// @flow import { getConferenceState } from '../base/conference'; import { MEDIA_TYPE, type MediaType } from '../base/media/constants'; import { getParticipantById, isParticipantModerator } from '../base/participants'; import { isForceMuted } from '../participants-pane/functions'; import { DISMISS_PENDING_PARTICIPANT, DISABLE_MODERATION, ENABLE_MODERATION, LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_APPROVED, LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_MODERATION_NOTIFICATION, PARTICIPANT_APPROVED, PARTICIPANT_PENDING_AUDIO, REQUEST_DISABLE_AUDIO_MODERATION, REQUEST_ENABLE_AUDIO_MODERATION, REQUEST_DISABLE_VIDEO_MODERATION, REQUEST_ENABLE_VIDEO_MODERATION, LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_REJECTED, PARTICIPANT_REJECTED } from './actionTypes'; import { isEnabledFromState } from './functions'; /** * Action used by moderator to approve audio and video for a participant. * * @param {staring} id - The id of the participant to be approved. * @returns {void} */ export const approveParticipant = (id: string) => (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { const state = getState(); const { conference } = getConferenceState(state); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); const isVideoForceMuted = isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, state); const isAudioModerationOn = isEnabledFromState(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, state); const isVideoModerationOn = isEnabledFromState(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, state); if (isAudioModerationOn || !isVideoModerationOn) { conference.avModerationApprove(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, id); } if (isVideoModerationOn && isVideoForceMuted) { conference.avModerationApprove(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id); } }; /** * Action used by moderator to reject audio for a participant. * * @param {staring} id - The id of the participant to be rejected. * @returns {void} */ export const rejectParticipantAudio = (id: string) => (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { const state = getState(); const { conference } = getConferenceState(state); const audioModeration = isEnabledFromState(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, state); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); const isAudioForceMuted = isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, state); const isModerator = isParticipantModerator(participant); if (audioModeration && !isAudioForceMuted && !isModerator) { conference.avModerationReject(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, id); } }; /** * Action used by moderator to reject video for a participant. * * @param {staring} id - The id of the participant to be rejected. * @returns {void} */ export const rejectParticipantVideo = (id: string) => (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { const state = getState(); const { conference } = getConferenceState(state); const videoModeration = isEnabledFromState(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, state); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); const isVideoForceMuted = isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, state); const isModerator = isParticipantModerator(participant); if (videoModeration && !isVideoForceMuted && !isModerator) { conference.avModerationReject(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id); } }; /** * Audio or video moderation is disabled. * * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type that was disabled. * @param {JitsiParticipant} actor - The actor disabling. * @returns {{ * type: REQUEST_DISABLE_MODERATED_AUDIO * }} */ export const disableModeration = (mediaType: MediaType, actor: Object) => { return { type: DISABLE_MODERATION, mediaType, actor }; }; /** * Hides the notification with the participant that asked to unmute audio. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant for which the notification to be hidden. * @returns {Object} */ export function dismissPendingAudioParticipant(participant: Object) { return dismissPendingParticipant(participant.id, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO); } /** * Hides the notification with the participant that asked to unmute. * * @param {string} id - The participant id for which the notification to be hidden. * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type. * @returns {Object} */ export function dismissPendingParticipant(id: string, mediaType: MediaType) { return { type: DISMISS_PENDING_PARTICIPANT, id, mediaType }; } /** * Audio or video moderation is enabled. * * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type that was enabled. * @param {JitsiParticipant} actor - The actor enabling. * @returns {{ * type: REQUEST_ENABLE_MODERATED_AUDIO * }} */ export const enableModeration = (mediaType: MediaType, actor: Object) => { return { type: ENABLE_MODERATION, mediaType, actor }; }; /** * Requests disable of audio moderation. * * @returns {{ * type: REQUEST_DISABLE_AUDIO_MODERATION * }} */ export const requestDisableAudioModeration = () => { return { type: REQUEST_DISABLE_AUDIO_MODERATION }; }; /** * Requests disable of video moderation. * * @returns {{ * type: REQUEST_DISABLE_VIDEO_MODERATION * }} */ export const requestDisableVideoModeration = () => { return { type: REQUEST_DISABLE_VIDEO_MODERATION }; }; /** * Requests enable of audio moderation. * * @returns {{ * type: REQUEST_ENABLE_AUDIO_MODERATION * }} */ export const requestEnableAudioModeration = () => { return { type: REQUEST_ENABLE_AUDIO_MODERATION }; }; /** * Requests enable of video moderation. * * @returns {{ * type: REQUEST_ENABLE_VIDEO_MODERATION * }} */ export const requestEnableVideoModeration = () => { return { type: REQUEST_ENABLE_VIDEO_MODERATION }; }; /** * Local participant was approved to be able to unmute audio and video. * * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type to disable. * @returns {{ * type: LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_APPROVED * }} */ export const localParticipantApproved = (mediaType: MediaType) => { return { type: LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_APPROVED, mediaType }; }; /** * Local participant was blocked to be able to unmute audio and video. * * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type to disable. * @returns {{ * type: LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_REJECTED * }} */ export const localParticipantRejected = (mediaType: MediaType) => { return { type: LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_REJECTED, mediaType }; }; /** * Shows notification when A/V moderation is enabled and local participant is still not approved. * * @param {MediaType} mediaType - Audio or video media type. * @returns {Object} */ export function showModeratedNotification(mediaType: MediaType) { return { type: LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_MODERATION_NOTIFICATION, mediaType }; } /** * Shows a notification with the participant that asked to audio unmute. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant for which is the notification. * @returns {Object} */ export function participantPendingAudio(participant: Object) { return { type: PARTICIPANT_PENDING_AUDIO, participant }; } /** * A participant was approved to unmute for a mediaType. * * @param {string} id - The id of the approved participant. * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type which was approved. * @returns {{ * type: PARTICIPANT_APPROVED, * }} */ export function participantApproved(id: string, mediaType: MediaType) { return { type: PARTICIPANT_APPROVED, id, mediaType }; } /** * A participant was blocked to unmute for a mediaType. * * @param {string} id - The id of the approved participant. * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type which was approved. * @returns {{ * type: PARTICIPANT_REJECTED, * }} */ export function participantRejected(id: string, mediaType: MediaType) { return { type: PARTICIPANT_REJECTED, id, mediaType }; }