/* global $, APP, YT, onPlayerReady, onPlayerStateChange, onPlayerError */ import messageHandler from '../util/MessageHandler'; import UIUtil from '../util/UIUtil'; import UIEvents from '../../../service/UI/UIEvents'; import VideoLayout from "../videolayout/VideoLayout"; import LargeContainer from '../videolayout/LargeContainer'; import SmallVideo from '../videolayout/SmallVideo'; import FilmStrip from '../videolayout/FilmStrip'; import ToolbarToggler from "../toolbars/ToolbarToggler"; export const SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE = "sharedvideo"; /** * Example shared video link. * @type {string} */ const defaultSharedVideoLink = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNXN7CZk8X0"; /** * Manager of shared video. */ export default class SharedVideoManager { constructor (emitter) { this.emitter = emitter; this.isSharedVideoShown = false; this.isPlayerAPILoaded = false; this.updateInterval = 5000; // milliseconds } /** * Starts shared video by asking user for url, or if its already working * asks whether the user wants to stop sharing the video. */ toggleSharedVideo () { if(!this.isSharedVideoShown) { requestVideoLink().then( url => this.emitter.emit( UIEvents.UPDATE_SHARED_VIDEO, url, 'start'), err => console.error('SHARED VIDEO CANCELED', err) ); return; } showStopVideoPropmpt().then(() => this.emitter.emit(UIEvents.UPDATE_SHARED_VIDEO, null, 'stop')); } /** * Shows the player component and starts the checking function * that will be sending updates, if we are the one shared the video * @param url the video url * @param attributes */ showSharedVideo (url, attributes) { if (this.isSharedVideoShown) return; // the video url this.url = url; // the owner of the video this.from = attributes.from; // This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously. var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); var self = this; if(self.isPlayerAPILoaded) window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(); else window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() { self.isPlayerAPILoaded = true; let showControls = APP.conference.isLocalId(self.from) ? 1 : 0; self.player = new YT.Player('sharedVideoIFrame', { height: '100%', width: '100%', videoId: self.url, playerVars: { 'origin': location.origin, 'fs': '0', 'autoplay': 1, 'controls': showControls, 'rel' : 0 }, events: { 'onReady': onPlayerReady, 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange, 'onError': onPlayerError } }); }; // whether we should pause the player as initial status // sometimes if we try to pause the player before it starts playing // we can end up with player in buffering mode this.initialPause = false; window.onPlayerStateChange = function(event) { if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { self.playerPaused = false; // check for initial pause if(self.initialPause) { self.initialPause = false; self.player.pauseVideo(); } self.updateCheck(); } else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) { self.playerPaused = true; self.updateCheck(true); } }; window.onPlayerReady = function(event) { let player = event.target; player.playVideo(); let thumb = new SharedVideoThumb(self.url); thumb.setDisplayName(player.getVideoData().title); VideoLayout.addParticipantContainer(self.url, thumb); let iframe = player.getIframe(); self.sharedVideo = new SharedVideoContainer( {url, iframe, player}); VideoLayout.addLargeVideoContainer( SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE, self.sharedVideo); VideoLayout.handleVideoThumbClicked(self.url); self.isSharedVideoShown = true; // If we are sending the command and we are starting the player // we need to continuously send the player current time position if(APP.conference.isLocalId(self.from)) { self.intervalId = setInterval( self.updateCheck.bind(self), self.updateInterval); } // set initial state of the player if there is enough information if(attributes.state === 'pause') self.initialPause = true; else if(attributes.time > 0) { console.log("Player seekTo:", attributes.time); player.seekTo(attributes.time); } }; window.onPlayerError = function(event) { console.error("Error in the player:" + event.data); }; } /** * Checks current state of the player and fire an event with the values. */ updateCheck(sendPauseEvent) { // ignore update checks if we are not the owner of the video if(!APP.conference.isLocalId(this.from)) return; let state = this.player.getPlayerState(); // if its paused and haven't been pause - send paused if (state === YT.PlayerState.PAUSED && sendPauseEvent) { this.emitter.emit(UIEvents.UPDATE_SHARED_VIDEO, this.url, 'pause'); } // if its playing and it was paused - send update with time // if its playing and was playing just send update with time else if (state === YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { this.emitter.emit(UIEvents.UPDATE_SHARED_VIDEO, this.url, 'playing', this.player.getCurrentTime(), this.player.isMuted() ? 0 : this.player.getVolume()); } } /** * Updates video, if its not playing and needs starting or * if its playing and needs to be paysed * @param url the video url * @param attributes */ updateSharedVideo (url, attributes) { // if we are sending the event ignore if(APP.conference.isLocalId(this.from)) { return; } if (attributes.state == 'playing') { if(!this.isSharedVideoShown) { this.showSharedVideo(url, attributes); return; } // ocasionally we get this.player.getCurrentTime is not a function // it seems its that player hasn't really loaded if(!this.player || !this.player.getCurrentTime || !this.player.pauseVideo || !this.player.playVideo || !this.player.getVolume || !this.player.seekTo || !this.player.getVolume) return; // check received time and current time let currentPosition = this.player.getCurrentTime(); let diff = Math.abs(attributes.time - currentPosition); // if we drift more than two times of the interval for checking // sync, the interval is in milliseconds if(diff > this.updateInterval*2/1000) { console.log("Player seekTo:", attributes.time, " current time is:", currentPosition, " diff:", diff); this.player.seekTo(attributes.time); } // lets check the volume if (attributes.volume !== undefined && this.player.getVolume() != attributes.volume) { this.player.setVolume(attributes.volume); console.log("Player change of volume:" + attributes.volume); } if(this.playerPaused) this.player.playVideo(); } else if (attributes.state == 'pause') { // if its not paused, pause it if(this.isSharedVideoShown) { this.player.pauseVideo(); } else { // if not shown show it, passing attributes so it can // be shown paused this.showSharedVideo(url, attributes); } } } /** * Stop shared video if it is currently showed. If the user started the * shared video is the one in the attributes.from (called when user * left and we want to remove video if the user sharing it left). * @param attributes */ stopSharedVideo (attributes) { if (!this.isSharedVideoShown) return; if(this.from !== attributes.from) return; if(this.intervalId) { clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.intervalId = null; } VideoLayout.removeParticipantContainer(this.url); VideoLayout.showLargeVideoContainer(SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE, false) .then(() => { VideoLayout.removeLargeVideoContainer( SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE); this.player.destroy(); this.player = null; }); this.url = null; this.isSharedVideoShown = false; } } /** * Container for shared video iframe. */ class SharedVideoContainer extends LargeContainer { constructor ({url, iframe, player}) { super(); this.$iframe = $(iframe); this.url = url; this.player = player; } get $video () { return this.$iframe; } show () { let self = this; return new Promise(resolve => { this.$iframe.fadeIn(300, () => { self.bodyBackground = document.body.style.background; document.body.style.background = 'black'; this.$iframe.css({opacity: 1}); resolve(); }); }); } hide () { let self = this; return new Promise(resolve => { this.$iframe.fadeOut(300, () => { document.body.style.background = self.bodyBackground; this.$iframe.css({opacity: 0}); resolve(); }); }); } onHoverIn () { ToolbarToggler.showToolbar(); } get id () { return this.url; } resize (containerWidth, containerHeight) { let height = containerHeight - FilmStrip.getFilmStripHeight(); let width = containerWidth; this.$iframe.width(width).height(height); } /** * @return {boolean} do not switch on dominant speaker event if on stage. */ stayOnStage () { return false; } } function SharedVideoThumb (url) { this.id = url; this.url = url; this.setVideoType(SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE); this.videoSpanId = "sharedVideoContainer"; this.container = this.createContainer(this.videoSpanId); this.container.onclick = this.videoClick.bind(this); SmallVideo.call(this, VideoLayout); this.isVideoMuted = true; } SharedVideoThumb.prototype = Object.create(SmallVideo.prototype); SharedVideoThumb.prototype.constructor = SharedVideoThumb; /** * hide display name */ SharedVideoThumb.prototype.setDeviceAvailabilityIcons = function () {}; SharedVideoThumb.prototype.avatarChanged = function () {}; SharedVideoThumb.prototype.createContainer = function (spanId) { var container = document.createElement('span'); container.id = spanId; container.className = 'videocontainer'; // add the avatar var avatar = document.createElement('img'); avatar.id = 'avatar_' + this.id; avatar.className = 'sharedVideoAvatar'; avatar.src = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/" + this.url + "/0.jpg"; container.appendChild(avatar); var remotes = document.getElementById('remoteVideos'); return remotes.appendChild(container); }; /** * The thumb click handler. */ SharedVideoThumb.prototype.videoClick = function () { VideoLayout.handleVideoThumbClicked(this.url); }; /** * Removes RemoteVideo from the page. */ SharedVideoThumb.prototype.remove = function () { console.log("Remove shared video thumb", this.id); // Make sure that the large video is updated if are removing its // corresponding small video. this.VideoLayout.updateAfterThumbRemoved(this.id); // Remove whole container if (this.container.parentNode) { this.container.parentNode.removeChild(this.container); } }; /** * Sets the display name for the thumb. */ SharedVideoThumb.prototype.setDisplayName = function(displayName) { if (!this.container) { console.warn( "Unable to set displayName - " + this.videoSpanId + " does not exist"); return; } var nameSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.displayname'); // If we already have a display name for this video. if (nameSpan.length > 0) { if (displayName && displayName.length > 0) { $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '_name').text(displayName); } } else { nameSpan = document.createElement('span'); nameSpan.className = 'displayname'; $('#' + this.videoSpanId)[0].appendChild(nameSpan); if (displayName && displayName.length > 0) $(nameSpan).text(displayName); nameSpan.id = this.videoSpanId + '_name'; } }; /** * Checks if given string is youtube url. * @param {string} url string to check. * @returns {boolean} */ function getYoutubeLink(url) { let p = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:embed\/|v\/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=))((\w|-){11})(?:\S+)?$/;//jshint ignore:line return (url.match(p)) ? RegExp.$1 : false; } /** * Ask user if he want to close shared video. */ function showStopVideoPropmpt() { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog( "dialog.removeSharedVideoTitle", null, "dialog.removeSharedVideoMsg", null, false, "dialog.Remove", function(e,v,m,f) { if (v) { resolve(); } else { reject(); } } ); }); } /** * Ask user for shared video url to share with others. * Dialog validates client input to allow only youtube urls. */ function requestVideoLink() { let i18n = APP.translation; const title = i18n.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.shareVideoTitle"); const cancelButton = i18n.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.Cancel"); const shareButton = i18n.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.Share"); const backButton = i18n.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.Back"); const linkError = i18n.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.shareVideoLinkError"); const i18nOptions = {url: defaultSharedVideoLink}; const defaultUrl = i18n.translateString("defaultLink", i18nOptions); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let dialog = messageHandler.openDialogWithStates({ state0: { html: `


`, persistent: false, buttons: [ {title: cancelButton, value: false}, {title: shareButton, value: true} ], focus: ':input:first', defaultButton: 1, submit: function (e, v, m, f) { e.preventDefault(); if (!v) { reject('cancelled'); dialog.close(); return; } let sharedVideoUrl = f.sharedVideoUrl; if (!sharedVideoUrl) { return; } let urlValue = encodeURI(UIUtil.escapeHtml(sharedVideoUrl)); let yVideoId = getYoutubeLink(urlValue); if (!yVideoId) { dialog.goToState('state1'); return false; } resolve(yVideoId); dialog.close(); } }, state1: { html: `


${linkError}`, persistent: false, buttons: [ {title: cancelButton, value: false}, {title: backButton, value: true} ], focus: ':input:first', defaultButton: 1, submit: function (e, v, m, f) { e.preventDefault(); if (v === 0) { reject(); dialog.close(); } else { dialog.goToState('state0'); } } } }); }); }