/* * Script for minimizing big images (jpg,gif,png) when they are uploaded to GitHub and not edited otherwise */ module.exports = async ({github, context}) => { const IGNORE_KEY = ''; const IGNORE_ALT_NAME_END = 'ignoreImageMinify'; const IMG_MAX_HEIGHT_PX = 600; // Get the body of the image let initialBody = null; if (context.eventName == 'issue_comment') { initialBody = context.payload.comment.body; } else if (context.eventName == 'issues') { initialBody = context.payload.issue.body; } else { console.log('Aborting: No body found'); return; } console.log(`Found body: \n${initialBody}\n`); // Check if we should ignore the currently processing element if (initialBody.includes(IGNORE_KEY)) { console.log('Ignoring: Body contains IGNORE_KEY'); return; } // Regex for finding images (simple variant) ![ALT_TEXT](https://*.githubusercontent.com//.) const REGEX_IMAGE_LOOKUP = /\!\[(.*)\]\((https:\/\/[-a-z0-9]+\.githubusercontent\.com\/\d+\/[-0-9a-f]{32,512}\.(jpg|gif|png))\)/gm; // Check if we found something let foundSimpleImages = REGEX_IMAGE_LOOKUP.test(initialBody); if (!foundSimpleImages) { console.log('Found no simple images to process'); return; } console.log('Found at least one simple image to process'); // Require the probe lib for getting the image dimensions const probe = require('probe-image-size'); // Try to find and replace the images with minimized ones let newBody = await replaceAsync(initialBody, REGEX_IMAGE_LOOKUP, async (match, g1, g2) => { console.log(`Found match '${match}'`); if (g1.endsWith(IGNORE_ALT_NAME_END)) { console.log(`Ignoring match '${match}': IGNORE_ALT_NAME_END`); return match; } let shouldModifiy = false; try { console.log(`Probing ${g2}`); let probeResult = await probe(g2); if (probeResult == null) { throw 'No probeResult'; } if (probeResult.hUnits != 'px') { throw `Unexpected probeResult.hUnits (expected px but got ${probeResult.hUnits})`; } shouldModifiy = probeResult.height > IMG_MAX_HEIGHT_PX; } catch(e) { console.log('Probing failed:', e); // Immediately abort return match; } if (shouldModifiy) { console.log(`Modifying match '${match}'`); return `${g1}`; } console.log(`Match '${match}' is ok/will not be modified`); return match; }); // Update the corresponding element if (context.eventName == 'issue_comment') { console.log('Updating comment with id', context.payload.comment.id); await github.rest.issues.updateComment({ comment_id: context.payload.comment.id, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: newBody }) } else if (context.eventName == 'issues') { console.log('Updating issue', context.payload.issue.number); await github.rest.issues.update({ issue_number: context.payload.issue.number, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: newBody }); } // Asnyc replace function from https://stackoverflow.com/a/48032528 async function replaceAsync(str, regex, asyncFn) { const promises = []; str.replace(regex, (match, ...args) => { const promise = asyncFn(match, ...args); promises.push(promise); }); const data = await Promise.all(promises); return str.replace(regex, () => data.shift()); } }