/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Bert Vermeulen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libsigrok-internal.h" /** @cond PRIVATE */ #define LOG_PREFIX "session-file" /** @endcond */ /** * @file * * Loading and saving libsigrok session files. */ /** * @addtogroup grp_session * * @{ */ extern SR_PRIV struct sr_dev_driver session_driver; static int session_driver_initialized = 0; #if !HAVE_ZIP_DISCARD /* Replacement for zip_discard() if it isn't available. */ /** @private */ SR_PRIV void sr_zip_discard(struct zip *archive) { if (zip_unchange_all(archive) < 0 || zip_close(archive) < 0) sr_err("Failed to discard ZIP archive: %s", zip_strerror(archive)); } #endif /** * Read metadata entries from a session archive. * * @param[in] archive An open ZIP archive. * @param[in] entry Stat buffer filled in for the metadata archive member. * * @return A new key/value store containing the session metadata. * * @private */ SR_PRIV GKeyFile *sr_sessionfile_read_metadata(struct zip *archive, const struct zip_stat *entry) { GKeyFile *keyfile; GError *error; struct zip_file *zf; char *metabuf; int metalen; if (entry->size > G_MAXINT || !(metabuf = g_try_malloc(entry->size))) { sr_err("Metadata buffer allocation failed."); return NULL; } zf = zip_fopen_index(archive, entry->index, 0); if (!zf) { sr_err("Failed to open metadata: %s", zip_strerror(archive)); g_free(metabuf); return NULL; } metalen = zip_fread(zf, metabuf, entry->size); if (metalen < 0) { sr_err("Failed to read metadata: %s", zip_file_strerror(zf)); zip_fclose(zf); g_free(metabuf); return NULL; } zip_fclose(zf); keyfile = g_key_file_new(); error = NULL; g_key_file_load_from_data(keyfile, metabuf, metalen, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error); g_free(metabuf); if (error) { sr_err("Failed to parse metadata: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); g_key_file_free(keyfile); return NULL; } return keyfile; } /** @private */ SR_PRIV int sr_sessionfile_check(const char *filename) { struct zip *archive; struct zip_file *zf; struct zip_stat zs; uint64_t version; int ret; char s[11]; if (!filename) return SR_ERR_ARG; if (!g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { sr_err("Not a regular file: %s.", filename); return SR_ERR; } if (!(archive = zip_open(filename, 0, NULL))) /* No logging: this can be used just to check if it's * a sigrok session file or not. */ return SR_ERR; /* check "version" */ if (!(zf = zip_fopen(archive, "version", 0))) { sr_dbg("Not a sigrok session file: no version found."); zip_discard(archive); return SR_ERR; } ret = zip_fread(zf, s, sizeof(s) - 1); if (ret < 0) { sr_err("Failed to read version file: %s", zip_file_strerror(zf)); zip_fclose(zf); zip_discard(archive); return SR_ERR; } zip_fclose(zf); s[ret] = '\0'; version = g_ascii_strtoull(s, NULL, 10); if (version == 0 || version > 2) { sr_dbg("Cannot handle sigrok session file version %" PRIu64 ".", version); zip_discard(archive); return SR_ERR; } sr_spew("Detected sigrok session file version %" PRIu64 ".", version); /* read "metadata" */ if (zip_stat(archive, "metadata", 0, &zs) < 0) { sr_dbg("Not a valid sigrok session file."); zip_discard(archive); return SR_ERR; } zip_discard(archive); return SR_OK; } /** @private */ SR_PRIV struct sr_dev_inst *sr_session_prepare_sdi(const char *filename, struct sr_session **session) { struct sr_dev_inst *sdi = NULL; sdi = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct sr_dev_inst)); sdi->driver = &session_driver; sdi->status = SR_ST_ACTIVE; if (!session_driver_initialized) { /* first device, init the driver */ session_driver_initialized = 1; sdi->driver->init(sdi->driver, NULL); } sr_dev_open(sdi); sr_session_dev_add(*session, sdi); (*session)->owned_devs = g_slist_append((*session)->owned_devs, sdi); sr_config_set(sdi, NULL, SR_CONF_SESSIONFILE, g_variant_new_string(filename)); return sdi; } /** * Load the session from the specified filename. * * @param ctx The context in which to load the session. * @param filename The name of the session file to load. * @param session The session to load the file into. * * @retval SR_OK Success * @retval SR_ERR_MALLOC Memory allocation error * @retval SR_ERR_DATA Malformed session file * @retval SR_ERR This is not a session file */ SR_API int sr_session_load(struct sr_context *ctx, const char *filename, struct sr_session **session) { GKeyFile *kf; GError *error; struct zip *archive; struct zip_stat zs; struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct sr_channel *ch; int ret, i, j; uint64_t tmp_u64; int total_channels, total_analog, k; GSList *l; int unitsize; char **sections, **keys, *val; char channelname[SR_MAX_CHANNELNAME_LEN + 1]; gboolean file_has_logic; if ((ret = sr_sessionfile_check(filename)) != SR_OK) return ret; if (!(archive = zip_open(filename, 0, NULL))) return SR_ERR; if (zip_stat(archive, "metadata", 0, &zs) < 0) { zip_discard(archive); return SR_ERR; } kf = sr_sessionfile_read_metadata(archive, &zs); zip_discard(archive); if (!kf) return SR_ERR_DATA; if ((ret = sr_session_new(ctx, session)) != SR_OK) { g_key_file_free(kf); return ret; } total_channels = 0; error = NULL; ret = SR_OK; file_has_logic = FALSE; sections = g_key_file_get_groups(kf, NULL); for (i = 0; sections[i] && ret == SR_OK; i++) { if (!strcmp(sections[i], "global")) /* nothing really interesting in here yet */ continue; if (!strncmp(sections[i], "device ", 7)) { /* device section */ sdi = NULL; keys = g_key_file_get_keys(kf, sections[i], NULL, NULL); /* File contains analog data if there are analog channels. */ total_analog = g_key_file_get_integer(kf, sections[i], "total analog", &error); if (total_analog > 0 && !error) sdi = sr_session_prepare_sdi(filename, session); g_clear_error(&error); /* File contains logic data if a capturefile is set. */ val = g_key_file_get_string(kf, sections[i], "capturefile", &error); if (val && !error) { if (!sdi) sdi = sr_session_prepare_sdi(filename, session); sr_config_set(sdi, NULL, SR_CONF_CAPTUREFILE, g_variant_new_string(val)); g_free(val); file_has_logic = TRUE; } g_clear_error(&error); for (j = 0; keys[j]; j++) { if (!strcmp(keys[j], "samplerate")) { val = g_key_file_get_string(kf, sections[i], keys[j], &error); if (!sdi || !val || sr_parse_sizestring(val, &tmp_u64) != SR_OK) { g_free(val); ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } g_free(val); sr_config_set(sdi, NULL, SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, g_variant_new_uint64(tmp_u64)); } else if (!strcmp(keys[j], "unitsize") && file_has_logic) { unitsize = g_key_file_get_integer(kf, sections[i], keys[j], &error); if (!sdi || unitsize <= 0 || error) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } sr_config_set(sdi, NULL, SR_CONF_CAPTURE_UNITSIZE, g_variant_new_uint64(unitsize)); } else if (!strcmp(keys[j], "total probes")) { total_channels = g_key_file_get_integer(kf, sections[i], keys[j], &error); if (!sdi || total_channels < 0 || error) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } sr_config_set(sdi, NULL, SR_CONF_NUM_LOGIC_CHANNELS, g_variant_new_int32(total_channels)); for (k = 0; k < total_channels; k++) { g_snprintf(channelname, sizeof(channelname), "%d", k); sr_channel_new(sdi, k, SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC, FALSE, channelname); } } else if (!strcmp(keys[j], "total analog")) { total_analog = g_key_file_get_integer(kf, sections[i], keys[j], &error); if (!sdi || total_analog < 0 || error) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } sr_config_set(sdi, NULL, SR_CONF_NUM_ANALOG_CHANNELS, g_variant_new_int32(total_analog)); for (k = total_channels; k < (total_channels + total_analog); k++) { g_snprintf(channelname, sizeof(channelname), "%d", k); sr_channel_new(sdi, k, SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG, FALSE, channelname); } } else if (!strncmp(keys[j], "probe", 5)) { tmp_u64 = g_ascii_strtoull(keys[j] + 5, NULL, 10); if (!sdi || tmp_u64 == 0 || tmp_u64 > G_MAXINT) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } ch = g_slist_nth_data(sdi->channels, tmp_u64 - 1); if (!ch) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } val = g_key_file_get_string(kf, sections[i], keys[j], &error); if (!val) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } /* sr_session_save() */ sr_dev_channel_name_set(ch, val); g_free(val); sr_dev_channel_enable(ch, TRUE); } else if (!strncmp(keys[j], "analog", 6)) { tmp_u64 = g_ascii_strtoull(keys[j]+6, NULL, 10); if (!sdi || tmp_u64 == 0 || tmp_u64 > G_MAXINT) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } ch = NULL; for (l = sdi->channels; l; l = l->next) { ch = l->data; if ((guint64)ch->index == tmp_u64 - 1) break; else ch = NULL; } if (!ch) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } val = g_key_file_get_string(kf, sections[i], keys[j], &error); if (!val) { ret = SR_ERR_DATA; break; } /* sr_session_save() */ sr_dev_channel_name_set(ch, val); g_free(val); sr_dev_channel_enable(ch, TRUE); } } g_strfreev(keys); } } g_strfreev(sections); g_key_file_free(kf); if (error) { sr_err("Failed to parse metadata: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } return ret; } /** @} */