import { MiddlewareRegistry } from '../base/redux'; import { ENDPOINT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED } from './actionTypes'; import { addTranscriptMessage, removeTranscriptMessage, updateTranscriptMessage } from './actions'; const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename); /** * Time after which the rendered subtitles will be removed. */ const REMOVE_AFTER_MS = 3000; /** * Middleware that catches actions related to transcript messages * to be rendered in {@link TranscriptionSubtitles } * * @param {Store} store - Redux store. * @returns {Function} */ MiddlewareRegistry.register(store => next => action => { switch (action.type) { case ENDPOINT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED: return _endpointMessageReceived(store, next, action); } return next(action); }); /** * Notifies the feature transcription that the action * {@code ENDPOINT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED} is being dispatched within a specific redux * store. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store in which the specified {@code action} * is being dispatched. * @param {Dispatch} next - The redux {@code dispatch} function to * dispatch the specified {@code action} to the specified {@code store}. * @param {Action} action - The redux action {@code ENDPOINT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED} * which is being dispatched in the specified {@code store}. * @private * @returns {Object} The value returned by {@code next(action)}. */ function _endpointMessageReceived({ dispatch, getState }, next, action) { const json = action.json; try { // Let's first check if the given object has the correct // type in the json, which identifies it as a json message sent // from Jigasi with speech-to-to-text results if (json.type === 'transcription-result') { // Extract the useful data from the json. const isInterim = json.is_interim; const participantName =; const stability = json.stability; const text = json.transcript[0].text; const transcriptMessageID = json.message_id; // If this is the first result with the unique message ID, // we add it to the state along with the name of the participant // who said given text if (!getState()['features/subtitles'] .transcriptMessages.has(transcriptMessageID)) { dispatch(addTranscriptMessage(transcriptMessageID, participantName)); } const { transcriptMessages } = getState()['features/subtitles']; const newTranscriptMessage = { ...transcriptMessages.get(transcriptMessageID) }; // If this is final result, update the state as a final result // and start a count down to remove the subtitle from the state if (!isInterim) { = text; dispatch(updateTranscriptMessage(transcriptMessageID, newTranscriptMessage)); setTimeout(() => { dispatch(removeTranscriptMessage(transcriptMessageID)); }, REMOVE_AFTER_MS); } else if (stability > 0.85) { // If the message has a high stability, we can update the // stable field of the state and remove the previously // unstable results newTranscriptMessage.stable = text; newTranscriptMessage.unstable = undefined; dispatch(updateTranscriptMessage(transcriptMessageID, newTranscriptMessage)); } else { // Otherwise, this result has an unstable result, which we // add to the state. The unstable result will be appended // after the stable part. newTranscriptMessage.unstable = text; dispatch(updateTranscriptMessage(transcriptMessageID, newTranscriptMessage)); } } } catch (error) { logger.error('Error occurred while updating transcriptions\n', error); } return next(action); }