/* global APP, $, interfaceConfig */ import Logger from 'jitsi-meet-logger'; import { MEDIA_TYPE, VIDEO_TYPE } from '../../../react/features/base/media'; import { getLocalParticipant as getLocalParticipantFromStore, getPinnedParticipant, getParticipantById, pinParticipant } from '../../../react/features/base/participants'; import { getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant } from '../../../react/features/base/tracks'; import UIEvents from '../../../service/UI/UIEvents'; import { SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE } from '../shared_video/SharedVideo'; import SharedVideoThumb from '../shared_video/SharedVideoThumb'; import LargeVideoManager from './LargeVideoManager'; import LocalVideo from './LocalVideo'; import RemoteVideo from './RemoteVideo'; import { VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE } from './VideoContainer'; const logger = Logger.getLogger(__filename); const remoteVideos = {}; let localVideoThumbnail = null; let eventEmitter = null; let largeVideo; /** * flipX state of the localVideo */ let localFlipX = null; /** * Handler for local flip X changed event. * @param {Object} val */ function onLocalFlipXChanged(val) { localFlipX = val; if (largeVideo) { largeVideo.onLocalFlipXChange(val); } } /** * Returns an array of all thumbnails in the filmstrip. * * @private * @returns {Array} */ function getAllThumbnails() { return [ ...localVideoThumbnail ? [ localVideoThumbnail ] : [], ...Object.values(remoteVideos) ]; } /** * Private helper to get the redux representation of the local participant. * * @private * @returns {Object} */ function getLocalParticipant() { return getLocalParticipantFromStore(APP.store.getState()); } const VideoLayout = { init(emitter) { eventEmitter = emitter; localVideoThumbnail = new LocalVideo( VideoLayout, emitter, this._updateLargeVideoIfDisplayed.bind(this)); this.registerListeners(); }, /** * Registering listeners for UI events in Video layout component. * * @returns {void} */ registerListeners() { eventEmitter.addListener(UIEvents.LOCAL_FLIPX_CHANGED, onLocalFlipXChanged); }, /** * Cleans up state of this singleton {@code VideoLayout}. * * @returns {void} */ reset() { this._resetLargeVideo(); this._resetFilmstrip(); }, initLargeVideo() { this._resetLargeVideo(); largeVideo = new LargeVideoManager(eventEmitter); if (localFlipX) { largeVideo.onLocalFlipXChange(localFlipX); } largeVideo.updateContainerSize(); }, /** * Sets the audio level of the video elements associated to the given id. * * @param id the video identifier in the form it comes from the library * @param lvl the new audio level to update to */ setAudioLevel(id, lvl) { const smallVideo = this.getSmallVideo(id); if (smallVideo) { smallVideo.updateAudioLevelIndicator(lvl); } if (largeVideo && id === largeVideo.id) { largeVideo.updateLargeVideoAudioLevel(lvl); } }, changeLocalVideo(stream) { const localId = getLocalParticipant().id; this.onVideoTypeChanged(localId, stream.videoType); localVideoThumbnail.changeVideo(stream); this._updateLargeVideoIfDisplayed(localId); }, /** * Get's the localID of the conference and set it to the local video * (small one). This needs to be called as early as possible, when muc is * actually joined. Otherwise events can come with information like email * and setting them assume the id is already set. */ mucJoined() { // FIXME: replace this call with a generic update call once SmallVideo // only contains a ReactElement. Then remove this call once the // Filmstrip is fully in React. localVideoThumbnail.updateIndicators(); }, /** * Shows/hides local video. * @param {boolean} true to make the local video visible, false - otherwise */ setLocalVideoVisible(visible) { localVideoThumbnail.setVisible(visible); }, onRemoteStreamAdded(stream) { const id = stream.getParticipantId(); const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; logger.debug(`Received a new ${stream.getType()} stream for ${id}`); if (!remoteVideo) { logger.debug('No remote video element to add stream'); return; } remoteVideo.addRemoteStreamElement(stream); // Make sure track's muted state is reflected if (stream.getType() === 'audio') { this.onAudioMute(id, stream.isMuted()); } else { this.onVideoMute(id, stream.isMuted()); remoteVideo.setScreenSharing(stream.videoType === 'desktop'); } }, onRemoteStreamRemoved(stream) { const id = stream.getParticipantId(); const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; // Remote stream may be removed after participant left the conference. if (remoteVideo) { remoteVideo.removeRemoteStreamElement(stream); remoteVideo.setScreenSharing(false); } this.updateMutedForNoTracks(id, stream.getType()); }, /** * FIXME get rid of this method once muted indicator are reactified (by * making sure that user with no tracks is displayed as muted ) * * If participant has no tracks will make the UI display muted status. * @param {string} participantId * @param {string} mediaType 'audio' or 'video' */ updateMutedForNoTracks(participantId, mediaType) { const participant = APP.conference.getParticipantById(participantId); if (participant && !participant.getTracksByMediaType(mediaType).length) { if (mediaType === 'audio') { APP.UI.setAudioMuted(participantId, true); } else if (mediaType === 'video') { APP.UI.setVideoMuted(participantId, true); } else { logger.error(`Unsupported media type: ${mediaType}`); } } }, /** * Return the type of the remote video. * @param id the id for the remote video * @returns {String} the video type video or screen. */ getRemoteVideoType(id) { const state = APP.store.getState(); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); if (participant?.isFakeParticipant) { return SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE; } const videoTrack = getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(state['features/base/tracks'], MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id); return videoTrack?.videoType; }, isPinned(id) { return id === this.getPinnedId(); }, getPinnedId() { const { id } = getPinnedParticipant(APP.store.getState()) || {}; return id || null; }, /** * Triggers a thumbnail to pin or unpin itself. * * @param {number} videoNumber - The index of the video to toggle pin on. * @private */ togglePin(videoNumber) { const videos = getAllThumbnails(); const videoView = videos[videoNumber]; videoView && videoView.togglePin(); }, /** * Callback invoked to update display when the pin participant has changed. * * @paramn {string|null} pinnedParticipantID - The participant ID of the * participant that is pinned or null if no one is pinned. * @returns {void} */ onPinChange(pinnedParticipantID) { if (interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { return; } getAllThumbnails().forEach(thumbnail => thumbnail.focus(pinnedParticipantID === thumbnail.getId())); }, /** * Creates a participant container for the given id. * * @param {Object} participant - The redux representation of a remote * participant. * @returns {void} */ addRemoteParticipantContainer(participant) { if (!participant || participant.local) { return; } else if (participant.isFakeParticipant) { const sharedVideoThumb = new SharedVideoThumb( participant, SHARED_VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE, VideoLayout); this.addRemoteVideoContainer(participant.id, sharedVideoThumb); return; } const id = participant.id; const jitsiParticipant = APP.conference.getParticipantById(id); const remoteVideo = new RemoteVideo(jitsiParticipant, VideoLayout); this._setRemoteControlProperties(jitsiParticipant, remoteVideo); this.addRemoteVideoContainer(id, remoteVideo); this.updateMutedForNoTracks(id, 'audio'); this.updateMutedForNoTracks(id, 'video'); }, /** * Adds remote video container for the given id and SmallVideo. * * @param {string} the id of the video to add * @param {SmallVideo} smallVideo the small video instance to add as a * remote video */ addRemoteVideoContainer(id, remoteVideo) { remoteVideos[id] = remoteVideo; // Initialize the view remoteVideo.updateView(); }, // FIXME: what does this do??? remoteVideoActive(videoElement, resourceJid) { logger.info(`${resourceJid} video is now active`, videoElement); if (videoElement) { $(videoElement).show(); } this._updateLargeVideoIfDisplayed(resourceJid, true); }, /** * On audio muted event. */ onAudioMute(id, isMuted) { if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { localVideoThumbnail.showAudioIndicator(isMuted); } else { const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; if (!remoteVideo) { return; } remoteVideo.showAudioIndicator(isMuted); remoteVideo.updateRemoteVideoMenu(); } }, /** * On video muted event. */ onVideoMute(id, value) { if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { localVideoThumbnail && localVideoThumbnail.setVideoMutedView(value); } else { const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; if (remoteVideo) { remoteVideo.setVideoMutedView(value); } } // large video will show avatar instead of muted stream this._updateLargeVideoIfDisplayed(id, true); }, /** * Display name changed. */ onDisplayNameChanged(id) { if (id === 'localVideoContainer' || APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { localVideoThumbnail.updateDisplayName(); } else { const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; if (remoteVideo) { remoteVideo.updateDisplayName(); } } }, /** * On dominant speaker changed event. * * @param {string} id - The participant ID of the new dominant speaker. * @returns {void} */ onDominantSpeakerChanged(id) { getAllThumbnails().forEach(thumbnail => thumbnail.showDominantSpeakerIndicator(id === thumbnail.getId())); }, /** * Shows/hides warning about a user's connectivity issues. * * @param {string} id - The ID of the remote participant(MUC nickname). * @returns {void} */ onParticipantConnectionStatusChanged(id) { if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { return; } // We have to trigger full large video update to transition from // avatar to video on connectivity restored. this._updateLargeVideoIfDisplayed(id, true); const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; if (remoteVideo) { // Updating only connection status indicator is not enough, because // when we the connection is restored while the avatar was displayed // (due to 'muted while disconnected' condition) we may want to show // the video stream again and in order to do that the display mode // must be updated. // remoteVideo.updateConnectionStatusIndicator(isActive); remoteVideo.updateView(); } }, /** * On last N change event. * * @param endpointsLeavingLastN the list currently leaving last N * endpoints * @param endpointsEnteringLastN the list currently entering last N * endpoints */ onLastNEndpointsChanged(endpointsLeavingLastN, endpointsEnteringLastN) { if (endpointsLeavingLastN) { endpointsLeavingLastN.forEach(this._updateRemoteVideo, this); } if (endpointsEnteringLastN) { endpointsEnteringLastN.forEach(this._updateRemoteVideo, this); } }, /** * Updates remote video by id if it exists. * @param {string} id of the remote video * @private */ _updateRemoteVideo(id) { const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; if (remoteVideo) { remoteVideo.updateView(); this._updateLargeVideoIfDisplayed(id); } }, /** * Hides all the indicators */ hideStats() { for (const video in remoteVideos) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[video]; if (remoteVideo) { remoteVideo.removeConnectionIndicator(); } } localVideoThumbnail.removeConnectionIndicator(); }, removeParticipantContainer(id) { // Unlock large video if (this.getPinnedId() === id) { logger.info('Focused video owner has left the conference'); APP.store.dispatch(pinParticipant(null)); } const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; if (remoteVideo) { // Remove remote video logger.info(`Removing remote video: ${id}`); delete remoteVideos[id]; remoteVideo.remove(); } else { logger.warn(`No remote video for ${id}`); } }, onVideoTypeChanged(id, newVideoType) { const remoteVideo = remoteVideos[id]; if (!remoteVideo) { return; } logger.info('Peer video type changed: ', id, newVideoType); remoteVideo.setScreenSharing(newVideoType === 'desktop'); }, /** * Resizes the video area. */ resizeVideoArea() { if (largeVideo) { largeVideo.updateContainerSize(); largeVideo.resize(false); } }, getSmallVideo(id) { if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { return localVideoThumbnail; } return remoteVideos[id]; }, changeUserAvatar(id, avatarUrl) { const smallVideo = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(id); if (smallVideo) { smallVideo.initializeAvatar(); } else { logger.warn( `Missed avatar update - no small video yet for ${id}` ); } if (this.isCurrentlyOnLarge(id)) { largeVideo.updateAvatar(avatarUrl); } }, isLargeVideoVisible() { return this.isLargeContainerTypeVisible(VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE); }, /** * @return {LargeContainer} the currently displayed container on large * video. */ getCurrentlyOnLargeContainer() { return largeVideo.getCurrentContainer(); }, isCurrentlyOnLarge(id) { return largeVideo && largeVideo.id === id; }, /** * Triggers an update of remote video and large video displays so they may * pick up any state changes that have occurred elsewhere. * * @returns {void} */ updateAllVideos() { const displayedUserId = this.getLargeVideoID(); if (displayedUserId) { this.updateLargeVideo(displayedUserId, true); } Object.keys(remoteVideos).forEach(video => { remoteVideos[video].updateView(); }); }, updateLargeVideo(id, forceUpdate) { if (!largeVideo) { return; } const currentContainer = largeVideo.getCurrentContainer(); const currentContainerType = largeVideo.getCurrentContainerType(); const isOnLarge = this.isCurrentlyOnLarge(id); const state = APP.store.getState(); const videoTrack = getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(state['features/base/tracks'], MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id); const videoStream = videoTrack?.jitsiTrack; if (isOnLarge && !forceUpdate && LargeVideoManager.isVideoContainer(currentContainerType) && videoStream) { const currentStreamId = currentContainer.getStreamID(); const newStreamId = videoStream?.getId() || null; // FIXME it might be possible to get rid of 'forceUpdate' argument if (currentStreamId !== newStreamId) { logger.debug('Enforcing large video update for stream change'); forceUpdate = true; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign } } if (!isOnLarge || forceUpdate) { const videoType = this.getRemoteVideoType(id); largeVideo.updateLargeVideo( id, videoStream, videoType || VIDEO_TYPE.CAMERA ).catch(() => { // do nothing }); } }, addLargeVideoContainer(type, container) { largeVideo && largeVideo.addContainer(type, container); }, removeLargeVideoContainer(type) { largeVideo && largeVideo.removeContainer(type); }, /** * @returns Promise */ showLargeVideoContainer(type, show) { if (!largeVideo) { return Promise.reject(); } const isVisible = this.isLargeContainerTypeVisible(type); if (isVisible === show) { return Promise.resolve(); } const currentId = largeVideo.id; let oldSmallVideo; if (currentId) { oldSmallVideo = this.getSmallVideo(currentId); } let containerTypeToShow = type; // if we are hiding a container and there is focusedVideo // (pinned remote video) use its video type, // if not then use default type - large video if (!show) { const pinnedId = this.getPinnedId(); if (pinnedId) { containerTypeToShow = this.getRemoteVideoType(pinnedId); } else { containerTypeToShow = VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE; } } return largeVideo.showContainer(containerTypeToShow) .then(() => { if (oldSmallVideo) { oldSmallVideo && oldSmallVideo.updateView(); } }); }, isLargeContainerTypeVisible(type) { return largeVideo && largeVideo.state === type; }, /** * Returns the id of the current video shown on large. * Currently used by tests (torture). */ getLargeVideoID() { return largeVideo && largeVideo.id; }, /** * Returns the the current video shown on large. * Currently used by tests (torture). */ getLargeVideo() { return largeVideo; }, /** * Sets the flipX state of the local video. * @param {boolean} true for flipped otherwise false; */ setLocalFlipX(val) { this.localFlipX = val; }, /** * Handles user's features changes. */ onUserFeaturesChanged(user) { const video = this.getSmallVideo(user.getId()); if (!video) { return; } this._setRemoteControlProperties(user, video); }, /** * Sets the remote control properties (checks whether remote control * is supported and executes remoteVideo.setRemoteControlSupport). * @param {JitsiParticipant} user the user that will be checked for remote * control support. * @param {RemoteVideo} remoteVideo the remoteVideo on which the properties * will be set. */ _setRemoteControlProperties(user, remoteVideo) { APP.remoteControl.checkUserRemoteControlSupport(user) .then(result => remoteVideo.setRemoteControlSupport(result)) .catch(error => logger.warn(`could not get remote control properties for: ${user.getJid()}`, error)); }, /** * Returns the wrapper jquery selector for the largeVideo * @returns {JQuerySelector} the wrapper jquery selector for the largeVideo */ getLargeVideoWrapper() { return this.getCurrentlyOnLargeContainer().$wrapper; }, /** * Returns the number of remove video ids. * * @returns {number} The number of remote videos. */ getRemoteVideosCount() { return Object.keys(remoteVideos).length; }, /** * Sets the remote control active status for a remote participant. * * @param {string} participantID - The id of the remote participant. * @param {boolean} isActive - The new remote control active status. * @returns {void} */ setRemoteControlActiveStatus(participantID, isActive) { remoteVideos[participantID].setRemoteControlActiveStatus(isActive); }, /** * Sets the remote control active status for the local participant. * * @returns {void} */ setLocalRemoteControlActiveChanged() { Object.values(remoteVideos).forEach( remoteVideo => remoteVideo.updateRemoteVideoMenu() ); }, /** * Helper method to invoke when the video layout has changed and elements * have to be re-arranged and resized. * * @returns {void} */ refreshLayout() { localVideoThumbnail && localVideoThumbnail.updateDOMLocation(); VideoLayout.resizeVideoArea(); // Rerender the thumbnails since they are dependant on the layout because of the tooltip positioning. localVideoThumbnail && localVideoThumbnail.rerender(); Object.values(remoteVideos).forEach(remoteVideoThumbnail => remoteVideoThumbnail.rerender()); }, /** * Cleans up any existing largeVideo instance. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _resetLargeVideo() { if (largeVideo) { largeVideo.destroy(); } largeVideo = null; }, /** * Cleans up filmstrip state. While a separate {@code Filmstrip} exists, its * implementation is mainly for querying and manipulating the DOM while * state mostly remains in {@code VideoLayout}. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _resetFilmstrip() { Object.keys(remoteVideos).forEach(remoteVideoId => { this.removeParticipantContainer(remoteVideoId); delete remoteVideos[remoteVideoId]; }); if (localVideoThumbnail) { localVideoThumbnail.remove(); localVideoThumbnail = null; } }, /** * Triggers an update of large video if the passed in participant is * currently displayed on large video. * * @param {string} participantId - The participant ID that should trigger an * update of large video if displayed. * @param {boolean} force - Whether or not the large video update should * happen no matter what. * @returns {void} */ _updateLargeVideoIfDisplayed(participantId, force = false) { if (this.isCurrentlyOnLarge(participantId)) { this.updateLargeVideo(participantId, force); } }, /** * Handles window resizes. */ onResize() { VideoLayout.resizeVideoArea(); } }; export default VideoLayout;