/** * All drawing classes and functions. */ /** * Draws a line on the diagram state. * * @param {ascii.State} state * @param {ascii.Vector} startPosition * @param {ascii.Vector} endPosition * @param {boolean} clockwise * @param {string=} opt_value */ function drawLine(state, startPosition, endPosition, clockwise, opt_value) { var value = opt_value || SPECIAL_VALUE; var startX = Math.min(startPosition.x, endPosition.x); var startY = Math.min(startPosition.y, endPosition.y); var endX = Math.max(startPosition.x, endPosition.x); var endY = Math.max(startPosition.y, endPosition.y); var midX = clockwise ? endPosition.x : startPosition.x; var midY = clockwise ? startPosition.y : endPosition.y; while (startX++ < endX) { var position = new ascii.Vector(startX, midY); var context = state.getContext(new ascii.Vector(startX, midY)); // Don't erase any lines that we cross. if (value != ' ' || context.up + context.down != 2) { state.drawValueIncremental(position, value); } } while (startY++ < endY) { var position = new ascii.Vector(midX, startY); var context = state.getContext(new ascii.Vector(midX, startY)); // Don't erase any lines that we cross. if (value != ' ' || context.left + context.right != 2) { state.drawValueIncremental(position, value); } } state.drawValue(startPosition, value); state.drawValue(endPosition, value); state.drawValueIncremental(new ascii.Vector(midX, midY), value); } /** * Common interface for different drawing functions, e.g. box, line, etc. * @interface */ ascii.DrawFunction = function() {}; /** Start of drawing. @param {ascii.Vector} position */ ascii.DrawFunction.prototype.start = function(position) {}; /** Drawing move. @param {ascii.Vector} position */ ascii.DrawFunction.prototype.move = function(position) {}; /** End of drawing. */ ascii.DrawFunction.prototype.end = function() {}; /** Cursor for given cell. * @param {ascii.Vector} position * @return {string} */ ascii.DrawFunction.prototype.getCursor = function(position) {}; /** Handle the key with given value being pressed. @param {string} value */ ascii.DrawFunction.prototype.handleKey = function(value) {}; /** * @constructor * @implements {ascii.DrawFunction} * @param {ascii.State} state */ ascii.DrawBox = function(state) { this.state = state; /** @type {ascii.Vector} */ this.startPosition = null; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawBox.prototype.start = function(position) { this.startPosition = position; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawBox.prototype.move = function(position) { this.endPosition = position; this.state.clearDraw(); drawLine(this.state, this.startPosition, position, true); drawLine(this.state, this.startPosition, position, false); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawBox.prototype.end = function() { this.state.commitDraw(); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawBox.prototype.getCursor = function(position) { return 'crosshair'; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawBox.prototype.handleKey = function(value) {}; /** * @constructor * @implements {ascii.DrawFunction} * @param {ascii.State} state */ ascii.DrawLine = function(state) { this.state = state; /** @type {ascii.Vector} */ this.startPosition = null; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawLine.prototype.start = function(position) { this.startPosition = position; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawLine.prototype.move = function(position) { this.state.clearDraw(); // Try to infer line orientation. // TODO: Split the line into two lines if we can't satisfy both ends. var startContext = this.state.getContext(this.startPosition); var endContext = this.state.getContext(position); var clockwise = (startContext.up && startContext.down) || (endContext.left && endContext.right); drawLine(this.state, this.startPosition, position, clockwise); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawLine.prototype.end = function() { this.state.commitDraw(); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawLine.prototype.getCursor = function(position) { return 'crosshair'; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawLine.prototype.handleKey = function(value) {}; /** * @constructor * @implements {ascii.DrawFunction} * @param {ascii.State} state * @param {?string} value */ ascii.DrawFreeform = function(state, value) { this.state = state; this.value = value; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawFreeform.prototype.start = function(position) { this.state.drawValue(position, this.value); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawFreeform.prototype.move = function(position) { this.state.drawValue(position, this.value); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawFreeform.prototype.end = function() { this.state.commitDraw(); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawFreeform.prototype.getCursor = function(position) { return 'crosshair'; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawFreeform.prototype.handleKey = function(value) { if (value.length == 1) { // The value is not a special character, so lets use it. this.value = value; } }; /** * @constructor * @implements {ascii.DrawFunction} * @param {ascii.State} state */ ascii.DrawText = function(state) { this.state = state; this.startPosition = null; this.currentPosition = null; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawText.prototype.start = function(position) { this.startPosition = position; this.currentPosition = position; // Clean up any existing draws. this.state.clearDraw(); // Effectively highlights the starting cell. var currentValue = this.state.getCell(position).getRawValue(); this.state.drawValue(position, currentValue == null ? ERASE_CHAR : currentValue); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawText.prototype.move = function(position) {}; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawText.prototype.end = function() {}; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawText.prototype.getCursor = function(position) { return 'text'; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawText.prototype.handleKey = function(value) { if (this.currentPosition == null) { return; } var nextPosition = this.currentPosition.add(DIR_RIGHT); if (value == KEY_RETURN || this.state.getCell(nextPosition).isSpecial()) { // Pressed return key or hit box, so clear this cell and new line. this.state.clearDraw(); nextPosition = this.startPosition.add(DIR_DOWN); this.startPosition = nextPosition; } if (value == KEY_BACKSPACE && this.startPosition.x <= nextPosition.x) { // Pressed backspace key, so clear this cell and go back. this.state.clearDraw(); nextPosition = this.currentPosition.add(DIR_LEFT); if (nextPosition.x < this.startPosition.x) { nextPosition.x = this.startPosition.x; } this.state.drawValue(nextPosition, ERASE_CHAR); this.state.commitDraw(); } if (value == KEY_UP) { this.state.clearDraw(); this.startPosition = nextPosition = this.currentPosition.add(DIR_UP); } if (value == KEY_LEFT) { this.state.clearDraw(); this.startPosition = nextPosition = this.currentPosition.add(DIR_LEFT); } if (value == KEY_RIGHT) { this.state.clearDraw(); this.startPosition = nextPosition = this.currentPosition.add(DIR_RIGHT); } if (value == KEY_DOWN) { this.state.clearDraw(); this.startPosition = nextPosition = this.currentPosition.add(DIR_DOWN); } if (value.length == 1) { // The value is not a special character, so draw the value and commit it. this.state.drawValue(this.currentPosition, value); this.state.commitDraw(); } // Highlight the next cell. this.currentPosition = nextPosition; var nextValue = this.state.getCell(nextPosition).getRawValue(); this.state.drawValue(nextPosition, nextValue == null ? ERASE_CHAR : nextValue); }; /** * @constructor * @implements {ascii.DrawFunction} * @param {ascii.State} state */ ascii.DrawErase = function(state) { this.state = state; this.startPosition = null; this.endPosition = null; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawErase.prototype.start = function(position) { this.startPosition = position; this.move(position); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawErase.prototype.move = function(position) { this.state.clearDraw(); this.endPosition = position; var startX = Math.min(this.startPosition.x, this.endPosition.x); var startY = Math.min(this.startPosition.y, this.endPosition.y); var endX = Math.max(this.startPosition.x, this.endPosition.x); var endY = Math.max(this.startPosition.y, this.endPosition.y); for (var i = startX; i <= endX; i++) { for (var j = startY; j <= endY; j++) { this.state.drawValue(new ascii.Vector(i, j), ERASE_CHAR); } } }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawErase.prototype.end = function() { this.state.commitDraw(); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawErase.prototype.getCursor = function(position) { return 'crosshair'; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawErase.prototype.handleKey = function(value) {}; /** * @constructor * @implements {ascii.DrawFunction} * @param {ascii.State} state */ ascii.DrawMove = function(state) { this.state = state; this.startPosition = null; this.ends = null; }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawMove.prototype.start = function(position) { this.startPosition = TOUCH_ENABLED ? this.snapToNearest(position) : position; this.ends = null; // If this isn't a special cell then quit, or things get weird. if (!this.state.getCell(this.startPosition).isSpecial()) { return; } var context = this.state.getContext(this.startPosition); var ends = []; for (var i in DIRECTIONS) { var midPoints = this.followLine(this.startPosition, DIRECTIONS[i]); for (var k in midPoints) { var midPoint = midPoints[k]; // Clockwise is a lie, it is true if we move vertically first. var clockwise = (DIRECTIONS[i].x != 0); var midPointContext = this.state.getContext(midPoint); // Special case, a straight line with no turns. if (midPointContext.sum() == 1) { ends.push({position: midPoint, clockwise: clockwise}); continue; } // Continue following lines from the midpoint. for (var j in DIRECTIONS) { if (DIRECTIONS[i].add(DIRECTIONS[j]).length() == 0 || DIRECTIONS[i].add(DIRECTIONS[j]).length() == 2) { // Don't go back on ourselves, or don't carry on in same direction. continue; } var secondEnds = this.followLine(midPoint, DIRECTIONS[j]); // Ignore any directions that didn't go anywhere. if (secondEnds.length == 0) { continue; } // On the second line we don't care about multiple // junctions, just the last. ends.push({position: secondEnds[secondEnds.length - 1], clockwise: clockwise}); } } } this.ends = ends; // Redraw the new lines after we have cleared the existing ones. this.move(this.startPosition); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawMove.prototype.move = function(position) { this.state.clearDraw(); // Clear all the lines so we can draw them afresh. for (var i in this.ends) { drawLine(this.state, this.startPosition, this.ends[i].position, this.ends[i].clockwise, ' '); } for (var i in this.ends) { drawLine(this.state, position, this.ends[i].position, this.ends[i].clockwise); } }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawMove.prototype.end = function() { this.state.commitDraw(); }; /** * Follows a line in a given direction from the startPosition. * Returns a list of positions that were line 'junctions'. This is a bit of a * loose definition, but basically means a point around which we resize things. * @param {ascii.Vector} startPosition * @param {ascii.Vector} direction * @return {Array.} */ ascii.DrawMove.prototype.followLine = function(startPosition, direction) { var endPosition = startPosition.clone(); var junctions = []; while (true) { var nextEnd = endPosition.add(direction); if (!this.state.getCell(nextEnd).isSpecial()) { // Junctions: Right angles and end T-Junctions. if (!startPosition.equals(endPosition)) { junctions.push(endPosition); } return junctions; } endPosition = nextEnd; var context = this.state.getContext(endPosition); // Junctions: Side T-Junctions. if (context.sum() == 3) { junctions.push(endPosition); } } }; /** * For a given position, finds the nearest cell that is of any interest to the * move tool, e.g. a corner or a line. Will look up to 1 cell in each direction * including diagonally. * @param {ascii.Vector} position * @return {ascii.Vector} */ ascii.DrawMove.prototype.snapToNearest = function(position) { if (this.state.getCell(position).isSpecial()) { return position; } var allDirections = DIRECTIONS.concat([ DIR_LEFT.add(DIR_UP), DIR_LEFT.add(DIR_DOWN), DIR_RIGHT.add(DIR_UP), DIR_RIGHT.add(DIR_DOWN)]); var bestDirection = null; var bestContextSum = 0; for (var i in allDirections) { // Find the most connected cell, essentially. var newPos = position.add(allDirections[i]); var contextSum = this.state.getContext(newPos).sum(); if (this.state.getCell(newPos).isSpecial() && contextSum > bestContextSum) { bestDirection = allDirections[i]; bestContextSum = contextSum; } } if (bestDirection == null) { // Didn't find anything, so just return the current cell. return position; } return position.add(bestDirection); }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawMove.prototype.getCursor = function(position) { if (this.state.getCell(position).isSpecial()) { return 'pointer'; } else { return 'default'; } }; /** @inheritDoc */ ascii.DrawMove.prototype.handleKey = function(value) {};