#lang racket (provide (struct-out peer) (struct-out subnet) string->ip ip->string ip-netmask netmask-ip string->subnet subnet->string string->peer subnet->bl ip->bl) (require racket/struct) ;; Support functions for dealing with IP addresses, subnets, and peers (module+ test (require rackunit)) ;; An IP is a Nat ;; A PeerType is one of ;; - 'prov ;; - 'cust ;; - 'peer ;; A Peer is a (peer IP PeerType) (struct peer [ip type] #:transparent #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (make-constructor-style-printer (lambda (x) 'peer) (lambda (x) (list (ip->string (peer-ip x)) (peer-type x)))))]) ;; A Subnet is a (subnet IP Nat) (struct subnet [ip mask] #:transparent #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (make-constructor-style-printer (lambda (x) 'subnet) (lambda (x) (list (subnet->string x)))))]) ;; Str -> IP ;; Parses the IP address contained in str (define (string->ip str) (define parts (reverse (string-split str "."))) (for/sum ([part (in-list parts)] [i (in-naturals)]) (arithmetic-shift (string->number part) (* i 8)))) ;; IP -> Str ;; Serializes the IP address ip to a string (define (ip->string ip) (define parts (reverse (for/list ([i (in-range 4)]) (number->string (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift ip (* i -8)) 255))))) (string-join parts ".")) ;; IP -> Nat ;; Calculates how many mask bits are set in the given netmask represented as an IP address ;; Example: -> 8 (define (ip-netmask ip) (- 32 (for/sum ([i (in-range 32)]) #:break (positive? (bitwise-and ip (arithmetic-shift 1 i))) 1))) ;; Nat -> IP ;; Creates an IP address representing the given netmask size ;; Example: 8 -> (define (netmask-ip mask) (arithmetic-shift (sub1 (arithmetic-shift 1 mask)) (- 32 mask))) ;; Str -> Subnet ;; Parses a subnet from string (define (string->subnet str) (match-define (list ipstr maskstr) (string-split str "/")) (subnet (string->ip ipstr) (string->number maskstr))) ;; Subnet -> Str ;; Serializes a subnet to string (define (subnet->string sub) (format "~a/~a" (ip->string (subnet-ip sub)) (subnet-mask sub))) ;; Subnet -> [Listof Bool] ;; Converts a subnet into a list of booleans representing its bits (define (subnet->bl sub) (ip->bl (subnet-ip sub) (subnet-mask sub))) ;; IP -> [Listof Bool] ;; Converts an IP address into a list of booleans representing its bits (define (ip->bl ip [bits 32]) (for/list ([i (in-range bits)]) (= 1 (bitwise-and 1 (arithmetic-shift ip (- i 31)))))) ;; Str -> Peer ;; Parses a peer from string (define (string->peer str) (match-define (list ip type) (string-split str "-")) (peer (string->ip ip) (string->symbol type))) ;; ================================================================================ (module+ test (check-equal? (ip->string (string->ip "")) "") (check-equal? (ip->string (string->ip "")) "") (check-equal? (ip->string (netmask-ip 23)) "") (check-equal? (ip->string (netmask-ip 8)) "") (check-equal? (ip-netmask (string->ip "")) 23) (check-equal? (ip-netmask (string->ip "")) 8) (check-equal? (subnet->bl (string->subnet "")) '(#f #f #f #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)))