#lang racket (require racket/async-channel) ;; First some helpers (define (op-mode opcode idx) (match (modulo (floor (/ opcode (expt 10 (+ idx 2)))) 10) [0 'pos] [1 'imm] [2 'rel] [_ (error "invalid mode")])) (define (op-op opcode) (modulo opcode 100)) (define (tape-expand tape len) (cond [(> len (length tape)) (append tape (for/list ([i (in-range (- len (length tape)))]) 0))] [else tape])) (define (tape-ref tape pos) (define new-tape (tape-expand tape (add1 pos))) (list-ref new-tape pos)) (define (tape-ref/mode tape pos mode) (match mode ['pos (tape-ref tape (tape-ref tape pos))] ['imm (tape-ref tape pos)] ['rel (tape-ref tape (+ (intcode-rel-base) (tape-ref tape pos)))] [_ (error "invalid mode")])) (define (tape-set tape where what) (define new-tape (tape-expand tape (add1 where))) (list-set new-tape where what)) (define (tape-set/mode tape where what mode) (match mode ['pos (tape-set tape (tape-ref tape where) what)] ['rel (tape-set tape (+ (intcode-rel-base) (tape-ref tape where)) what)] [_ (error "invalid mode")])) ;; Generic abstracted opcode interpreter function ;; Calls handler for opcode-specific handling, which should call callback to continue or return to ;; exit. (define (intcode-handle-opcode callback spec handler tape pos) (let* ([opcode (list-ref tape pos)] [args (for/list ([spec-item spec] [idx (in-range (length spec))]) (match spec-item ['in (tape-ref/mode tape (+ pos idx 1) (op-mode opcode idx))] ['out (lambda (what) (tape-set/mode tape (+ pos idx 1) what (op-mode opcode idx)))]))]) (apply handler callback tape (+ pos (length spec) 1) args))) ;; Create a system to register intcode ops (struct intcode-op [code spec handler]) (define opcode-table (make-hash)) ;; Evil mutation incoming!!!! (define (intcode-register code spec handler) (hash-set! opcode-table code (intcode-op code spec handler))) ;; Main eval function (define (intcode-eval tape [pos 0]) (let* ([opcode (list-ref tape pos)] [handler-entry (hash-ref opcode-table (op-op opcode))]) (intcode-handle-opcode intcode-eval (intcode-op-spec handler-entry) (intcode-op-handler handler-entry) tape pos))) ;; Now it's time to define all the operations we can do ;; Binary operations!!! (define spec-binop '(in in out)) (define ((intcode-generic-binop op) cb tape pos lhs rhs dst) (cb (dst (op lhs rhs)) pos)) (intcode-register 1 spec-binop (intcode-generic-binop +)) (intcode-register 2 spec-binop (intcode-generic-binop *)) (define (bool->number b) (if b 1 0)) (intcode-register 7 spec-binop (intcode-generic-binop (compose bool->number <))) (intcode-register 8 spec-binop (intcode-generic-binop (compose bool->number =))) ;; I/O time (define current-input-channel (make-parameter (make-async-channel))) (define current-output-channel (make-parameter (make-async-channel))) (define instance (make-parameter '())) (define (instance-log what) (if (empty? (instance)) (void) (displayln (format "~a ~a" (instance) what)))) (define (intcode-input cb tape pos dst) (define inp (async-channel-get (current-input-channel))) (instance-log (list "input" inp)) (cb (dst inp) pos)) (intcode-register 3 '(out) intcode-input) (define (intcode-output cb tape pos src) (instance-log (list "output" src)) (async-channel-put (current-output-channel) src) (cb tape pos)) (intcode-register 4 '(in) intcode-output) ;; Jumps (define ((intcode-generic-jump which) cb tape pos arg dst) (cb tape (if (which arg) dst pos))) (intcode-register 5 '(in in) (intcode-generic-jump (compose not zero?))) (intcode-register 6 '(in in) (intcode-generic-jump zero?)) ;; Relative base (define intcode-rel-base (make-parameter 0)) (define (intcode-set-rel-base cb tape pos arg) (define new-base (+ (intcode-rel-base) arg)) (instance-log (list "rel base" (intcode-rel-base) "+" arg "=" new-base)) (parameterize ([intcode-rel-base new-base]) (cb tape pos))) (intcode-register 9 '(in) intcode-set-rel-base) ;; Exit (define (intcode-exit cb tape pos) (instance-log "exit") (void)) (intcode-register 99 '() intcode-exit) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (parse-input input) (map string->number (string-split (string-trim input) ","))) (define input (parse-input (file->string "input.9.txt"))) (async-channel-put (current-input-channel) 1) (intcode-eval input) (define (get-all chan) (let ([val (async-channel-try-get chan)]) (if (equal? val #f) (void) (begin (displayln val) (get-all chan))))) (get-all (current-output-channel)) ;; Part 2 (async-channel-put (current-input-channel) 2) (intcode-eval input) (get-all (current-output-channel))