diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 60597b1..78460d7 100755
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@@ -498,8 +498,6 @@ textarea {
Untitled ASCII Diagram
diff --git a/js-compiled.js b/js-compiled.js
index 3c309d1..4a6c9bc 100644
--- a/js-compiled.js
+++ b/js-compiled.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-var g, aa = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) {
- if (c.get || c.set) {
+var g, aa = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, c, b) {
+ if (b.get || b.set) {
throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters.");
- a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = c.value);
+ a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[c] = b.value);
}, h = "undefined" != typeof window && window === this ? this : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : this;
function ba() {
ba = function() {
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ function m() {
function ea(a) {
- var b = 0;
+ var c = 0;
return fa(function() {
- return b < a.length ? {done:!1, value:a[b++]} : {done:!0};
+ return c < a.length ? {done:!1, value:a[c++]} : {done:!0};
function fa(a) {
@@ -39,22 +39,22 @@ function fa(a) {
function n(a) {
- var b = a[Symbol.iterator];
- return b ? b.call(a) : ea(a);
+ var c = a[Symbol.iterator];
+ return c ? c.call(a) : ea(a);
-function p(a, b) {
+function p(a, c) {
this.x = a;
- this.y = b;
+ this.y = c;
-function r(a, b) {
- var c = a.originalEvent.touches[void 0 === b ? 0 : b];
- return new p(c.pageX, c.pageY);
+function r(a, c) {
+ var b = a.originalEvent.touches[void 0 === c ? 0 : c];
+ return new p(b.pageX, b.pageY);
-function t(a, b) {
- return !!b && a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
+function t(a, c) {
+ return !!c && a.x == c.x && a.y == c.y;
-function u(a, b) {
- return new p(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
+function u(a, c) {
+ return new p(a.x - c.x, a.y - c.y);
g = p.prototype;
g.add = function(a) {
@@ -69,24 +69,24 @@ g.length = function() {
g.scale = function(a) {
return new p(this.x * a, this.y * a);
-function v(a) {
+function w(a) {
return new p(a.x, a.y - 1);
-function w(a) {
+function x(a) {
return new p(a.x, a.y + 1);
-function x(a) {
+function y(a) {
return new p(a.x - 1, a.y);
g.right = function(a) {
return new p(this.x + (void 0 === a ? 1 : a), this.y);
-var y = ["+", "\u2012", "\u2013", "-", "|"], z = [">", "<", "^", "v"], ga = y.concat(z), B = "ontouchstart" in window || "onmsgesturechange" in window, C = new p(-1, 0), D = new p(1, 0), F = new p(0, -1), G = new p(0, 1), H = [C, D, F, G];
-function I(a, b) {
- this.a = Math.min(a.x, b.x);
- this.b = Math.min(a.y, b.y);
- this.c = Math.max(a.x, b.x);
- this.f = Math.max(a.y, b.y);
+var z = ["+", "\u2012", "\u2013", "-", "|"], A = [">", "<", "^", "v"], ga = z.concat(A), B = "ontouchstart" in window || "onmsgesturechange" in window, C = new p(-1, 0), E = new p(1, 0), F = new p(0, -1), G = new p(0, 1), H = [C, E, F, G];
+function I(a, c) {
+ this.a = Math.min(a.x, c.x);
+ this.b = Math.min(a.y, c.y);
+ this.c = Math.max(a.x, c.x);
+ this.f = Math.max(a.y, c.y);
function ha(a) {
return new p(a.a, a.b);
@@ -100,212 +100,199 @@ function ia() {
function J(a) {
return null != a.a ? a.a : a.value;
-function K(a) {
+function L(a) {
return ga.includes(J(a));
function M(a) {
return null == a.value && null == a.a;
-function ja(a, b, c, e) {
+function ja(a, c, b, e) {
this.a = a;
- this.right = b;
- this.c = c;
+ this.right = c;
+ this.c = b;
this.b = e;
this.h = this.f = this.l = this.g = !1;
function N(a) {
return a.a + a.right + a.c + a.b;
-function ka(a, b) {
+function ka(a, c) {
this.position = a;
- this.value = b;
+ this.value = c;
-function la(a, b) {
+function la(a, c) {
this.position = a;
- this.a = b;
+ this.a = c;
-;function O(a) {
- for (var b = 0;b < a.a.length;b++) {
- for (var c = 0;c < a.a[b].length;c++) {
- null != J(a.a[b][c]) && P(a, new p(b, c), "\u2009");
+;function ma(a) {
+ for (var c = 0;c < a.a.length;c++) {
+ for (var b = 0;b < a.a[c].length;b++) {
+ null != J(a.a[c][b]) && O(a, new p(c, b), "\u2009");
- Q(a);
+ P(a);
-function R(a, b) {
- return a.a[b.x][b.y];
+function Q(a, c) {
+ return a.a[c.x][c.y];
-function P(a, b, c) {
- var e = R(a, b);
- a.b.push(new la(b, e));
- e.a = c;
+function O(a, c, b) {
+ var e = Q(a, c);
+ a.b.push(new la(c, e));
+ e.a = b;
a.c = !0;
-function ma(a, b, c) {
- J(R(a, b)) != c && P(a, b, c);
+function R(a, c, b) {
+ J(Q(a, c)) != b && O(a, c, b);
function S(a) {
- for (var b = n(a.b), c = b.next();!c.done;c = b.next()) {
- c.value.a.a = null;
+ for (var c = n(a.b), b = c.next();!b.done;b = c.next()) {
+ b.value.a.a = null;
a.b.length = 0;
-function na(a, b) {
- var c = R(a, b), e = null != c.a ? c.a : c.value, d = y.includes(e), f = z.includes(e);
+function T(a, c) {
+ var b = Q(a, c), e = null != b.a ? b.a : b.value, d = z.includes(e), f = A.includes(e);
if (!d && !f) {
return e;
- c = T(a, b);
- if (d && c.a && c.right && !c.c && !c.b) {
+ b = U(a, c);
+ if (d && b.a && b.right && !b.c && !b.b) {
return "-";
- if (d && !c.a && !c.right && c.c && c.b) {
+ if (d && !b.a && !b.right && b.c && b.b) {
return "|";
- if (4 == N(c)) {
+ if (4 == N(b)) {
return "-";
- if (f && 3 == N(c)) {
- if (!c.a) {
+ if (f && 3 == N(b)) {
+ if (!b.a) {
return "<";
- if (!c.c) {
+ if (!b.c) {
return "^";
- if (!c.b) {
+ if (!b.b) {
return "v";
- if (!c.right) {
+ if (!b.right) {
return ">";
- if ((d || f) && 3 == N(c)) {
- c.g = K(R(a, v(x(b))));
- c.l = K(R(a, v(b.right())));
- c.f = K(R(a, w(x(b))));
- c.h = K(R(a, w(b.right())));
- if (!c.right && c.g && c.f || !c.a && c.l && c.h) {
+ if ((d || f) && 3 == N(b)) {
+ b.g = L(Q(a, w(y(c))));
+ b.l = L(Q(a, w(c.right())));
+ b.f = L(Q(a, x(y(c))));
+ b.h = L(Q(a, x(c.right())));
+ if (!b.right && b.g && b.f || !b.a && b.l && b.h) {
return "|";
- if (!c.b && c.g && c.l || !c.c && c.h && c.f) {
+ if (!b.b && b.g && b.l || !b.c && b.h && b.f) {
return "-";
- e = M(R(a, v(x(b))));
- d = M(R(a, v(b.right())));
- if (c.c && c.a && c.right && (!e || !d)) {
+ e = M(Q(a, w(y(c))));
+ d = M(Q(a, w(c.right())));
+ if (b.c && b.a && b.right && (!e || !d)) {
return "-";
- e = M(R(a, w(x(b))));
- d = M(R(a, w(b.right())));
- return !(c.b && c.a && c.right) || e && d ? "+" : "-";
+ e = M(Q(a, x(y(c))));
+ d = M(Q(a, x(c.right())));
+ return !(b.b && b.a && b.right) || e && d ? "+" : "-";
- if (f && 1 == N(c)) {
- if (c.a) {
+ if (f && 1 == N(b)) {
+ if (b.a) {
return ">";
- if (c.c) {
+ if (b.c) {
return "v";
- if (c.b) {
+ if (b.b) {
return "^";
- if (c.right) {
+ if (b.right) {
return "<";
return e;
-function T(a, b) {
- var c = K(R(a, x(b))), e = K(R(a, b.right())), d = K(R(a, v(b))), f = K(R(a, w(b)));
- return new ja(c, e, d, f);
+function U(a, c) {
+ var b = L(Q(a, y(c))), e = L(Q(a, c.right())), d = L(Q(a, w(c))), f = L(Q(a, x(c)));
+ return new ja(b, e, d, f);
-function Q(a, b) {
- var c = [], e = a.b.map(function(a) {
+function P(a, c) {
+ var b = [], e = a.b.map(function(a) {
return a.position.x.toString() + a.position.y.toString();
- }), d = a.b.filter(function(a, c) {
- return e.indexOf(e[c]) == c;
+ }), d = a.b.filter(function(a, b) {
+ return e.indexOf(e[b]) == b;
a.b.length = 0;
for (var d = n(d), f = d.next();!f.done;f = d.next()) {
var k = f.value, f = k.position, k = k.a;
- c.push(new ka(f, null != k.value ? k.value : " "));
+ b.push(new ka(f, null != k.value ? k.value : " "));
var l = J(k);
if ("\u2009" == l || " " == l) {
l = null;
- K(k) && (l = na(a, f));
+ L(k) && (l = T(a, f));
k.a = null;
k.value = l;
- d = b ? a.f : a.g;
- 0 < c.length && (50 < d.length && d.shift(), d.push(c));
+ d = c ? a.f : a.g;
+ 0 < b.length && (50 < d.length && d.shift(), d.push(b));
a.c = !0;
-function oa(a) {
+function na(a) {
if (a.g.length) {
- for (var b = a.g.pop(), b = n(b), c = b.next();!c.done;c = b.next()) {
- c = c.value, P(a, c.position, c.value);
+ for (var c = a.g.pop(), c = n(c), b = c.next();!b.done;b = c.next()) {
+ b = b.value, O(a, b.position, b.value);
- Q(a, !0);
+ P(a, !0);
+ }
+function oa(a) {
+ if (a.f.length) {
+ for (var c = a.f.pop(), c = n(c), b = c.next();!b.done;b = c.next()) {
+ b = b.value, O(a, b.position, b.value);
+ }
+ P(a);
function pa(a) {
- if (a.f.length) {
- for (var b = a.f.pop(), b = n(b), c = b.next();!c.done;c = b.next()) {
- c = c.value, P(a, c.position, c.value);
- }
- Q(a);
- }
-function U(a) {
- for (var b = new p(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), c = new p(-1, -1), e = 0;e < a.a.length;e++) {
+ for (var c = new p(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), b = new p(-1, -1), e = 0;e < a.a.length;e++) {
for (var d = 0;d < a.a[e].length;d++) {
- null != J(a.a[e][d]) && (e < b.x && (b.x = e), d < b.y && (b.y = d), e > c.x && (c.x = e), d > c.y && (c.y = d));
+ null != J(a.a[e][d]) && (e < c.x && (c.x = e), d < c.y && (c.y = d), e > b.x && (b.x = e), d > b.y && (b.y = d));
- if (0 > c.x) {
+ if (0 > b.x) {
return "";
- for (var f = "", d = b.y;d <= c.y;d++) {
- for (var k = "", e = b.x;e <= c.x;e++) {
- var l = na(a, new p(e, d)), k = k + (null == l || "\u2009" == l ? " " : l);
+ for (var f = "", d = c.y;d <= b.y;d++) {
+ for (var k = "", e = c.x;e <= b.x;e++) {
+ var l = T(a, new p(e, d)), k = k + (null == l || "\u2009" == l ? " " : l);
f += k.replace(/\s+$/, "") + "\n";
return f;
-function qa(a, b, c) {
- b = b.split("\n");
- for (var e = new p(0, Math.round(b.length / 2)), d = 0;d < b.length;d++) {
- e.x = Math.max(e.x, Math.round(b[d].length / 2));
- }
- for (d = 0;d < b.length;d++) {
- for (var f = b[d], k = 0;k < f.length;k++) {
- var l = f.charAt(k);
- y.includes(l) && (l = "+");
- P(a, u((new p(k, d)).add(c), e), l);
- }
- }
-;function V(a, b, c, e, d) {
+;function V(a, c, b, e, d) {
d = void 0 === d ? "+" : d;
- var f = new I(b, c), k = f.a, l = f.b, A = f.c, f = f.f, E = e ? c.x : b.x;
- for (e = e ? b.y : c.y;k++ < A;) {
- var q = new p(k, e), L = T(a, new p(k, e));
- " " == d && 2 == L.c + L.b || ma(a, q, d);
+ var f = new I(c, b), k = f.a, l = f.b, v = f.c, f = f.f, D = e ? b.x : c.x;
+ for (e = e ? c.y : b.y;k++ < v;) {
+ var q = new p(k, e), K = U(a, new p(k, e));
+ " " == d && 2 == K.c + K.b || R(a, q, d);
for (;l++ < f;) {
- q = new p(E, l), L = T(a, new p(E, l)), " " == d && 2 == L.a + L.right || ma(a, q, d);
+ q = new p(D, l), K = U(a, new p(D, l)), " " == d && 2 == K.a + K.right || R(a, q, d);
- P(a, b, d);
- P(a, c, d);
- ma(a, new p(E, e), d);
+ O(a, c, d);
+ O(a, b, d);
+ R(a, new p(D, e), d);
-;function ra(a) {
+;function W(a) {
this.a = a;
this.b = null;
-g = ra.prototype;
+g = W.prototype;
g.start = function(a) {
this.b = a;
@@ -315,85 +302,85 @@ g.i = function(a) {
V(this.a, this.b, a, !1);
g.m = function() {
- Q(this.a);
+ P(this.a);
g.o = function() {
return "crosshair";
g.j = function() {
-function sa(a) {
+function qa(a) {
a.b.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
a.b.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
a.f = !0;
-function ta(a) {
+function ra(a) {
if (a.f || a.g.c) {
- a.f = !1, a.g.c = !1, ua(a);
+ a.f = !1, a.g.c = !1, sa(a);
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
- ta(a);
+ ra(a);
-function ua(a) {
- var b = a.context;
- b.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
- b.clearRect(0, 0, a.b.width, a.b.height);
- b.scale(a.c, a.c);
- b.translate(a.b.width / 2 / a.c, a.b.height / 2 / a.c);
- var c = u(W(a, new p(0, 0)), new p(3, 3)), e = W(a, new p(a.b.width, a.b.height)).add(new p(3, 3));
- c.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(c.x, 2E3));
+function sa(a) {
+ var c = a.context;
+ c.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+ c.clearRect(0, 0, a.b.width, a.b.height);
+ c.scale(a.c, a.c);
+ c.translate(a.b.width / 2 / a.c, a.b.height / 2 / a.c);
+ var b = u(X(a, new p(0, 0)), new p(3, 3)), e = X(a, new p(a.b.width, a.b.height)).add(new p(3, 3));
+ b.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(b.x, 2E3));
e.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(e.x, 2E3));
- c.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(c.y, 600));
+ b.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(b.y, 600));
e.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(e.y, 600));
- b.lineWidth = "1";
- b.strokeStyle = "#EEEEEE";
- b.beginPath();
- for (var d = c.x;d < e.x;d++) {
- b.moveTo(9 * d - a.a.x, 0 - a.a.y), b.lineTo(9 * d - a.a.x, 17 * a.g.a.length - a.a.y);
+ c.lineWidth = "1";
+ c.strokeStyle = "#EEEEEE";
+ c.beginPath();
+ for (var d = b.x;d < e.x;d++) {
+ c.moveTo(9 * d - a.a.x, 0 - a.a.y), c.lineTo(9 * d - a.a.x, 17 * a.g.a.length - a.a.y);
- for (d = c.y;d < e.y;d++) {
- b.moveTo(0 - a.a.x, 17 * d - a.a.y), b.lineTo(9 * a.g.a.length - a.a.x, 17 * d - a.a.y);
+ for (d = b.y;d < e.y;d++) {
+ c.moveTo(0 - a.a.x, 17 * d - a.a.y), c.lineTo(9 * a.g.a.length - a.a.x, 17 * d - a.a.y);
d = !a.h;
- b.font = "15px Courier New";
- for (var f = c.x;f < e.x;f++) {
- for (var k = c.y;k < e.y;k++) {
- var l = R(a.g, new p(f, k));
- if (K(l) || null != l.a && " " != J(l)) {
- a.context.fillStyle = null != l.a ? "#DEF" : "#F5F5F5", b.fillRect(9 * f - a.a.x, 17 * (k - 1) - a.a.y, 9, 17);
+ c.font = "15px Courier New";
+ for (var f = b.x;f < e.x;f++) {
+ for (var k = b.y;k < e.y;k++) {
+ var l = Q(a.g, new p(f, k));
+ if (L(l) || null != l.a && " " != J(l)) {
+ a.context.fillStyle = null != l.a ? "#DEF" : "#F5F5F5", c.fillRect(9 * f - a.a.x, 17 * (k - 1) - a.a.y, 9, 17);
- var A = na(a.g, new p(f, k));
- null == A || K(l) && !d || (a.context.fillStyle = "#000000", b.fillText(A, 9 * f - a.a.x, 17 * k - a.a.y - 3));
+ var v = T(a.g, new p(f, k));
+ null == v || L(l) && !d || (a.context.fillStyle = "#000000", c.fillText(v, 9 * f - a.a.x, 17 * k - a.a.y - 3));
if (a.h) {
- b.lineWidth = "1";
- b.strokeStyle = "#000000";
- b.beginPath();
- for (d = c.x;d < e.x;d++) {
- for (l = !1, f = c.y;f < e.y;f++) {
- k = R(a.g, new p(d, f)), K(k) && f != e.y - 1 || !l || (b.moveTo(9 * d - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * l - a.a.y - 8.5), b.lineTo(9 * d - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * (f - 1) - a.a.y - 8.5), l = !1), K(k) && !l && (l = f);
+ c.lineWidth = "1";
+ c.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+ c.beginPath();
+ for (d = b.x;d < e.x;d++) {
+ for (l = !1, f = b.y;f < e.y;f++) {
+ k = Q(a.g, new p(d, f)), L(k) && f != e.y - 1 || !l || (c.moveTo(9 * d - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * l - a.a.y - 8.5), c.lineTo(9 * d - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * (f - 1) - a.a.y - 8.5), l = !1), L(k) && !l && (l = f);
- for (f = c.y;f < e.y;f++) {
- for (l = !1, d = c.x;d < e.x;d++) {
- k = R(a.g, new p(d, f)), K(k) && d != e.x - 1 || !l || (b.moveTo(9 * l - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * f - a.a.y - 8.5), b.lineTo(9 * (d - 1) - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * f - a.a.y - 8.5), l = !1), K(k) && !l && (l = d);
+ for (f = b.y;f < e.y;f++) {
+ for (l = !1, d = b.x;d < e.x;d++) {
+ k = Q(a.g, new p(d, f)), L(k) && d != e.x - 1 || !l || (c.moveTo(9 * l - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * f - a.a.y - 8.5), c.lineTo(9 * (d - 1) - a.a.x + 4.5, 17 * f - a.a.y - 8.5), l = !1), L(k) && !l && (l = d);
-function W(a, b) {
- var c = new p((b.x - a.b.width / 2) / a.c + a.a.x, (b.y - a.b.height / 2) / a.c + a.a.y);
- return new p(Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.round((c.x - 4.5) / 9)), 1998), Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.round((c.y + 8.5) / 17)), 598));
+function X(a, c) {
+ var b = new p((c.x - a.b.width / 2) / a.c + a.a.x, (c.y - a.b.height / 2) / a.c + a.a.y);
+ return new p(Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.round((b.x - 4.5) / 9)), 1998), Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.round((b.y + 8.5) / 17)), 598));
-;function X(a) {
+;function Y(a) {
this.c = a;
this.a = this.b = null;
-g = X.prototype;
+g = Y.prototype;
g.start = function(a) {
this.b = a;
@@ -402,95 +389,95 @@ g.i = function(a) {
this.a = a;
a = Math.min(this.b.y, this.a.y);
- for (var b = Math.max(this.b.x, this.a.x), c = Math.max(this.b.y, this.a.y), e = Math.min(this.b.x, this.a.x);e <= b;e++) {
- for (var d = a;d <= c;d++) {
- P(this.c, new p(e, d), "\u2009");
+ for (var c = Math.max(this.b.x, this.a.x), b = Math.max(this.b.y, this.a.y), e = Math.min(this.b.x, this.a.x);e <= c;e++) {
+ for (var d = a;d <= b;d++) {
+ O(this.c, new p(e, d), "\u2009");
g.m = function() {
- Q(this.c);
+ P(this.c);
g.o = function() {
return "crosshair";
g.j = function() {
-function va(a, b) {
+function ta(a, c) {
this.a = a;
- this.c = b;
+ this.c = c;
this.b = null;
-g = va.prototype;
+g = ta.prototype;
g.start = function(a) {
this.b = a;
g.i = function(a) {
- var b = T(this.a, this.b), c = T(this.a, a);
- V(this.a, this.b, a, b.c && b.b || c.a && c.right);
- this.c && P(this.a, a, c.c ? "^" : c.b ? "v" : c.a ? "<" : ">");
+ var c = U(this.a, this.b), b = U(this.a, a);
+ V(this.a, this.b, a, c.c && c.b || b.a && b.right);
+ this.c && O(this.a, a, b.c ? "^" : b.b ? "v" : b.a ? "<" : ">");
g.m = function() {
- Q(this.a);
+ P(this.a);
g.o = function() {
return "crosshair";
g.j = function() {
-function wa(a) {
+function ua(a) {
this.c = a;
this.g = this.f = this.b = this.a = null;
this.h = !0;
this.l = [];
-g = wa.prototype;
+g = ua.prototype;
g.start = function(a) {
- this.a && this.b && (new I(this.a, this.b)).contains(a) ? (this.f = a, xa(this), ya(this, a)) : (this.a = a, this.b = null, this.h = !1, this.i(a));
+ this.a && this.b && (new I(this.a, this.b)).contains(a) ? (this.f = a, va(this), wa(this, a)) : (this.a = a, this.b = null, this.h = !1, this.i(a));
-function xa(a) {
- var b = a.c.b.filter(function(a) {
+function va(a) {
+ var c = a.c.b.filter(function(a) {
return null != J(a.a) && "\u2009" != J(a.a);
- }), c = ha(new I(a.a, a.b));
- a.l = b.map(function(a) {
- return new ka(u(a.position, c), J(a.a));
+ }), b = ha(new I(a.a, a.b));
+ a.l = c.map(function(a) {
+ return new ka(u(a.position, b), J(a.a));
g.i = function(a) {
if (this.f) {
- ya(this, a);
+ wa(this, a);
} else {
if (1 != this.h) {
this.b = a;
a = new I(this.a, a);
- for (var b = a.a;b <= a.c;b++) {
- for (var c = a.b;c <= a.f;c++) {
- var e = new p(b, c), d = J(R(this.c, e));
- P(this.c, e, null == d ? "\u2009" : d);
+ for (var c = a.a;c <= a.c;c++) {
+ for (var b = a.b;b <= a.f;b++) {
+ var e = new p(c, b), d = J(Q(this.c, e));
+ O(this.c, e, null == d ? "\u2009" : d);
-function ya(a, b) {
- a.g = b;
+function wa(a, c) {
+ a.g = c;
- var c = new X(a.c);
- c.start(a.a);
- c.i(a.b);
- c = u(a.g, a.f).add(ha(new I(a.a, a.b)));
- za(a, c);
+ var b = new Y(a.c);
+ b.start(a.a);
+ b.i(a.b);
+ b = u(a.g, a.f).add(ha(new I(a.a, a.b)));
+ xa(a, b);
-function za(a, b) {
- for (var c = n(a.l), e = c.next();!e.done;e = c.next()) {
+function xa(a, c) {
+ for (var b = n(a.l), e = b.next();!e.done;e = b.next()) {
var e = e.value, d = e.value;
- P(a.c, e.position.add(b), d);
+ O(a.c, e.position.add(c), d);
g.m = function() {
- this.f && (Q(this.c), this.b = this.a = null);
+ this.f && (P(this.c), this.b = this.a = null);
this.g = this.f = null;
this.h = !0;
@@ -498,25 +485,25 @@ g.o = function(a) {
return this.a && this.b && (new I(this.a, this.b)).contains(a) ? "pointer" : "default";
g.j = function(a) {
- if (this.a && this.b && ("" != a && "" != a || xa(this), "" == a)) {
- var b = new X(this.c);
- b.start(this.a);
- b.i(this.b);
- Q(this.c);
+ if (this.a && this.b && ("" != a && "" != a || va(this), "" == a)) {
+ var c = new Y(this.c);
+ c.start(this.a);
+ c.i(this.b);
+ P(this.c);
- "" == a && (za(this, this.a), Q(this.c));
+ "" == a && (xa(this, this.a), P(this.c));
-function Aa(a) {
+function ya(a) {
this.b = a;
this.c = this.a = null;
-g = Aa.prototype;
+g = ya.prototype;
g.start = function(a) {
- Q(this.b);
+ P(this.b);
this.a = a;
- a = J(R(this.b, this.a));
- P(this.b, this.a, null == a ? "\u2009" : a);
+ a = J(Q(this.b, this.a));
+ O(this.b, this.a, null == a ? "\u2009" : a);
g.i = function() {
@@ -533,105 +520,105 @@ g.o = function() {
g.j = function() {
var a = $("#text-tool-input").val();
- for (var b = this.b, c = this.c, e = 0, d = 0, a = n(a), f = a.next();!f.done;f = a.next()) {
- f = f.value, "\n" == f ? (d++, e = 0) : (P(b, c.add(new p(e, d)), f), e++);
+ for (var c = this.b, b = this.c, e = 0, d = 0, a = n(a), f = a.next();!f.done;f = a.next()) {
+ f = f.value, "\n" == f ? (d++, e = 0) : (O(c, b.add(new p(e, d)), f), e++);
-function Ba(a) {
+function za(a) {
this.a = a;
this.b = null;
this.c = [];
-g = Ba.prototype;
+g = za.prototype;
g.start = function(a) {
- var b;
+ var c;
if (B) {
- if (K(R(this.a, a))) {
- b = a;
+ if (L(Q(this.a, a))) {
+ c = a;
} else {
- var c = H.concat([C.add(F), C.add(G), D.add(F), D.add(G)]);
- b = null;
- for (var e = 0, c = n(c), d = c.next();!d.done;d = c.next()) {
- var d = d.value, f = a.add(d), k = N(T(this.a, f));
- K(R(this.a, f)) && k > e && (b = d, e = k);
+ var b = H.concat([C.add(F), C.add(G), E.add(F), E.add(G)]);
+ c = null;
+ for (var e = 0, b = n(b), d = b.next();!d.done;d = b.next()) {
+ var d = d.value, f = a.add(d), k = N(U(this.a, f));
+ L(Q(this.a, f)) && k > e && (c = d, e = k);
- b = null == b ? a : a.add(b);
+ c = null == c ? a : a.add(c);
} else {
- b = a;
+ c = a;
- this.b = b;
+ this.b = c;
this.c = [];
- if (K(R(this.a, this.b))) {
- T(this.a, this.b);
- b = [];
+ if (L(Q(this.a, this.b))) {
+ U(this.a, this.b);
+ c = [];
e = n(H);
- for (c = e.next();!c.done;c = e.next()) {
- for (c = c.value, d = Ca(this, this.b, c), d = n(d), f = d.next();!f.done;f = d.next()) {
- var f = f.value, k = 0 != c.x, l = -1 != z.indexOf(J(R(this.a, a))), A = -1 != z.indexOf(J(R(this.a, f)));
- if (1 == N(T(this.a, f))) {
- b.push({position:f, s:k, v:l, u:A});
+ for (b = e.next();!b.done;b = e.next()) {
+ for (b = b.value, d = Aa(this, this.b, b), d = n(d), f = d.next();!f.done;f = d.next()) {
+ var f = f.value, k = 0 != b.x, l = -1 != A.indexOf(J(Q(this.a, a))), v = -1 != A.indexOf(J(Q(this.a, f)));
+ if (1 == N(U(this.a, f))) {
+ c.push({position:f, s:k, v:l, u:v});
} else {
- for (var E = n(H), q = E.next();!q.done;q = E.next()) {
- q = q.value, 0 != c.add(q).length() && 2 != c.add(q).length() && (q = Ca(this, f, q), q.length && (q = q[0], b.push({position:q, s:k, v:l, w:A, u:-1 != z.indexOf(J(R(this.a, q)))})));
+ for (var D = n(H), q = D.next();!q.done;q = D.next()) {
+ q = q.value, 0 != b.add(q).length() && 2 != b.add(q).length() && (q = Aa(this, f, q), q.length && (q = q[0], c.push({position:q, s:k, v:l, w:v, u:-1 != A.indexOf(J(Q(this.a, q)))})));
- this.c = b;
+ this.c = c;
g.i = function(a) {
- for (var b = n(this.c), c = b.next();!c.done;c = b.next()) {
- c = c.value, V(this.a, this.b, c.position, c.s, " ");
+ for (var c = n(this.c), b = c.next();!b.done;b = c.next()) {
+ b = b.value, V(this.a, this.b, b.position, b.s, " ");
- b = n(this.c);
- for (c = b.next();!c.done;c = b.next()) {
- c = c.value, V(this.a, a, c.position, c.s);
+ c = n(this.c);
+ for (b = c.next();!b.done;b = c.next()) {
+ b = b.value, V(this.a, a, b.position, b.s);
- b = n(this.c);
- for (c = b.next();!c.done;c = b.next()) {
- c = c.value, c.v && P(this.a, a, "^"), c.u && P(this.a, c.position, "^"), c.w && P(this.a, new p(c.s ? c.position.x : a.x, c.s ? a.y : c.position.y), "^");
+ c = n(this.c);
+ for (b = c.next();!b.done;b = c.next()) {
+ b = b.value, b.v && O(this.a, a, "^"), b.u && O(this.a, b.position, "^"), b.w && O(this.a, new p(b.s ? b.position.x : a.x, b.s ? a.y : b.position.y), "^");
g.m = function() {
- Q(this.a);
+ P(this.a);
-function Ca(a, b, c) {
- for (var e = b.clone(), d = [];;) {
- var f = e.add(c);
- if (!K(R(a.a, f))) {
- return t(b, e) || d.push(e), d;
+function Aa(a, c, b) {
+ for (var e = c.clone(), d = [];;) {
+ var f = e.add(b);
+ if (!L(Q(a.a, f))) {
+ return t(c, e) || d.push(e), d;
e = f;
- 3 == N(T(a.a, e)) && d.push(e);
+ 3 == N(U(a.a, e)) && d.push(e);
g.o = function(a) {
- return K(R(this.a, a)) ? "pointer" : "default";
+ return L(Q(this.a, a)) ? "pointer" : "default";
g.j = function() {
-function Da(a, b) {
+function Ba(a, c) {
this.a = a;
- this.value = b;
+ this.value = c;
B && ($("#freeform-tool-input").val(""), $("#freeform-tool-input").hide(0, function() {
$("#freeform-tool-input").show(0, function() {
-g = Da.prototype;
+g = Ba.prototype;
g.start = function(a) {
- P(this.a, a, this.value);
+ O(this.a, a, this.value);
g.i = function(a) {
- P(this.a, a, this.value);
+ O(this.a, a, this.value);
g.m = function() {
- Q(this.a);
+ P(this.a);
g.o = function() {
return "crosshair";
@@ -640,93 +627,102 @@ g.j = function(a) {
B && (this.value = $("#freeform-tool-input").val().substr(0, 1), $("#freeform-tool-input").blur(), $("#freeform-tool-input").hide(0));
1 == a.length && (this.value = a);
-function Ea(a, b) {
- var c = W(a.a, b);
- a.f || (a.f = c);
- t(c, a.f) || (a.a.b.style.cursor = a.c.o(c));
- 2 != a.mode || t(c, a.f) || a.c.i(c);
+function Ca(a, c) {
+ var b = X(a.a, c);
+ a.f || (a.f = b);
+ t(b, a.f) || (a.a.b.style.cursor = a.c.o(b));
+ 2 != a.mode || t(b, a.f) || a.c.i(b);
if (1 == a.mode) {
- var e = a.a, d = a.h.add(u(a.g, b).scale(1 / a.a.c));
+ var e = a.a, d = a.h.add(u(a.g, c).scale(1 / a.a.c));
e.a = d;
e.f = !0;
- a.f = c;
+ a.f = b;
-function Y(a) {
+function Z(a) {
2 == a.mode && a.c.m();
a.mode = 0;
a.g = null;
a.h = null;
a.f = null;
-function Fa(a) {
+function Da(a) {
$(window).resize(function() {
- sa(a.a);
+ qa(a.a);
- $("#draw-tools > button.tool").click(function(b) {
+ $("#draw-tools > button.tool").click(function(c) {
- b = b.target.id;
+ c = c.target.id;
$("#draw-tools > button.tool").removeClass("active");
- $("#" + b).toggleClass("active");
+ $("#" + c).toggleClass("active");
- "box-button" == b && (a.c = new ra(a.b));
- "line-button" == b && (a.c = new va(a.b, !1));
- "arrow-button" == b && (a.c = new va(a.b, !0));
- "freeform-button" == b && (a.c = new Da(a.b, "X"));
- "erase-button" == b && (a.c = new X(a.b));
- "move-button" == b && (a.c = new Ba(a.b));
- "text-button" == b && (a.c = new Aa(a.b));
- "select-button" == b && (a.c = new wa(a.b));
- Q(a.b);
+ "box-button" == c && (a.c = new W(a.b));
+ "line-button" == c && (a.c = new ta(a.b, !1));
+ "arrow-button" == c && (a.c = new ta(a.b, !0));
+ "freeform-button" == c && (a.c = new Ba(a.b, "X"));
+ "erase-button" == c && (a.c = new Y(a.b));
+ "move-button" == c && (a.c = new za(a.b));
+ "text-button" == c && (a.c = new ya(a.b));
+ "select-button" == c && (a.c = new ua(a.b));
+ P(a.b);
- $("#file-tools > button.tool").click(function(b) {
- b = b.target.id;
+ $("#file-tools > button.tool").click(function(c) {
+ c = c.target.id;
- $("#" + b + "-dialog").toggleClass("visible");
- "import-button" == b && ($("#import-area").val(""), $("#import-area").focus());
- "export-button" == b && ($("#export-area").val(U(a.b)), $("#export-area").select());
- "clear-button" == b && O(a.b);
- "undo-button" == b && oa(a.b);
- "redo-button" == b && pa(a.b);
+ $("#" + c + "-dialog").toggleClass("visible");
+ "import-button" == c && ($("#import-area").val(""), $("#import-area").focus());
+ "export-button" == c && ($("#export-area").val(pa(a.b)), $("#export-area").select());
+ "clear-button" == c && ma(a.b);
+ "undo-button" == c && na(a.b);
+ "redo-button" == c && oa(a.b);
$("button.close-dialog-button").click(function() {
$("#import-submit-button").click(function() {
- O(a.b);
- qa(a.b, $("#import-area").val(), W(a.a, new p(a.a.b.width / 2, a.a.b.height / 2)));
- Q(a.b);
+ ma(a.b);
+ for (var c = a.b, b = $("#import-area").val(), e = X(a.a, new p(a.a.b.width / 2, a.a.b.height / 2)), b = b.split("\n"), d = new p(0, Math.round(b.length / 2)), f = 0;f < b.length;f++) {
+ d.x = Math.max(d.x, Math.round(b[f].length / 2));
+ }
+ for (f = 0;f < b.length;f++) {
+ for (var k = b[f], l = 0;l < k.length;l++) {
+ var v = k.charAt(l);
+ z.includes(v) && (v = "+");
+ O(c, u((new p(l, f)).add(e), d), v);
+ }
+ }
+ P(a.b);
$("#use-lines-button").click(function() {
- var b = a.a;
- b.h = !0;
- b.f = !0;
+ var c = a.a;
+ c.h = !0;
+ c.f = !0;
$("#use-ascii-button").click(function() {
- var b = a.a;
- b.h = !1;
- b.f = !0;
+ var c = a.a;
+ c.h = !1;
+ c.f = !0;
- $(window).keypress(function(b) {
- b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey || 13 == b.keyCode || a.c.j(String.fromCharCode(b.keyCode));
+ $(window).keypress(function(c) {
+ c.ctrlKey || c.metaKey || 13 == c.keyCode || a.c.j(String.fromCharCode(c.keyCode));
- $(window).keydown(function(b) {
- var c = null;
- if (b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey) {
- 67 == b.keyCode && (c = ""), 86 == b.keyCode && (c = ""), 90 == b.keyCode && oa(a.b), 89 == b.keyCode && pa(a.b), 88 == b.keyCode && (c = "");
+ $(window).keydown(function(c) {
+ var b = null;
+ if (c.ctrlKey || c.metaKey) {
+ 67 == c.keyCode && (b = ""), 86 == c.keyCode && (b = ""), 90 == c.keyCode && na(a.b), 89 == c.keyCode && oa(a.b), 88 == c.keyCode && (b = "");
- 8 == b.keyCode && (c = "");
- 13 == b.keyCode && (c = "");
- 38 == b.keyCode && (c = "");
- 40 == b.keyCode && (c = "");
- 37 == b.keyCode && (c = "");
- 39 == b.keyCode && (c = "");
- null != c && a.c.j(c);
+ 8 == c.keyCode && (b = "");
+ 13 == c.keyCode && (b = "");
+ 38 == c.keyCode && (b = "");
+ 40 == c.keyCode && (b = "");
+ 37 == c.keyCode && (b = "");
+ 39 == c.keyCode && (b = "");
+ null != b && a.c.j(b);
$("#text-tool-input, #freeform-tool-input").keyup(function() {
@@ -736,192 +732,94 @@ function Fa(a) {
$("#text-tool-close").click(function() {
- Q(a.b);
+ P(a.b);
-;function Ga(a, b) {
- window.gapi.auth.authorize({client_id:"125643747010-9s9n1ne2fnnuh5v967licfkt83r4vba5.apps.googleusercontent.com", scope:"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", A:b}, function(c) {
- !c || c.error || a.f || (a.f = !0, $("#drive-button").addClass("active"), window.setTimeout(function() {
- Ha(a);
- }, 500));
+;function Ea(a) {
+ var c = $(a.a.a.b);
+ c.on("mousewheel", function(b) {
+ b = a.a.a.c * (0 < b.originalEvent.wheelDelta ? 1.1 : .9);
+ b = Math.max(Math.min(b, 5), .2);
+ var c = a.a.a;
+ c.c = b;
+ c.f = !0;
-function Ia(a) {
- window.gapi && window.gapi.auth && window.gapi.auth.authorize ? Ga(a, !0) : window.setTimeout(function() {
- Ia(a);
- }, 500);
-function Ja(a) {
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- a.f ? Ka(a) : (Ga(a, !0), Ja(a));
- }, 1E3);
-function La(a, b) {
- a.a = b;
- $("#drive-filename").text(b.title);
- window.location.hash = b.id;
-function Ka(a) {
- $("#drive-dialog").addClass("visible");
- var b = U(a.b);
- 5 < b.length && b != a.c && Z(a);
- Ma();
-function Ma() {
- Na(window.gapi.client.request({path:"/drive/v2/files", params:{q:"mimeType = 'text/plain' and trashed = false"}, method:"GET"}), function(a) {
- $("#drive-file-list").children().remove();
- a = a.items;
- for (var b in a) {
- var c = document.createElement("li"), e = document.createElement("a");
- c.appendChild(e);
- e.href = "#" + a[b].id;
- $(e).click(function() {
- $("#drive-dialog").removeClass("visible");
- });
- e.innerHTML = a[b].title;
- $("#drive-file-list").append(c);
- }
- });
-function Na(a, b) {
- try {
- a.execute(function(a) {
- a.error || b(a);
- });
- } catch (c) {
- }
-function Oa(a) {
- U(a.b) != a.c && a.a && a.a.editable && Z(a);
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- Oa(a);
- }, 5E3);
-function Z(a) {
- var b = U(a.b);
- $("#drive-save-state").text("Saving...");
- Na(Pa(a, b), function(c) {
- La(a, c);
- $("#drive-save-state").text("Saved");
- a.c = b;
- });
-function Ha(a) {
- 1 < window.location.hash.length && ($("#drive-save-state").text("Loading..."), Na(window.gapi.client.request({path:"/drive/v2/files/" + window.location.hash.substr(1, window.location.hash.length - 1), method:"GET"}), function(b) {
- La(a, b);
- Qa(a);
- }));
-function Qa(a) {
- Ra(a.a.downloadUrl, function(b) {
- $("#drive-save-state").text("Loaded");
- O(a.b);
- qa(a.b, b, W(a.g, new p(a.g.b.width / 2, a.g.b.height / 2)));
- Q(a.b);
- a.c = U(a.b);
- });
-function Pa(a, b) {
- var c = "\r\n---------314159265358979323846\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n" + JSON.stringify({title:a.a ? a.a.title : "Untitled ASCII Diagram", mimeType:"text/plain"}) + "\r\n---------314159265358979323846\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" + b + "\r\n---------314159265358979323846--";
- return window.gapi.client.request({method:a.a ? "PUT" : "POST", path:"/upload/drive/v2/files" + (a.a ? "/" + a.a.id : ""), params:{uploadType:"multipart"}, headers:{"Content-Type":'multipart/mixed; boundary="-------314159265358979323846"'}, body:c});
-function Ra(a, b) {
- var c = window.gapi.auth.getToken().access_token, e = new XMLHttpRequest;
- e.open("GET", a);
- e.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + c);
- e.onload = function() {
- b(e.responseText);
- };
- e.onerror = function() {
- b(null);
- };
- e.send();
-;function Sa(a) {
- var b = $(a.a.a.b);
- b.on("mousewheel", function(c) {
- c = a.a.a.c * (0 < c.originalEvent.wheelDelta ? 1.1 : .9);
- c = Math.max(Math.min(c, 5), .2);
- var b = a.a.a;
- b.c = c;
- b.f = !0;
- });
- b.mousedown(function(c) {
- if (c.ctrlKey || c.metaKey) {
- var b = a.a;
- c = new p(c.clientX, c.clientY);
- b.mode = 1;
- b.g = c;
- b.h = b.a.a;
+ c.mousedown(function(b) {
+ if (b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey) {
+ var c = a.a;
+ b = new p(b.clientX, b.clientY);
+ c.mode = 1;
+ c.g = b;
+ c.h = c.a.a;
} else {
- b = a.a, c = new p(c.clientX, c.clientY), b.mode = 2, b.c.start(W(b.a, c));
+ c = a.a, b = new p(b.clientX, b.clientY), c.mode = 2, c.c.start(X(c.a, b));
- b.mouseup(function() {
- Y(a.a);
+ c.mouseup(function() {
+ Z(a.a);
- b.mouseleave(function() {
- Y(a.a);
+ c.mouseleave(function() {
+ Z(a.a);
- b.mousemove(function(c) {
- Ea(a.a, new p(c.clientX, c.clientY));
+ c.mousemove(function(b) {
+ Ca(a.a, new p(b.clientX, b.clientY));
-function Ta(a, b) {
- a.f = b;
+function Fa(a, c) {
+ a.f = c;
a.h = $.now();
a.b = !1;
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (!a.b && !a.c && a.f) {
- var c = a.a;
- c.mode = 2;
- c.c.start(W(c.a, b));
+ var b = a.a;
+ b.mode = 2;
+ b.c.start(X(b.a, c));
}, 150);
-function Ua(a) {
- var b = $(a.a.a.b);
- b.on("touchstart", function(c) {
- c.preventDefault();
- if (1 == c.originalEvent.touches.length) {
- Ta(a, r(c));
+function Ga(a) {
+ var c = $(a.a.a.b);
+ c.on("touchstart", function(b) {
+ b.preventDefault();
+ if (1 == b.originalEvent.touches.length) {
+ Fa(a, r(b));
} else {
- if (1 < c.originalEvent.touches.length) {
- var b = r(c, 0);
- c = r(c, 1);
- Y(a.a);
+ if (1 < b.originalEvent.touches.length) {
+ var c = r(b, 0);
+ b = r(b, 1);
+ Z(a.a);
a.c = !0;
a.b = !1;
- a.l = u(b, c).length();
+ a.l = u(c, b).length();
a.g = a.a.a.c;
- b.on("touchmove", function(c) {
- c.preventDefault();
- if (1 == c.originalEvent.touches.length) {
- c = r(c);
- if (!a.b && 150 > $.now() - a.h && 6 < u(c, a.f).length()) {
+ c.on("touchmove", function(b) {
+ b.preventDefault();
+ if (1 == b.originalEvent.touches.length) {
+ b = r(b);
+ if (!a.b && 150 > $.now() - a.h && 6 < u(b, a.f).length()) {
a.b = !0;
- var b = a.a;
- b.mode = 1;
- b.g = c;
- b.h = b.a.a;
+ var c = a.a;
+ c.mode = 1;
+ c.g = b;
+ c.h = c.a.a;
- Ea(a.a, c);
+ Ca(a.a, b);
} else {
- 1 < c.originalEvent.touches.length && a.c && (c = a.g * u(r(c, 0), r(c, 1)).length() / a.l, c = Math.max(Math.min(c, 5), .5), b = a.a.a, b.c = c, b.f = !0);
+ 1 < b.originalEvent.touches.length && a.c && (b = a.g * u(r(b, 0), r(b, 1)).length() / a.l, b = Math.max(Math.min(b, 5), .5), c = a.a.a, c.c = b, c.f = !0);
- b.on("touchend", function(b) {
+ c.on("touchend", function(b) {
a.b = !1;
a.c = !1;
a.f = null;
- Y(a.a);
+ Z(a.a);
-;var Va = new function() {
+;var Ha = new function() {
this.a = Array(2E3);
this.b = [];
this.c = !0;
@@ -929,11 +827,11 @@ function Ua(a) {
this.f = [];
for (var a = 0;a < this.a.length;a++) {
this.a[a] = Array(600);
- for (var b = 0;b < this.a[a].length;b++) {
- this.a[a][b] = new ia;
+ for (var c = 0;c < this.a[a].length;c++) {
+ this.a[a][c] = new ia;
-}, Wa = new function(a) {
+}, Ia = new function(a) {
this.g = a;
this.b = document.getElementById("ascii-canvas");
this.context = this.b.getContext("2d");
@@ -941,52 +839,23 @@ function Ua(a) {
this.a = new p(9E3, 5100);
this.f = !0;
this.h = !1;
- sa(this);
-}(Va), Xa = new function(a, b) {
+ qa(this);
+}(Ha), Ja = new function(a, c) {
this.a = a;
- this.b = b;
- this.c = new ra(b);
+ this.b = c;
+ this.c = new W(c);
this.mode = 0;
this.f = null;
- Fa(this);
-}(Wa, Va);
+ Da(this);
+}(Ia, Ha);
new function(a) {
this.a = a;
this.c = this.b = !1;
- Ua(this);
+ Ga(this);
new function(a) {
this.a = a;
- Sa(this);
-new function(a, b) {
- var c = this;
- this.f = !1;
- this.b = a;
- this.g = b;
- this.a = null;
- this.c = "";
- Ia(this);
- $("#drive-button").click(function() {
- c.f ? Ka(c) : (Ga(c, !1), Ja(c));
- });
- $("#drive-filename").click(function() {
- var a = "" + $("#drive-filename").text(), a = prompt("Enter new filename:", a);
- c.a.title = a;
- Z(c);
- Ma();
- });
- Oa(this);
- $(window).on("hashchange", function() {
- Ha(c);
- });
- $("#drive-new-file-button").click(function() {
- c.a = null;
- O(c.b);
- window.location.hash = "";
- Z(c);
- $("#drive-dialog").removeClass("visible");
- });
-}(Va, Wa);
+ Ea(this);
diff --git a/js-lib/drive-controller.js b/js-lib/drive-controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e142dd..0000000
--- a/js-lib/drive-controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-import Vector from './vector';
-import State from './state';
-import View from './view';
-const CLIENT_ID = '125643747010-9s9n1ne2fnnuh5v967licfkt83r4vba5.apps.googleusercontent.com';
-const SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive';
-const DEVELOPER_KEY = 'AIzaSyBbKO_v9p-G9StQjYmtUYLP6Px4MkGions';
-export default class DriveController {
- constructor(state, view) {
- /** @type {boolean} */
- this.driveEnabled = false;
- /** @type {State} */
- this.state = state;
- /** @type {View} */
- this.view = view;
- // This is a file resource, as defined by the Drive API.
- /** @type {Object} */
- this.file = null;
- /** @type {string} */
- this.cachedText = '';
- this.tryInitialAuth();
- $('#drive-button').click(() => {
- if (!this.driveEnabled) {
- // Haven't been able to immediately auth yet, so try full auth.
- this.checkAuth(false);
- this.waitForFullAuth();
- } else {
- this.loadDialog();
- }
- });
- $('#drive-filename').click(() => {
- var currentTitle = '' + $('#drive-filename').text();
- var title = prompt('Enter new filename:', currentTitle);
- this.file['title'] = title;
- this.save();
- this.loadFileList();
- });
- this.loopSave();
- $(window).on('hashchange', () => { this.loadFromHash(); });
- $('#drive-new-file-button').click(() => {
- this.file = null;
- this.state.clear();
- window.location.hash = '';
- this.save();
- $('#drive-dialog').removeClass('visible');
- });
- }
- /**
- * Check if the current user has authorized the application.
- */
- checkAuth(immediate) {
- window['gapi']['auth']['authorize']({
- 'client_id': CLIENT_ID,
- 'scope': SCOPES,
- immediate },
- result => {
- if (result && !result.error && !this.driveEnabled) {
- this.driveEnabled = true;
- $('#drive-button').addClass('active');
- // We are authorized, so let's se if we can load from the URL hash.
- // This seems to fail if we do it too early.
- window.setTimeout(() => { this.loadFromHash(); }, 500);
- }
- });
- }
- tryInitialAuth() {
- if (window['gapi'] && window['gapi']['auth'] && window['gapi']['auth']['authorize']) {
- this.checkAuth(true);
- } else {
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- this.tryInitialAuth();
- }, 500);
- }
- }
- waitForFullAuth() {
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- if (!this.driveEnabled) {
- this.checkAuth(true);
- this.waitForFullAuth();
- } else {
- this.loadDialog();
- }
- }, 1000);
- }
- /**
- * Handles a file resource being returned from Drive.
- */
- handleFile(file) {
- this.file = file;
- $('#drive-filename').text(file['title']);
- window.location.hash = file['id'];
- }
- /**
- * Loads the drive dialog.
- */
- loadDialog() {
- $('#drive-dialog').addClass('visible');
- var text = this.state.outputText();
- // Don't save diagram if empty, just get's annoying.
- if (text.length > 5 && text != this.cachedText) {
- this.save();
- }
- this.loadFileList();
- }
- loadFileList() {
- this.safeExecute(this.getListRequest(), result => {
- $('#drive-file-list').children().remove();
- var items = result['items'];
- for (var i in items) {
- var entry = document.createElement('li');
- var title = document.createElement('a');
- entry.appendChild(title);
- title.href = '#' + items[i]['id'];
- $(title).click(function() { $('#drive-dialog').removeClass('visible'); });
- title.innerHTML = items[i]['title'];
- $('#drive-file-list').append(entry);
- }
- });
- }
- safeExecute(request, callback) {
- // Could make the API call, don't blow up tho (mobiles n stuff).
- try {
- request['execute'](result => {
- if (!result['error']) {
- callback(result);
- }
- });
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- /**
- * Repeatedly save the diagram if it is editable and loaded.
- */
- loopSave() {
- var text = this.state.outputText();
- if (text != this.cachedText && this.file && this.file['editable']) {
- this.save();
- }
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- this.loopSave();
- }, 5000);
- }
- /**
- * Saves the current diagram to drive.
- */
- save() {
- var text = this.state.outputText();
- $('#drive-save-state').text('Saving...');
- this.safeExecute(this.getSaveRequest(text), result => {
- this.handleFile(result);
- $('#drive-save-state').text('Saved');
- this.cachedText = text;
- });
- }
- loadFromHash() {
- if (window.location.hash.length > 1) {
- $('#drive-save-state').text('Loading...');
- var fileId = window.location.hash.substr(1, window.location.hash.length - 1);
- this.safeExecute(this.getLoadRequest(fileId), result => {
- this.handleFile(result);
- this.reloadFileContent();
- });
- }
- }
- reloadFileContent() {
- this.downloadFile(this.file['downloadUrl'], content => {
- $('#drive-save-state').text('Loaded');
- this.state.clear();
- this.state.fromText(content, this.view.screenToCell(new Vector(
- this.view.canvas.width / 2,
- this.view.canvas.height / 2)));
- this.state.commitDraw();
- this.cachedText = this.state.outputText();
- });
- }
- getSaveRequest(text) {
- var boundary = '-------314159265358979323846';
- var delimiter = "\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n";
- var close_delim = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--";
- var title = this.file == null ? 'Untitled ASCII Diagram' : this.file['title'];
- var metadata = {
- 'title': title,
- 'mimeType': 'text/plain'
- };
- var multipartRequestBody =
- delimiter +
- 'Content-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n' +
- JSON.stringify(metadata) +
- delimiter +
- 'Content-Type: ' + 'text/plain' + '\r\n' +
- '\r\n' +
- text +
- close_delim;
- // Choose upload path and method depending on whether we have create a file already.
- var fileId = this.file == null ? '' : '/' + this.file['id'];
- var method = this.file == null ? 'POST' : 'PUT';
- return window['gapi']['client']['request']({
- method,
- 'path': '/upload/drive/v2/files' + fileId,
- 'params': {'uploadType': 'multipart'},
- 'headers': {
- 'Content-Type': 'multipart/mixed; boundary="' + boundary + '"'
- },
- 'body': multipartRequestBody});
- }
- getLoadRequest(fileId) {
- return window['gapi']['client']['request']({
- 'path': '/drive/v2/files/' + fileId,
- 'method': 'GET'});
- }
- getListRequest() {
- return window['gapi']['client']['request']({
- 'path': '/drive/v2/files',
- 'params' : { 'q': 'mimeType = \'text/plain\' and trashed = false' },
- 'method': 'GET'});
- }
- /**
- * Download a file's content.
- *
- * @param {string} url
- */
- downloadFile(url, callback) {
- var accessToken = window['gapi']['auth']['getToken']()['access_token'];
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open('GET', url);
- xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken);
- xhr.onload = function() {
- callback(xhr.responseText);
- };
- xhr.onerror = function() {
- callback(null);
- };
- xhr.send();
- }
diff --git a/js-lib/launch.js b/js-lib/launch.js
index 2aca5b6..44a5f7e 100644
--- a/js-lib/launch.js
+++ b/js-lib/launch.js
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import State from './state';
import View from './view';
import Controller from './controller';
import { TouchController, DesktopController } from './input-controller';
-import DriveController from './drive-controller';
* Runs the application.
@@ -13,6 +12,5 @@ import DriveController from './drive-controller';
var controller = new Controller(view, state);
var touchController = new TouchController(controller);
var desktopController = new DesktopController(controller);
- var driveController = new DriveController(state, view);