## ## This file is part of the libsigrok project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Bert Vermeulen ## Copyright (C) 2012 Alexandru Gagniuc ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see . ## # We require at least autoconf 2.63 (AC_INIT format changed there). AC_PREREQ([2.63]) # libsigrok package version number (NOT the same as shared lib version!). m4_define([sr_package_version_major], [0]) m4_define([sr_package_version_minor], [2]) m4_define([sr_package_version_micro], [1]) m4_define([sr_package_version], [sr_package_version_major.sr_package_version_minor.sr_package_version_micro]) AC_INIT([libsigrok], [sr_package_version], [sigrok-devel@lists.sourceforge.net], [libsigrok], [http://www.sigrok.org]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([autostuff]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([autostuff]) # We require at least automake 1.11 (needed for 'silent rules'). AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11 -Wall -Werror check-news color-tests]) m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) m4_ifdef([AM_PROG_AR], [AM_PROG_AR]) AH_TOP([#ifndef SR_CONFIG_H #define SR_CONFIG_H /* To stop multiple inclusions. */]) AH_BOTTOM([#endif /* SR_CONFIG_H */]) # Enable more compiler warnings via -Wall and -Wextra. Add -fvisibility=hidden # and enforce use of SR_API to explicitly mark all public API functions. CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wextra -fvisibility=hidden" # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S # Required for per-target flags or subdir-objects with C sources. AM_PROG_CC_C_O # Initialize libtool. LT_INIT # Initialize pkg-config. # We require at least 0.22, as "Requires.private" behaviour changed there. PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG([0.22]) # Library version for libsigrok (NOT the same as the package version). # Carefully read the libtool docs before updating these numbers! # The algorithm for determining which number to change (and how) is nontrivial! # http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libtool.html#Updating-version-info SR_LIB_VERSION_CURRENT=1 SR_LIB_VERSION_REVISION=1 SR_LIB_VERSION_AGE=0 SR_LIB_VERSION="$SR_LIB_VERSION_CURRENT:$SR_LIB_VERSION_REVISION:$SR_LIB_VERSION_AGE" SR_LIB_LDFLAGS="-version-info $SR_LIB_VERSION" AC_SUBST(SR_LIB_VERSION_CURRENT) AC_SUBST(SR_LIB_VERSION_REVISION) AC_SUBST(SR_LIB_VERSION_AGE) AC_SUBST(SR_LIB_VERSION) AC_SUBST(SR_LIB_LDFLAGS) # Hardware support '--enable' options. AC_ARG_ENABLE(all-drivers, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-all-drivers], [enable all drivers by default [default=yes]]), [HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT="$enableval"], [HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT="yes"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(agilent-dmm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-agilent-dmm], [enable Agilent DMM support [default=yes]]), [HW_AGILENT_DMM="$enableval"], [HW_AGILENT_DMM=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(alsa, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-alsa], [enable ALSA driver support [default=yes]]), [HW_ALSA="$enableval"], [HW_ALSA=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(asix-sigma, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-asix-sigma], [enable ASIX SIGMA/SIGMA2 support [default=yes]]), [HW_ASIX_SIGMA="$enableval"], [HW_ASIX_SIGMA=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(brymen-dmm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-brymen-dmm], [enable Brymen DMM support [default=yes]]), [HW_BRYMEN_DMM="$enableval"], [HW_BRYMEN_DMM=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(cem-dt-885x, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-cem-dt-885x], [enable CEM DT-885x support [default=yes]]), [HW_CEM_DT_885X="$enableval"], [HW_CEM_DT_885X=yes]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(chronovu-la8, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-chronovu-la8], [enable ChronoVu LA8 support [default=yes]]), [HW_CHRONOVU_LA8="$enableval"], [HW_CHRONOVU_LA8=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(colead-slm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-colead-slm], [enable Colead SLM support [default=yes]]), [HW_COLEAD_SLM="$enableval"], [HW_COLEAD_SLM=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(demo, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-demo], [enable demo driver support [default=yes]]), [HW_DEMO="$enableval"], [HW_DEMO=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fluke-dmm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fluke-dmm], [enable Fluke DMM support [default=yes]]), [HW_FLUKE_DMM="$enableval"], [HW_FLUKE_DMM=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fx2lafw, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fx2lafw], [enable fx2lafw support (for FX2 LAs). [default=yes]]), [HW_FX2LAFW="$enableval"], [HW_FX2LAFW=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(hantek-dso, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-hantek-dso], [enable Hantek DSO support [default=yes]]), [HW_HANTEK_DSO="$enableval"], [HW_HANTEK_DSO=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ikalogic-scanalogic2, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-ikalogic-scanalogic2], [enable IKALOGIC Scanalogic-2 support [default=yes]]), [HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2="$enableval"], [HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2=yes]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ikalogic-scanaplus, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-ikalogic-scanaplus], [enable IKALOGIC ScanaPLUS support [default=yes]]), [HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS="$enableval"], [HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS=yes]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(kecheng-kc-330b, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-kecheng-kc-330b], [enable Kecheng KC-330B support [default=yes]]), [HW_KECHENG_KC_330B="$enableval"], [HW_KECHENG_KC_330B=yes]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(lascar-el-usb, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-lascar-el-usb], [enable Lascar EL-USB support [default=yes]]), [HW_LASCAR_EL_USB="$enableval"], [HW_LASCAR_EL_USB=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(link-mso19, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-link-mso19], [enable Link Instruments MSO-19 support [default=no]]), [HW_LINK_MSO19="$enableval"], [HW_LINK_MSO19="no"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(mic-985xx, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-mic-985xx], [enable MIC 985xx support [default=yes]]), [HW_MIC_985XX="$enableval"], [HW_MIC_985XX=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ols, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-ols], [enable OpenBench Logic Sniffer (OLS) support [default=yes]]), [HW_OLS="$enableval"], [HW_OLS=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(rigol-ds1xx2, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-rigol-ds1xx2], [enable Rigol DS1xx2 support [default=yes]]), [HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2="$enableval"], [HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(serial-dmm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-serial-dmm], [enable serial DMM support [default=yes]]), [HW_SERIAL_DMM="$enableval"], [HW_SERIAL_DMM=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(tondaj-sl-814, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-tondaj-sl-814], [enable Tondaj SL-814 support [default=yes]]), [HW_TONDAJ_SL_814="$enableval"], [HW_TONDAJ_SL_814=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(uni-t-dmm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-uni-t-dmm], [enable UNI-T DMM support [default=yes]]), [HW_UNI_T_DMM="$enableval"], [HW_UNI_T_DMM=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(victor-dmm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-victor-dmm], [enable victor-dmm support [default=yes]]), [HW_VICTOR_DMM="$enableval"], [HW_VICTOR_DMM=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(zeroplus-logic-cube, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-zeroplus-logic-cube], [enable ZEROPLUS Logic Cube support [default=yes]]), [HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE="$enableval"], [HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE=$HW_ENABLED_DEFAULT]) # Checks for libraries. # This variable collects the pkg-config names of all detected libs. # It is then used to construct the "Requires.private:" field in the # libsigrok.pc file. SR_PKGLIBS="" # libm (the standard math library) is always needed. AC_SEARCH_LIBS([pow], [m]) # libglib-2.0 is always needed. Abort if it's not found. # Note: glib-2.0 is part of the libsigrok API (hard pkg-config requirement). # We require at least 2.32.0 due to e.g. g_variant_new_fixed_array(). AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0([2.32.0], [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $GLIB_CFLAGS"; LIBS="$LIBS $GLIB_LIBS"]) # libzip is always needed. Abort if it's not found. PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libzip], [libzip >= 0.8], [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $libzip_CFLAGS"; LIBS="$LIBS $libzip_LIBS"; SR_PKGLIBS="$SR_PKGLIBS libzip"]) # libusb-1.0 is only needed for some hardware drivers. Disable the respective # drivers if it is not found. case "$host" in *freebsd*) # FreeBSD comes with an "integrated" libusb-1.0-style USB API. # This means libusb-1.0 is always available, no need to check for it, # and no need to (potentially) disable any drivers if it's not found. AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBUSB_1_0, [1], [Specifies whether we have a libusb.h header.]) ;; *) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libusb], [libusb-1.0 >= 1.0.9], [have_libusb1_0="yes"; CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $libusb_CFLAGS"; LIBS="$LIBS $libusb_LIBS"; SR_PKGLIBS="$SR_PKGLIBS libusb-1.0"], [have_libusb1_0="no"; HW_FX2LAFW="no"; HW_HANTEK_DSO="no"; HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2="no"; HW_KECHENG_KC_330B="no"; HW_LASCAR_EL_USB="no"; HW_UNI_T_DMM="no"; HW_VICTOR_DMM="no"; HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE="no"]) # Define HAVE_LIBUSB_1_0 in config.h if we found libusb-1.0. if test "x$have_libusb1_0" != "xno"; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBUSB_1_0, [1], [Specifies whether we have a libusb.h header.]) fi ;; esac # USB + FX2 firmware helper code is only compiled in if libusb-1.0 was found. AM_CONDITIONAL(NEED_USB, test "x$have_libusb1_0" != xno) # libftdi is only needed for some hardware drivers. Disable them if not found. PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libftdi], [libftdi >= 0.16], [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $libftdi_CFLAGS"; LIBS="$LIBS $libftdi_LIBS"; SR_PKGLIBS="$SR_PKGLIBS libftdi"], [HW_ASIX_SIGMA="no"; HW_CHRONOVU_LA8="no"; HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS="no"]) # libudev is only needed for some hardware drivers. Disable them if not found. PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libudev], [libudev >= 151], [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $libudev_CFLAGS"; LIBS="$LIBS $libudev_LIBS"; SR_PKGLIBS="$SR_PKGLIBS libudev"], [HW_LINK_MSO19="no"]) # ALSA is only needed for some hardware drivers. Disable them if not found. PKG_CHECK_MODULES([alsa], [alsa >= 1.0], [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $alsa_CFLAGS"; LIBS="$LIBS $alsa_LIBS"; SR_PKGLIBS="$SR_PKGLIBS alsa"], [HW_ALSA="no"]) # The Check unit testing framework is optional. Disable if not found. PKG_CHECK_MODULES([check], [check >= 0.9.4], [have_check="yes"; CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $check_CFLAGS"; LIBS="$LIBS $check_LIBS"], [have_check="no"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_CHECK, test x"$have_check" = "xyes") # The Rigol DS1xx2 driver currently uses the Linux kernel usbtmc module # (though it is planned to rewrite the driver to be portable later). # Thus, it will be disabled for non-Linux builds for now. case "$host" in *linux*) # Do nothing. Whether the driver is enabled is determined by the # previous --enable-all-drivers/--disable-all-drivers and/or any # --enable-rigol-ds1xx2/--disable-rigol-ds1xx2 options. ;; *) # Disable the driver for builds that don't target Linux. HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2="no" ;; esac AC_SUBST(SR_PKGLIBS) # Now set AM_CONDITIONALs and AC_DEFINEs for the enabled/disabled drivers. AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_AGILENT_DMM, test x$HW_AGILENT_DMM = xyes) if test "x$HW_AGILENT_DMM" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_AGILENT_DMM, 1, [Agilent DMM support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_ALSA, test x$HW_ALSA = xyes) if test "x$HW_ALSA" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_ALSA, 1, [ALSA driver support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_ASIX_SIGMA, test x$HW_ASIX_SIGMA = xyes) if test "x$HW_ASIX_SIGMA" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_ASIX_SIGMA, 1, [ASIX SIGMA/SIGMA2 support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_BRYMEN_DMM, test x$HW_BRYMEN_DMM = xyes) if test "x$HW_BRYMEN_DMM" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_BRYMEN_DMM, 1, [Brymen DMM support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_CEM_DT_885X, test x$HW_CEM_DT_885X = xyes) if test "x$HW_CEM_DT_885X" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_CEM_DT_885X, 1, [CEM DT-885x support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_CHRONOVU_LA8, test x$HW_CHRONOVU_LA8 = xyes) if test "x$HW_CHRONOVU_LA8" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_CHRONOVU_LA8, 1, [ChronoVu LA8 support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_COLEAD_SLM, test x$HW_COLEAD_SLM = xyes) if test "x$HW_COLEAD_SLM" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_COLEAD_SLM, 1, [Colead SLM support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_DEMO, test x$HW_DEMO = xyes) if test "x$HW_DEMO" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_DEMO, 1, [Demo driver support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_FLUKE_DMM, test x$HW_FLUKE_DMM = xyes) if test "x$HW_FLUKE_DMM" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_FLUKE_DMM, 1, [Fluke DMM support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_FX2LAFW, test x$HW_FX2LAFW = xyes) if test "x$HW_FX2LAFW" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_FX2LAFW, 1, [fx2lafw support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_HANTEK_DSO, test x$HW_HANTEK_DSO = xyes) if test "x$HW_HANTEK_DSO" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_HANTEK_DSO, 1, [Hantek DSO support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2, test x$HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2 = xyes) if test "x$HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2, 1, [IKALOGIC Scanalogic-2 support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS, test x$HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS = xyes) if test "x$HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS, 1, [IKALOGIC ScanaPLUS support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_KECHENG_KC_330B, test x$HW_KECHENG_KC_330B = xyes) if test "x$HW_KECHENG_KC_330B" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_KECHENG_KC_330B, 1, [Kecheng KC-330B support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_LASCAR_EL_USB, test x$HW_LASCAR_EL_USB = xyes) if test "x$HW_LASCAR_EL_USB" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_LASCAR_EL_USB, 1, [Lascar EL-USB support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_LINK_MSO19, test x$HW_LINK_MSO19 = xyes) if test "x$HW_LINK_MSO19" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_LINK_MSO19, 1, [Link Instruments MSO-19 support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_MIC_985XX, test x$HW_MIC_985XX = xyes) if test "x$HW_MIC_985XX" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_MIC_985XX, 1, [MIC 985xx support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_OLS, test x$HW_OLS = xyes) if test "x$HW_OLS" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_OLS, 1, [OpenBench Logic Sniffer (OLS) support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2, test x$HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2 = xyes) if test "x$HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2, 1, [Rigol DS1xx2 support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_SERIAL_DMM, test x$HW_SERIAL_DMM = xyes) if test "x$HW_SERIAL_DMM" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_SERIAL_DMM, 1, [Serial DMM support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_TONDAJ_SL_814, test x$HW_TONDAJ_SL_814 = xyes) if test "x$HW_TONDAJ_SL_814" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_TONDAJ_SL_814, 1, [Tondaj SL-814 support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_UNI_T_DMM, test x$HW_UNI_T_DMM = xyes) if test "x$HW_UNI_T_DMM" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_UNI_T_DMM, 1, [UNI-T DMM support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_VICTOR_DMM, test x$HW_VICTOR_DMM = xyes) if test "x$HW_VICTOR_DMM" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_VICTOR_DMM, 1, [Victor DMM support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE, test x$HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE = xyes) if test "x$HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE, 1, [ZEROPLUS Logic Cube support]) fi # Checks for header files. # These are already checked: inttypes.h stdint.h stdlib.h string.h unistd.h. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h sys/time.h termios.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_INLINE AC_TYPE_INT8_T AC_TYPE_INT16_T AC_TYPE_INT32_T AC_TYPE_INT64_T AC_TYPE_UINT8_T AC_TYPE_UINT16_T AC_TYPE_UINT32_T AC_TYPE_UINT64_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T # Checks for library functions. AC_CHECK_FUNCS([gettimeofday memset strchr strcspn strdup strerror strncasecmp strstr strtol strtoul strtoull]) AC_SUBST(FIRMWARE_DIR, "$datadir/sigrok-firmware") AC_SUBST(MAKEFLAGS, '--no-print-directory') AC_SUBST(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS, '--silent') SR_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR=sr_package_version_major SR_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR=sr_package_version_minor SR_PACKAGE_VERSION_MICRO=sr_package_version_micro SR_PACKAGE_VERSION=sr_package_version AC_SUBST(SR_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR) AC_SUBST(SR_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR) AC_SUBST(SR_PACKAGE_VERSION_MICRO) AC_SUBST(SR_PACKAGE_VERSION) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile version.h hardware/Makefile hardware/agilent-dmm/Makefile hardware/alsa/Makefile hardware/asix-sigma/Makefile hardware/brymen-dmm/Makefile hardware/cem-dt-885x/Makefile hardware/chronovu-la8/Makefile hardware/colead-slm/Makefile hardware/common/Makefile hardware/ikalogic-scanalogic2/Makefile hardware/ikalogic-scanaplus/Makefile hardware/kecheng-kc-330b/Makefile hardware/lascar-el-usb/Makefile hardware/mic-985xx/Makefile hardware/rigol-ds1xx2/Makefile hardware/tondaj-sl-814/Makefile hardware/victor-dmm/Makefile hardware/common/dmm/Makefile hardware/demo/Makefile hardware/fluke-dmm/Makefile hardware/fx2lafw/Makefile hardware/hantek-dso/Makefile hardware/link-mso19/Makefile hardware/openbench-logic-sniffer/Makefile hardware/serial-dmm/Makefile hardware/uni-t-dmm/Makefile hardware/zeroplus-logic-cube/Makefile input/Makefile output/Makefile output/text/Makefile libsigrok.pc contrib/Makefile tests/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT echo echo "libsigrok configuration summary:" echo echo " - Package version (major.minor.micro): $SR_PACKAGE_VERSION" echo " - Library version (current:revision:age): $SR_LIB_VERSION" echo " - Prefix: $prefix" echo " - Building on: $build" echo " - Building for: $host" echo echo "Detected libraries:" echo # Note: This only works for libs with pkg-config integration. for lib in "glib-2.0 >= 2.32.0" "libzip >= 0.8" "libusb-1.0 >= 1.0.9" "libftdi >= 0.16" "libudev >= 151" "alsa >= 1.0" "check >= 0.9.4"; do if `$PKG_CONFIG --exists $lib`; then ver=`$PKG_CONFIG --modversion $lib` answer="yes ($ver)" else answer="no" fi echo " - $lib: $answer" done echo -e "\nEnabled hardware drivers:\n" echo " - agilent-dmm..................... $HW_AGILENT_DMM" echo " - alsa............................ $HW_ALSA" echo " - asix-sigma...................... $HW_ASIX_SIGMA" echo " - brymen-dmm...................... $HW_BRYMEN_DMM" echo " - cem-dt-885x..................... $HW_CEM_DT_885X" echo " - chronovu-la8.................... $HW_CHRONOVU_LA8" echo " - colead-slm...................... $HW_COLEAD_SLM" echo " - demo............................ $HW_DEMO" echo " - fluke-dmm....................... $HW_FLUKE_DMM" echo " - fx2lafw......................... $HW_FX2LAFW" echo " - hantek-dso...................... $HW_HANTEK_DSO" echo " - ikalogic-scanalogic2............ $HW_IKALOGIC_SCANALOGIC2" echo " - ikalogic-scanaplus.............. $HW_IKALOGIC_SCANAPLUS" echo " - kecheng-kc-330b................. $HW_KECHENG_KC_330B" echo " - lascar-el-usb................... $HW_LASCAR_EL_USB" echo " - link-mso19 (EXPERIMENTAL)....... $HW_LINK_MSO19" echo " - mic-985xx....................... $HW_MIC_985XX" echo " - openbench-logic-sniffer......... $HW_OLS" echo " - rigol-ds1xx2.................... $HW_RIGOL_DS1XX2" echo " - serial-dmm...................... $HW_SERIAL_DMM" echo " - tondaj-sl-814................... $HW_TONDAJ_SL_814" echo " - uni-t-dmm....................... $HW_UNI_T_DMM" echo " - victor-dmm...................... $HW_VICTOR_DMM" echo " - zeroplus-logic-cube............. $HW_ZEROPLUS_LOGIC_CUBE" echo