commit bcdab23a729bde4eb1124e9eb7c31580834dffd6 Author: haskal Date: Sun Oct 3 19:20:32 2021 -0400 initial commit diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c55182 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/bridge.conf +/_build diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25dac23 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# ignore this + +spaghet code diff --git a/dune b/dune new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f79960 --- /dev/null +++ b/dune @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +(executable + (name factorio_bridge) + (libraries core async async_ssl + bitstring + cohttp-async + caqti-async caqti-driver-sqlite3 + yojson) + (preprocess (pps ppx_bitstring ppx_jane))) diff --git a/dune-project b/dune-project new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c994249 --- /dev/null +++ b/dune-project @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +(lang dune 2.9) diff --git a/factorio-bridge.service b/factorio-bridge.service new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adf770f --- /dev/null +++ b/factorio-bridge.service @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[Unit] +Description=factorio-matrix bridge +Requires=factorio.service +After=factorio.service + +[Service] +ExecStart=/opt/factorio-bridge/factorio_bridge.exe -config /opt/factorio-bridge/bridge.conf +RestartSec=5s +StandardInput=socket + +[Install] diff --git a/factorio-bridge.socket b/factorio-bridge.socket new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ba016d --- /dev/null +++ b/factorio-bridge.socket @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[Unit] +Description=Factorio bridge socket + +[Socket] +ListenFIFO=/var/lib/factorio/console.log +SocketMode=0666 + +[Install] diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71b75d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +open Core +open Async + +(* let run ~uppercase ~port = *) +(* let host_and_port = *) +(* Tcp.Server.create ~on_handler_error:`Raise *) +(* (Tcp.Where_to_listen.of_port port) (fun _addr r w -> *) +(* Pipe.transfer (Reader.pipe r) (Writer.pipe w) *) +(* ~f:(if uppercase then String.uppercase else *) +(* in *) +(* ignore (host_and_port : (Socket.Address.Inet.t, int) Tcp.Server.t Deferred.t); *) +(* Deferred.never () *) +(* *) +(* let () = *) +(* Command.async ~summary:"Start an echo server" *) +(* Command.Let_syntax.( *) +(* let%map_open uppercase = *) +(* flag "-uppercase" no_arg *) +(* ~doc:" Convert to uppercase before echoing back" *) +(* and port = *) +(* flag "-port" *) +(* (optional_with_default 8765 int) *) +(* ~doc:" Port to listen on (default 8765)" *) +(* in *) +(* fun () -> run ~uppercase ~port) *) +(* |> *) + +(* let query_uri query = *) +(* let base_uri = Uri.of_string "" in *) +(* Uri.add_query_param base_uri ("q", [query]) *) +(* *) +(* let get_definition word = *) +(* let%bind (_, body) = Cohttp_async.Client.get (query_uri word) in *) +(* let%map str = Cohttp_async.Body.to_string body in *) +(* printf "result: %s\n" str *) +(* *) +(* let () = *) +(* ignore (get_definition "cat"); *) +(* never_returns (Scheduler.go ()) *) + +let sqlite3_base = (Uri.of_string "sqlite3:///") + +type bridge_config = { + matrix_homeserver: string; + matrix_username: string; + matrix_password: string; + matrix_channel: string; + factorio_rcon_host: string; + factorio_rcon_port: int; + factorio_rcon_password: string; +} [@@deriving sexp] + +exception MatrixParsingError of string [@@deriving sexp] + +let caqti_or_error res = + match res with + | Ok x -> return x + | Error (#Caqti_error.t as err) -> + Error.raise (Error.of_exn (Caqti_error.Exn err)) + +(* let main ~dbpath = *) +(* let%bind pool = *) +(* Caqti_async.connect_pool (Uri.with_path sqlite3_base dbpath) |> caqti_or_error *) +(* in *) +(* let query = *) +(* Caqti_request.exec *) +(* Caqti_type.unit *) +(* {| CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) |} in *) +(* let%bind _ = *) +(* (Caqti_async.Pool.use *) +(* (fun (module C : Caqti_async.CONNECTION) -> C.exec query ()) *) +(* pool) >>= caqti_or_error in *) +(* return () *) + +let json_find key json = + match json with + | `Assoc items -> + List.Assoc.find ~equal:String.(=) items key + | _ -> raise (MatrixParsingError (sprintf "no key %s" key)) + +let matrix_login ~homeserver ~username ~password = + let uri = Uri.with_path homeserver "/_matrix/client/r0/login" in + let body = Yojson.to_string + (`Assoc [ ("type", `String "m.login.password"); ("user", `String username); + ("password", `String password) ]) + in + let%bind (_, body) = ?body:(Some (Cohttp_async.Body.of_string body)) uri in + let%bind str = Cohttp_async.Body.to_string body in + match json_find "access_token" (Yojson.Safe.from_string str) with + | Some(`String token) -> return token + | _ -> raise (MatrixParsingError str) + +let matrix_send ~homeserver ~token ~channel message = + let uri = Uri.with_path homeserver + (sprintf "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/%s/send/" channel) in + let uri = Uri.add_query_param uri ("access_token", [token]) in + let body = Yojson.to_string + (`Assoc [ ("msgtype", `String "m.text"); ("body", `String message) ]) in + let%bind (_, body) = ?body:(Some (Cohttp_async.Body.of_string body)) uri in + let%bind str = Cohttp_async.Body.to_string body in + ignore str; return () + +let matrix_get_next_batch json = + match json_find "next_batch" json with + | Some(`String str) -> str + | _ -> raise (MatrixParsingError "no next_batch") + +let matrix_get_message_events (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : Yojson.Safe.t list = + let join_rooms : (string * Yojson.Safe.t) list = + match Option.Monad_infix.(json_find "rooms" json >>= json_find "join") with + | Some(`Assoc items) -> items + | _ -> [] + in + let fold_messages (acc : Yojson.Safe.t list) ((room_name : string), (room_state : Yojson.Safe.t)) + : Yojson.Safe.t list = + ignore room_name; + match Option.Monad_infix.(json_find "timeline" room_state >>= json_find "events") with + | Some(`List event_objects) -> + acc @ (List.fold_left event_objects ~init:[] + ~f:(fun (acc : Yojson.Safe.t list) (a : Yojson.Safe.t) : Yojson.Safe.t list -> + match json_find "type" a with + | Some(`String "") -> a::acc + | _ -> acc)) + | _ -> acc + in List.fold_left join_rooms ~init:[] ~f:fold_messages + +let matrix_get_body (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : string = + Option.Monad_infix.( + match json_find "content" json >>= json_find "body" with + | Some(`String x) -> x + | _ -> "") + +let matrix_get_sender (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : string = + match json_find "sender" json with + | Some(`String x) -> x + | _ -> "" + +let matrix_sync_with ~homeserver ~token ~(since : string option) = + (* printf "syncing with state: %s\n" (match since with | Some x -> x | None -> ""); *) + let first_filter = "{\"room\":{\"timeline\":{\"limit\":1}}}" in + let uri = Uri.with_path homeserver "/_matrix/client/r0/sync" in + let uri = + match since with + | Some since -> Uri.add_query_param uri ("since", [since]) + | None -> Uri.add_query_param uri ("filter", [first_filter]) + in + let uri = Uri.add_query_param uri ("access_token", [token]) in + let uri = Uri.add_query_param uri ("timeout", ["10000"]) in + let%bind (_, body) = Cohttp_async.Client.get uri in + let%bind str = Cohttp_async.Body.to_string body in + let json = Yojson.Safe.from_string str in + let next_batch = matrix_get_next_batch json in + let message_events = matrix_get_message_events json in + return (message_events, next_batch) + +let matrix_message_stream ~homeserver ~token ~(state : string option) + : Yojson.Safe.t Pipe.Reader.t = + let rec write_to_pipe (lst : Yojson.Safe.t list) (writer : Yojson.Safe.t Pipe.Writer.t) = + match lst with + | [] -> return () + | item::rest -> let%bind () = Pipe.write writer item in write_to_pipe rest writer + in let rec writer_func state writer = + let%bind (message_events, next_state) = matrix_sync_with ~homeserver ~token ~since:state in + let%bind () = write_to_pipe message_events writer in + writer_func (Some(next_state)) writer + in + Pipe.create_reader ~close_on_exception:false (writer_func state) + +let rcon_writer ~(host : string) ~(port : int) ~(password : string) : string Pipe.Writer.t = + let reader_func pipe_reader = + let%bind (socket, reader, writer) = + Tcp.connect (Tcp.Where_to_connect.of_host_and_port {host; port;}) + in + ignore socket; + let send_packet (id : int) (typ : int) (body : string) = + let body = String.concat [body; "\x00\x00"] in + let id = Int32.of_int_exn id in + let typ = Int32.of_int_exn typ in + let%bitstring body_part = {| + id : 32 : littleendian; + typ : 32 : littleendian; + body : -1 : string + |} in + let body_part = Bitstring.string_of_bitstring body_part in + let size = String.length body_part |> Int32.of_int_exn in + let%bitstring full_body = {| + size : 32 : littleendian; + body_part : -1 : string + |} in + let () = Writer.write writer (Bitstring.string_of_bitstring full_body) in + Writer.flushed writer + in + let recv_packet () = + let size_bytes = Char.of_int_exn 0 |> Bytes.make 4 in + let%bind _ = Reader.really_read reader size_bytes in + let size_str = Bytes.to_string size_bytes in + let size_str = Bitstring.bitstring_of_string size_str in + let size = match%bitstring size_str with | {| size : 32 : littleendian |} -> size in + let size = Int32.to_int_exn size in + let rest = Char.of_int_exn 0 |> Bytes.make size in + let%bind _ = Reader.really_read reader rest in + let rest = Bytes.to_string rest |> Bitstring.bitstring_of_string in + match%bitstring rest with + | {| id : 32 : littleendian; typ : 32 : littleendian; content : -1 : string |} -> + return (Int32.to_int_exn id, Int32.to_int_exn typ, content) + in + let login () = + let%bind () = send_packet 1 3 password in + match%bind recv_packet () with + | (1, 2, _) -> return () + | _ -> failwith "failed to log into rcon" + in + let%bind () = login () in + let%bind _ = Pipe.fold pipe_reader ~init:2 ~f:(fun packet_id message -> + let%bind () = send_packet packet_id 2 message in + let%bind (_, _, _) = recv_packet () in + return (packet_id + 1)) in + return () + in + Pipe.create_writer reader_func + + +let main ~dbpath ~config = + ignore dbpath; + let conf = bridge_config_of_sexp (Sexp.load_sexp config) in + let writer = + rcon_writer ~host:conf.factorio_rcon_host ~port:conf.factorio_rcon_port + ~password:conf.factorio_rcon_password + in + let homeserver = Uri.of_string conf.matrix_homeserver in + let%bind token = + matrix_login ~homeserver ~username:conf.matrix_username ~password:conf.matrix_password + in + (* printf "token is: %s\n" token; *) + let reader = matrix_message_stream ~homeserver ~token ~state:None in + printf "ready to bridge messages\n"; + let matrix_to_factorio () = + let%bind _ = + Pipe.iter reader ~f:(fun item -> + let sender = matrix_get_sender item in + if String.(sender = conf.matrix_username) then + return () + else + let body = matrix_get_body item in + let str = sprintf "%s: %s" sender body in + Pipe.write writer str) in + return () + in + let factorio_to_matrix () = + let stdin = Lazy.force Reader.stdin in + let pipe = Reader.lines stdin in + let%bind _ = + Pipe.iter pipe ~f:(fun line -> + if (String.is_substring ~substring:"[CHAT]" line) + && not (String.is_substring ~substring:"[CHAT] " line) then + let (_, msg) = String.lsplit2_exn line ~on:']' in + matrix_send ~homeserver ~token ~channel:conf.matrix_channel (sprintf "[factorio] %s" msg) + else return () + ) in + return () + in + Deferred.all_unit [matrix_to_factorio (); factorio_to_matrix ()] + +let () = + Command.async ~summary:"Run the factorio-matrix bridge" + Command.Let_syntax.( + let%map_open dbpath = + flag "-dbpath" (optional_with_default "/tmp/test.db" string) + ~doc:"Database path" + and config = + flag "-config" (optional_with_default "/etc/factorio-bridge/bridge.conf" string) + ~doc:"Config path" + in + fun () -> main ~dbpath ~config) + |>