/** * Gets a {@link URL} without hash and query/search params from a specific * {@code URL}. * * @param {URL} url - The {@code URL} which may have hash and query/search * params. * @returns {URL} */ export function getURLWithoutParams(url: URL): URL { const { hash, search } = url; if ((hash && hash.length > 1) || (search && search.length > 1)) { url = new URL(url.href); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign url.hash = ''; url.search = ''; // XXX The implementation of URL at least on React Native appends ? and // # at the end of the href which is not desired. let { href } = url; if (href) { href.endsWith('#') && (href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1)); href.endsWith('?') && (href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign url.href === href || (url = new URL(href)); } } return url; } /** * Gets a URL string without hash and query/search params from a specific * {@code URL}. * * @param {URL} url - The {@code URL} which may have hash and query/search * params. * @returns {string} */ export function getURLWithoutParamsNormalized(url: URL): string { const urlWithoutParams = getURLWithoutParams(url).href; if (urlWithoutParams) { return urlWithoutParams.toLowerCase(); } return ''; }