-- enable under the main muc component local queue = require "util.queue"; local new_throttle = require "util.throttle".create; local timer = require "util.timer"; -- we max to 500 participants per meeting so this should be enough, we are not suppose to handle all -- participants in one meeting local PRESENCE_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE = 1000; -- default to 5 participants per second local join_rate_per_conference = module:get_option_number("muc_rate_joins", 5); -- Measure/monitor the room rate limiting queue local measure = require "core.statsmanager".measure; local measure_longest_queue = measure("distribution", "/mod_" .. module.name .. "/longest_queue"); local measure_rooms_with_queue = measure("rate", "/mod_" .. module.name .. "/rooms_with_queue"); -- throws a stat that the queue was full, counts the total number of times we hit it local measure_full_queue = measure("rate", "/mod_" .. module.name .. "/full_queue"); -- keeps track of the total times we had an error processing the queue local measure_errors_processing_queue = measure("rate", "/mod_" .. module.name .. "/errors_processing_queue"); -- we keep track here what was the longest queue we have seen local stat_longest_queue = 0; -- Adds item to the queue -- @returns false if queue is full and item was not added, true otherwise local function add_item_to_queue(joining_queue, item, room, from) if not joining_queue:push(item) then module:log('error', 'Error pushing presence in queue for %s in %s', from, room.jid); measure_full_queue(); return false; else -- check is this the longest queue and if so throws a stat if joining_queue:count() > stat_longest_queue then stat_longest_queue = joining_queue:count(); measure_longest_queue(stat_longest_queue); end return true; end end -- process join_rate_presence_queue in the room and pops element passing them to handle_normal_presence -- returns 1 if we want to reschedule it after 1 second local function timer_process_queue_elements (room) local presence_queue = room.join_rate_presence_queue; if not presence_queue or presence_queue:count() == 0 then return; end for _ = 1, join_rate_per_conference do local ev = presence_queue:pop(); if ev then -- we mark what we pass here so we can skip it on the next muc-occupant-pre-join event ev.stanza.delayed_join_skip = true; room:handle_normal_presence(ev.origin, ev.stanza); end end -- if there are elements left, schedule an execution in a second if presence_queue:count() > 0 then return 1; else room.join_rate_queue_timer = false; end end -- we check join rate before occupant joins. If rate is exceeded we queue the events and start a timer -- that will run every second processing the events passing them to the room handling function handle_normal_presence -- from where those arrived, this way we keep a maximum rate of joining module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-join", function (event) local room, stanza = event.room, event.stanza; -- skipping events we had produced and clear our flag if stanza.delayed_join_skip == true then event.stanza.delayed_join_skip = nil; return false; end local throttle = room.join_rate_throttle; if not room.join_rate_throttle then throttle = new_throttle(join_rate_per_conference, 1); -- rate per one second room.join_rate_throttle = throttle; end if not throttle:poll(1) then if not room.join_rate_presence_queue then -- if this is the first item for a room we increment the stat for rooms with queues measure_rooms_with_queue(); room.join_rate_presence_queue = queue.new(PRESENCE_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE); end if not add_item_to_queue(room.join_rate_presence_queue, event, room, stanza.attr.from) then -- let's not stop processing the event return false; end if not room.join_rate_queue_timer then timer.add_task(1, function () local status, result = pcall(timer_process_queue_elements, room); if not status then -- there was an error in the timer function module:log('error', 'Error processing queue: %s', result); measure_errors_processing_queue(); -- let's re-schedule timer so we do not lose the queue return 1; end return result; end); room.join_rate_queue_timer = true; end return true; -- we stop execution, so we do not process this join at the moment end if room.join_rate_queue_timer then -- there is timer so we need to order the presences, put it in the queue -- if add fails as queue is full we return false and the event will continue processing, we risk re-order -- but not losing it return add_item_to_queue(room.join_rate_presence_queue, event, room, stanza.attr.from); end end, 9); -- as we will rate limit joins we need to be the first to execute -- we ran it after muc_max_occupants which is with priority 10, there is nothing to rate limit -- if max number of occupants is reached -- clear queue on room destroy so timer will skip next run if any module:hook('muc-room-destroyed',function(event) event.room.join_rate_presence_queue = nil; end);