// @flow import UIEvents from '../../../../service/UI/UIEvents'; import { createStartMutedConfigurationEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../../analytics'; import { getName } from '../../app'; import { JitsiConferenceEvents } from '../lib-jitsi-meet'; import { setAudioMuted, setVideoMuted } from '../media'; import { MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH, dominantSpeakerChanged, participantConnectionStatusChanged, participantJoined, participantLeft, participantPresenceChanged, participantRoleChanged, participantUpdated } from '../participants'; import { getLocalTracks, trackAdded, trackRemoved } from '../tracks'; import { getJitsiMeetGlobalNS } from '../util'; import { AUTH_STATUS_CHANGED, CONFERENCE_FAILED, CONFERENCE_JOINED, CONFERENCE_LEFT, CONFERENCE_WILL_JOIN, CONFERENCE_WILL_LEAVE, DATA_CHANNEL_OPENED, KICKED_OUT, LOCK_STATE_CHANGED, P2P_STATUS_CHANGED, SET_AUDIO_ONLY, SET_DESKTOP_SHARING_ENABLED, SET_FOLLOW_ME, SET_LASTN, SET_MAX_RECEIVER_VIDEO_QUALITY, SET_PASSWORD, SET_PASSWORD_FAILED, SET_PREFERRED_RECEIVER_VIDEO_QUALITY, SET_ROOM, SET_START_MUTED_POLICY } from './actionTypes'; import { AVATAR_ID_COMMAND, AVATAR_URL_COMMAND, EMAIL_COMMAND, JITSI_CONFERENCE_URL_KEY } from './constants'; import { _addLocalTracksToConference, getCurrentConference, sendLocalParticipant } from './functions'; import type { Dispatch } from 'redux'; const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename); declare var APP: Object; /** * Adds conference (event) listeners. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The JitsiConference instance. * @param {Dispatch} dispatch - The Redux dispatch function. * @private * @returns {void} */ function _addConferenceListeners(conference, dispatch) { // Dispatches into features/base/conference follow: conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_FAILED, (...args) => dispatch(conferenceFailed(conference, ...args))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_JOINED, (...args) => dispatch(conferenceJoined(conference, ...args))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_LEFT, (...args) => dispatch(conferenceLeft(conference, ...args))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.KICKED, () => dispatch(kickedOut(conference))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.LOCK_STATE_CHANGED, (...args) => dispatch(lockStateChanged(conference, ...args))); // Dispatches into features/base/media follow: conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.STARTED_MUTED, () => { const audioMuted = Boolean(conference.startAudioMuted); const videoMuted = Boolean(conference.startVideoMuted); sendAnalytics(createStartMutedConfigurationEvent( 'remote', audioMuted, videoMuted)); logger.log(`Start muted: ${audioMuted ? 'audio, ' : ''}${ videoMuted ? 'video' : ''}`); // XXX Jicofo tells lib-jitsi-meet to start with audio and/or video // muted i.e. Jicofo expresses an intent. Lib-jitsi-meet has turned // Jicofo's intent into reality by actually muting the respective // tracks. The reality is expressed in base/tracks already so what // is left is to express Jicofo's intent in base/media. // TODO Maybe the app needs to learn about Jicofo's intent and // transfer that intent to lib-jitsi-meet instead of lib-jitsi-meet // acting on Jicofo's intent without the app's knowledge. dispatch(setAudioMuted(audioMuted)); dispatch(setVideoMuted(videoMuted)); }); // Dispatches into features/base/tracks follow: conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.TRACK_ADDED, t => t && !t.isLocal() && dispatch(trackAdded(t))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.TRACK_REMOVED, t => t && !t.isLocal() && dispatch(trackRemoved(t))); // Dispatches into features/base/participants follow: conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED, (id, displayName) => dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id, name: displayName.substr(0, MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH) }))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.DOMINANT_SPEAKER_CHANGED, id => dispatch(dominantSpeakerChanged(id, conference))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.PARTICIPANT_CONN_STATUS_CHANGED, (...args) => dispatch(participantConnectionStatusChanged(...args))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.USER_JOINED, (id, user) => !user.isHidden() && dispatch(participantJoined({ botType: user.getBotType(), conference, id, name: user.getDisplayName(), presence: user.getStatus(), role: user.getRole() }))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.USER_LEFT, (id, user) => !user.isHidden() && dispatch(participantLeft(id, conference))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.USER_ROLE_CHANGED, (...args) => dispatch(participantRoleChanged(...args))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.USER_STATUS_CHANGED, (...args) => dispatch(participantPresenceChanged(...args))); conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.BOT_TYPE_CHANGED, (id, botType) => dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id, botType }))); conference.addCommandListener( AVATAR_ID_COMMAND, (data, id) => dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id, avatarID: data.value }))); conference.addCommandListener( AVATAR_URL_COMMAND, (data, id) => dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id, avatarURL: data.value }))); conference.addCommandListener( EMAIL_COMMAND, (data, id) => dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id, email: data.value }))); } /** * Updates the current known state of server-side authentication. * * @param {boolean} authEnabled - Whether or not server authentication is * enabled. * @param {string} authLogin - The current name of the logged in user, if any. * @returns {{ * type: AUTH_STATUS_CHANGED, * authEnabled: boolean, * authLogin: string * }} */ export function authStatusChanged(authEnabled: boolean, authLogin: string) { return { type: AUTH_STATUS_CHANGED, authEnabled, authLogin }; } /** * Signals that a specific conference has failed. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The JitsiConference that has failed. * @param {string} error - The error describing/detailing the cause of the * failure. * @returns {{ * type: CONFERENCE_FAILED, * conference: JitsiConference, * error: Error * }} * @public */ export function conferenceFailed(conference: Object, error: string) { return { type: CONFERENCE_FAILED, conference, // Make the error resemble an Error instance (to the extent that // jitsi-meet needs it). error: { name: error, recoverable: undefined } }; } /** * Signals that a specific conference has been joined. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The JitsiConference instance which was * joined by the local participant. * @returns {{ * type: CONFERENCE_JOINED, * conference: JitsiConference * }} */ export function conferenceJoined(conference: Object) { return { type: CONFERENCE_JOINED, conference }; } /** * Signals that a specific conference has been left. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The JitsiConference instance which was * left by the local participant. * @returns {{ * type: CONFERENCE_LEFT, * conference: JitsiConference * }} */ export function conferenceLeft(conference: Object) { return { type: CONFERENCE_LEFT, conference }; } /** * Adds any existing local tracks to a specific conference before the conference * is joined. Then signals the intention of the application to have the local * participant join the specified conference. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The {@code JitsiConference} instance * the local participant will (try to) join. * @returns {Function} */ function _conferenceWillJoin(conference: Object) { return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) => { const localTracks = getLocalTracks(getState()['features/base/tracks']) .map(t => t.jitsiTrack); if (localTracks.length) { _addLocalTracksToConference(conference, localTracks); } dispatch(conferenceWillJoin(conference)); }; } /** * Signals the intention of the application to have the local participant * join the specified conference. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The {@code JitsiConference} instance * the local participant will (try to) join. * @returns {{ * type: CONFERENCE_WILL_JOIN, * conference: JitsiConference * }} */ export function conferenceWillJoin(conference: Object) { return { type: CONFERENCE_WILL_JOIN, conference }; } /** * Signals the intention of the application to have the local participant leave * a specific conference. Similar in fashion to CONFERENCE_LEFT. Contrary to it * though, it's not guaranteed because CONFERENCE_LEFT may be triggered by * lib-jitsi-meet and not the application. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The JitsiConference instance which will * be left by the local participant. * @returns {{ * type: CONFERENCE_LEFT, * conference: JitsiConference * }} */ export function conferenceWillLeave(conference: Object) { return { type: CONFERENCE_WILL_LEAVE, conference }; } /** * Initializes a new conference. * * @returns {Function} */ export function createConference() { return (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { const state = getState(); const { connection, locationURL } = state['features/base/connection']; if (!connection) { throw new Error('Cannot create a conference without a connection!'); } const { password, room } = state['features/base/conference']; if (!room) { throw new Error('Cannot join a conference without a room name!'); } const conference = connection.initJitsiConference( // XXX Lib-jitsi-meet does not accept uppercase letters. room.toLowerCase(), { ...state['features/base/config'], applicationName: getName(), getWiFiStatsMethod: getJitsiMeetGlobalNS().getWiFiStats }); conference[JITSI_CONFERENCE_URL_KEY] = locationURL; dispatch(_conferenceWillJoin(conference)); _addConferenceListeners(conference, dispatch); sendLocalParticipant(state, conference); conference.join(password); }; } /** * Will try to join the conference again in case it failed earlier with * {@link JitsiConferenceErrors.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED}. It means that Jicofo * did not allow to create new room from anonymous domain, but it can be tried * again later in case authenticated user created it in the meantime. * * @returns {Function} */ export function checkIfCanJoin() { return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) => { const { authRequired, password } = getState()['features/base/conference']; authRequired && authRequired.join(password); }; } /** * Signals the data channel with the bridge has successfully opened. * * @returns {{ * type: DATA_CHANNEL_OPENED * }} */ export function dataChannelOpened() { return { type: DATA_CHANNEL_OPENED }; } /** * Signals that we've been kicked out of the conference. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The {@link JitsiConference} instance * for which the event is being signaled. * @returns {{ * type: KICKED_OUT, * conference: JitsiConference * }} */ export function kickedOut(conference: Object) { return { type: KICKED_OUT, conference }; } /** * Signals that the lock state of a specific JitsiConference changed. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The JitsiConference which had its lock * state changed. * @param {boolean} locked - If the specified conference became locked, true; * otherwise, false. * @returns {{ * type: LOCK_STATE_CHANGED, * conference: JitsiConference, * locked: boolean * }} */ export function lockStateChanged(conference: Object, locked: boolean) { return { type: LOCK_STATE_CHANGED, conference, locked }; } /** * Updates the known state of start muted policies. * * @param {boolean} audioMuted - Whether or not members will join the conference * as audio muted. * @param {boolean} videoMuted - Whether or not members will join the conference * as video muted. * @returns {{ * type: SET_START_MUTED_POLICY, * startAudioMutedPolicy: boolean, * startVideoMutedPolicy: boolean * }} */ export function onStartMutedPolicyChanged( audioMuted: boolean, videoMuted: boolean) { return { type: SET_START_MUTED_POLICY, startAudioMutedPolicy: audioMuted, startVideoMutedPolicy: videoMuted }; } /** * Sets whether or not peer2peer is currently enabled. * * @param {boolean} p2p - Whether or not peer2peer is currently active. * @returns {{ * type: P2P_STATUS_CHANGED, * p2p: boolean * }} */ export function p2pStatusChanged(p2p: boolean) { return { type: P2P_STATUS_CHANGED, p2p }; } /** * Sets the audio-only flag for the current JitsiConference. * * @param {boolean} audioOnly - True if the conference should be audio only; * false, otherwise. * @param {boolean} ensureVideoTrack - Define if conference should ensure * to create a video track. * @returns {{ * type: SET_AUDIO_ONLY, * audioOnly: boolean, * ensureVideoTrack: boolean * }} */ export function setAudioOnly( audioOnly: boolean, ensureVideoTrack: boolean = false) { return { type: SET_AUDIO_ONLY, audioOnly, ensureVideoTrack }; } /** * Sets the flag for indicating if desktop sharing is enabled. * * @param {boolean} desktopSharingEnabled - True if desktop sharing is enabled. * @returns {{ * type: SET_DESKTOP_SHARING_ENABLED, * desktopSharingEnabled: boolean * }} */ export function setDesktopSharingEnabled(desktopSharingEnabled: boolean) { return { type: SET_DESKTOP_SHARING_ENABLED, desktopSharingEnabled }; } /** * Enables or disables the Follow Me feature. * * @param {boolean} enabled - Whether or not Follow Me should be enabled. * @returns {{ * type: SET_FOLLOW_ME, * enabled: boolean * }} */ export function setFollowMe(enabled: boolean) { if (typeof APP !== 'undefined') { APP.UI.emitEvent(UIEvents.FOLLOW_ME_ENABLED, enabled); } return { type: SET_FOLLOW_ME, enabled }; } /** * Sets the video channel's last N (value) of the current conference. A value of * undefined shall be used to reset it to the default value. * * @param {(number|undefined)} lastN - The last N value to be set. * @returns {Function} */ export function setLastN(lastN: ?number) { return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) => { if (typeof lastN === 'undefined') { const config = getState()['features/base/config']; /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ lastN = config.channelLastN; if (typeof lastN === 'undefined') { lastN = -1; } /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ } dispatch({ type: SET_LASTN, lastN }); }; } /** * Sets the max frame height that should be received from remote videos. * * @param {number} maxReceiverVideoQuality - The max video frame height to * receive. * @returns {{ * type: SET_MAX_RECEIVER_VIDEO_QUALITY, * maxReceiverVideoQuality: number * }} */ export function setMaxReceiverVideoQuality(maxReceiverVideoQuality: number) { return { type: SET_MAX_RECEIVER_VIDEO_QUALITY, maxReceiverVideoQuality }; } /** * Sets the password to join or lock a specific JitsiConference. * * @param {JitsiConference} conference - The JitsiConference which requires a * password to join or is to be locked with the specified password. * @param {Function} method - The JitsiConference method of password protection * such as join or lock. * @param {string} password - The password with which the specified conference * is to be joined or locked. * @returns {Function} */ export function setPassword( conference: Object, method: Function, password: string) { return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function): ?Promise => { switch (method) { case conference.join: { let state = getState()['features/base/conference']; // Make sure that the action will set a password for a conference // that the application wants joined. if (state.passwordRequired === conference) { dispatch({ type: SET_PASSWORD, conference, method, password }); // Join the conference with the newly-set password. // Make sure that the action did set the password. state = getState()['features/base/conference']; if (state.password === password && !state.passwordRequired // Make sure that the application still wants the // conference joined. && !state.conference) { method.call(conference, password); } } break; } case conference.lock: { const state = getState()['features/base/conference']; if (state.conference === conference) { return ( method.call(conference, password) .then(() => dispatch({ type: SET_PASSWORD, conference, method, password })) .catch(error => dispatch({ type: SET_PASSWORD_FAILED, error })) ); } return Promise.reject(); } } }; } /** * Sets the max frame height the user prefers to receive from remote participant * videos. * * @param {number} preferredReceiverVideoQuality - The max video resolution to * receive. * @returns {{ * type: SET_PREFERRED_RECEIVER_VIDEO_QUALITY, * preferredReceiverVideoQuality: number * }} */ export function setPreferredReceiverVideoQuality( preferredReceiverVideoQuality: number) { return { type: SET_PREFERRED_RECEIVER_VIDEO_QUALITY, preferredReceiverVideoQuality }; } /** * Sets (the name of) the room of the conference to be joined. * * @param {(string|undefined)} room - The name of the room of the conference to * be joined. * @returns {{ * type: SET_ROOM, * room: string * }} */ export function setRoom(room: ?string) { return { type: SET_ROOM, room }; } /** * Sets whether or not members should join audio and/or video muted. * * @param {boolean} startAudioMuted - Whether or not members will join the * conference as audio muted. * @param {boolean} startVideoMuted - Whether or not members will join the * conference as video muted. * @returns {Function} */ export function setStartMutedPolicy( startAudioMuted: boolean, startVideoMuted: boolean) { return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) => { const conference = getCurrentConference(getState()); conference && conference.setStartMutedPolicy({ audio: startAudioMuted, video: startVideoMuted }); return dispatch( onStartMutedPolicyChanged(startAudioMuted, startVideoMuted)); }; } /** * Toggles the audio-only flag for the current JitsiConference. * * @returns {Function} */ export function toggleAudioOnly() { return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) => { const { audioOnly } = getState()['features/base/conference']; return dispatch(setAudioOnly(!audioOnly, true)); }; }