/* global APP, $, buttonClick, config, lockRoom, interfaceConfig, setSharedKey, Util */ /* jshint -W101 */ var messageHandler = require("../util/MessageHandler"); var BottomToolbar = require("./BottomToolbar"); var Prezi = require("../prezi/Prezi"); var Etherpad = require("../etherpad/Etherpad"); var PanelToggler = require("../side_pannels/SidePanelToggler"); var Authentication = require("../authentication/Authentication"); var UIUtil = require("../util/UIUtil"); var AuthenticationEvents = require("../../../service/authentication/AuthenticationEvents"); var AnalyticsAdapter = require("../../statistics/AnalyticsAdapter"); var Feedback = require("../Feedback"); var roomUrl = null; var sharedKey = ''; var UI = null; var recordingToaster = null; var buttonHandlers = { "toolbar_button_mute": function () { if (APP.RTC.localAudio.isMuted()) { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.audio.unmuted'); } else { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.audio.muted'); } return APP.UI.toggleAudio(); }, "toolbar_button_camera": function () { if (APP.RTC.localVideo.isMuted()) { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.video.enabled'); } else { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.video.disabled'); } return APP.UI.toggleVideo(); }, /*"toolbar_button_authentication": function () { return Toolbar.authenticateClicked(); },*/ "toolbar_button_record": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.recording.toggled'); return toggleRecording(); }, "toolbar_button_security": function () { if (sharedKey) { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.lock.disabled'); } else { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.lock.enabled'); } return Toolbar.openLockDialog(); }, "toolbar_button_link": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.clicked'); return Toolbar.openLinkDialog(); }, "toolbar_button_chat": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.chat.toggled'); return BottomToolbar.toggleChat(); }, "toolbar_button_prezi": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.prezi.clicked'); return Prezi.openPreziDialog(); }, "toolbar_button_etherpad": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.etherpad.clicked'); return Etherpad.toggleEtherpad(0); }, "toolbar_button_desktopsharing": function () { if (APP.desktopsharing.isUsingScreenStream) { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.screen.disabled'); } else { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.screen.enabled'); } return APP.desktopsharing.toggleScreenSharing(); }, "toolbar_button_fullScreen": function() { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.fullscreen.enabled'); UIUtil.buttonClick("#toolbar_button_fullScreen", "icon-full-screen icon-exit-full-screen"); return Toolbar.toggleFullScreen(); }, "toolbar_button_sip": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.sip.clicked'); return callSipButtonClicked(); }, "toolbar_button_dialpad": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.sip.dialpad.clicked'); return dialpadButtonClicked(); }, "toolbar_button_settings": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.settings.toggled'); PanelToggler.toggleSettingsMenu(); }, "toolbar_button_hangup": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.hangup'); return hangup(); }, "toolbar_button_login": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.authenticate.login.clicked'); Toolbar.authenticateClicked(); }, "toolbar_button_logout": function () { AnalyticsAdapter.sendEvent('toolbar.authenticate.logout.clicked'); // Ask for confirmation messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog( "dialog.logoutTitle", null, "dialog.logoutQuestion", null, false, "dialog.Yes", function (evt, yes) { if (yes) { APP.xmpp.logout(function (url) { if (url) { window.location.href = url; } else { hangup(); } }); } }); } }; var defaultToolbarButtons = { 'microphone': '#toolbar_button_mute', 'camera': '#toolbar_button_camera', 'desktop': '#toolbar_button_desktopsharing', 'security': '#toolbar_button_security', 'invite': '#toolbar_button_link', 'chat': '#toolbar_button_chat', 'prezi': '#toolbar_button_prezi', 'etherpad': '#toolbar_button_etherpad', 'fullscreen': '#toolbar_button_fullScreen', 'settings': '#toolbar_button_settings', 'hangup': '#toolbar_button_hangup' }; /** * Hangs up this call. */ function hangup() { var conferenceDispose = function () { APP.xmpp.disposeConference(); if (config.enableWelcomePage) { setTimeout(function() { window.localStorage.welcomePageDisabled = false; window.location.pathname = "/"; }, 3000); } }; if (Feedback.isEnabled()) { // If the user has already entered feedback, we'll show the window and // immidiately start the conference dispose timeout. if (Feedback.feedbackScore > 0) { Feedback.openFeedbackWindow(); conferenceDispose(); } // Otherwise we'll wait for user's feedback. else Feedback.openFeedbackWindow(conferenceDispose); } else { conferenceDispose(); // If the feedback functionality isn't enabled we show a thank you // dialog. APP.UI.messageHandler.openMessageDialog(null, null, null, APP.translation.translateString("dialog.thankYou", {appName:interfaceConfig.APP_NAME})); } } /** * Starts or stops the recording for the conference. */ function toggleRecording(predefinedToken) { APP.xmpp.toggleRecording(function (callback) { if (predefinedToken) { callback(UIUtil.escapeHtml(predefinedToken)); return; } var msg = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.recordingToken"); var token = APP.translation.translateString("dialog.token"); APP.UI.messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog(null, null, null, '

' + msg + '

' + '', false, "dialog.Save", function (e, v, m, f) { if (v) { var token = f.recordingToken; if (token) { callback(UIUtil.escapeHtml(token)); } } }, null, function () { }, ':input:first' ); }, Toolbar.setRecordingButtonState); } /** * Locks / unlocks the room. */ function lockRoom(lock) { var currentSharedKey = ''; if (lock) currentSharedKey = sharedKey; APP.xmpp.lockRoom(currentSharedKey, function (res) { // password is required if (sharedKey) { console.log('set room password'); Toolbar.lockLockButton(); } else { console.log('removed room password'); Toolbar.unlockLockButton(); } }, function (err) { console.warn('setting password failed', err); messageHandler.showError("dialog.lockTitle", "dialog.lockMessage"); Toolbar.setSharedKey(''); }, function () { console.warn('room passwords not supported'); messageHandler.showError("dialog.warning", "dialog.passwordNotSupported"); Toolbar.setSharedKey(''); }); } /** * Invite participants to conference. */ function inviteParticipants() { if (roomUrl === null) return; var sharedKeyText = ""; if (sharedKey && sharedKey.length > 0) { sharedKeyText = APP.translation.translateString("email.sharedKey", {sharedKey: sharedKey}); sharedKeyText = sharedKeyText.replace(/\n/g, "%0D%0A"); } var supportedBrowsers = "Chromium, Google Chrome " + APP.translation.translateString("email.and") + " Opera"; var conferenceName = roomUrl.substring(roomUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); var subject = APP.translation.translateString("email.subject", {appName:interfaceConfig.APP_NAME, conferenceName: conferenceName}); var body = APP.translation.translateString("email.body", {appName:interfaceConfig.APP_NAME, sharedKeyText: sharedKeyText, roomUrl: roomUrl, supportedBrowsers: supportedBrowsers}); body = body.replace(/\n/g, "%0D%0A"); if (window.localStorage.displayname) { body += "%0D%0A%0D%0A" + window.localStorage.displayname; } if (interfaceConfig.INVITATION_POWERED_BY) { body += "%0D%0A%0D%0A--%0D%0Apowered by jitsi.org"; } window.open("mailto:?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body, '_blank'); } function dialpadButtonClicked() { //TODO show the dialpad box } function callSipButtonClicked() { var defaultNumber = config.defaultSipNumber ? config.defaultSipNumber : ''; var sipMsg = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.sipMsg"); messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog(null, null, null, '

' + sipMsg + '

' + '', false, "dialog.Dial", function (e, v, m, f) { if (v) { var numberInput = f.sipNumber; if (numberInput) { APP.xmpp.dial( numberInput, 'fromnumber', UI.getRoomName(), sharedKey); } } }, null, null, ':input:first' ); } var Toolbar = (function (my) { my.init = function (ui) { UIUtil.hideDisabledButtons(defaultToolbarButtons); for(var k in buttonHandlers) $("#" + k).click(buttonHandlers[k]); UI = ui; // Update login info APP.xmpp.addListener( AuthenticationEvents.IDENTITY_UPDATED, function (authenticationEnabled, userIdentity) { var loggedIn = false; if (userIdentity) { loggedIn = true; } Toolbar.showAuthenticateButton(authenticationEnabled); if (authenticationEnabled) { Toolbar.setAuthenticatedIdentity(userIdentity); Toolbar.showLoginButton(!loggedIn); Toolbar.showLogoutButton(loggedIn); } } ); }; /** * Sets shared key * @param sKey the shared key */ my.setSharedKey = function (sKey) { sharedKey = sKey; }; my.authenticateClicked = function () { Authentication.focusAuthenticationWindow(); if (!APP.xmpp.isExternalAuthEnabled()) { Authentication.xmppAuthenticate(); return; } // Get authentication URL if (!APP.xmpp.isMUCJoined()) { APP.xmpp.getLoginUrl(UI.getRoomName(), function (url) { // If conference has not been started yet - redirect to login page window.location.href = url; }); } else { APP.xmpp.getPopupLoginUrl(UI.getRoomName(), function (url) { // Otherwise - open popup with authentication URL var authenticationWindow = Authentication.createAuthenticationWindow( function () { // On popup closed - retry room allocation APP.xmpp.allocateConferenceFocus( APP.UI.getRoomName(), function () { console.info("AUTH DONE"); } ); }, url); if (!authenticationWindow) { messageHandler.openMessageDialog( null, "dialog.popupError"); } }); } }; /** * Updates the room invite url. */ my.updateRoomUrl = function (newRoomUrl) { roomUrl = newRoomUrl; // If the invite dialog has been already opened we update the information. var inviteLink = document.getElementById('inviteLinkRef'); if (inviteLink) { inviteLink.value = roomUrl; inviteLink.select(); $('#inviteLinkRef').parent() .find('button[value=true]').prop('disabled', false); } }; /** * Disables and enables some of the buttons. */ my.setupButtonsFromConfig = function () { if (!UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('prezi')) { $("#toolbar_button_prezi").css({display: "none"}); } }; /** * Opens the lock room dialog. */ my.openLockDialog = function () { // Only the focus is able to set a shared key. if (!APP.xmpp.isModerator()) { if (sharedKey) { messageHandler.openMessageDialog(null, "dialog.passwordError"); } else { messageHandler.openMessageDialog(null, "dialog.passwordError2"); } } else { if (sharedKey) { messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog(null, null, "dialog.passwordCheck", null, false, "dialog.Remove", function (e, v) { if (v) { Toolbar.setSharedKey(''); lockRoom(false); } }); } else { var msg = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.passwordMsg"); var yourPassword = APP.translation.translateString( "dialog.yourPassword"); messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog(null, null, null, '

' + msg + '

' + '', false, "dialog.Save", function (e, v, m, f) { if (v) { var lockKey = f.lockKey; if (lockKey) { Toolbar.setSharedKey( UIUtil.escapeHtml(lockKey)); lockRoom(true); } } }, null, null, 'input:first' ); } } }; /** * Opens the invite link dialog. */ my.openLinkDialog = function () { var inviteAttributes; if (roomUrl === null) { inviteAttributes = 'data-i18n="[value]roomUrlDefaultMsg" value="' + APP.translation.translateString("roomUrlDefaultMsg") + '"'; } else { inviteAttributes = "value=\"" + encodeURI(roomUrl) + "\""; } messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog("dialog.shareLink", null, null, '', false, "dialog.Invite", function (e, v) { if (v) { if (roomUrl) { inviteParticipants(); } } }, function (event) { if (roomUrl) { document.getElementById('inviteLinkRef').select(); } else { if (event && event.target) $(event.target) .find('button[value=true]').prop('disabled', true); } } ); }; /** * Opens the settings dialog. * FIXME: not used ? */ my.openSettingsDialog = function () { var settings1 = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.settings1"); var settings2 = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.settings2"); var settings3 = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.settings3"); var yourPassword = APP.translation.translateString( "dialog.yourPassword"); messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog(null, '

' + settings1 + '

' + '' + settings2 + '
' + '' + settings3 + '', null, null, false, "dialog.Save", function () { document.getElementById('lockKey').focus(); }, function (e, v) { if (v) { if ($('#initMuted').is(":checked")) { // it is checked } if ($('#requireNicknames').is(":checked")) { // it is checked } /* var lockKey = document.getElementById('lockKey'); if (lockKey.value) { setSharedKey(lockKey.value); lockRoom(true); } */ } } ); }; /** * Toggles the application in and out of full screen mode * (a.k.a. presentation mode in Chrome). */ my.toggleFullScreen = function () { var fsElement = document.documentElement; if (!document.mozFullScreen && !document.webkitIsFullScreen) { //Enter Full Screen if (fsElement.mozRequestFullScreen) { fsElement.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else { fsElement.webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } } else { //Exit Full Screen if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } } }; /** * Unlocks the lock button state. */ my.unlockLockButton = function () { if ($("#toolbar_button_security").hasClass("icon-security-locked")) UIUtil.buttonClick("#toolbar_button_security", "icon-security icon-security-locked"); }; /** * Updates the lock button state to locked. */ my.lockLockButton = function () { if ($("#toolbar_button_security").hasClass("icon-security")) UIUtil.buttonClick("#toolbar_button_security", "icon-security icon-security-locked"); }; /** * Shows or hides authentication button * @param show true to show or false to hide */ my.showAuthenticateButton = function (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('authentication') && show) { $('#authentication').css({display: "inline"}); } else { $('#authentication').css({display: "none"}); } }; // Shows or hides the 'recording' button. my.showRecordingButton = function (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('recording') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_record').css({display: "inline-block"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_record').css({display: "none"}); } }; // Sets the state of the recording button my.setRecordingButtonState = function (recordingState) { var selector = $('#toolbar_button_record'); if (recordingState === 'on') { selector.removeClass("icon-recEnable"); selector.addClass("icon-recEnable active"); $("#largeVideo").toggleClass("videoMessageFilter", true); var recordOnKey = "recording.on"; $('#videoConnectionMessage').attr("data-i18n", recordOnKey); $('#videoConnectionMessage').text(APP.translation.translateString(recordOnKey)); setTimeout(function(){ $("#largeVideo").toggleClass("videoMessageFilter", false); $('#videoConnectionMessage').css({display: "none"}); }, 1500); recordingToaster = messageHandler.notify(null, "recording.toaster", null, null, null, {timeOut: 0, closeButton: null, tapToDismiss: false}); } else if (recordingState === 'off') { selector.removeClass("icon-recEnable active"); selector.addClass("icon-recEnable"); $("#largeVideo").toggleClass("videoMessageFilter", false); $('#videoConnectionMessage').css({display: "none"}); if (recordingToaster) messageHandler.remove(recordingToaster); } else if (recordingState === 'pending') { selector.removeClass("icon-recEnable active"); selector.addClass("icon-recEnable"); $("#largeVideo").toggleClass("videoMessageFilter", true); var recordPendingKey = "recording.pending"; $('#videoConnectionMessage').attr("data-i18n", recordPendingKey); $('#videoConnectionMessage').text(APP.translation.translateString(recordPendingKey)); $('#videoConnectionMessage').css({display: "block"}); } }; // checks whether recording is enabled and whether we have params // to start automatically recording my.checkAutoRecord = function () { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('recording') && config.autoRecord) { toggleRecording(config.autoRecordToken); } }; // checks whether desktop sharing is enabled and whether // we have params to start automatically sharing my.checkAutoEnableDesktopSharing = function () { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('desktop') && config.autoEnableDesktopSharing) { APP.desktopsharing.toggleScreenSharing(); } }; // Shows or hides SIP calls button my.showSipCallButton = function (show) { if (APP.xmpp.isSipGatewayEnabled() && UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('sip') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_sip').css({display: "inline-block"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_sip').css({display: "none"}); } }; // Shows or hides the dialpad button my.showDialPadButton = function (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('dialpad') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_dialpad').css({display: "inline-block"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_dialpad').css({display: "none"}); } }; /** * Displays user authenticated identity name(login). * @param authIdentity identity name to be displayed. */ my.setAuthenticatedIdentity = function (authIdentity) { if (authIdentity) { var selector = $('#toolbar_auth_identity'); selector.css({display: "list-item"}); selector.text(authIdentity); } else { $('#toolbar_auth_identity').css({display: "none"}); } }; /** * Shows/hides login button. * @param show true to show */ my.showLoginButton = function (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('authentication') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_login').css({display: "list-item"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_login').css({display: "none"}); } }; /** * Shows/hides logout button. * @param show true to show */ my.showLogoutButton = function (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('authentication') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_logout').css({display: "list-item"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_logout').css({display: "none"}); } }; /** * Sets the state of the button. The button has blue glow if desktop * streaming is active. * @param active the state of the desktop streaming. */ my.changeDesktopSharingButtonState = function (active) { var button = $("#toolbar_button_desktopsharing"); if (active) { button.addClass("glow"); } else { button.removeClass("glow"); } }; return my; }(Toolbar || {})); module.exports = Toolbar;