/* * This file is part of the sigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Uwe Hermann * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #define BUFSIZE 4096 #define NUM_PROBES 8 #define NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES 4 #define TRIGGER_TYPES "01" /* Software trigger implementation: positive values indicate trigger stage. */ #define TRIGGER_FIRED -1 #define USB_MODEL_NAME "demodevice" #define USB_VENDOR_NAME "demovendor" #define USB_MODEL_VERSION "1.0" #define GENMODE_RANDOM 1 #define GENMODE_INC 2 static GThread *my_thread; static int thread_running; static int capabilities[] = { HWCAP_LOGIC_ANALYZER, HWCAP_SAMPLERATE, HWCAP_LIMIT_SAMPLES, }; /* Random selection of samplerates this "device" shall support. */ static uint64_t supported_samplerates[] = { KHZ(100), KHZ(500), MHZ(1), MHZ(2), MHZ(12), MHZ(24), 0, }; static struct samplerates samplerates = { KHZ(100), MHZ(24), 0, supported_samplerates, }; struct databag { int pipe_fds[2]; uint8_t sample_generator; uint8_t thread_running; uint64_t samples_counter; int device_index; int loop_sleep; gpointer session_device_id; }; /* List of struct sigrok_device_instance, maintained by opendev()/closedev(). */ static GSList *device_instances = NULL; /* TODO: All of these should go in a device-specific struct. */ static uint64_t cur_samplerate = 0; static uint64_t limit_samples = 0; // static uint8_t probe_mask = 0; // static uint8_t trigger_mask[NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES] = { 0 }; // static uint8_t trigger_value[NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES] = { 0 }; // static uint8_t trigger_buffer[NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES] = { 0 }; // static int trigger_stage = TRIGGER_FIRED; static int hw_set_configuration(int device_index, int capability, void *value); static void hw_stop_acquisition(int device_index, gpointer session_device_id); static int hw_init(char *deviceinfo) { /* Avoid compiler warning. */ deviceinfo = deviceinfo; struct sigrok_device_instance *sdi; sdi = sigrok_device_instance_new(0, ST_ACTIVE, USB_VENDOR_NAME, USB_MODEL_NAME, USB_MODEL_VERSION); if (!sdi) return 0; device_instances = g_slist_append(device_instances, sdi); return 1; } static int hw_opendev(int device_index) { /* Avoid compiler warning. */ device_index = device_index; /* Nothing needed so far. */ return SIGROK_OK; } static void hw_closedev(int device_index) { /* Avoid compiler warning. */ device_index = device_index; /* Nothing needed so far. */ } static void hw_cleanup(void) { /* Nothing needed so far. */ } static void *hw_get_device_info(int device_index, int device_info_id) { struct sigrok_device_instance *sdi; void *info = NULL; if (!(sdi = get_sigrok_device_instance(device_instances, device_index))) return NULL; switch (device_info_id) { case DI_INSTANCE: info = sdi; break; case DI_NUM_PROBES: info = GINT_TO_POINTER(NUM_PROBES); break; case DI_SAMPLERATES: info = &samplerates; break; case DI_TRIGGER_TYPES: info = TRIGGER_TYPES; break; case DI_CUR_SAMPLERATE: info = &cur_samplerate; break; } return info; } static int hw_get_status(int device_index) { /* Avoid compiler warning. */ device_index = device_index; return 0; /* FIXME */ } static int *hw_get_capabilities(void) { return capabilities; } static int hw_set_configuration(int device_index, int capability, void *value) { int ret; uint64_t *tmp_u64; /* Avoid compiler warning. */ device_index = device_index; if (capability == HWCAP_SAMPLERATE) { cur_samplerate = *(uint64_t *) value; ret = SIGROK_OK; } else if (capability == HWCAP_PROBECONFIG) { // ret = configure_probes((GSList *) value); FIXME ret = SIGROK_OK; } else if (capability == HWCAP_LIMIT_SAMPLES) { tmp_u64 = value; limit_samples = *tmp_u64; ret = SIGROK_OK; } else { ret = SIGROK_ERR; } return ret; } static void samples_generator(uint8_t *buf, uint64_t size, void *data) { struct databag *mydata = data; uint64_t i; memset(buf, 0, size); switch (mydata->sample_generator) { case GENMODE_RANDOM: /* Random */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) *(buf + i) = (uint8_t)(rand() & 0xff); break; case GENMODE_INC: /* Simple increment */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) *(buf + i) = i; break; } } /* Thread function */ static void thread_func(void *data) { struct databag *mydata = data; uint8_t buf[BUFSIZE]; uint64_t nb_to_send = 0; while (thread_running) { nb_to_send = limit_samples - mydata->samples_counter; if (nb_to_send == 0) { close(mydata->pipe_fds[1]); thread_running = 0; hw_stop_acquisition(mydata->device_index, mydata->session_device_id); } else if (nb_to_send > BUFSIZE) { nb_to_send = BUFSIZE; } samples_generator(buf, nb_to_send, data); mydata->samples_counter += nb_to_send; write(mydata->pipe_fds[1], &buf, nb_to_send); g_usleep(mydata->loop_sleep); } } /* Callback handling data */ static int receive_data(int fd, int revents, void *user_data) { struct datafeed_packet packet; /* uint16_t samples[1000]; */ char c[BUFSIZE]; uint64_t z; /* Avoid compiler warnings. */ revents = revents; z = read(fd, &c, BUFSIZE); if (z > 0) { packet.type = DF_LOGIC; packet.length = z; packet.unitsize = 1; packet.payload = c; session_bus(user_data, &packet); } return TRUE; } static int hw_start_acquisition(int device_index, gpointer session_device_id) { struct datafeed_packet *packet; struct datafeed_header *header; unsigned char *buf; struct databag *mydata; mydata = malloc(sizeof(struct databag)); if (!mydata) return SIGROK_ERR_MALLOC; mydata->sample_generator = GENMODE_RANDOM; mydata->session_device_id = session_device_id; mydata->device_index = device_index; mydata->samples_counter = 0; mydata->loop_sleep = 100000; if (pipe(mydata->pipe_fds)) { fprintf(stderr, "Pipe failed.\n"); return SIGROK_ERR_MALLOC; /* FIXME */ } source_add(mydata->pipe_fds[0], G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR, 40, receive_data, session_device_id); /* Run the demo thread. */ g_thread_init(NULL); thread_running = 1; my_thread = g_thread_create((GThreadFunc)thread_func, mydata, TRUE, NULL); if (!my_thread) { fprintf(stderr, "demo: Thread creation failed.\n"); return SIGROK_ERR_MALLOC; /* FIXME */ } packet = malloc(sizeof(struct datafeed_packet)); header = malloc(sizeof(struct datafeed_header)); buf = malloc(2048); if (!packet || !header || !buf) return SIGROK_ERR_MALLOC; /* FIXME */ memset(buf, 0x55, 2048); packet->type = DF_HEADER; packet->length = sizeof(struct datafeed_header); packet->payload = (unsigned char *)header; header->feed_version = 1; gettimeofday(&header->starttime, NULL); header->samplerate = cur_samplerate; header->protocol_id = PROTO_RAW; header->num_probes = NUM_PROBES; session_bus(session_device_id, packet); free(header); free(packet); return SIGROK_OK; } /* This stops acquisition on ALL devices, ignoring device_index. */ static void hw_stop_acquisition(int device_index, gpointer session_device_id) { struct datafeed_packet packet; /* QUICK HACK */ device_index = device_index; /* Send last packet. */ packet.type = DF_END; session_bus(session_device_id, &packet); } struct device_plugin demo_plugin_info = { "demo", 1, hw_init, hw_cleanup, hw_opendev, hw_closedev, hw_get_device_info, hw_get_status, hw_get_capabilities, hw_set_configuration, hw_start_acquisition, hw_stop_acquisition, };