#!/usr/bin/env bash main(){ check_arg $1 SCR_PATH="$HOME/.photoshopCCV19" CACHE_PATH="$HOME/.cache/photoshopCCV19" CMD_PATH="/usr/local/bin/photoshop" ENTRY_PATH="/usr/share/applications/photoshop.desktop" notify-send "photoshop uninstaller started" -i "photoshop" ask_question "you are uninstalling photoshop cc v19 are you sure?" "N" if [ $result == "no" ];then echo "Ok good Bye :)" exit 0 fi #remove photoshop directory if [ -d "$SCR_PATH" ];then echo "remove photoshop directory..." rm -rf "$SCR_PATH" || error "couldn't remove photoshop directory" sleep 4 else echo "photoshop directory Not Found!" fi #Unlink command if [ -L "$CMD_PATH" ];then echo "remove luncher command..." sudo unlink "$CMD_PATH" || error "couln't remove luncher command" else echo "luncher command Not Found!" fi #delete desktop entry if [ -f "$ENTRY_PATH" ];then echo "remove dekstop entry...." sudo rm "$ENTRY_PATH" || error "couldn't remove desktop entry" else echo "desktop entry Not Found!" fi #delete cache directoy if [ -d "$CACHE_PATH" ];then echo "--------------------------------" echo "all downloaded components are in cache directory and you can use them for photoshop installation next time without wasting internet traffic" echo -e "your cache directory is \033[1;36m$CACHE_PATH\e[0m" echo "--------------------------------" ask_question "would you delete cache directory?" "N" if [ "$result" == "yes" ];then rm -rf "$CACHE_PATH" || error "couldn't remove cache directory" else echo "nice, you can copy component data and use them later for photoshop installation" fi else echo "cache directory Not Found!" fi } function error(){ echo -e "\033[1;31merror:\e[0m $@" exit 1 } function check_arg(){ if [ $1 != 0 ];then error "please just run script without any argument" fi } #parameters [Message] [default flag [Y/N]] function ask_question(){ result="" if [ "$2" == "Y" ];then read -r -p "$1 [Y/n] " response if [[ "$response" =~ $(locale noexpr) ]];then result="no" else result="yes" fi elif [ "$2" == "N" ];then read -r -p "$1 [N/y] " response if [[ "$response" =~ $(locale yesexpr) ]];then result="yes" else result="no" fi fi } main $# $@