-- This module allows lobby room to be created even when the main room is empty. -- Without this module, the empty main room will get deleted after grace period -- which triggers lobby room deletion even if there are still people in the lobby. -- -- This module should be added to the main virtual host domain. -- It assumes you have properly configured the muc_lobby_rooms module and lobby muc component. -- -- To trigger creation of lobby room: -- prosody.events.fire_event("create-persistent-lobby-room", { room = room; }); -- local util = module:require "util"; local is_healthcheck_room = util.is_healthcheck_room; local main_muc_component_host = module:get_option_string('main_muc'); local lobby_muc_component_host = module:get_option_string('lobby_muc'); if main_muc_component_host == nil then module:log('error', 'main_muc not configured. Cannot proceed.'); return; end if lobby_muc_component_host == nil then module:log('error', 'lobby not enabled missing lobby_muc config'); return; end -- Helper function to wait till a component is loaded before running the given callback local function run_when_component_loaded(component_host_name, callback) local function trigger_callback() module:log('info', 'Component loaded %s', component_host_name); callback(module:context(component_host_name), component_host_name); end if prosody.hosts[component_host_name] == nil then module:log('debug', 'Host %s not yet loaded. Will trigger when it is loaded.', component_host_name); prosody.events.add_handler('host-activated', function (host) if host == component_host_name then trigger_callback(); end end); else trigger_callback(); end end -- Helper function to wait till a component's muc module is loaded before running the given callback local function run_when_muc_module_loaded(component_host_module, component_host_name, callback) local function trigger_callback() module:log('info', 'MUC module loaded for %s', component_host_name); callback(prosody.hosts[component_host_name].modules.muc, component_host_module); end if prosody.hosts[component_host_name].modules.muc == nil then module:log('debug', 'MUC module for %s not yet loaded. Will trigger when it is loaded.', component_host_name); prosody.hosts[component_host_name].events.add_handler('module-loaded', function(event) if (event.module == 'muc') then trigger_callback(); end end); else trigger_callback() end end local lobby_muc_service; local main_muc_service; local main_muc_module; -- Helper methods to track rooms that have persistent lobby local function set_persistent_lobby(room) room._data.persist_lobby = true; end local function has_persistent_lobby(room) if room._data.persist_lobby == true then return true; else return false; end end -- Helper method to trigger main room destroy local function trigger_room_destroy(room) room:set_persistent(false); room:destroy(nil, 'main room and lobby now empty'); end -- For rooms with persistent lobby, we need to trigger deletion ourselves when both the main room -- and the lobby room are empty. This will be checked each time an occupant leaves the main room -- of if someone drops off the lobby. -- Handle events on main muc module run_when_component_loaded(main_muc_component_host, function(host_module, host_name) run_when_muc_module_loaded(host_module, host_name, function (main_muc, main_module) main_muc_service = main_muc; -- so it can be accessed from lobby muc event handlers main_muc_module = main_module; main_module:hook("muc-occupant-left", function(event) -- Check if room should be destroyed when someone leaves the main room local main_room = event.room; if is_healthcheck_room(main_room.jid) or not has_persistent_lobby(main_room) then return; end local lobby_room_jid = main_room._data.lobbyroom; -- If occupant leaving results in main room being empty, we trigger room destroy if -- a) lobby exists and is not empty -- b) lobby does not exist (possible for lobby to be disabled manually by moderator in meeting) -- -- (main room destroy also triggers lobby room destroy in muc_lobby_rooms) if not main_room:has_occupant() then if lobby_room_jid == nil then -- lobby disabled trigger_room_destroy(main_room); else -- lobby exists local lobby_room = lobby_muc_service.get_room_from_jid(lobby_room_jid); if lobby_room and not lobby_room:has_occupant() then trigger_room_destroy(main_room); end end end end); end); end); -- Handle events on lobby muc module run_when_component_loaded(lobby_muc_component_host, function(host_module, host_name) run_when_muc_module_loaded(host_module, host_name, function (lobby_muc, lobby_module) lobby_muc_service = lobby_muc; -- so it can be accessed from main muc event handlers lobby_module:hook("muc-occupant-left", function(event) -- Check if room should be destroyed when someone leaves the lobby local lobby_room = event.room; local main_room = lobby_room.main_room; if is_healthcheck_room(main_room.jid) or not has_persistent_lobby(main_room) then return; end -- If both lobby room and main room are empty, we destroy main room. -- (main room destroy also triggers lobby room destroy in muc_lobby_rooms) if not lobby_room:has_occupant() and main_room and not main_room:has_occupant() then trigger_room_destroy(main_room); end end); end); end); function handle_create_persistent_lobby(event) local room = event.room; prosody.events.fire_event("create-lobby-room", { room = room; }); set_persistent_lobby(room); room:set_persistent(true); end module:hook_global('create-persistent-lobby-room', handle_create_persistent_lobby);