swagger: "2.0" info: description: "Documents the REST calls used by Jitsi Meet to integrate with other services" version: "1.0.0" title: "Swagger Video" termsOfService: "https://jitsi.org/CloudAPITOS/" contact: email: "team@jitsi.org" host: "jitsi-api.jitsi.org" basePath: "/" tags: - name: "conferenceMapper" description: "Conference to ID Mapper" externalDocs: description: "Conference API Details" url: "https://jitsi.org/CloudAPI" - name: "phoneNumberList" description: "List of dial-in numbers" schemes: - "https" paths: /conferenceMapper: get: tags: - "conferenceMapper" summary: "Create or retrieve conference ID mapping" description: "When called with a conference, creates a new ID and both stores and returns the result. When called with an ID, returns the mapping if previously created." operationId: "GETconferenceMapper" consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: "query" name: "conference" type: "string" format: "JID" description: "Full JID (room@conference.server.domain) for the conference to create or return existing conference mapping. Used preferentially over all other input parameters (search by conference)" - in: "query" name: "id" type: "number" description: "ID to search for existing conference mapping. Only used when provided alone (search by ID)" responses: 200: description: "mapping search performed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConferenceMapperDetails" 405: description: "Invalid input" post: tags: - "conferenceMapper" summary: "Create or retrieve conference ID mapping" description: "When called with a conference, creates a new ID and both stores and returns the result. When called with an ID, returns the mapping if previously created." operationId: "POSTconferenceMapper" consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: "body" name: "body" description: "Conference Mapper Request" required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConferenceMapperRequest" responses: 200: description: "mapping search performed" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/ConferenceMapperDetails" 405: description: "Invalid input" /phoneNumberList: get: tags: - "phoneNumberList" summary: "Returns a list phone numbers by country" description: "Used to populate the Share The Link section of jitsi-meet" operationId: "phoneNumberList" produces: - "application/json" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" schema: type: array $ref: "#/definitions/PhoneNumberListAnswer" securityDefinitions: token: type: "apiKey" name: "token" in: "query" Bearer: type: "apiKey" name: "Authorization" in: "header" definitions: ConferenceMapperRequest: description: "Request to create or find a conference mapping" type: "object" properties: id: type: "number" description: "ID to search for existing conference mapping. Only used when provided alone (search by ID)" conference: type: "string" format: "JID" description: "Full JID (room@conference.server.domain) for the conference to create or return existing conference mapping. Used preferentially over all other input parameters (search by conference)" room: type: "string" description: "Room part of the conference. Required if 'conference' is not provided. Used to generate a 'conference' value (search by conference)" domain: type: "string" description: "Domain part of the conference. Used if 'conference' is not provided. Defaults to domain of the API endpoint. Used to generate a 'conference' value (search by conference)" ConferenceMapperDetails: description: "Conference mapping between conference JID and numeric ID" type: "object" properties: id: type: "number" description: "Unique ID mapped to conference" conference: type: "string" format: "JID" description: "Full JID for the conference OR boolean false if no conference was found (search by ID)" PhoneNumberListAnswer: description: "Answer with Phone number list and additional information" type: "object" properties: countryCode: type: string formattedNumber: type: string tollFree: type: boolean example: {"countryCode":"US","tollFree":false,"formattedNumber":"+1 123-456-7890"} {"countryCode":"UK","tollFree":true,"formattedNumber":"+44 123 456 7890"} externalDocs: description: "Find out more about the Jitsi Cloud API" url: "https://jitsi.org/CloudAPI"