---------- Server-wide settings ---------- s2s_ports = { 52691 }; c2s_ports = { 52221 } http_ports = { 52801 } https_ports = { 52811 } daemonize = true; -- we use a common jid for jicofo admins = { 'focus@auth.meet.jitsi' } -- Enable use of native prosody 0.11 support for epoll over select network_backend = 'epoll'; network_settings = { tcp_backlog = 511; } modules_enabled = { 'saslauth'; 'tls'; 'disco'; 'posix'; 'secure_interfaces'; -- jitsi 'websocket'; 'bosh'; 's2s_bidi'; 's2s_whitelist'; }; s2s_whitelist = {}; external_service_secret = '__turnSecret__'; external_services = { { type = 'stun', host = 'jitmeet.example.com', port = 3478 }, { type = 'turn', host = 'jitmeet.example.com', port = 3478, transport = 'udp', secret = true, ttl = 86400, algorithm = 'turn' }, { type = 'turns', host = 'jitmeet.example.com', port = 5349, transport = 'tcp', secret = true, ttl = 86400, algorithm = 'turn' } }; muc_mapper_domain_base = 'vX.meet.jitsi'; -- https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_smacks smacks_max_unacked_stanzas = 5; smacks_hibernation_time = 60; -- this is dropped in 0.12 smacks_max_hibernated_sessions = 1; smacks_max_old_sessions = 1; unlimited_jids = { 'focus@auth.meet.jitsi' } limits = { c2s = { rate = '512kb/s'; }; } modules_disabled = { 'offline'; 'pubsub'; 'register'; }; allow_registration = false; authentication = 'internal_hashed' storage = 'internal' log = { -- Log files (change 'info' to 'debug' for debug logs): info = '/var/log/prosody-vX/prosody.log'; error = '/var/log/prosody-vX/prosody.err'; } consider_websocket_secure = true; consider_bosh_secure = true; bosh_max_inactivity = 60; plugin_paths = { '/usr/share/jitsi-meet/prosody-plugins/' } ----------- Virtual hosts ----------- VirtualHost 'vX.meet.jitsi' authentication = 'jitsi-anonymous' ssl = { key = '/etc/prosody/certs/jitmeet.example.com.key'; certificate = '/etc/prosody/certs/jitmeet.example.com.crt'; } modules_enabled = { 'bosh'; 'ping'; 'external_services'; 'smacks'; 'jiconop'; } main_muc = 'conference.vX.meet.jitsi'; VirtualHost 'auth.meet.jitsi' modules_enabled = { 'limits_exception'; 'ping'; } authentication = 'internal_hashed' Component 'conference.vX.meet.jitsi' 'muc' storage = 'memory' muc_room_cache_size = 10000 restrict_room_creation = true modules_enabled = { 'muc_hide_all'; 'muc_domain_mapper'; 'muc_meeting_id'; 'fmuc'; } muc_room_default_presence_broadcast = { visitor = false; participant = true; moderator = true; }; muc_room_locking = false muc_room_default_public_jids = true