/* global $, $iq, APP, config, connection, UI, messageHandler, roomName, sessionTerminated, Strophe, Util */ var XMPPEvents = require("../../service/xmpp/XMPPEvents"); var Settings = require("../settings/Settings"); var AuthenticationEvents = require("../../service/authentication/AuthenticationEvents"); /** * Contains logic responsible for enabling/disabling functionality available * only to moderator users. */ var connection = null; var focusUserJid; function createExpBackoffTimer(step) { var count = 1; return function (reset) { // Reset call if (reset) { count = 1; return; } // Calculate next timeout var timeout = Math.pow(2, count - 1); count += 1; return timeout * step; }; } var getNextTimeout = createExpBackoffTimer(1000); var getNextErrorTimeout = createExpBackoffTimer(1000); // External authentication stuff var externalAuthEnabled = false; // Sip gateway can be enabled by configuring Jigasi host in config.js or // it will be enabled automatically if focus detects the component through // service discovery. var sipGatewayEnabled = config.hosts.call_control !== undefined; var eventEmitter = null; var Moderator = { isModerator: function () { return connection && connection.emuc.isModerator(); }, isPeerModerator: function (peerJid) { return connection && connection.emuc.getMemberRole(peerJid) === 'moderator'; }, isExternalAuthEnabled: function () { return externalAuthEnabled; }, isSipGatewayEnabled: function () { return sipGatewayEnabled; }, setConnection: function (con) { connection = con; }, init: function (xmpp, emitter) { this.xmppService = xmpp; eventEmitter = emitter; // Message listener that talks to POPUP window function listener(event) { if (event.data && event.data.sessionId) { if (event.origin !== window.location.origin) { console.warn( "Ignoring sessionId from different origin: " + event.origin); return; } localStorage.setItem('sessionId', event.data.sessionId); // After popup is closed we will authenticate } } // Register if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("message", listener, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onmessage", listener); } }, onMucLeft: function (jid) { console.info("Someone left is it focus ? " + jid); var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); if (resource === 'focus' && !this.xmppService.sessionTerminated) { console.info( "Focus has left the room - leaving conference"); //hangUp(); // We'd rather reload to have everything re-initialized // FIXME: show some message before reload location.reload(); } }, setFocusUserJid: function (focusJid) { if (!focusUserJid) { focusUserJid = focusJid; console.info("Focus jid set to: " + focusUserJid); } }, getFocusUserJid: function () { return focusUserJid; }, getFocusComponent: function () { // Get focus component address var focusComponent = config.hosts.focus; // If not specified use default: 'focus.domain' if (!focusComponent) { focusComponent = 'focus.' + config.hosts.domain; } return focusComponent; }, createConferenceIq: function (roomName) { // Generate create conference IQ var elem = $iq({to: Moderator.getFocusComponent(), type: 'set'}); // Session Id used for authentication var sessionId = localStorage.getItem('sessionId'); var machineUID = Settings.getSettings().uid; console.info( "Session ID: " + sessionId + " machine UID: " + machineUID); elem.c('conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus', room: roomName, 'machine-uid': machineUID }); if (sessionId) { elem.attrs({ 'session-id': sessionId}); } if (config.hosts.bridge !== undefined) { elem.c( 'property', { name: 'bridge', value: config.hosts.bridge}) .up(); } // Tell the focus we have Jigasi configured if (config.hosts.call_control !== undefined) { elem.c( 'property', { name: 'call_control', value: config.hosts.call_control}) .up(); } if (config.channelLastN !== undefined) { elem.c( 'property', { name: 'channelLastN', value: config.channelLastN}) .up(); } if (config.adaptiveLastN !== undefined) { elem.c( 'property', { name: 'adaptiveLastN', value: config.adaptiveLastN}) .up(); } if (config.adaptiveSimulcast !== undefined) { elem.c( 'property', { name: 'adaptiveSimulcast', value: config.adaptiveSimulcast}) .up(); } if (config.openSctp !== undefined) { elem.c( 'property', { name: 'openSctp', value: config.openSctp}) .up(); } if (config.enableFirefoxSupport !== undefined) { elem.c( 'property', { name: 'enableFirefoxHacks', value: config.enableFirefoxSupport}) .up(); } elem.up(); return elem; }, parseConfigOptions: function (resultIq) { Moderator.setFocusUserJid( $(resultIq).find('conference').attr('focusjid')); var authenticationEnabled = $(resultIq).find( '>conference>property' + '[name=\'authentication\'][value=\'true\']').length > 0; console.info("Authentication enabled: " + authenticationEnabled); externalAuthEnabled = $(resultIq).find( '>conference>property' + '[name=\'externalAuth\'][value=\'true\']').length > 0; console.info('External authentication enabled: ' + externalAuthEnabled); if (!externalAuthEnabled) { // We expect to receive sessionId in 'internal' authentication mode var sessionId = $(resultIq).find('conference').attr('session-id'); if (sessionId) { console.info('Received sessionId: ' + sessionId); localStorage.setItem('sessionId', sessionId); } } var authIdentity = $(resultIq).find('>conference').attr('identity'); eventEmitter.emit(AuthenticationEvents.IDENTITY_UPDATED, authenticationEnabled, authIdentity); // Check if focus has auto-detected Jigasi component(this will be also // included if we have passed our host from the config) if ($(resultIq).find( '>conference>property' + '[name=\'sipGatewayEnabled\'][value=\'true\']').length) { sipGatewayEnabled = true; } console.info("Sip gateway enabled: " + sipGatewayEnabled); }, // FIXME: we need to show the fact that we're waiting for the focus // to the user(or that focus is not available) allocateConferenceFocus: function (roomName, callback) { // Try to use focus user JID from the config Moderator.setFocusUserJid(config.focusUserJid); // Send create conference IQ var iq = Moderator.createConferenceIq(roomName); var self = this; connection.sendIQ( iq, function (result) { // Setup config options Moderator.parseConfigOptions(result); if ('true' === $(result).find('conference').attr('ready')) { // Reset both timers getNextTimeout(true); getNextErrorTimeout(true); // Exec callback callback(); } else { var waitMs = getNextTimeout(); console.info("Waiting for the focus... " + waitMs); // Reset error timeout getNextErrorTimeout(true); window.setTimeout( function () { Moderator.allocateConferenceFocus( roomName, callback); }, waitMs); } }, function (error) { // Invalid session ? remove and try again // without session ID to get a new one var invalidSession = $(error).find('>error>session-invalid').length; if (invalidSession) { console.info("Session expired! - removing"); localStorage.removeItem("sessionId"); } if ($(error).find('>error>graceful-shutdown').length) { eventEmitter.emit(XMPPEvents.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN); return; } // Check for error returned by the reservation system var reservationErr = $(error).find('>error>reservation-error'); if (reservationErr.length) { // Trigger error event var errorCode = reservationErr.attr('error-code'); var errorMsg; if ($(error).find('>error>text')) { errorMsg = $(error).find('>error>text').text(); } eventEmitter.emit( XMPPEvents.RESERVATION_ERROR, errorCode, errorMsg); return; } // Not authorized to create new room if ($(error).find('>error>not-authorized').length) { console.warn("Unauthorized to start the conference", error); var toDomain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(error.getAttribute('to')); if (toDomain === config.hosts.anonymousdomain) { // we are connected with anonymous domain and // only non anonymous users can create rooms // we must authorize the user self.xmppService.promptLogin(); } else { // External authentication mode eventEmitter.emit( XMPPEvents.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, function () { Moderator.allocateConferenceFocus( roomName, callback); }); } return; } var waitMs = getNextErrorTimeout(); console.error("Focus error, retry after " + waitMs, error); // Show message var focusComponent = Moderator.getFocusComponent(); var retrySec = waitMs / 1000; // FIXME: message is duplicated ? // Do not show in case of session invalid // which means just a retry if (!invalidSession) { APP.UI.messageHandler.notify( null, "notify.focus", 'disconnected', "notify.focusFail", {component: focusComponent, ms: retrySec}); } // Reset response timeout getNextTimeout(true); window.setTimeout( function () { Moderator.allocateConferenceFocus(roomName, callback); }, waitMs); } ); }, getLoginUrl: function (roomName, urlCallback) { var iq = $iq({to: Moderator.getFocusComponent(), type: 'get'}); iq.c('login-url', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus', room: roomName, 'machine-uid': Settings.getSettings().uid }); connection.sendIQ( iq, function (result) { var url = $(result).find('login-url').attr('url'); url = url = decodeURIComponent(url); if (url) { console.info("Got auth url: " + url); urlCallback(url); } else { console.error( "Failed to get auth url from the focus", result); } }, function (error) { console.error("Get auth url error", error); } ); }, getPopupLoginUrl: function (roomName, urlCallback) { var iq = $iq({to: Moderator.getFocusComponent(), type: 'get'}); iq.c('login-url', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus', room: roomName, 'machine-uid': Settings.getSettings().uid, popup: true }); connection.sendIQ( iq, function (result) { var url = $(result).find('login-url').attr('url'); url = url = decodeURIComponent(url); if (url) { console.info("Got POPUP auth url: " + url); urlCallback(url); } else { console.error( "Failed to get POPUP auth url from the focus", result); } }, function (error) { console.error('Get POPUP auth url error', error); } ); }, logout: function (callback) { var iq = $iq({to: Moderator.getFocusComponent(), type: 'set'}); var sessionId = localStorage.getItem('sessionId'); if (!sessionId) { callback(); return; } iq.c('logout', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus', 'session-id': sessionId }); connection.sendIQ( iq, function (result) { var logoutUrl = $(result).find('logout').attr('logout-url'); if (logoutUrl) { logoutUrl = decodeURIComponent(logoutUrl); } console.info("Log out OK, url: " + logoutUrl, result); localStorage.removeItem('sessionId'); callback(logoutUrl); }, function (error) { console.error("Logout error", error); } ); } }; module.exports = Moderator;