value, "AC Line")) channel = "ACL"; else ret = SR_ERR_ARG; break; rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, "TRIG:SOUR %s\n", channel); break; case SR_HWCAP_VDIV: /* TODO: Not supporting vdiv per channel yet. */ tmp_rat = *(const struct sr_rational *)value; for (i = 0; vdivs[i].p && vdivs[i].q; i++) { if (vdivs[i].p == tmp_rat.p && vdivs[i].q == tmp_rat.q) { devc->scale = (float) tmp_rat.p / tmp_rat.q; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, "CHAN%d:SCAL %f\n", j, devc->scale); break; } } if (vdivs[i].p == 0 && vdivs[i].q == 0) ret = SR_ERR_ARG; break; case SR_HWCAP_COUPLING: /* TODO: Not supporting coupling per channel yet. */ for (i = 0; coupling[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(value, coupling[i])) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, "CHAN%d:COUP %s\n", j, coupling[i]); break; } } if (coupling[i] == 0) ret = SR_ERR_ARG; break; default: sr_err("Unknown hardware capability: %d.", hwcap); ret = SR_ERR_ARG; } return ret; } static int hw_dev_acquisition_start(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, void *cb_data) { struct dev_context *devc = sdi->priv; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; struct sr_datafeed_header header; struct sr_datafeed_meta_analog meta; char buf[256]; int len; (void)cb_data; devc->num_frames = 0; sr_source_add(devc->fd, G_IO_IN, 50, rigol_ds1xx2_receive_data, (void *)sdi); /* Send header packet to the session bus. */ packet.type = SR_DF_HEADER; packet.payload = (unsigned char *)&header; header.feed_version = 1; gettimeofday(&header.starttime, NULL); sr_session_send(cb_data, &packet); /* Send metadata about the SR_DF_ANALOG packets to come. */ packet.type = SR_DF_META_ANALOG; packet.payload = &meta; meta.num_probes = NUM_PROBES; sr_session_send(cb_data, &packet); rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, ":CHAN1:SCAL?\n"); len = read(devc->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); buf[len] = 0; devc->scale = atof(buf); sr_dbg("scale is %f", devc->scale); rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, ":CHAN1:OFFS?\n"); len = read(devc->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); buf[len] = 0; devc->offset = atof(buf); sr_dbg("offset is %f", devc->offset); rigol_ds1xx2_send_data(devc->fd, ":WAV:DATA?\n"); return SR_OK; } static int hw_dev_acquisition_stop(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, void *cb_data) { struct dev_context *devc = sdi->priv; (void)cb_data; if (sdi->status != SR_ST_ACTIVE) { sr_err("Device inactive, can't stop acquisition."); return SR_ERR; } sr_source_remove(devc->fd); return SR_OK; } SR_PRIV struct sr_dev_driver rigol_ds1xx2_driver_info = { .name = "rigol-ds1xx2", .longname = "Rigol DS1xx2", .api_version = 1, .init = hw_init, .cleanup = hw_cleanup, .scan = hw_scan, .dev_list = hw_dev_list, .dev_clear = clear_instances, .dev_open = hw_dev_open, .dev_close = hw_dev_close, .info_get = hw_info_get, .dev_config_set = hw_dev_config_set, .dev_acquisition_start = hw_dev_acquisition_start, .dev_acquisition_stop = hw_dev_acquisition_stop, .priv = NULL, };