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[], - "properties": { - "ligatures": "call, local_phone, phone", - "id": 1061, - "order": 1239, - "prevSize": 24, - "code": 57549, - "name": "phone" - }, - "setIdx": 0, - "setId": 1, - "iconIdx": 61 - }, - { - "icon": { - "paths": [ - "M810 554h-256v256h-84v-256h-256v-84h256v-256h84v256h256v84z" - ], - "attrs": [], - "isMulticolor": false, - "isMulticolor2": false, - "tags": [ - "add" - ], - "defaultCode": 57669, - "grid": 24 - }, - "attrs": [], - "properties": { - "ligatures": "add", - "id": 1062, - "order": 1240, - "prevSize": 24, - "code": 57669, - "name": "add" - }, - "setIdx": 0, - "setId": 1, - "iconIdx": 62 } ], "height": 1024, diff --git a/react/features/base/styles/components/styles/ColorPalette.js b/react/features/base/styles/components/styles/ColorPalette.js index a527dc8d0..11ddef4e6 100644 --- a/react/features/base/styles/components/styles/ColorPalette.js +++ b/react/features/base/styles/components/styles/ColorPalette.js @@ -24,5 +24,16 @@ export const ColorPalette = { darkGrey: '#555555', green: '#40b183', red: '#D00000', - white: 'white' + white: 'white', + + /** + * These are colors from the atlaskit to be used on mobile, when needed. + * + * FIXME: Maybe a better solution would be good, or a native packaging of + * the respective atlaskit components. + */ + G400: '#00875A', // Slime + N500: '#42526E', // McFanning + R400: '#DE350B', // Red dirt + Y200: '#FFC400' // Pub mix }; diff --git a/react/features/conference/components/Conference.native.js b/react/features/conference/components/Conference.native.js index c4964c7b9..58ac30e35 100644 --- a/react/features/conference/components/Conference.native.js +++ b/react/features/conference/components/Conference.native.js @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { createDesiredLocalTracks } from '../../base/tracks'; import { ConferenceNotification } from '../../calendar-sync'; import { Filmstrip } from '../../filmstrip'; import { LargeVideo } from '../../large-video'; +import { NotificationsContainer } from '../../notifications'; import { setToolboxVisible, Toolbox } from '../../toolbox'; import ConferenceIndicators from './ConferenceIndicators'; @@ -267,6 +268,8 @@ class Conference extends Component { this._renderConferenceNotification() } + + {/* * The dialogs are in the topmost stacking layers. */ diff --git a/react/features/filmstrip/components/native/Filmstrip.js b/react/features/filmstrip/components/native/Filmstrip.js index 537ddd800..0cc234ed8 100644 --- a/react/features/filmstrip/components/native/Filmstrip.js +++ b/react/features/filmstrip/components/native/Filmstrip.js @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import { makeAspectRatioAware } from '../../../base/responsive-ui'; +import { isFilmstripVisible } from '../../functions'; + import LocalThumbnail from './LocalThumbnail'; import styles from './styles'; import Thumbnail from './Thumbnail'; @@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ class Filmstrip extends Component { */ function _mapStateToProps(state) { const participants = state['features/base/participants']; - const { enabled, visible } = state['features/filmstrip']; + const { enabled } = state['features/filmstrip']; return { /** @@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ function _mapStateToProps(state) { * @private * @type {boolean} */ - _visible: visible && participants.length > 1 + _visible: isFilmstripVisible(state) }; } diff --git a/react/features/filmstrip/components/styles.js b/react/features/filmstrip/components/styles.js index 6d6fb68bc..d1edf6545 100644 --- a/react/features/filmstrip/components/styles.js +++ b/react/features/filmstrip/components/styles.js @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import { ColorPalette } from '../../base/styles'; +import { FILMSTRIP_SIZE } from '../constants'; /** * Size for the Avatar. @@ -44,12 +45,15 @@ export default { ...filmstrip, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'flex-end', - height: 90 + height: FILMSTRIP_SIZE }, /** * The style of the wide {@link Filmstrip} version which displays thumbnails * in a column on the short size of the screen. + * + * NOTE: width is calculated based on the children, but it should also align + * to {@code FILMSTRIP_SIZE}. */ filmstripWide: { ...filmstrip, diff --git a/react/features/filmstrip/constants.js b/react/features/filmstrip/constants.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6aa593081 --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/filmstrip/constants.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +// @flow + +/** + * The height of the filmstrip in narrow aspect ratio, or width in wide. + */ +export const FILMSTRIP_SIZE = 90; diff --git a/react/features/filmstrip/functions.native.js b/react/features/filmstrip/functions.native.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae2551789 --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/filmstrip/functions.native.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +// @flow + +import { toState } from '../base/redux'; + +/** + * Returns true if the filmstrip on mobile is visible, false otherwise. + * + * NOTE: Filmstrip on mobile behaves differently to web, and is only visible + * when there are at least 2 participants. + * + * @param {Object | Function} stateful - The Object or Function that can be + * resolved to a Redux state object with the toState function. + * @returns {boolean} + */ +export function isFilmstripVisible(stateful: Object | Function) { + const state = toState(stateful); + const { length: participantCount } = state['features/base/participants']; + + return state['features/filmstrip'].visible && participantCount > 1; +} diff --git a/react/features/filmstrip/functions.js b/react/features/filmstrip/functions.web.js similarity index 68% rename from react/features/filmstrip/functions.js rename to react/features/filmstrip/functions.web.js index d250f9cad..77ad477c9 100644 --- a/react/features/filmstrip/functions.js +++ b/react/features/filmstrip/functions.web.js @@ -4,9 +4,25 @@ import { getParticipantCount, getPinnedParticipant } from '../base/participants'; +import { toState } from '../base/redux'; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; +/** + * Returns true if the filmstrip on mobile is visible, false otherwise. + * + * NOTE: Filmstrip on web behaves differently to mobile, much simpler, but so + * function lies here only for the sake of consistency and to avoid flow errors + * on import. + * + * @param {Object | Function} stateful - The Object or Function that can be + * resolved to a Redux state object with the toState function. + * @returns {boolean} + */ +export function isFilmstripVisible(stateful: Object | Function) { + return toState(stateful)['features/filmstrip'].visible; +} + /** * Determines whether the remote video thumbnails should be displayed/visible in * the filmstrip. diff --git a/react/features/filmstrip/index.js b/react/features/filmstrip/index.js index 44000a1a7..0a8f4ad7b 100644 --- a/react/features/filmstrip/index.js +++ b/react/features/filmstrip/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ export * from './actions'; export * from './actionTypes'; export * from './components'; +export * from './constants'; export * from './functions'; import './middleware'; diff --git a/react/features/notifications/actionTypes.js b/react/features/notifications/actionTypes.js index e9860c739..cb727ea6b 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/actionTypes.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/actionTypes.js @@ -1,3 +1,13 @@ +/** + * The type of (redux) action which signals that all the stored notifications + * need to be cleared. + * + * { + * type: CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS + * } + */ +export const CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS = Symbol('CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS'); + /** * The type of (redux) action which signals that a specific notification should * not be displayed anymore. diff --git a/react/features/notifications/actions.js b/react/features/notifications/actions.js index 95164aabe..8d9bf47ba 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/actions.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/actions.js @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ +// @flow + import { + CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS, HIDE_NOTIFICATION, SET_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED, SHOW_NOTIFICATION @@ -6,6 +9,19 @@ import { import { NOTIFICATION_TYPE } from './constants'; +/** + * Clears (removes) all the notifications. + * + * @returns {{ + * type: CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS + * }} + */ +export function clearNotifications() { + return { + type: CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS + }; +} + /** * Removes the notification with the passed in id. * @@ -16,7 +32,7 @@ import { NOTIFICATION_TYPE } from './constants'; * uid: number * }} */ -export function hideNotification(uid) { +export function hideNotification(uid: number) { return { type: HIDE_NOTIFICATION, uid @@ -32,7 +48,7 @@ export function hideNotification(uid) { * enabled: boolean * }} */ -export function setNotificationsEnabled(enabled) { +export function setNotificationsEnabled(enabled: boolean) { return { type: SET_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED, enabled @@ -45,7 +61,7 @@ export function setNotificationsEnabled(enabled) { * @param {Object} props - The props needed to show the notification component. * @returns {Object} */ -export function showErrorNotification(props) { +export function showErrorNotification(props: Object) { return showNotification({ ...props, appearance: NOTIFICATION_TYPE.ERROR @@ -65,7 +81,7 @@ export function showErrorNotification(props) { * uid: number * }} */ -export function showNotification(props = {}, timeout) { +export function showNotification(props: Object = {}, timeout: ?number) { return { type: SHOW_NOTIFICATION, props, @@ -80,7 +96,7 @@ export function showNotification(props = {}, timeout) { * @param {Object} props - The props needed to show the notification component. * @returns {Object} */ -export function showWarningNotification(props) { +export function showWarningNotification(props: Object) { return showNotification({ ...props, appearance: NOTIFICATION_TYPE.WARNING diff --git a/react/features/notifications/components/AbstractNotification.js b/react/features/notifications/components/AbstractNotification.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6eb08105 --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/notifications/components/AbstractNotification.js @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +// @flow + +import { Component } from 'react'; + +import { NOTIFICATION_TYPE } from '../constants'; + +export type Props = { + + /** + * Display appearance for the component, passed directly to the + * notification. + */ + appearance: string, + + /** + * The text to display in the body of the notification. If not passed + * in, the passed in descriptionKey will be used. + */ + defaultTitleKey: string, + + /** + * A description string that can be used in addition to the prop + * descriptionKey. + */ + description: string, + + /** + * The translation arguments that may be necessary for the description. + */ + descriptionArguments: Object, + + /** + * The translation key to use as the body of the notification. + */ + descriptionKey: string, + + /** + * Whether the support link should be hidden in the case of an error + * message. + */ + hideErrorSupportLink: boolean, + + /** + * Whether or not the dismiss button should be displayed. + */ + isDismissAllowed: boolean, + + /** + * Callback invoked when the user clicks to dismiss the notification. + */ + onDismissed: Function, + + /** + * Invoked to obtain translated strings. + */ + t: Function, + + /** + * The text to display at the top of the notification. If not passed in, + * the passed in titleKey will be used. + */ + title: string, + + /** + * The translation arguments that may be necessary for the title. + */ + titleArguments: Object, + + /** + * The translation key to display as the title of the notification if + * no title is provided. + */ + titleKey: string, + + /** + * The unique identifier for the notification. + */ + uid: number +}; + +/** + * Abstract class for {@code Notification} component. + * + * @extends Component + */ +export default class AbstractNotification extends Component

{ + /** + * Default values for {@code Notification} component's properties. + * + * @static + */ + static defaultProps = { + appearance: NOTIFICATION_TYPE.NORMAL, + isDismissAllowed: true + }; + + /** + * Initializes a new {@code Notification} instance. + * + * @param {Object} props - The read-only properties with which the new + * instance is to be initialized. + */ + constructor(props: P) { + super(props); + + // Bind event handler so it is only bound once for every instance. + this._onDismissed = this._onDismissed.bind(this); + } + + _getDescription: () => Array + + /** + * Returns the description array to be displayed. + * + * @protected + * @returns {Array} + */ + _getDescription() { + const { + description, + descriptionArguments, + descriptionKey, + t + } = this.props; + + const descriptionArray = []; + + descriptionKey + && descriptionArray.push(t(descriptionKey, descriptionArguments)); + + description && descriptionArray.push(description); + + return descriptionArray; + } + + _onDismissed: () => void; + + /** + * Callback to dismiss the notification. + * + * @private + * @returns {void} + */ + _onDismissed() { + this.props.onDismissed(this.props.uid); + } +} diff --git a/react/features/notifications/components/AbstractNotificationsContainer.js b/react/features/notifications/components/AbstractNotificationsContainer.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8cfd52e24 --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/notifications/components/AbstractNotificationsContainer.js @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +// @flow + +import { Component } from 'react'; + +import { getOverlayToRender } from '../../overlay'; + +import { hideNotification } from '../actions'; + +export type Props = { + + /** + * The notifications to be displayed, with the first index being the + * notification at the top and the rest shown below it in order. + */ + _notifications: Array, + + /** + * Invoked to update the redux store in order to remove notifications. + */ + dispatch: Function +}; + +/** + * Abstract class for {@code NotificationsContainer} component. + */ +export default class AbstractNotificationsContainer + extends Component

{ + /** + * A timeout id returned by setTimeout. + */ + _notificationDismissTimeout: ?TimeoutID; + + /** + * Initializes a new {@code AbstractNotificationsContainer} instance. + * + * @inheritdoc + */ + constructor(props: P) { + super(props); + + /** + * The timeout set for automatically dismissing a displayed + * notification. This value is set on the instance and not state to + * avoid additional re-renders. + * + * @type {number|null} + */ + this._notificationDismissTimeout = null; + + // Bind event handlers so they are only bound once for every instance. + this._onDismissed = this._onDismissed.bind(this); + } + + /** + * Sets a timeout if the currently displayed notification has changed. + * + * @inheritdoc + */ + componentDidUpdate(prevProps: P) { + const { _notifications } = this.props; + + if (_notifications.length) { + const notification = _notifications[0]; + const previousNotification + = prevProps._notifications.length + ? prevProps._notifications[0] + : undefined; + + if (notification !== previousNotification) { + this._clearNotificationDismissTimeout(); + + if (notification) { + const { timeout, uid } = notification; + + this._notificationDismissTimeout = setTimeout(() => { + // Perform a no-op if a timeout is not specified. + if (Number.isInteger(timeout)) { + this._onDismissed(uid); + } + }, timeout); + } + } + } else if (this._notificationDismissTimeout) { + // Clear timeout when all notifications are cleared (e.g external + // call to clear them) + this._clearNotificationDismissTimeout(); + } + } + + /** + * Clear any dismissal timeout that is still active. + * + * @inheritdoc + * returns {void} + */ + componentWillUnmount() { + this._clearNotificationDismissTimeout(); + } + + _onDismissed: number => void; + + /** + * Clears the running notification dismiss timeout, if any. + * + * @returns {void} + */ + _clearNotificationDismissTimeout() { + this._notificationDismissTimeout + && clearTimeout(this._notificationDismissTimeout); + + this._notificationDismissTimeout = null; + } + + /** + * Emits an action to remove the notification from the redux store so it + * stops displaying. + * + * @param {number} uid - The id of the notification to be removed. + * @private + * @returns {void} + */ + _onDismissed(uid) { + this._clearNotificationDismissTimeout(); + + this.props.dispatch(hideNotification(uid)); + } +} + +/** + * Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated NotificationsContainer's + * props. + * + * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. + * @private + * @returns {{ + * _notifications: Array + * }} + */ +export function _abstractMapStateToProps(state: Object) { + const isAnyOverlayVisible = Boolean(getOverlayToRender(state)); + const { enabled, notifications } = state['features/notifications']; + + return { + _notifications: enabled && !isAnyOverlayVisible ? notifications : [] + }; +} diff --git a/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.native.js b/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.native.js index e69de29bb..15b34d487 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.native.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.native.js @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +// @flow + +import React from 'react'; +import { Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native'; + +import { Icon } from '../../base/font-icons'; +import { translate } from '../../base/i18n'; + +import { NOTIFICATION_TYPE } from '../constants'; + +import AbstractNotification, { + type Props +} from './AbstractNotification'; +import styles from './styles'; + +/** + * Implements a React {@link Component} to display a notification. + * + * @extends Component + */ +class Notification extends AbstractNotification { + /** + * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. + * + * @inheritdoc + * @returns {ReactElement} + */ + render() { + const { + appearance, + isDismissAllowed, + t, + title, + titleArguments, + titleKey + } = this.props; + + let notificationStyle; + + switch (appearance) { + case NOTIFICATION_TYPE.ERROR: + notificationStyle = styles.notificationTypeError; + break; + case NOTIFICATION_TYPE.NORMAL: + notificationStyle = styles.notificationTypeNormal; + break; + case NOTIFICATION_TYPE.SUCCESS: + notificationStyle = styles.notificationTypeSuccess; + break; + case NOTIFICATION_TYPE.WARNING: + notificationStyle = styles.notificationTypeWarning; + break; + case NOTIFICATION_TYPE.INFO: + default: + notificationStyle = styles.notificationTypeInfo; + } + + return ( + + + + + { + title || t(titleKey, titleArguments) + } + + + + { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens + this._getDescription().map((line, index) => ( + + { line } + + )) + } + + + { + isDismissAllowed + && + + + + + } + + ); + } + + _getDescription: () => Array; + + _onDismissed: () => void; +} + +export default translate(Notification); diff --git a/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.web.js b/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.web.js index 7e505154d..b2cea7092 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.web.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/components/Notification.web.js @@ -5,13 +5,16 @@ import EditorInfoIcon from '@atlaskit/icon/glyph/editor/info'; import ErrorIcon from '@atlaskit/icon/glyph/error'; import WarningIcon from '@atlaskit/icon/glyph/warning'; import { colors } from '@atlaskit/theme'; -import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; -import React, { Component } from 'react'; +import React from 'react'; import { translate } from '../../base/i18n'; import { NOTIFICATION_TYPE } from '../constants'; +import AbstractNotification, { + type Props +} from './AbstractNotification'; + declare var interfaceConfig: Object; /** @@ -32,110 +35,7 @@ const ICON_COLOR = { * * @extends Component */ -class Notification extends Component<*> { - /** - * Default values for {@code Notification} component's properties. - * - * @static - */ - static defaultProps = { - appearance: NOTIFICATION_TYPE.NORMAL - }; - - /** - * {@code Notification} component's property types. - * - * @static - */ - static propTypes = { - /** - * Display appearance for the component, passed directly to - * {@code Flag}. - */ - appearance: PropTypes.string, - - /** - * The text to display in the body of the notification. If not passed - * in, the passed in descriptionKey will be used. - */ - defaultTitleKey: PropTypes.string, - - /** - * A description string that can be used in addition to the prop - * descriptionKey. - */ - description: PropTypes.string, - - /** - * The translation arguments that may be necessary for the description. - */ - descriptionArguments: PropTypes.object, - - /** - * The translation key to use as the body of the notification. - */ - descriptionKey: PropTypes.string, - - /** - * Whether the support link should be hidden in the case of an error - * message. - */ - hideErrorSupportLink: PropTypes.bool, - - /** - * Whether or not the dismiss button should be displayed. This is passed - * in by {@code FlagGroup}. - */ - isDismissAllowed: PropTypes.bool, - - /** - * Callback invoked when the user clicks to dismiss the notification. - * this is passed in by {@code FlagGroup}. - */ - onDismissed: PropTypes.func, - - /** - * Invoked to obtain translated strings. - */ - t: PropTypes.func, - - /** - * The text to display at the top of the notification. If not passed in, - * the passed in titleKey will be used. - */ - title: PropTypes.string, - - /** - * The translation arguments that may be necessary for the title. - */ - titleArguments: PropTypes.object, - - /** - * The translation key to display as the title of the notification if - * no title is provided. - */ - titleKey: PropTypes.string, - - /** - * The unique identifier for the notification. Passed back by the - * {@code Flag} component in the onDismissed callback. - */ - uid: PropTypes.number - }; - - /** - * Initializes a new {@code Notification} instance. - * - * @param {Object} props - The read-only properties with which the new - * instance is to be initialized. - */ - constructor(props) { - super(props); - - // Bind event handler so it is only bound once for every instance. - this._onDismissed = this._onDismissed.bind(this); - } - +class Notification extends AbstractNotification { /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * @@ -168,6 +68,8 @@ class Notification extends Component<*> { ); } + _getDescription: () => Array + _onDismissed: () => void; /** @@ -178,32 +80,15 @@ class Notification extends Component<*> { * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderDescription() { - const { - description, - descriptionArguments, - descriptionKey, - t - } = this.props; - return (

- { descriptionKey - ? t(descriptionKey, descriptionArguments) : null } - { description || null } + { + this._getDescription() + }
); } - /** - * Calls back into {@code FlagGroup} to dismiss the notification. - * - * @private - * @returns {void} - */ - _onDismissed() { - this.props.onDismissed(this.props.uid); - } - /** * Opens the support page. * diff --git a/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.native.js b/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.native.js index e69de29bb..5baf50396 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.native.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.native.js @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +// @flow + +import React from 'react'; +import { View } from 'react-native'; +import { connect } from 'react-redux'; + +import { + isNarrowAspectRatio, + makeAspectRatioAware +} from '../../base/responsive-ui'; +import { FILMSTRIP_SIZE, isFilmstripVisible } from '../../filmstrip'; +import { HANGUP_BUTTON_SIZE } from '../../toolbox'; + +import AbstractNotificationsContainer, { + _abstractMapStateToProps, + type Props as AbstractProps +} from './AbstractNotificationsContainer'; +import Notification from './Notification'; +import styles from './styles'; + +type Props = AbstractProps & { + + /** + * True if the {@code Filmstrip} is visible, false otherwise. + */ + _filmstripVisible: boolean, + + /** + * True if the {@ćode Toolbox} is visible, false otherwise. + */ + _toolboxVisible: boolean +}; + +/** + * The margin of the container to be kept from other components. + */ +const CONTAINER_MARGIN = 10; + +/** + * Implements a React {@link Component} which displays notifications and handles + * automatic dismissmal after a notification is shown for a defined timeout + * period. + * + * @extends {Component} + */ +class NotificationsContainer extends AbstractNotificationsContainer { + + /** + * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. + * + * @inheritdoc + * @returns {ReactElement} + */ + render() { + const { _notifications } = this.props; + + if (!_notifications || !_notifications.length) { + return null; + } + + return ( + + + { + _notifications.map(notification => { + const { props, uid } = notification; + + return ( + + + ); + }) + } + + + ); + } + + /** + * Generates a style object that is to be used for the notification + * container. + * + * @private + * @returns {?Object} + */ + _getContainerStyle() { + const { _filmstripVisible, _toolboxVisible } = this.props; + + // The filmstrip only affects the position if we're on a narrow view. + const _narrow = isNarrowAspectRatio(this); + + let bottom = 0; + let right = 0; + + // The container needs additional distance from bottom when the + // filmstrip or the toolbox is visible. + _filmstripVisible && !_narrow && (right += FILMSTRIP_SIZE); + _filmstripVisible && _narrow && (bottom += FILMSTRIP_SIZE); + _toolboxVisible && (bottom += HANGUP_BUTTON_SIZE); + + bottom += CONTAINER_MARGIN; + + return { + bottom, + right + }; + } + + _onDismissed: number => void; +} + +/** + * Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated NotificationsContainer's + * props. + * + * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. + * @private + * @returns {{ + * _filmstripVisible: boolean, + * _notifications: Array, + * _showNotifications: boolean, + * _toolboxVisible: boolean + * }} + */ +export function _mapStateToProps(state: Object) { + return { + ..._abstractMapStateToProps(state), + _filmstripVisible: isFilmstripVisible(state), + _toolboxVisible: state['features/toolbox'].visible + }; +} + +export default connect(_mapStateToProps)( + makeAspectRatioAware(NotificationsContainer)); diff --git a/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.web.js b/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.web.js index 9f3b78789..c7785866e 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.web.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/components/NotificationsContainer.web.js @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ +// @flow + import { FlagGroup } from '@atlaskit/flag'; -import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; -import React, { Component } from 'react'; +import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; -import { hideNotification } from '../actions'; - -import { Notification } from './'; +import AbstractNotificationsContainer, { + _abstractMapStateToProps as _mapStateToProps, + type Props +} from './AbstractNotificationsContainer'; +import Notification from './Notification'; /** * Implements a React {@link Component} which displays notifications and handles @@ -14,91 +17,7 @@ import { Notification } from './'; * * @extends {Component} */ -class NotificationsContainer extends Component { - /** - * {@code NotificationsContainer} component's property types. - * - * @static - */ - static propTypes = { - /** - * The notifications to be displayed, with the first index being the - * notification at the top and the rest shown below it in order. - */ - _notifications: PropTypes.array, - - /** - * Whether or not notifications should be displayed at all. If not, - * notifications will be dismissed immediately. - */ - _showNotifications: PropTypes.bool, - - /** - * Invoked to update the redux store in order to remove notifications. - */ - dispatch: PropTypes.func - }; - - /** - * Initializes a new {@code NotificationsContainer} instance. - * - * @param {Object} props - The read-only React Component props with which - * the new instance is to be initialized. - */ - constructor(props) { - super(props); - - /** - * The timeout set for automatically dismissing a displayed - * notification. This value is set on the instance and not state to - * avoid additional re-renders. - * - * @type {number|null} - */ - this._notificationDismissTimeout = null; - - // Bind event handlers so they are only bound once for every instance. - this._onDismissed = this._onDismissed.bind(this); - } - - /** - * Sets a timeout if the currently displayed notification has changed. - * - * @inheritdoc - * returns {void} - */ - componentDidUpdate() { - const { _notifications, _showNotifications } = this.props; - - if (_notifications.length) { - const notification = _notifications[0]; - - if (!_showNotifications || this._notificationDismissTimeout) { - - // No-op because there should already be a notification that - // is waiting for dismissal. - } else { - const { timeout, uid } = notification; - - this._notificationDismissTimeout = setTimeout(() => { - // Perform a no-op if a timeout is not specified. - if (Number.isInteger(timeout)) { - this._onDismissed(uid); - } - }, timeout); - } - } - } - - /** - * Clear any dismissal timeout that is still active. - * - * @inheritdoc - * returns {void} - */ - componentWillUnmount() { - clearTimeout(this._notificationDismissTimeout); - } +class NotificationsContainer extends AbstractNotificationsContainer { /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. @@ -114,20 +33,7 @@ class NotificationsContainer extends Component { ); } - /** - * Emits an action to remove the notification from the redux store so it - * stops displaying. - * - * @param {number} flagUid - The id of the notification to be removed. - * @private - * @returns {void} - */ - _onDismissed(flagUid) { - clearTimeout(this._notificationDismissTimeout); - this._notificationDismissTimeout = null; - - this.props.dispatch(hideNotification(flagUid)); - } + _onDismissed: number => void; /** * Renders notifications to display as ReactElements. An empty array will @@ -137,11 +43,7 @@ class NotificationsContainer extends Component { * @returns {ReactElement[]} */ _renderFlags() { - const { _notifications, _showNotifications } = this.props; - - if (!_showNotifications) { - return []; - } + const { _notifications } = this.props; return _notifications.map(notification => { const { props, uid } = notification; @@ -161,37 +63,4 @@ class NotificationsContainer extends Component { } } -/** - * Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated NotificationsContainer's - * props. - * - * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. - * @private - * @returns {{ - * _notifications: Array - * }} - */ -function _mapStateToProps(state) { - // TODO: Per existing behavior, notifications should not display when an - // overlay is visible. This logic for checking overlay display can likely be - // simplified. - const { - connectionEstablished, - haveToReload, - isMediaPermissionPromptVisible, - suspendDetected - } = state['features/overlay']; - const isAnyOverlayVisible = (connectionEstablished && haveToReload) - || isMediaPermissionPromptVisible - || suspendDetected - || state['features/base/jwt'].calleeInfoVisible; - - const { enabled, notifications } = state['features/notifications']; - - return { - _notifications: notifications, - _showNotifications: enabled && !isAnyOverlayVisible - }; -} - export default connect(_mapStateToProps)(NotificationsContainer); diff --git a/react/features/notifications/components/styles.js b/react/features/notifications/components/styles.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..774b46494 --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/notifications/components/styles.js @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// @flow + +import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; + +import { BoxModel, createStyleSheet, ColorPalette } from '../../base/styles'; + +/** + * The styles of the React {@code Components} of the feature notifications. + */ +export default createStyleSheet({ + + /** + * The content (left) column of the notification. + */ + contentColumn: { + flex: 1, + flexDirection: 'column', + padding: BoxModel.padding + }, + + /** + * Test style of the notification. + */ + contentText: { + color: ColorPalette.white + }, + + /** + * Dismiss icon style. + */ + dismissIcon: { + alignSelf: 'center', + color: ColorPalette.white, + fontSize: 16, + padding: 1.5 * BoxModel.padding + }, + + /** + * Outermost view of a single notification. + */ + notification: { + borderRadius: 5, + flexDirection: 'row', + marginTop: 0.5 * BoxModel.margin + }, + + /** + * Outermost container of a list of notifications. + */ + notificationContainer: { + alignItems: 'flex-start', + bottom: 0, + left: 0, + padding: 2 * BoxModel.padding, + position: 'absolute', + right: 0 + }, + + /** + * Wrapper for the message (without title). + */ + notificationContent: { + flexDirection: 'column', + paddingVertical: 0.5 * BoxModel.padding + }, + + /** + * A full screen overlay to help to position the container. + */ + notificationOverlay: { + ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject + }, + + /** + * The View containing the title. + */ + notificationTitle: { + paddingVertical: 0.5 * BoxModel.padding + }, + + /** + * Background settings for different notification types. + */ + + notificationTypeError: { + backgroundColor: ColorPalette.R400 + }, + + notificationTypeInfo: { + backgroundColor: ColorPalette.N500 + }, + + notificationTypeNormal: { + // NOTE: Mobile has black background when the large video doesn't render + // a stream, so we avoid using black as the background of the normal + // type notifications. + backgroundColor: ColorPalette.N500 + }, + + notificationTypeSuccess: { + backgroundColor: ColorPalette.G400 + }, + + notificationTypeWarning: { + backgroundColor: ColorPalette.Y200 + }, + + /** + * Title text style. + */ + titleText: { + color: ColorPalette.white, + fontWeight: 'bold' + } +}); diff --git a/react/features/notifications/index.js b/react/features/notifications/index.js index b2e9c09f6..a29aa08e0 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/index.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/index.js @@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ export * from './actions'; export * from './actionTypes'; export * from './components'; +import './middleware'; import './reducer'; diff --git a/react/features/notifications/middleware.js b/react/features/notifications/middleware.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d3e35b07 --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/notifications/middleware.js @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/* @flow */ + +import { getCurrentConference } from '../base/conference'; +import { StateListenerRegistry } from '../base/redux'; + +import { clearNotifications } from './actions'; + +/** + * StateListenerRegistry provides a reliable way to detect the leaving of a + * conference, where we need to clean up the notifications. + */ +StateListenerRegistry.register( + /* selector */ state => getCurrentConference(state), + /* listener */ (conference, { dispatch }) => { + if (!conference) { + dispatch(clearNotifications()); + } + } +); diff --git a/react/features/notifications/reducer.js b/react/features/notifications/reducer.js index 0a9c4a389..bce909b17 100644 --- a/react/features/notifications/reducer.js +++ b/react/features/notifications/reducer.js @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ import { ReducerRegistry } from '../base/redux'; import { + CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS, HIDE_NOTIFICATION, SET_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED, SHOW_NOTIFICATION @@ -28,6 +29,11 @@ const DEFAULT_STATE = { ReducerRegistry.register('features/notifications', (state = DEFAULT_STATE, action) => { switch (action.type) { + case CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS: + return { + ...state, + notifications: [] + }; case HIDE_NOTIFICATION: return { ...state, diff --git a/react/features/overlay/components/OverlayContainer.js b/react/features/overlay/components/OverlayContainer.js index 8b85dab5b..2e05e362f 100644 --- a/react/features/overlay/components/OverlayContainer.js +++ b/react/features/overlay/components/OverlayContainer.js @@ -3,40 +3,10 @@ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; -import PageReloadFilmstripOnlyOverlay from './PageReloadFilmstripOnlyOverlay'; -import PageReloadOverlay from './PageReloadOverlay'; -import SuspendedFilmstripOnlyOverlay from './SuspendedFilmstripOnlyOverlay'; -import SuspendedOverlay from './SuspendedOverlay'; -import UserMediaPermissionsFilmstripOnlyOverlay - from './UserMediaPermissionsFilmstripOnlyOverlay'; -import UserMediaPermissionsOverlay from './UserMediaPermissionsOverlay'; +import { getOverlayToRender } from '../functions'; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; -/** - * The lazily-initialized list of overlay React {@link Component} types used The - * user interface is filmstrip-only. - * - * XXX The value is meant to be compile-time defined so it does not contradict - * our coding style to not have global values that are runtime defined and - * merely works around side effects of circular imports. - * - * @type Array - */ -let _filmstripOnlyOverlays; - -/** - * The lazily-initialized list of overlay React {@link Component} types used The - * user interface is not filmstrip-only. - * - * XXX The value is meant to be compile-time defined so it does not contradict - * our coding style to not have global values that are runtime defined and - * merely works around side effects of circular imports. - * - * @type Array - */ -let _nonFilmstripOnlyOverlays; - /** * The type of the React {@link Component} props of {@code OverlayContainer}. */ @@ -68,44 +38,6 @@ class OverlayContainer extends Component { } } -/** - * Returns the list of overlay React {@link Component} types to be rendered by - * {@code OverlayContainer}. The list is lazily initialized the first time it is - * required in order to works around side effects of circular imports. - * - * @param {boolean} filmstripOnly - The indicator which determines whether the - * user interface is filmstrip-only. - * @returns {Array} The list of overlay React {@code Component} types to be - * rendered by {@code OverlayContainer}. - */ -function _getOverlays(filmstripOnly) { - let overlays; - - if (filmstripOnly) { - if (!(overlays = _filmstripOnlyOverlays)) { - overlays = _filmstripOnlyOverlays = [ - PageReloadFilmstripOnlyOverlay, - SuspendedFilmstripOnlyOverlay, - UserMediaPermissionsFilmstripOnlyOverlay - ]; - } - } else if (!(overlays = _nonFilmstripOnlyOverlays)) { - overlays = _nonFilmstripOnlyOverlays = [ - PageReloadOverlay - ]; - - // Mobile only has a PageReloadOverlay. - if (navigator.product !== 'ReactNative') { - overlays.push(...[ - SuspendedOverlay, - UserMediaPermissionsOverlay - ]); - } - } - - return overlays; -} - /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated {@code OverlayContainer}'s * props. @@ -117,30 +49,12 @@ function _getOverlays(filmstripOnly) { * }} */ function _mapStateToProps(state) { - // XXX In the future interfaceConfig is expected to not be a global variable - // but a redux state like config. Hence, the variable filmStripOnly - // naturally belongs here in preparation for the future. - const filmstripOnly - = typeof interfaceConfig === 'object' && interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly; - let overlay; - - for (const o of _getOverlays(filmstripOnly)) { - // react-i18n / react-redux wrap components and thus we cannot access - // the wrapped component's static methods directly. - const component = o.WrappedComponent || o; - - if (component.needsRender(state)) { - overlay = o; - break; - } - } - return { /** * The React {@link Component} type of overlay to be rendered by the * associated {@code OverlayContainer}. */ - overlay + overlay: getOverlayToRender(state) }; } diff --git a/react/features/overlay/components/index.js b/react/features/overlay/components/index.js index 025b0f62a..108ee99e9 100644 --- a/react/features/overlay/components/index.js +++ b/react/features/overlay/components/index.js @@ -1 +1,15 @@ export { default as OverlayContainer } from './OverlayContainer'; +export { + default as PageReloadFilmstripOnlyOverlay +} from './PageReloadFilmstripOnlyOverlay'; +export { default as PageReloadOverlay } from './PageReloadOverlay'; +export { + default as SuspendedFilmstripOnlyOverlay +} from './SuspendedFilmstripOnlyOverlay'; +export { default as SuspendedOverlay } from './SuspendedOverlay'; +export { + default as UserMediaPermissionsFilmstripOnlyOverlay +} from './UserMediaPermissionsFilmstripOnlyOverlay'; +export { + default as UserMediaPermissionsOverlay +} from './UserMediaPermissionsOverlay'; diff --git a/react/features/overlay/functions.js b/react/features/overlay/functions.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d78d7f73 --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/overlay/functions.js @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +// @flow + +import { + PageReloadFilmstripOnlyOverlay, + PageReloadOverlay, + SuspendedFilmstripOnlyOverlay, + SuspendedOverlay, + UserMediaPermissionsFilmstripOnlyOverlay, + UserMediaPermissionsOverlay +} from './components'; + +declare var interfaceConfig: Object; + +/** + * Returns the list of available overlays that might be rendered. + * + * @private + * @returns {Array>} + */ +function _getOverlays() { + const filmstripOnly + = typeof interfaceConfig === 'object' && interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly; + let overlays; + + if (filmstripOnly) { + overlays = [ + PageReloadFilmstripOnlyOverlay, + SuspendedFilmstripOnlyOverlay, + UserMediaPermissionsFilmstripOnlyOverlay + ]; + } else { + overlays = [ + PageReloadOverlay + ]; + } + + // Mobile only has a PageReloadOverlay. + if (navigator.product !== 'ReactNative') { + overlays.push(...[ + SuspendedOverlay, + UserMediaPermissionsOverlay + ]); + } + + return overlays; +} + +/** + * Returns the overlay to be currently rendered. + * + * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. + * @returns {?React$ComponentType<*>} + */ +export function getOverlayToRender(state: Object) { + for (const overlay of _getOverlays()) { + // react-i18n / react-redux wrap components and thus we cannot access + // the wrapped component's static methods directly. + const component = overlay.WrappedComponent || overlay; + + if (component.needsRender(state)) { + return overlay; + } + } + + return undefined; +} diff --git a/react/features/overlay/index.js b/react/features/overlay/index.js index 7f0ef0251..3354f4deb 100644 --- a/react/features/overlay/index.js +++ b/react/features/overlay/index.js @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ export * from './actions'; export * from './components'; +export * from './functions'; import './middleware'; import './reducer'; diff --git a/react/features/toolbox/components/native/styles.js b/react/features/toolbox/components/native/styles.js index 9e4b47297..1b4b17569 100644 --- a/react/features/toolbox/components/native/styles.js +++ b/react/features/toolbox/components/native/styles.js @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { BoxModel, ColorPalette, createStyleSheet } from '../../../base/styles'; +import { HANGUP_BUTTON_SIZE } from '../../constants'; + // Toolbox, toolbar: /** @@ -44,8 +46,8 @@ const styles = createStyleSheet({ ...toolbarButton, backgroundColor: ColorPalette.red, borderRadius: 30, - height: 60, - width: 60 + height: HANGUP_BUTTON_SIZE, + width: HANGUP_BUTTON_SIZE }, /** diff --git a/react/features/toolbox/constants.js b/react/features/toolbox/constants.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..192d9affb --- /dev/null +++ b/react/features/toolbox/constants.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// @flow + +/** + * The size of the hangup button. As that is the largest button, it defines + * the size of the {@code ToolBox}, so other components may relate to that. + */ +export const HANGUP_BUTTON_SIZE = 60; diff --git a/react/features/toolbox/index.js b/react/features/toolbox/index.js index 44000a1a7..0a8f4ad7b 100644 --- a/react/features/toolbox/index.js +++ b/react/features/toolbox/index.js @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ export * from './actions'; export * from './actionTypes'; export * from './components'; +export * from './constants'; export * from './functions'; import './middleware';