# changes made from the default rendering of racket markdown code blocks have syntax highlighting baked by pygments. additionally, tex-style math expressions are baked to mathml using mathjax-node (this requires a polyfill on google chrome, which is filled in by nginx) # extensions provided on top of regular racket markdown ## front matter front matter is an s-expr example ``` ((date 2021 06 06) (title "meow!") (summary "the summary") (tags "WaterDrinkers" "drinking" "water") (authors "haskal")) regular markdown content here ``` front matter is required. if you have no front matter to provide, use an empty list: ``` () page content here ``` ## hashtags a hashtag `#hashtag` appearing anywhere except in code and math blocks will be converted to a hashtag link which leads to an aggregate of all pages that use that tag (in the `tags` metadata) ## xrefs pages go into a hierarchy based on their folders and a slug derived from markdown filename - except for `index.md` which becomes the index in a certain folder. xrefs are a way to refer to slugs. xref can appear in links as follows ``` [some link](^some/page/xref) ``` ## user links user pages can be linked to either with a freestanding mention or a link ``` @haskal [link to haskal](@haskal) ``` ## tech terms like scribble docs, technical terms can be defined and referenced. currently you need to stem manually using the `key` attribute ``` florps are like stars, but shaped like a floppy disk ... i florped the post ``` ## masto uwu ``` https://cybre.space/@haskal/106372557156109664 ```