import { PARTICIPANT_ID_CHANGED } from '../participants'; import { ReducerRegistry, set } from '../redux'; import { SET_NO_SRC_DATA_NOTIFICATION_UID, TRACK_ADDED, TRACK_CREATE_CANCELED, TRACK_CREATE_ERROR, TRACK_NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE, TRACK_REMOVED, TRACK_UPDATE_LAST_VIDEO_MEDIA_EVENT, TRACK_UPDATED, TRACK_WILL_CREATE } from './actionTypes'; /** * @typedef {Object} Track * @property {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} [jitsiTrack] - The associated * {@code JitsiTrack} instance. Optional for local tracks if those are still * being created (i.e. {@code getUserMedia} is still in progress). * @property {Promise} [gumProcess] - If a local track is still being created, * it will have no {@code JitsiTrack}, but a {@code gumProcess} set to a * {@code Promise} with and extra {@code cancel()}. * @property {boolean} local=false - If the track is local. * @property {MEDIA_TYPE} mediaType=false - The media type of the track. * @property {boolean} mirror=false - The indicator which determines whether the * display/rendering of the track should be mirrored. It only makes sense in the * context of video (at least at the time of this writing). * @property {boolean} muted=false - If the track is muted. * @property {(string|undefined)} participantId - The ID of the participant whom * the track belongs to. * @property {boolean} videoStarted=false - If the video track has already * started to play. * @property {(VIDEO_TYPE|undefined)} videoType - The type of video track if * any. */ /** * Reducer function for a single track. * * @param {Track|undefined} state - Track to be modified. * @param {Object} action - Action object. * @param {string} action.type - Type of action. * @param {string} - Name of last media event. * @param {string} action.newValue - New participant ID value (in this * particular case). * @param {string} action.oldValue - Old participant ID value (in this * particular case). * @param {Track} action.track - Information about track to be changed. * @param {Participant} action.participant - Information about participant. * @returns {Track|undefined} */ function track(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case PARTICIPANT_ID_CHANGED: if (state.participantId === action.oldValue) { return { ...state, participantId: action.newValue }; } break; case TRACK_UPDATED: { const t = action.track; if (state.jitsiTrack === t.jitsiTrack) { // Make sure that there's an actual update in order to reduce the // risk of unnecessary React Component renders. for (const p in t) { if (state[p] !== t[p]) { // There's an actual update. return { ...state, ...t }; } } } break; } case TRACK_UPDATE_LAST_VIDEO_MEDIA_EVENT: { const t = action.track; if (state.jitsiTrack === t) { if (state.lastMediaEvent !== { return { ...state, lastMediaEvent: }; } } break; } case TRACK_NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE: { const t = action.track; if (state.jitsiTrack === t.jitsiTrack) { const isReceivingData = t.jitsiTrack.isReceivingData(); if (state.isReceivingData !== isReceivingData) { return { ...state, isReceivingData }; } } break; } } return state; } /** * Listen for actions that mutate (e.g. add, remove) local and remote tracks. */ ReducerRegistry.register('features/base/tracks', (state = [], action) => { switch (action.type) { case PARTICIPANT_ID_CHANGED: case TRACK_NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE: case TRACK_UPDATE_LAST_VIDEO_MEDIA_EVENT: case TRACK_UPDATED: return => track(t, action)); case TRACK_ADDED: { let withoutTrackStub = state; if (action.track.local) { withoutTrackStub = state.filter( t => !t.local || t.mediaType !== action.track.mediaType); } return [ ...withoutTrackStub, action.track ]; } case TRACK_CREATE_CANCELED: case TRACK_CREATE_ERROR: { return state.filter(t => !t.local || t.mediaType !== action.trackType); } case TRACK_REMOVED: return state.filter(t => t.jitsiTrack !== action.track.jitsiTrack); case TRACK_WILL_CREATE: return [ ...state, action.track ]; default: return state; } }); /** * Listen for actions that mutate the no-src-data state, like the current notification id */ ReducerRegistry.register('features/base/no-src-data', (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case SET_NO_SRC_DATA_NOTIFICATION_UID: return set(state, 'noSrcDataNotificationUid', action.uid); default: return state; } });