Template: jitsi-meet/cert-choice Type: select __Choices: Self-signed certificate will be generated, A certificate is available and the files are uploaded on the server _Description: SSL certificate for the Jitsi Meet instance Jitsi Meet is best to be set up with an SSL certificate. Having no certificate, a self-signed one will be generated. Having a certificate signed by a recognised CA, it can be uploaded on the server and point its location. The default filenames will be /etc/ssl/--domain.name--.key for the key and /etc/ssl/--domain.name--.crt for the certificate. Template: jitsi-meet/cert-path-key Type: string _Description: Full local server path to the SSL key file: The full path to the SSL key file on the server. If it has not been uploaded, now is a good time to do so. Template: jitsi-meet/cert-path-crt Type: string _Description: Full local server path to the SSL certificate file: The full path to the SSL certificate file on the server. If you haven't uploaded it, now is a good time to upload it in another console. Template: jitsi-meet/jvb-hostname Type: string _Description: The hostname of the current installation: The value for the hostname that is set in Jitsi Videobridge installation. Template: jitsi-meet/jvb-serve Type: boolean Default: false _Description: for internal use for internal use. Template: jitsi-videobridge/jvb-hostname Type: string _Description: Hostname: The Jitsi Meet web config package needs the DNS hostname of your instance.