#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/draw racket/fasl racket/list racket/match racket/port racket/path racket/set racket/string racket/runtime-path net/url-string pict markdown markdown/display-xexpr markdown/toc "compiler.rkt" "defs.rkt" "fetch.rkt" threading (prefix-in sass: sass) (prefix-in mathml: "ext-mathml/main.rkt") (prefix-in syntax: "ext-syntax/main.rkt") (prefix-in page: "templates/page.html.rkt")) (struct input-doc [metadata xref-name text] #:transparent) (struct ir-doc [metadata xref-name html] #:prefab) (define-runtime-path *render.scss* "render.scss") (define *index.md* (build-path "index.md")) (define *config.rktd* (build-path "config.rktd")) (define *reserved-slugs* (set (build-path "hashtag") (build-path "user") (build-path "tech"))) (define (read-input-doc xref-name [port (current-input-port)]) (define metadata (read port)) (unless (metadata? metadata) (error "post front matter is not valid metadata!")) (define text (port->string port)) (input-doc metadata xref-name text)) (define *xref-char* "^") (define *user-char* "@") (define *hashtag-char* "#") ;; transforms the xexpr into an xexpr that includes links to entities (define (extract-text-starting-with xexpr start-char tag-name) (define re (pregexp (string-append start-char "(\\p{L}|\\p{N})+"))) (define (process+ xexpr) (match xexpr ;; do not descend into other special tags [(list (or 'code 'math 'tech 'deftech 'masto 'user 'xref) attrs children ...) (list xexpr)] ;; recursive [(list tag attrs children ...) (list (cons tag (cons attrs (apply append (map (lambda (child) (process+ child)) children)))))] ;; extract and transform the prefixed text [(? string? str) (define posns (regexp-match-positions* re str)) (define-values [items last-pos] (for/fold ([items '()] [last-pos 0]) ([pos (in-list posns)]) (define value (substring str (car pos) (cdr pos))) (values (cons `(,tag-name ([target ,(substring value 1)]) ,value) (cons (substring str last-pos (car pos)) items)) (cdr pos)))) (reverse (cons (substring str last-pos) items))])) (first (process+ xexpr))) (define (extract-text-starting-with/many xexprs start-char tag-name) (map (λ (xexpr) (extract-text-starting-with xexpr start-char tag-name)) xexprs)) ;; extracts prefixed links and converts them into the pseudo-tag (define (extract-prefixed-links xexpr start-char tag-name) (define (pred? s) (and (string? s) (> (string-length s) 1) (string=? start-char (substring s 0 1)))) (define (extract-prefixed-links+ xexpr) (match xexpr [(list 'a attrs body ...) (match (assoc 'href attrs) [(list _ (? pred? value)) (define target (substring value 1)) `(,tag-name ([target ,target]) ,@(map extract-prefixed-links+ body))] [_ (apply list 'a attrs (map extract-prefixed-links+ body))])] [(list tag attrs children ...) (apply list tag attrs (map extract-prefixed-links+ children))] [(? string? str) str])) (extract-prefixed-links+ xexpr)) (define (extract-prefixed-links/many xexprs start-char tag-name) (map (λ (xexpr) (extract-prefixed-links xexpr start-char tag-name)) xexprs)) (define (check-xrefs xexprs xrefs-repo base-xref) (define (check-xrefs-help xexpr) (match xexpr [(list 'xref (list (list 'target target)) body ...) (define abs-target (simplify-path (url->path (combine-url/relative (path->url base-xref) target)) #f)) (unless (set-member? xrefs-repo (explode-path abs-target)) (error "invalid xref!" target)) (apply list 'xref (list (list 'target (path->string abs-target))) (map check-xrefs-help body))] [(list tag attrs body ...) (cons tag (cons attrs (map check-xrefs-help body)))] [(? string?) xexpr])) (map check-xrefs-help xexprs)) (define (input-doc->ir-doc doc xrefs-repo) (match-define (input-doc md xref-name text) doc) (define output-raw (parse-markdown text)) (define output-cooked (~> output-raw syntax:transform-xexprs mathml:transform-xexprs (extract-text-starting-with/many *hashtag-char* 'hashtag) (extract-text-starting-with/many *user-char* 'user) (extract-prefixed-links/many *xref-char* 'xref) (extract-prefixed-links/many *user-char* 'user) (check-xrefs xrefs-repo xref-name))) (ir-doc md xref-name output-cooked)) ;; lowers pseudo-tags into their final form (define (lower-specials xexpr base-url) (define (lower-specials* xexpr) (match xexpr ;; hashtags [(list 'hashtag (list (list 'target target)) body ...) `(a ([class "hashtag"] [href ,(format "~a/hashtag/~a" base-url target)]) ,@(map lower-specials* body))] ;; xrefs [(list 'xref (list (list 'target target)) body ...) `(a ([class "xref"] [href ,(format "~a~a" base-url target)]) ,@(map lower-specials* body))] ;; users [(list 'user (list (list 'target target)) body ...) `(a ([class "user"] [href ,(format "~a/user/~a" base-url target)]) ,@(map lower-specials* body))] ;; deftech and tech [(list 'deftech (list (list 'key key)) (? string? body)) `(em ([class "deftech"] [id ,(format "tech-~a" key)]) ,body)] [(list 'tech (list (list 'key key)) (? string? body)) `(a ([class "tech"] [href ,(format "~a/tech/~a" base-url key)]) ,body)] ;; masto ;; TODO make this not janky [(list 'p _ (list 'masto _ (? string? url))) (masto-fetch-embed url)] ;; everything else [(list tag attrs children ...) (apply list tag attrs (map lower-specials* children))] [(? string? str) str])) (lower-specials* xexpr)) (define (ir-doc->page doc site-config) (match-define (ir-doc md xref-name content) doc) (define base-url (assoc-ref+ site-config 'base)) (let ([content (lower-specials content base-url)]) (define content-toc (toc content)) (define document (page:execute (hash 'metadata md 'site-config site-config 'xref-name xref-name 'base-url base-url 'content-toc content-toc 'content content))) (with-output-to-string (λ () (display "") (display-xexpr document))))) (define (compile-index-scss index.scss) (define scss-files (cons *render.scss* (append mathml:scss-files syntax:scss-files))) (define top-level-style (string-join (cons index.scss (map (λ (x) (format "@import \"~a\";" (path->string x))) scss-files)) "\n")) (sass:compile/string top-level-style #t)) (define (scan-for-rules [output-dir (build-path "target")] [build-dir (build-path "build")] [src-dir (build-path "src")]) (define-rule (scss [out (build-path output-dir "index.css")] [in (build-path src-dir "index.scss")]) (~> (compile-index-scss (port->string in)) (write-string out))) (define favicon.rkt (build-path src-dir "favicon.rkt")) (define-rule (favicon [out (build-path output-dir "favicon.png")] [in favicon.rkt]) (define icon-pict (dynamic-require favicon.rkt 'icon-pict)) (define icon-bitmap (pict->bitmap icon-pict)) (send icon-bitmap save-file out 'png)) (struct rule-spec [src intermediate output xref-name] #:transparent) (define rule-specs (parameterize ([current-directory src-dir]) (for/list ([md-file (in-directory #f)] #:when (equal? (path-get-extension md-file) #".md")) (define fasl-file (path-replace-extension md-file #".fasl")) (define out-file (path-replace-extension md-file #".html")) (define xref-name (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path md-file)]) (if (equal? *index.md* name) (if (eq? 'relative base) (build-path "/") (build-path "/" base)) (build-path "/" (path-replace-extension md-file #""))))) (rule-spec (build-path src-dir md-file) (build-path build-dir fasl-file) (build-path output-dir out-file) xref-name)))) (define config.rktd (build-path src-dir *config.rktd*)) (define xrefs-repo (for/set ([spec (in-list rule-specs)]) (define exploded (explode-path (rule-spec-xref-name spec))) (when (and (> (length exploded) 1) (set-member? *reserved-slugs* (second exploded))) (error "file is using a reserved slug" (rule-spec-src spec))) exploded)) (define intermediate-rules (for/list ([spec (in-list rule-specs)]) (define-rule (intermediate-rule [out (rule-spec-intermediate spec)] [in (rule-spec-src spec)]) (~> (read-input-doc (rule-spec-xref-name spec) in) (input-doc->ir-doc xrefs-repo) s-exp->fasl (write-bytes out))) intermediate-rule)) (define output-rules (for/list ([spec (in-list rule-specs)]) (define-rule (output-rule [out (rule-spec-output spec)] [in (rule-spec-intermediate spec)] [config-in config.rktd]) (define config (read config-in)) (unless (config? config) (error "invalid config in config.rktd!")) (~> (port->bytes in) fasl->s-exp (ir-doc->page config) (write-string out))) output-rule)) (append intermediate-rules output-rules (list scss favicon))) (module+ main (require racket/cmdline) (command-line #:program "capybara-render" #:args () (generate/execute (scan-for-rules))))