import { drawBokehEffect } from '@tensorflow-models/body-pix'; import { CLEAR_INTERVAL, INTERVAL_TIMEOUT, SET_INTERVAL, timerWorkerScript } from './TimerWorker'; /** * Represents a modified MediaStream that adds blur to video background. * JitsiStreamBlurEffect does the processing of the original * video stream. */ export default class JitsiStreamBlurEffect { /** * Represents a modified video MediaStream track. * * @class * @param {BodyPix} bpModel - BodyPix model. */ constructor(bpModel) { this._bpModel = bpModel; // Bind event handler so it is only bound once for every instance. this._onMaskFrameTimer = this._onMaskFrameTimer.bind(this); this._onVideoFrameTimer = this._onVideoFrameTimer.bind(this); this._outputCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas'); // Workaround for FF issue this._outputCanvasElement.getContext('2d'); this._maskCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas'); this._inputVideoElement = document.createElement('video'); this._videoFrameTimerWorker = new Worker(timerWorkerScript); this._maskFrameTimerWorker = new Worker(timerWorkerScript); this._videoFrameTimerWorker.onmessage = this._onVideoFrameTimer; this._maskFrameTimerWorker.onmessage = this._onMaskFrameTimer; } /** * EventHandler onmessage for the videoFrameTimerWorker WebWorker. * * @private * @param {EventHandler} response - The onmessage EventHandler parameter. * @returns {void} */ _onVideoFrameTimer(response) { if ( === INTERVAL_TIMEOUT) { this._renderVideo(); } } /** * EventHandler onmessage for the maskFrameTimerWorker WebWorker. * * @private * @param {EventHandler} response - The onmessage EventHandler parameter. * @returns {void} */ _onMaskFrameTimer(response) { if ( === INTERVAL_TIMEOUT) { this._renderMask(); } } /** * Starts loop to capture video frame and render the segmentation mask. * * @param {MediaStream} stream - Stream to be used for processing. * @returns {MediaStream} - The stream with the applied effect. */ startEffect(stream) { const firstVideoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; const { height, frameRate, width } = firstVideoTrack.getSettings ? firstVideoTrack.getSettings() : firstVideoTrack.getConstraints(); this._frameRate = frameRate; this._height = height; this._width = width; this._outputCanvasElement.width = width; this._outputCanvasElement.height = height; this._maskCanvasElement.width = width; this._maskCanvasElement.height = height; this._maskCanvasContext = this._maskCanvasElement.getContext('2d'); this._inputVideoElement.width = width; this._inputVideoElement.height = height; this._inputVideoElement.autoplay = true; this._inputVideoElement.srcObject = stream; this._videoFrameTimerWorker.postMessage({ id: SET_INTERVAL, timeMs: 1000 / this._frameRate }); this._maskFrameTimerWorker.postMessage({ id: SET_INTERVAL, timeMs: 50 }); return this._outputCanvasElement.captureStream(this._frameRate); } /** * Stops the capture and render loop. * * @returns {void} */ stopEffect() { this._videoFrameTimerWorker.postMessage({ id: CLEAR_INTERVAL }); this._maskFrameTimerWorker.postMessage({ id: CLEAR_INTERVAL }); } /** * Loop function to render the video frame input and draw blur effect. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _renderVideo() { this._maskCanvasContext.drawImage(this._inputVideoElement, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); if (this._segmentationData) { drawBokehEffect( this._outputCanvasElement, this._inputVideoElement, this._segmentationData, 7, // Constant for background blur, integer values between 0-20 7 // Constant for edge blur, integer values between 0-20 ); // Make sure we clear this buffer before feeding the segmentation data // to drawBokehEffect for creating the blur. This fixes the memory leak // that started happening in WebGL in Chrome 77 and up. this._segmentationData = null; } } /** * Loop function to render the background mask. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _renderMask() { this._bpModel.estimatePersonSegmentation( this._maskCanvasElement, 32, // Chose 32 for better performance 0.75 // Represents probability that a pixel belongs to a person ) .then(value => { this._segmentationData = value; }); } /** * Checks if the local track supports this effect. * * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} jitsiLocalTrack - Track to apply effect. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if this effect can run on the specified track * false otherwise. */ isEnabled(jitsiLocalTrack) { return jitsiLocalTrack.isVideoTrack() && jitsiLocalTrack.videoType === 'camera'; } }