/* * This file is part of the sigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Bert Vermeulen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USB_VENDOR 0x0925 #define USB_PRODUCT 0x3881 #define USB_VENDOR_NAME "Saleae" #define USB_MODEL_NAME "Logic" #define USB_MODEL_VERSION "" #define USB_INTERFACE 0 #define USB_CONFIGURATION 1 #define NUM_PROBES 8 #define NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES 4 #define TRIGGER_TYPES "01" #define FIRMWARE FIRMWARE_DIR "/saleae-logic.fw" /* delay in ms */ #define FIRMWARE_RENUM_DELAY 2000 #define NUM_SIMUL_TRANSFERS 10 #define MAX_EMPTY_TRANSFERS (NUM_SIMUL_TRANSFERS * 2) /* Software trigger implementation: positive values indicate trigger stage. */ #define TRIGGER_FIRED -1 /* There is only one model Saleae Logic, and this is what it supports: */ static int capabilities[] = { SR_HWCAP_LOGIC_ANALYZER, SR_HWCAP_SAMPLERATE, /* These are really implemented in the driver, not the hardware. */ SR_HWCAP_LIMIT_SAMPLES, SR_HWCAP_CONTINUOUS, 0, }; /* List of struct sr_device_instance, maintained by opendev()/closedev(). */ static GSList *device_instances = NULL; /* * Since we can't keep track of a Saleae Logic device after upgrading the * firmware -- it re-enumerates into a different device address after the * upgrade -- this is like a global lock. No device will open until a proper * delay after the last device was upgraded. */ static GTimeVal firmware_updated = { 0, 0 }; static libusb_context *usb_context = NULL; static uint64_t supported_samplerates[] = { KHZ(200), KHZ(250), KHZ(500), MHZ(1), MHZ(2), MHZ(4), MHZ(8), MHZ(12), MHZ(16), MHZ(24), 0, }; static struct sr_samplerates samplerates = { KHZ(200), MHZ(24), 0, supported_samplerates, }; /* TODO: All of these should go in a device-specific struct. */ static uint64_t cur_samplerate = 0; static uint64_t limit_samples = 0; static uint8_t probe_mask = 0; static uint8_t trigger_mask[NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES] = { 0 }; static uint8_t trigger_value[NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES] = { 0 }; static uint8_t trigger_buffer[NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES] = { 0 }; static int trigger_stage = TRIGGER_FIRED; static int hw_set_configuration(int device_index, int capability, void *value); static void hw_stop_acquisition(int device_index, gpointer session_device_id); /** * Check the USB configuration to determine if this is a Saleae Logic. * * @return 1 if the device's configuration profile match the Logic firmware's * configuration, 0 otherwise. */ static int check_conf_profile(libusb_device *dev) { struct libusb_device_descriptor des; struct libusb_config_descriptor *conf_dsc = NULL; const struct libusb_interface_descriptor *intf_dsc; int ret = -1; while (ret == -1) { /* Assume it's not a Saleae Logic unless proven wrong. */ ret = 0; if (libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &des) != 0) break; if (des.bNumConfigurations != 1) /* Need exactly 1 configuration. */ break; if (libusb_get_config_descriptor(dev, 0, &conf_dsc) != 0) break; if (conf_dsc->bNumInterfaces != 1) /* Need exactly 1 interface. */ break; if (conf_dsc->interface[0].num_altsetting != 1) /* Need just one alternate setting. */ break; intf_dsc = &(conf_dsc->interface[0].altsetting[0]); if (intf_dsc->bNumEndpoints != 2) /* Need 2 endpoints. */ break; if ((intf_dsc->endpoint[0].bEndpointAddress & 0x8f) != (1 | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT)) /* First endpoint should be 1 (outbound). */ break; if ((intf_dsc->endpoint[1].bEndpointAddress & 0x8f) != (2 | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN)) /* First endpoint should be 2 (inbound). */ break; /* If we made it here, it must be a Saleae Logic. */ ret = 1; } if (conf_dsc) libusb_free_config_descriptor(conf_dsc); return ret; } static struct sr_device_instance *sl_open_device(int device_index) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; libusb_device **devlist; struct libusb_device_descriptor des; int err, skip, i; if (!(sdi = sr_get_device_instance(device_instances, device_index))) return NULL; libusb_get_device_list(usb_context, &devlist); if (sdi->status == SR_ST_INITIALIZING) { /* * This device was renumerating last time we touched it. * opendev() guarantees we've waited long enough for it to * have booted properly, so now we need to find it on * the bus and record its new address. */ skip = 0; for (i = 0; devlist[i]; i++) { /* TODO: Error handling. */ err = opendev2(device_index, &sdi, devlist[i], &des, &skip, USB_VENDOR, USB_PRODUCT, USB_INTERFACE); } } else if (sdi->status == SR_ST_INACTIVE) { /* * This device is fully enumerated, so we need to find this * device by vendor, product, bus and address. */ libusb_get_device_list(usb_context, &devlist); for (i = 0; devlist[i]; i++) { /* TODO: Error handling. */ err = opendev3(&sdi, devlist[i], &des, USB_VENDOR, USB_PRODUCT, USB_INTERFACE); } } else { /* Status must be SR_ST_ACTIVE, i.e. already in use... */ sdi = NULL; } libusb_free_device_list(devlist, 1); if (sdi && sdi->status != SR_ST_ACTIVE) sdi = NULL; return sdi; } static int upload_firmware(libusb_device *dev) { int ret; ret = ezusb_upload_firmware(dev, USB_CONFIGURATION, FIRMWARE); if (ret != 0) return 1; /* Remember when the last firmware update was done. */ g_get_current_time(&firmware_updated); return 0; } static void close_device(struct sr_device_instance *sdi) { if (sdi->usb->devhdl == NULL) return; g_message("saleae: closing device %d on %d.%d interface %d", sdi->index, sdi->usb->bus, sdi->usb->address, USB_INTERFACE); libusb_release_interface(sdi->usb->devhdl, USB_INTERFACE); libusb_close(sdi->usb->devhdl); sdi->usb->devhdl = NULL; sdi->status = SR_ST_INACTIVE; } static int configure_probes(GSList *probes) { struct sr_probe *probe; GSList *l; int probe_bit, stage, i; char *tc; probe_mask = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES; i++) { trigger_mask[i] = 0; trigger_value[i] = 0; } stage = -1; for (l = probes; l; l = l->next) { probe = (struct sr_probe *)l->data; if (probe->enabled == FALSE) continue; probe_bit = 1 << (probe->index - 1); probe_mask |= probe_bit; if (!(probe->trigger)) continue; stage = 0; for (tc = probe->trigger; *tc; tc++) { trigger_mask[stage] |= probe_bit; if (*tc == '1') trigger_value[stage] |= probe_bit; stage++; if (stage > NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES) return SR_ERR; } } if (stage == -1) /* * We didn't configure any triggers, make sure acquisition * doesn't wait for any. */ trigger_stage = TRIGGER_FIRED; else trigger_stage = 0; return SR_OK; } /* * API callbacks */ static int hw_init(char *deviceinfo) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; struct libusb_device_descriptor des; libusb_device **devlist; int err, devcnt, i; /* Avoid compiler warnings. */ deviceinfo = deviceinfo; if (libusb_init(&usb_context) != 0) { g_warning("Failed to initialize USB."); return 0; } /* Find all Saleae Logic devices and upload firmware to all of them. */ devcnt = 0; libusb_get_device_list(usb_context, &devlist); for (i = 0; devlist[i]; i++) { err = libusb_get_device_descriptor(devlist[i], &des); if (err != 0) { g_warning("failed to get device descriptor: %d", err); continue; } if (des.idVendor != USB_VENDOR || des.idProduct != USB_PRODUCT) continue; /* Not a Saleae Logic... */ sdi = sr_device_instance_new(devcnt, SR_ST_INITIALIZING, USB_VENDOR_NAME, USB_MODEL_NAME, USB_MODEL_VERSION); if (!sdi) return 0; device_instances = g_slist_append(device_instances, sdi); if (check_conf_profile(devlist[i]) == 0) { /* * Continue on the off chance that the device is in a * working state. TODO: Could maybe try a USB reset, * or uploading the firmware again. */ if (upload_firmware(devlist[i]) > 0) g_warning("firmware upload failed for " "device %d", devcnt); sdi->usb = sr_usb_device_instance_new (libusb_get_bus_number(devlist[i]), 0, NULL); } else { /* Already has the firmware, so fix the new address. */ sdi->usb = sr_usb_device_instance_new (libusb_get_bus_number(devlist[i]), libusb_get_device_address(devlist[i]), NULL); } devcnt++; } libusb_free_device_list(devlist, 1); return devcnt; } static int hw_opendev(int device_index) { GTimeVal cur_time; struct sr_device_instance *sdi; int timediff, err; unsigned int cur, upd; if (firmware_updated.tv_sec > 0) { /* Firmware was recently uploaded. */ g_get_current_time(&cur_time); cur = cur_time.tv_sec * 1000 + cur_time.tv_usec / 1000; upd = firmware_updated.tv_sec * 1000 + firmware_updated.tv_usec / 1000; timediff = cur - upd; if (timediff < FIRMWARE_RENUM_DELAY) { timediff = FIRMWARE_RENUM_DELAY - timediff; g_message("saleae: waiting %d ms for device to reset", timediff); g_usleep(timediff * 1000); firmware_updated.tv_sec = 0; } } if (!(sdi = sl_open_device(device_index))) { g_warning("unable to open device"); return SR_ERR; } err = libusb_claim_interface(sdi->usb->devhdl, USB_INTERFACE); if (err != 0) { g_warning("Unable to claim interface: %d", err); return SR_ERR; } if (cur_samplerate == 0) { /* Samplerate hasn't been set; default to the slowest one. */ if (hw_set_configuration(device_index, SR_HWCAP_SAMPLERATE, &supported_samplerates[0]) == SR_ERR) return SR_ERR; } return SR_OK; } static void hw_closedev(int device_index) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; if ((sdi = sr_get_device_instance(device_instances, device_index))) close_device(sdi); } static void hw_cleanup(void) { GSList *l; /* Properly close all devices... */ for (l = device_instances; l; l = l->next) close_device((struct sr_device_instance *)l->data); /* ...and free all their memory. */ for (l = device_instances; l; l = l->next) g_free(l->data); g_slist_free(device_instances); device_instances = NULL; if (usb_context) libusb_exit(usb_context); usb_context = NULL; } static void *hw_get_device_info(int device_index, int device_info_id) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; void *info = NULL; if (!(sdi = sr_get_device_instance(device_instances, device_index))) return NULL; switch (device_info_id) { case SR_DI_INSTANCE: info = sdi; break; case SR_DI_NUM_PROBES: info = GINT_TO_POINTER(NUM_PROBES); break; case SR_DI_SAMPLERATES: info = &samplerates; break; case SR_DI_TRIGGER_TYPES: info = TRIGGER_TYPES; break; case SR_DI_CUR_SAMPLERATE: info = &cur_samplerate; break; } return info; } static int hw_get_status(int device_index) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; sdi = sr_get_device_instance(device_instances, device_index); if (sdi) return sdi->status; else return SR_ST_NOT_FOUND; } static int *hw_get_capabilities(void) { return capabilities; } static int set_configuration_samplerate(struct sr_device_instance *sdi, uint64_t samplerate) { uint8_t divider; int ret, result, i; unsigned char buf[2]; for (i = 0; supported_samplerates[i]; i++) { if (supported_samplerates[i] == samplerate) break; } if (supported_samplerates[i] == 0) return SR_ERR_SAMPLERATE; divider = (uint8_t) (48 / (samplerate / 1000000.0)) - 1; g_message("saleae: setting samplerate to %" PRIu64 " Hz (divider %d)", samplerate, divider); buf[0] = 0x01; buf[1] = divider; ret = libusb_bulk_transfer(sdi->usb->devhdl, 1 | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, buf, 2, &result, 500); if (ret != 0) { g_warning("failed to set samplerate: %d", ret); return SR_ERR; } cur_samplerate = samplerate; return SR_OK; } static int hw_set_configuration(int device_index, int capability, void *value) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; int ret; uint64_t *tmp_u64; if (!(sdi = sr_get_device_instance(device_instances, device_index))) return SR_ERR; if (capability == SR_HWCAP_SAMPLERATE) { tmp_u64 = value; ret = set_configuration_samplerate(sdi, *tmp_u64); } else if (capability == SR_HWCAP_PROBECONFIG) { ret = configure_probes((GSList *) value); } else if (capability == SR_HWCAP_LIMIT_SAMPLES) { tmp_u64 = value; limit_samples = *tmp_u64; ret = SR_OK; } else { ret = SR_ERR; } return ret; } static int receive_data(int fd, int revents, void *user_data) { struct timeval tv; /* Avoid compiler warnings. */ fd = fd; revents = revents; user_data = user_data; tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0; libusb_handle_events_timeout(usb_context, &tv); return TRUE; } void receive_transfer(struct libusb_transfer *transfer) { static int num_samples = 0; static int empty_transfer_count = 0; struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; void *user_data; int cur_buflen, trigger_offset, i; unsigned char *cur_buf, *new_buf; /* hw_stop_acquisition() is telling us to stop. */ if (transfer == NULL) num_samples = -1; /* * If acquisition has already ended, just free any queued up * transfer that come in. */ if (num_samples == -1) { if (transfer) libusb_free_transfer(transfer); return; } g_message("saleae: receive_transfer(): status %d received %d bytes", transfer->status, transfer->actual_length); /* Save incoming transfer before reusing the transfer struct. */ cur_buf = transfer->buffer; cur_buflen = transfer->actual_length; user_data = transfer->user_data; /* Fire off a new request. */ new_buf = g_malloc(4096); transfer->buffer = new_buf; transfer->length = 4096; if (libusb_submit_transfer(transfer) != 0) { /* TODO: Stop session? */ g_warning("eek"); } if (cur_buflen == 0) { empty_transfer_count++; if (empty_transfer_count > MAX_EMPTY_TRANSFERS) { /* * The FX2 gave up. End the acquisition, the frontend * will work out that the samplecount is short. */ hw_stop_acquisition(-1, user_data); } return; } else { empty_transfer_count = 0; } trigger_offset = 0; if (trigger_stage >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < cur_buflen; i++) { if ((cur_buf[i] & trigger_mask[trigger_stage]) == trigger_value[trigger_stage]) { /* Match on this trigger stage. */ trigger_buffer[trigger_stage] = cur_buf[i]; trigger_stage++; if (trigger_stage == NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES || trigger_mask[trigger_stage] == 0) { /* Match on all trigger stages, we're done. */ trigger_offset = i + 1; /* * TODO: Send pre-trigger buffer to session bus. * Tell the frontend we hit the trigger here. */ packet.type = SR_DF_TRIGGER; packet.length = 0; sr_session_bus(user_data, &packet); /* * Send the samples that triggered it, since we're * skipping past them. */ packet.type = SR_DF_LOGIC; packet.length = trigger_stage; packet.unitsize = 1; packet.payload = trigger_buffer; sr_session_bus(user_data, &packet); trigger_stage = TRIGGER_FIRED; break; } return; } /* * We had a match before, but not in the next sample. However, we may * have a match on this stage in the next bit -- trigger on 0001 will * fail on seeing 00001, so we need to go back to stage 0 -- but at * the next sample from the one that matched originally, which the * counter increment at the end of the loop takes care of. */ if (trigger_stage > 0) { i -= trigger_stage; if (i < -1) i = -1; /* Oops, went back past this buffer. */ /* Reset trigger stage. */ trigger_stage = 0; } } } if (trigger_stage == TRIGGER_FIRED) { /* Send the incoming transfer to the session bus. */ packet.type = SR_DF_LOGIC; packet.length = cur_buflen - trigger_offset; packet.unitsize = 1; packet.payload = cur_buf + trigger_offset; sr_session_bus(user_data, &packet); g_free(cur_buf); num_samples += cur_buflen; if (limit_samples && (unsigned int) num_samples > limit_samples) { hw_stop_acquisition(-1, user_data); } } else { /* * TODO: Buffer pre-trigger data in capture * ratio-sized buffer. */ } } static int hw_start_acquisition(int device_index, gpointer session_device_id) { struct sr_device_instance *sdi; struct sr_datafeed_packet *packet; struct sr_datafeed_header *header; struct libusb_transfer *transfer; const struct libusb_pollfd **lupfd; int size, i; unsigned char *buf; if (!(sdi = sr_get_device_instance(device_instances, device_index))) return SR_ERR; packet = g_malloc(sizeof(struct sr_datafeed_packet)); header = g_malloc(sizeof(struct sr_datafeed_header)); if (!packet || !header) return SR_ERR; /* Start with 2K transfer, subsequently increased to 4K. */ size = 2048; for (i = 0; i < NUM_SIMUL_TRANSFERS; i++) { buf = g_malloc(size); transfer = libusb_alloc_transfer(0); libusb_fill_bulk_transfer(transfer, sdi->usb->devhdl, 2 | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, buf, size, receive_transfer, session_device_id, 40); if (libusb_submit_transfer(transfer) != 0) { /* TODO: Free them all. */ libusb_free_transfer(transfer); g_free(buf); return SR_ERR; } size = 4096; } lupfd = libusb_get_pollfds(usb_context); for (i = 0; lupfd[i]; i++) sr_source_add(lupfd[i]->fd, lupfd[i]->events, 40, receive_data, NULL); free(lupfd); packet->type = SR_DF_HEADER; packet->length = sizeof(struct sr_datafeed_header); packet->payload = (unsigned char *)header; header->feed_version = 1; gettimeofday(&header->starttime, NULL); header->samplerate = cur_samplerate; header->protocol_id = SR_PROTO_RAW; header->num_logic_probes = NUM_PROBES; header->num_analog_probes = 0; sr_session_bus(session_device_id, packet); g_free(header); g_free(packet); return SR_OK; } /* This stops acquisition on ALL devices, ignoring device_index. */ static void hw_stop_acquisition(int device_index, gpointer session_device_id) { struct sr_datafeed_packet packet; /* Avoid compiler warnings. */ device_index = device_index; packet.type = SR_DF_END; sr_session_bus(session_device_id, &packet); receive_transfer(NULL); /* TODO: Need to cancel and free any queued up transfers. */ } struct sr_device_plugin saleae_logic_plugin_info = { "saleae-logic", "Saleae Logic", 1, hw_init, hw_cleanup, hw_opendev, hw_closedev, hw_get_device_info, hw_get_status, hw_get_capabilities, hw_set_configuration, hw_start_acquisition, hw_stop_acquisition, };