// @flow import { createToolbarEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../../analytics'; import { getFeatureFlag, HELP_BUTTON_ENABLED } from '../../base/flags'; import { translate } from '../../base/i18n'; import { IconHelp } from '../../base/icons'; import { connect } from '../../base/redux'; import { AbstractButton, type AbstractButtonProps } from '../../base/toolbox/components'; import { openURLInBrowser } from '../../base/util'; type Props = AbstractButtonProps & { /** * The URL to the user documentation. */ _userDocumentationURL: string }; /** * Implements an {@link AbstractButton} to open the user documentation in a new window. */ class HelpButton extends AbstractButton { accessibilityLabel = 'toolbar.accessibilityLabel.help'; icon = IconHelp; label = 'toolbar.help'; /** * Handles clicking / pressing the button, and opens a new window with the user documentation. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _handleClick() { sendAnalytics(createToolbarEvent('help.pressed')); openURLInBrowser(this.props._userDocumentationURL); } } /** * Maps part of the redux state to the component's props. * * @param {Object} state - The redux store/state. * @returns {Object} */ function _mapStateToProps(state: Object) { const { userDocumentationURL } = state['features/base/config'].deploymentUrls || {}; const enabled = getFeatureFlag(state, HELP_BUTTON_ENABLED, true); const visible = typeof userDocumentationURL === 'string' && enabled; return { _userDocumentationURL: userDocumentationURL, visible }; } export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(HelpButton));