// @flow import { batch } from 'react-redux'; import { APP_WILL_MOUNT, APP_WILL_UNMOUNT } from '../base/app'; import { CONFERENCE_FAILED, CONFERENCE_JOINED } from '../base/conference'; import { JitsiConferenceErrors, JitsiConferenceEvents } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { getFirstLoadableAvatarUrl, getParticipantDisplayName } from '../base/participants'; import { MiddlewareRegistry, StateListenerRegistry } from '../base/redux'; import { playSound, registerSound, unregisterSound } from '../base/sounds'; import { isTestModeEnabled } from '../base/testing'; import { NOTIFICATION_TYPE, showNotification } from '../notifications'; import { shouldAutoKnock } from '../prejoin/functions'; import { KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_ARRIVED_OR_UPDATED } from './actionTypes'; import { hideLobbyScreen, knockingParticipantLeft, openLobbyScreen, participantIsKnockingOrUpdated, setLobbyModeEnabled, startKnocking, setPasswordJoinFailed } from './actions'; import { KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_SOUND_ID } from './constants'; import { KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_FILE } from './sounds'; declare var APP: Object; MiddlewareRegistry.register(store => next => action => { switch (action.type) { case APP_WILL_MOUNT: store.dispatch(registerSound(KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_SOUND_ID, KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_FILE)); break; case APP_WILL_UNMOUNT: store.dispatch(unregisterSound(KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_SOUND_ID)); break; case CONFERENCE_FAILED: return _conferenceFailed(store, next, action); case CONFERENCE_JOINED: return _conferenceJoined(store, next, action); case KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_ARRIVED_OR_UPDATED: { // We need the full update result to be in the store already const result = next(action); _findLoadableAvatarForKnockingParticipant(store, action.participant); return result; } } return next(action); }); /** * Registers a change handler for state['features/base/conference'].conference to * set the event listeners needed for the lobby feature to operate. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( state => state['features/base/conference'].conference, (conference, { dispatch, getState }, previousConference) => { if (conference && !previousConference) { conference.on(JitsiConferenceEvents.MEMBERS_ONLY_CHANGED, enabled => { dispatch(setLobbyModeEnabled(enabled)); }); conference.on(JitsiConferenceEvents.LOBBY_USER_JOINED, (id, name) => { batch(() => { dispatch(participantIsKnockingOrUpdated({ id, name })); dispatch(playSound(KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_SOUND_ID)); if (typeof APP !== 'undefined') { APP.API.notifyKnockingParticipant({ id, name }); } }); }); conference.on(JitsiConferenceEvents.LOBBY_USER_UPDATED, (id, participant) => { dispatch(participantIsKnockingOrUpdated({ ...participant, id })); }); conference.on(JitsiConferenceEvents.LOBBY_USER_LEFT, id => { dispatch(knockingParticipantLeft(id)); }); conference.on(JitsiConferenceEvents.ENDPOINT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, (origin, sender) => _maybeSendLobbyNotification(origin, sender, { dispatch, getState }) ); } }); /** * Function to handle the conference failed event and navigate the user to the lobby screen * based on the failure reason. * * @param {Object} store - The Redux store. * @param {Function} next - The Redux next function. * @param {Object} action - The Redux action. * @returns {Object} */ function _conferenceFailed({ dispatch, getState }, next, action) { const { error } = action; const state = getState(); const nonFirstFailure = Boolean(state['features/base/conference'].membersOnly); if (error.name === JitsiConferenceErrors.MEMBERS_ONLY_ERROR) { if (typeof error.recoverable === 'undefined') { error.recoverable = true; } const result = next(action); dispatch(openLobbyScreen()); if (shouldAutoKnock(state)) { dispatch(startKnocking()); } dispatch(setPasswordJoinFailed(nonFirstFailure)); return result; } dispatch(hideLobbyScreen()); if (error.name === JitsiConferenceErrors.CONFERENCE_ACCESS_DENIED) { dispatch(showNotification({ appearance: NOTIFICATION_TYPE.ERROR, hideErrorSupportLink: true, titleKey: 'lobby.joinRejectedMessage' })); } return next(action); } /** * Handles cleanup of lobby state when a conference is joined. * * @param {Object} store - The Redux store. * @param {Function} next - The Redux next function. * @param {Object} action - The Redux action. * @returns {Object} */ function _conferenceJoined({ dispatch }, next, action) { dispatch(hideLobbyScreen()); return next(action); } /** * Finds the loadable avatar URL and updates the participant accordingly. * * @param {Object} store - The Redux store. * @param {Object} participant - The knocking participant. * @returns {void} */ function _findLoadableAvatarForKnockingParticipant(store, { id }) { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const updatedParticipant = getState()['features/lobby'].knockingParticipants.find(p => p.id === id); const { disableThirdPartyRequests } = getState()['features/base/config']; if (!disableThirdPartyRequests && updatedParticipant && !updatedParticipant.loadableAvatarUrl) { getFirstLoadableAvatarUrl(updatedParticipant, store).then(loadableAvatarUrl => { if (loadableAvatarUrl) { dispatch(participantIsKnockingOrUpdated({ loadableAvatarUrl, id })); } }); } } /** * Check the endpoint message that arrived through the conference and * sends a lobby notification, if the message belongs to the feature. * * @param {Object} origin - The origin (initiator) of the message. * @param {Object} message - The actual message. * @param {Object} store - The Redux store. * @returns {void} */ function _maybeSendLobbyNotification(origin, message, { dispatch, getState }) { if (!origin?._id || message?.type !== 'lobby-notify') { return; } const notificationProps: any = { descriptionArguments: { originParticipantName: getParticipantDisplayName(getState, origin._id), targetParticipantName: message.name }, titleKey: 'lobby.notificationTitle' }; switch (message.event) { case 'LOBBY-ENABLED': notificationProps.descriptionKey = `lobby.notificationLobby${message.value ? 'En' : 'Dis'}abled`; break; case 'LOBBY-ACCESS-GRANTED': notificationProps.descriptionKey = 'lobby.notificationLobbyAccessGranted'; break; case 'LOBBY-ACCESS-DENIED': notificationProps.descriptionKey = 'lobby.notificationLobbyAccessDenied'; break; } dispatch(showNotification(notificationProps, isTestModeEnabled(getState()) ? undefined : 5000)); }