/* global interfaceConfig */ import React from 'react'; import { isMobileBrowser } from '../../base/environment/utils'; import { translate, translateToHTML } from '../../base/i18n'; import { Icon, IconWarning } from '../../base/icons'; import { Watermarks } from '../../base/react'; import { connect } from '../../base/redux'; import { CalendarList } from '../../calendar-sync'; import { RecentList } from '../../recent-list'; import { SettingsButton, SETTINGS_TABS } from '../../settings'; import { AbstractWelcomePage, _mapStateToProps } from './AbstractWelcomePage'; import Tabs from './Tabs'; /** * The pattern used to validate room name. * @type {string} */ export const ROOM_NAME_VALIDATE_PATTERN_STR = '^[^?&:\u0022\u0027%#]+$'; /** * Maximum number of pixels corresponding to a mobile layout. * @type {number} */ const WINDOW_WIDTH_THRESHOLD = 425; /** * The Web container rendering the welcome page. * * @extends AbstractWelcomePage */ class WelcomePage extends AbstractWelcomePage { /** * Default values for {@code WelcomePage} component's properties. * * @static */ static defaultProps = { _room: '' }; /** * Initializes a new WelcomePage instance. * * @param {Object} props - The read-only properties with which the new * instance is to be initialized. */ constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { ...this.state, generateRoomnames: interfaceConfig.GENERATE_ROOMNAMES_ON_WELCOME_PAGE, selectedTab: 0 }; /** * The HTML Element used as the container for additional content. Used * for directly appending the additional content template to the dom. * * @private * @type {HTMLTemplateElement|null} */ this._additionalContentRef = null; this._roomInputRef = null; /** * The HTML Element used as the container for additional toolbar content. Used * for directly appending the additional content template to the dom. * * @private * @type {HTMLTemplateElement|null} */ this._additionalToolbarContentRef = null; /** * The template to use as the main content for the welcome page. If * not found then only the welcome page head will display. * * @private * @type {HTMLTemplateElement|null} */ this._additionalContentTemplate = document.getElementById( 'welcome-page-additional-content-template'); /** * The template to use as the additional content for the welcome page header toolbar. * If not found then only the settings icon will be displayed. * * @private * @type {HTMLTemplateElement|null} */ this._additionalToolbarContentTemplate = document.getElementById( 'settings-toolbar-additional-content-template' ); // Bind event handlers so they are only bound once per instance. this._onFormSubmit = this._onFormSubmit.bind(this); this._onRoomChange = this._onRoomChange.bind(this); this._setAdditionalContentRef = this._setAdditionalContentRef.bind(this); this._setRoomInputRef = this._setRoomInputRef.bind(this); this._setAdditionalToolbarContentRef = this._setAdditionalToolbarContentRef.bind(this); this._onTabSelected = this._onTabSelected.bind(this); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#componentDidMount()}. Invoked * immediately after this component is mounted. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {void} */ componentDidMount() { super.componentDidMount(); document.body.classList.add('welcome-page'); document.title = interfaceConfig.APP_NAME; if (this.state.generateRoomnames) { this._updateRoomname(); } if (this._shouldShowAdditionalContent()) { this._additionalContentRef.appendChild( this._additionalContentTemplate.content.cloneNode(true)); } if (this._shouldShowAdditionalToolbarContent()) { this._additionalToolbarContentRef.appendChild( this._additionalToolbarContentTemplate.content.cloneNode(true) ); } } /** * Removes the classname used for custom styling of the welcome page. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {void} */ componentWillUnmount() { super.componentWillUnmount(); document.body.classList.remove('welcome-page'); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement|null} */ render() { const { _moderatedRoomServiceUrl, t } = this.props; const { APP_NAME } = interfaceConfig; const showAdditionalContent = this._shouldShowAdditionalContent(); const showAdditionalToolbarContent = this._shouldShowAdditionalToolbarContent(); const showResponsiveText = this._shouldShowResponsiveText(); return (
{ showAdditionalToolbarContent ?
: null }

{ t('welcomepage.title') }

{ t('welcomepage.appDescription', { app: APP_NAME }) }

{ t('welcomepage.enterRoomTitle') }
{ this._renderInsecureRoomNameWarning() }
{ showResponsiveText ? t('welcomepage.goSmall') : t('welcomepage.go') }
{ _moderatedRoomServiceUrl && (

{ translateToHTML( t, 'welcomepage.moderatedMessage', { url: _moderatedRoomServiceUrl }) }

) } { this._renderTabs() }
{ showAdditionalContent ?
: null }
); } /** * Renders the insecure room name warning. * * @inheritdoc */ _doRenderInsecureRoomNameWarning() { return (
{ this.props.t('security.insecureRoomNameWarning') }
); } /** * Prevents submission of the form and delegates join logic. * * @param {Event} event - The HTML Event which details the form submission. * @private * @returns {void} */ _onFormSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (!this._roomInputRef || this._roomInputRef.reportValidity()) { this._onJoin(); } } /** * Overrides the super to account for the differences in the argument types * provided by HTML and React Native text inputs. * * @inheritdoc * @override * @param {Event} event - The (HTML) Event which details the change such as * the EventTarget. * @protected */ _onRoomChange(event) { super._onRoomChange(event.target.value); } /** * Callback invoked when the desired tab to display should be changed. * * @param {number} tabIndex - The index of the tab within the array of * displayed tabs. * @private * @returns {void} */ _onTabSelected(tabIndex) { this.setState({ selectedTab: tabIndex }); } /** * Renders tabs to show previous meetings and upcoming calendar events. The * tabs are purposefully hidden on mobile browsers. * * @returns {ReactElement|null} */ _renderTabs() { if (isMobileBrowser()) { return null; } const { _calendarEnabled, _recentListEnabled, t } = this.props; const tabs = []; if (_calendarEnabled) { tabs.push({ label: t('welcomepage.calendar'), content: }); } if (_recentListEnabled) { tabs.push({ label: t('welcomepage.recentList'), content: }); } if (tabs.length === 0) { return null; } return ( ); } /** * Sets the internal reference to the HTMLDivElement used to hold the * welcome page content. * * @param {HTMLDivElement} el - The HTMLElement for the div that is the root * of the welcome page content. * @private * @returns {void} */ _setAdditionalContentRef(el) { this._additionalContentRef = el; } /** * Sets the internal reference to the HTMLDivElement used to hold the * toolbar additional content. * * @param {HTMLDivElement} el - The HTMLElement for the div that is the root * of the additional toolbar content. * @private * @returns {void} */ _setAdditionalToolbarContentRef(el) { this._additionalToolbarContentRef = el; } /** * Sets the internal reference to the HTMLInputElement used to hold the * welcome page input room element. * * @param {HTMLInputElement} el - The HTMLElement for the input of the room name on the welcome page. * @private * @returns {void} */ _setRoomInputRef(el) { this._roomInputRef = el; } /** * Returns whether or not additional content should be displayed below * the welcome page's header for entering a room name. * * @private * @returns {boolean} */ _shouldShowAdditionalContent() { return interfaceConfig.DISPLAY_WELCOME_PAGE_CONTENT && this._additionalContentTemplate && this._additionalContentTemplate.content && this._additionalContentTemplate.innerHTML.trim(); } /** * Returns whether or not additional content should be displayed inside * the header toolbar. * * @private * @returns {boolean} */ _shouldShowAdditionalToolbarContent() { return interfaceConfig.DISPLAY_WELCOME_PAGE_TOOLBAR_ADDITIONAL_CONTENT && this._additionalToolbarContentTemplate && this._additionalToolbarContentTemplate.content && this._additionalToolbarContentTemplate.innerHTML.trim(); } /** * Returns whether or not the screen has a size smaller than a custom margin * and therefore display different text in the go button. * * @private * @returns {boolean} */ _shouldShowResponsiveText() { const { innerWidth } = window; return innerWidth <= WINDOW_WIDTH_THRESHOLD; } } export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(WelcomePage));