import Iterator from 'es6-iterator'; import BackgroundTimer from 'react-native-background-timer'; import 'url-polyfill'; // Polyfill for URL constructor import { Platform } from '../../react'; // XXX The library lib-jitsi-meet utilizes window.localStorage at the time of // this writing and, consequently, the browser-related polyfills implemented // here by the feature base/lib-jitsi-meet for the purposes of the library // lib-jitsi-meet are incomplete without the Web Storage API! Should the library // lib-jitsi-meet (and its dependencies) stop utilizing window.localStorage, // the following import may be removed: import '../../storage'; /** * Gets the first common prototype of two specified Objects (treating the * objects themselves as prototypes as well). * * @param {Object} a - The first prototype chain to climb in search of a common * prototype. * @param {Object} b - The second prototype chain to climb in search of a common * prototype. * @returns {Object|undefined} - The first common prototype of a and b. */ function _getCommonPrototype(a, b) { // Allow the arguments to be prototypes themselves. if (a === b) { return a; } let p; if (((p = Object.getPrototypeOf(a)) && (p = _getCommonPrototype(b, p))) || ((p = Object.getPrototypeOf(b)) && (p = _getCommonPrototype(a, p)))) { return p; } return undefined; } /** * Implements an absolute minimum of the common logic of Document.querySelector * and Element.querySelector. Implements the most simple of selectors necessary * to satisfy the call sites at the time of this writing i.e. select by tagName. * * @param {Node} node - The Node which is the root of the tree to query. * @param {string} selectors - The group of CSS selectors to match on. * @returns {Element} - The first Element which is a descendant of the specified * node and matches the specified group of selectors. */ function _querySelector(node, selectors) { let element = null; node && _visitNode(node, n => { if (n.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ && n.nodeName === selectors) { element = n; return true; } return false; }); return element; } /** * Visits each Node in the tree of a specific root Node (using depth-first * traversal) and invokes a specific callback until the callback returns true. * * @param {Node} node - The root Node which represents the tree of Nodes to * visit. * @param {Function} callback - The callback to invoke with each visited Node. * @returns {boolean} - True if the specified callback returned true for a Node * (at which point the visiting stopped); otherwise, false. */ function _visitNode(node, callback) { if (callback(node)) { return true; } /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, no-extra-parens */ if ((node = node.firstChild)) { do { if (_visitNode(node, callback)) { return true; } } while ((node = node.nextSibling)); } /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign, no-extra-parens */ return false; } (global => { const { DOMParser } = require('xmldom'); // addEventListener // // Required by: // - jQuery if (typeof global.addEventListener === 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function global.addEventListener = () => {}; } // Array.prototype[@@iterator] // // Required by: // - for...of statement use(s) in lib-jitsi-meet const arrayPrototype = Array.prototype; if (typeof arrayPrototype['@@iterator'] === 'undefined') { arrayPrototype['@@iterator'] = function() { return new Iterator(this); }; } // document // // Required by: // - jQuery // - lib-jitsi-meet/modules/RTC/adapter.screenshare.js // - Strophe if (typeof global.document === 'undefined') { const document = new DOMParser().parseFromString( '
', 'text/xml'); // document.addEventListener // // Required by: // - jQuery if (typeof document.addEventListener === 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function document.addEventListener = () => {}; } // document.cookie // // Required by: // - herment if (typeof document.cookie === 'undefined') { document.cookie = ''; } // Element.querySelector // // Required by: // - lib-jitsi-meet/modules/xmpp const elementPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(document.documentElement); if (elementPrototype) { if (typeof elementPrototype.querySelector === 'undefined') { elementPrototype.querySelector = function(selectors) { return _querySelector(this, selectors); }; } // Element.innerHTML // // Required by: // - jQuery's .append method if (!elementPrototype.hasOwnProperty('innerHTML')) { Object.defineProperty(elementPrototype, 'innerHTML', { get() { return this.childNodes.toString(); }, set(innerHTML) { // MDN says: removes all of element's children, parses // the content string and assigns the resulting nodes as // children of the element. // Remove all of element's children. this.textContent = ''; // Parse the content string. const d = new DOMParser().parseFromString( `