import { getFeatureFlag, INVITE_ENABLED } from '../base/flags'; import { toState } from '../base/redux'; import { REDUCER_KEY } from './constants'; /** * Generates a class attribute value. * * @param {Iterable} args - String iterable. * @returns {string} Class attribute value. */ export const classList = (...args) => args.filter(Boolean).join(' '); /** * Find the first styled ancestor component of an element. * * @param {Element} target - Element to look up. * @param {StyledComponentClass} component - Styled component reference. * @returns {Element|null} Ancestor. */ export const findStyledAncestor = (target, component) => { if (!target || target.matches(`.${component.styledComponentId}`)) { return target; } return findStyledAncestor(target.parentElement, component); }; /** * Get a style property from a style declaration as a float. * * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles - Style declaration. * @param {string} name - Property name. * @returns {number} Float value. */ export const getFloatStyleProperty = (styles, name) => parseFloat(styles.getPropertyValue(name)); /** * Gets the outer height of an element, including margins. * * @param {Element} element - Target element. * @returns {number} Computed height. */ export const getComputedOuterHeight = element => { const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element); return element.offsetHeight + getFloatStyleProperty(computedStyle, 'margin-top') + getFloatStyleProperty(computedStyle, 'margin-bottom'); }; /** * Returns this feature's root state. * * @param {Object} state - Global state. * @returns {Object} Feature state. */ const getState = state => state[REDUCER_KEY]; /** * Is the participants pane open. * * @param {Object} state - Global state. * @returns {boolean} Is the participants pane open. */ export const getParticipantsPaneOpen = state => Boolean(getState(state)?.isOpen); /** * Returns true if the invite button should be rendered. * * @param {Object} state - Global state. * @returns {boolean} */ export const shouldRenderInviteButton = state => { const { disableInviteFunctions } = toState(state)['features/base/config']; const flagEnabled = getFeatureFlag(state, INVITE_ENABLED, true); return flagEnabled && !disableInviteFunctions; };