/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, no-var, max-len */ /* eslint sort-keys: ["error", "asc", {"caseSensitive": false}] */ /** * !!!IMPORTANT!!! * * This file is considered deprecated. All options will eventually be moved to * config.js, and no new options should be added here. */ var interfaceConfig = { APP_NAME: 'Jitsi Meet', AUDIO_LEVEL_PRIMARY_COLOR: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.4)', AUDIO_LEVEL_SECONDARY_COLOR: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)', /** * A UX mode where the last screen share participant is automatically * pinned. Valid values are the string "remote-only" so remote participants * get pinned but not local, otherwise any truthy value for all participants, * and any falsy value to disable the feature. * * Note: this mode is experimental and subject to breakage. */ AUTO_PIN_LATEST_SCREEN_SHARE: 'remote-only', BRAND_WATERMARK_LINK: '', CLOSE_PAGE_GUEST_HINT: false, // A html text to be shown to guests on the close page, false disables it DEFAULT_BACKGROUND: '#040404', DEFAULT_WELCOME_PAGE_LOGO_URL: 'images/watermark.svg', DISABLE_DOMINANT_SPEAKER_INDICATOR: false, /** * If true, notifications regarding joining/leaving are no longer displayed. */ DISABLE_JOIN_LEAVE_NOTIFICATIONS: false, /** * If true, presence status: busy, calling, connected etc. is not displayed. */ DISABLE_PRESENCE_STATUS: false, /** * Whether the ringing sound in the call/ring overlay is disabled. If * {@code undefined}, defaults to {@code false}. * * @type {boolean} */ DISABLE_RINGING: false, /** * Whether the speech to text transcription subtitles panel is disabled. * If {@code undefined}, defaults to {@code false}. * * @type {boolean} */ DISABLE_TRANSCRIPTION_SUBTITLES: false, /** * Whether or not the blurred video background for large video should be * displayed on browsers that can support it. */ DISABLE_VIDEO_BACKGROUND: false, DISPLAY_WELCOME_FOOTER: true, DISPLAY_WELCOME_PAGE_ADDITIONAL_CARD: false, DISPLAY_WELCOME_PAGE_CONTENT: false, DISPLAY_WELCOME_PAGE_TOOLBAR_ADDITIONAL_CONTENT: false, ENABLE_DIAL_OUT: true, ENABLE_FEEDBACK_ANIMATION: false, // Enables feedback star animation. FILM_STRIP_MAX_HEIGHT: 120, GENERATE_ROOMNAMES_ON_WELCOME_PAGE: true, /** * Hide the logo on the deep linking pages. */ HIDE_DEEP_LINKING_LOGO: false, /** * Hide the invite prompt in the header when alone in the meeting. */ HIDE_INVITE_MORE_HEADER: false, JITSI_WATERMARK_LINK: 'https://jitsi.org', LANG_DETECTION: true, // Allow i18n to detect the system language LOCAL_THUMBNAIL_RATIO: 16 / 9, // 16:9 /** * Maximum coefficient of the ratio of the large video to the visible area * after the large video is scaled to fit the window. * * @type {number} */ MAXIMUM_ZOOMING_COEFFICIENT: 1.3, /** * Whether the mobile app Jitsi Meet is to be promoted to participants * attempting to join a conference in a mobile Web browser. If * {@code undefined}, defaults to {@code true}. * * @type {boolean} */ MOBILE_APP_PROMO: true, /** * Specify custom URL for downloading android mobile app. */ MOBILE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_ANDROID: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.jitsi.meet', /** * Specify custom URL for downloading f droid app. */ MOBILE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_F_DROID: 'https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.jitsi.meet/', /** * Specify URL for downloading ios mobile app. */ MOBILE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_IOS: 'https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jitsi-meet/id1165103905', NATIVE_APP_NAME: 'Jitsi Meet', // Names of browsers which should show a warning stating the current browser // has a suboptimal experience. Browsers which are not listed as optimal or // unsupported are considered suboptimal. Valid values are: // chrome, chromium, edge, electron, firefox, nwjs, opera, safari OPTIMAL_BROWSERS: [ 'chrome', 'chromium', 'firefox', 'nwjs', 'electron', 'safari' ], POLICY_LOGO: null, PROVIDER_NAME: 'Jitsi', /** * If true, will display recent list * * @type {boolean} */ RECENT_LIST_ENABLED: true, REMOTE_THUMBNAIL_RATIO: 1, // 1:1 SETTINGS_SECTIONS: [ 'devices', 'language', 'moderator', 'profile', 'calendar', 'sounds', 'more' ], /** * Specify which sharing features should be displayed. If the value is not set * all sharing features will be shown. You can set [] to disable all. */ // SHARING_FEATURES: ['email', 'url', 'dial-in', 'embed'], SHOW_BRAND_WATERMARK: false, /** * Decides whether the chrome extension banner should be rendered on the landing page and during the meeting. * If this is set to false, the banner will not be rendered at all. If set to true, the check for extension(s) * being already installed is done before rendering. */ SHOW_CHROME_EXTENSION_BANNER: false, SHOW_DEEP_LINKING_IMAGE: false, SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK: true, SHOW_POWERED_BY: false, SHOW_PROMOTIONAL_CLOSE_PAGE: false, /* * If indicated some of the error dialogs may point to the support URL for * help. */ SUPPORT_URL: 'https://community.jitsi.org/', // Browsers, in addition to those which do not fully support WebRTC, that // are not supported and should show the unsupported browser page. UNSUPPORTED_BROWSERS: [], /** * Whether to show thumbnails in filmstrip as a column instead of as a row. */ VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP: true, // Determines how the video would fit the screen. 'both' would fit the whole // screen, 'height' would fit the original video height to the height of the // screen, 'width' would fit the original video width to the width of the // screen respecting ratio, 'nocrop' would make the video as large as // possible and preserve aspect ratio without cropping. VIDEO_LAYOUT_FIT: 'both', /** * If true, hides the video quality label indicating the resolution status * of the current large video. * * @type {boolean} */ VIDEO_QUALITY_LABEL_DISABLED: false, /** * How many columns the tile view can expand to. The respected range is * between 1 and 5. */ // TILE_VIEW_MAX_COLUMNS: 5, /** * Specify Firebase dynamic link properties for the mobile apps. */ // MOBILE_DYNAMIC_LINK: { // APN: 'org.jitsi.meet', // APP_CODE: 'w2atb', // CUSTOM_DOMAIN: undefined, // IBI: 'com.atlassian.JitsiMeet.ios', // ISI: '1165103905' // }, /** * Specify mobile app scheme for opening the app from the mobile browser. */ // APP_SCHEME: 'org.jitsi.meet', /** * Specify the Android app package name. */ // ANDROID_APP_PACKAGE: 'org.jitsi.meet', // List of undocumented settings /** INDICATOR_FONT_SIZES PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX */ // -----------------DEPRECATED CONFIGS BELOW THIS LINE----------------------------- // Connection indicators ( // CONNECTION_INDICATOR_AUTO_HIDE_ENABLED, // CONNECTION_INDICATOR_AUTO_HIDE_TIMEOUT, // CONNECTION_INDICATOR_DISABLED) got moved to config.js. // Please use disableModeratorIndicator from config.js // DISABLE_FOCUS_INDICATOR: false, // Please use defaultLocalDisplayName from config.js // DEFAULT_LOCAL_DISPLAY_NAME: 'me', // Please use defaultLogoUrl from config.js // DEFAULT_LOGO_URL: 'images/watermark.svg', // Please use defaultRemoteDisplayName from config.js // DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME: 'Fellow Jitster', // Moved to config.js as `toolbarConfig.initialTimeout`. // INITIAL_TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT: 20000, // Please use `liveStreaming.helpLink` from config.js // Documentation reference for the live streaming feature. // LIVE_STREAMING_HELP_LINK: 'https://jitsi.org/live', // Moved to config.js as `toolbarConfig.alwaysVisible`. // TOOLBAR_ALWAYS_VISIBLE: false, // This config was moved to config.js as `toolbarButtons`. // TOOLBAR_BUTTONS: [], // Moved to config.js as `toolbarConfig.timeout`. // TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT: 4000, // Allow all above example options to include a trailing comma and // prevent fear when commenting out the last value. // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys makeJsonParserHappy: 'even if last key had a trailing comma' // No configuration value should follow this line. }; /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars, no-var, max-len */